My Brother's Keeper (ch2)

My Brother's Keeper (ch1)

The school Jaejoong attended wasn’t really a school in the traditional sense of the word. The school Yunho’s brother attended was more of an educational facility. It was a small building attached to a hospital. The students in this school were all children with either physical or mental disabilities, ranging in ages from five all the way up to eighteen. Jae was, in fact, a little too old to be here, but he had been considered an exception, considering how long he had been attending.

He was considered, in a term Yunho hated hearing repeated so often, “high functioning.” Essentially, what that meant was that Jae could walk on his own, feed himself, speak in full sentences, and he looked “normal.” But Yunho hated that term. It made his brother sound like some rabid cross-breed human-robot. Jae was a person, not a function.

Yet, for all that Yunho griped about things like that, he kept Jae there. He kept him there because he wanted his brother to have interactions with people other than himself. He wanted Jae to be able to handle things on his own-at least-as much on his own as he could be at a school with as many as three teachers to a class of ten kids. He wanted his brother to as normal as he could be.

So, for four days out of the week, Jaejoong attended this school in a class of kids closest to his age. The exception made for him, was that Jae had a personal tutor. He was smarter than the rest and needed a higher level of education. And he could still interact with the other kids.

*Yunho pulled up outside of the school, early, as usual, and got out of the car to wait for his brother. The day was a brisk one and threatening rain, but Yunho would still wait, leaned up on the door of the car. He waited like this every day because if Jae came out of those doors, and didn’t see Yunho, he would sink into a fit of tears. When he came out, Yunho needed to be right there.

Several minutes went by. Yunho tucked his hands in his pockets. His day had been a long one already. Usually, his work schedule was compliant with his domestic needs, but late last night his boss had called him and demanded he come into work. Nobody could get things done the way Yunho could. His job, as glamorous as it sounded was an accountant for a main-stream food company. Most of the time, Yunho was bale to work from home. But not today. He had gone in early, unable to take Jae to school. He felt guilty. He knew, or imagined the look on his brother’s face when Yoochun told him that Yunho wasn’t there. The tongue. Jae had a peculiar habit of sticking his tongue out when he was upset. A small smile crept over Yunho’s face. It looked so funny every time he did it.

A sharp shrill ring from the school’s bell signaled the end of the day. By this time, Yunho was no longer alone in the line-up of parents and care-takers there to pick up their kids/clients. Some of the women made light conversation with Yunho. Among the moms, he was considered a hero. So young, so handsome and so dedicated to taking care of his younger brother.

“Aren’t you excited, Yunho,” asked one of the ladies. “Soon the kids will put on their autumn play. Oh, Jaejoong played the piano so beautifully last year. I thought I was going to cry.”

“Thank you. I was proud of him. But he’s taken enough lessons, he should play well by now.”

She laughed, and hit him, playfully on the arm.

What she had said was true, though. Jaejoong really did play the piano well. His slender fingers flew over the keys and he had a tremendous memory for songs. He loved to play.

“Yunhooo” came an excited voice-a well known voice.

Yunho looked at the doors to the school. Standing there, his coat half on, stood Jaejoong, waving frantically. His face was full of light. He had seen Yunho. At a speed, Yunho would have scolded him for, he took off down the steps, across the field, nearly knocking over three people, even one in a wheelchair, he came toward his brother.

“Jae slow down,” Yunho called, unheeded.

In the next moment, Jaejoong slammed into Yunho, pushing him against the car with a thud. He buried his face in his brother’s chest. Yunho was laughing. “Jae, what’s wrong? It’s like you haven’t seen me in a year. Didn’t Yoochun tell you I was going to pick you up?” He rubbed his brother’s back.

For a moment, Jae didn’t answer. He just stayed with his head, resting on Yunho’s chest. But in a moment, he looked up. His deep brown eyes were wide and he tilted his head to one side.

“I missed you, Yunho,” he said, softly.

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yunboojj #1
Plz come back and update this beautiful story^_^.
& Give it a happy ending plz^_.^
sara26 #2
Chapter 33: I miss this story....
shibitan #3
Chapter 33: When i first started reading the fic my chest hurt a lot but lately as the story goes i began to have somber feelings, in the latest update it was a moment i really wanted yunho cry as a way to release his pain, (even though i know tears doesn't always help) i thought maybe it could be a little help for him but it seems not.

About everything that happened in the last update I understand when yunho said he dies, but Aish! he needs help, it's not healthy for him to keep this way.

Dear writer, you really manage to make me feel restless ... and here i am very worried about a fictional character... haha i'm dumb =), but i like it because i love when a story makes my heart throb. Thank you very much.

Oh and almost forgot, i really love when you describe jaejoong's side of the story, despite he is 'the special one' (i mean the one who 'could' be pitied) his world always seem brighter than yunho's.
Chapter 33: Iam confused that if ana love jae in love way or just like . Like these updates soooo much . Thanks for ur super surprise . Really cant wait to read the next . WISH to see ur next chapi so soon . The story is amazing and superb
shibitan #5
I would like to say many things, but i'm afraid i could spoil the story for the readers to come (you know, some tend to read comments before the story). So i'm only going to tell you that i'm sad, knowing now all what happened to the brothers in the past.
Dear writer i love how you post more than a chapter in your updates, i hope you can go on this way =)
Ah and i love love love your fic.
Chapter 29: Well I must say first I come here because of jaeho tag with hope of find an amazing jaeho story but now I really must to say I was lucky to find this amazing story . You got me stuck on story and finish these chapters in 2 hours . So much though.emotion and sacrifise that it's sometimes hard to believe and expect . Yun's side it's so much fragile. M7ch more than jae cuase he cant show it and no one expect him to be like that . Anyway... looking forward for next chapter . Well done dear
shibitan #7
the last time i came here there was two chapters, only those two made me eager to read more. now my wish was granted (in a great way =)) when i saw there was more than 20 i felt in heaven, so i rushed to read.

i must say i like angst, but this fic of yours... actually i have read only two fics in which yunho suffers a lot, yours is one of them. Through the story i've been more and more stressed, it saddens me to see him so tired, both physical an mentally and so hurt by his brother's condition and the fact he has no help *sighs*, really you have pictured a hard road for him here.

dear writer thanks, it a pleasure to have found this because despite the sad story, i'm happy for reading.
Aniko27 #8
shibitan #9
Chapter 2: wanting more =)