Chapter 25: Times of Love

My First Love

A/N: Arigatou means “thank you” in Japanese. Reminder: Saranghae means I love you.

If I’m right, then ‘Mwoh’ means ‘what’.


Heechul left SiMin’s flat angrily while Changmin was still cooking. Siwon shut the door properly after he came out and visited the kitchen from where the essence of food came from.

“Honey…let’s go somewhere. We don’t have time together at all so I think we should use whatever free time we get and enjoy it,” he said as he hugged Changmin from behind.

“Siwon~ you know what you are and how hard you work so you should get your sleep whenever you can…”

“And what about us?” Siwon asked.


“What you’re saying is that you will study-study-study and I’ll work-work-work…Where’s the love?!”

“Where’s the time?”

Siwon looked sad. He hated being a full-time doctor now. Looking at his disheartened face, Changmin pecked him, “It’s ok. Listen, I know that neurosurgeons don’t have anything called ‘life’,” Siwon gave him a hurtful face, “I’m sorry, but both of us know that’s true. I know it. Still, I chose to live with you because I love you. So maybe you can't spend enough time with me, but still, we can always hope for the best. Plus, you’re making so many other people’s lives better everyday!”

“Except for ours…”

“Siwon~ Okay, so we have to make time for ourselves, but let’s try and enjoy when we don’t have time for each other too. I can't do it by myself, I need your support..”

Siwon smiled, “Wow, you really understand me. Okay, let’s try.” With that, he gave Changmin a long kiss. They’ll just have to be patient.

“Patience is a virtue, and we will definitely be repaid well for it.”

“Ya, but my stomach isn’t patient anymore sweetheart!”

Changmin laughed. He was sure that even though it was going to be hard for them, days will come in their lives when they would be able to spend a lot of time together. After all, he stepped into this life knowing all this, and he wasn’t ready to come out of it now or ever.

“Let’s call it a date. Where do you wanna go?”

“I don’t know…”

“Let’s just go on a drive or something. Kang In usually takes over when I’m not there.”

“Alright,” Changmin smiled, finally being able to go out with his aein for once.

Siwon drove Changmin to the highway where they had stopped to spend some time alone. They sat at the back seats for those couple of hours. He felt happy: he liked laughing and spending time with the one he loved. And the whole time, Siwon had kept Changmin in his embrace as they laughed until they were out of breath.


“The house feels empty without Changmin…” Yunho sighed over the phone from his office. The big building was very close to the hospital and Changmin’s place, but barely anyone had the time.

“I know, but what can we do?” Jaejoong asked. Junsu just took over for him to let him rest a bit before the main busy hours started in the restaurant.

“An idea just popped into my head, except there’s one problem: Umma and Appa will be left in the large house alone without any of their sons…”

“Are you thinking about buying a flat beside Changmin and Siwon? What if there is no flat empty there?”

“There is, I just looked it up while we were talking… But then what about our parents…”

“How about we sell that huge house? It’s not like many people stay there, only the five of us.”

“You know what, ideas keep rushing into my brain. I know that you don’t like living in extra unnecessary big houses, I realised that recently. So, what if we buy the flat and let Yoochun and Junsu live in our house? Then Appa and Umma won't be lonely because both of those guys are super boisterous.”

“I like the idea but… remember when you took me in? Junsu didn’t agree living there. And Yoochun has his home above his restaurant.”

“I’m sure Yoochun doesn’t like being in the same place all the time. And Junsu…well, we’ll just have to force him.”

“But he likes living in an apartment!”

“Just know this: I’ll always leave any situation surrounding Junsu to you. I’m sorry my sweetheart, I promise this is the only thing I’ll leave to you all our lives. I know he’ll listen to you no matter what. At that time, you weren’t sure yourself, but this is a different altogether. Are you okay with that?”

“I’ll try my best,” Jaejoong replied. He looked at Junsu throwing him a questioning look and prayed to God so that Junsu would agree. “Tell Umma and Appa your plan though. Can’t decide without them. And also Changmin, or else his history will haunt him again.”

“I will. Best of luck Jae.”


Jaejoong gestured Junsu to come to him when the dangerous anticipating hour began. This was the time between normal and busy when very few customers came in. The situation was the type like that before a storm: they could feel it. The busy hour started exactly at 6:30 p.m. and the heart-thumping, getting-ready-to-race-the-time minutes began from 6:20.

“Su-yah…” Jaejoong began.

Junsu knew it was one of those times when Jaejoong wanted to tell Junsu something he wanted the boy to say ‘yes’ to. Usually these wants were accompanied by great ‘decision to be taken’-s. Junsu gulped and wondered what was coming. “What is it Jae?”

“Yunho and I were wondering…”

“If you could adopt a baby?” Junsu asked with a wide mouth. Jaejoong’s eyes popped out and his mouth reached the ground.

“NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he blushed furiously.

“Sorry, lol. Anyway what is it?”

Jaejoong took some time to calm down. “Would you like to live with Umma and Appa? You and Yoochun. Yunho and I were wondering if we could take a flat beside Changmin’s but then Umma and Appa would be left alone. Yoochun needs a change and so do you. So…please say yes!”

Junsu looked thoughtful, “Well…since you insist like that…”

Jaejoong smiled widely and his teeth showed. “YAY! Arigatou Junsu!!!!” he screamed and pounced on the other man.

“Wow! You’re so happy! I didn’t even say yes…” they laughed.

“And Yoochun?”

“I’ll do that part Jae. But are your Umma and Appa-”

“Just call them that too. They’ll be happy. Yunho’s going to call them and tell them that.”

*Jaejoong’s cell rings*

“They said they’ll be glad to,” Jaejoong informed Junsu after he talked to Yunho.

“Great! Now where’s Yoochun…” Junsu wandered off.

As Jaejoong began preparing himself for the busy hour, someone came in with a huge bouquet of red roses. He wondered who the lucky person was until the man came upto Jaejoong and offered the flowers.

“Excuse me?” Jaejoong confusedly asked.

“These are from my boss to you. Please read the note.” The man bowed and left Jaejoong with flowers in his hand.

“Yay! I can finally lock the home upstairs and live somewhere big,” Yoochun was saying as he came down with Junsu. They both stopped when they saw the sight of Jaejoong.

Jaejoong read the note while the other two came. “What is it Jaejoong?” Yoochun asked.

Jaejoong smiled. “Yunho.”

Junsu snatched the note away from Jaejoong and he and Yoochun read the content while Jaejoong hugged the roses tightly.

“Saranghae, Jaejoong. I love you.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Donghae opened the door to his house. After spending a tough day outside, he was completely worn out and desperately needed a shower and something to send to his angry stomach to quieten it down.

-10 minutes later-

While cooking himself some bulgogi, he reminded himself of being super secretive and careful from now on – at least, more than he was before. ‘I can’t let my cover blow. I gotta securely fix my mask before Heechul rips it off. I know I didn’t take long to find out his little secret, and I'm sure he won't take too long either.’

Filling his stomach which instantly cooled down after the first bite, he walked down and outside to the little garden he had. His home was quite big, mostly because he had many things which he couldn't throw away. A majority of that were his toys, clothes, books, school stuff and other things carrying his childhood memories. The rest were his late parents’ things: clothes, a bed, father’s files, mother’s furniture…and a huge album full of pictures of their small three-membered family.

They were quite wealthy, but preferred to live normally. When Donghae turned 20, his father passed away from blood cancer, while at the same time, his mother passed away from a severe heart attack. He couldn’t believe it…they were so happy together. But it didn’t hold him down from what his goal was, and his parents had wanted him to reach it. Aiming to be a neurologist, he spent a lot of the money his parents left on studies, and kept a considerable amount for savings and emergencies. No one could tell what the future brought, and he had personal experience. At that time, he was already in love with Heechul, but he found out about Yunho. Filled with scars in his heart, he decided to ignore this one. Too much was happening in his life at the same time, and this wasn’t helping at all. Plus, he wouldn’t have a family anyways because he wouldn’t be able to give them, whoever they were, any time. Studying neurology was equivalent to sacrificing your life for others, at least that was the case most of the time. If he was going to dedicate his life to his patients, he would be proud to do so, and it would also mean that he wouldn’t be able to give his beloved much time. Instead of suffering with two sides, he chose to live happily with one.

After he heard about Heechul’s pathetic condition, he decided to move closer, not as an attempt but to help him as a true friend. Heechul finally stopped drinking and going to night clubs to ruin himself. He had already tried to find love many times, but he lost every time and decided to give up before Donghae could even tell him about his emotions. Then Jaejoong came along. Now Heechul completely gave up but Donghae wasn’t trying again. Unlike Yunho, he didn’t want to chase after his crush even if it took forever. Yunho had won Jaejoong’s love somehow, but it might not be the same case for him. Siwon had given up, but he left Changmin a confession note. At least he could tell Changmin about his inclination towards him, which led the younger lad into trying his last chance. Even they won from a 99% chance of doom. They came back from despair and entered their world of love, and no matter how hard it is for them right now, they still fight to keep love between themselves. But where was Donghae? He was in no position. Heechul may have been his first love, but that man had his own first love. He was depressed to an extent where he had deliberately lost. Heechul didn’t even try and look to his side, right where his rightful lover stood; he looked everywhere else but beside him.

“Forget it Donghae,” he said to himself. Then he recalled his small fight with Heechul this morning. ‘I wonder what info he got. I think he didn’t get any, and teasing him now would be perfect.’ He grinned.

Heechul collapsed on the bed. Finally, he got rid of Yunho from his damaged heart. Now, to live life alone. Well not completely: he had his friend, Donghae.

Donghae's phone rang before he called. “Hello?"


“Heechul, you sound disheartened,” Donghae said with the same mocking bewildered tone.

“Quit it. It’s mortifying!”

“What’s mortifying?”

“Why do I still live in this big house?”

“You wanna live under the sky?”


“That’s me!” Donghae replied trying to suppress his laughter. Every night, recently, Heechul would bring something up and call him and talk to him as if he was dying.

“Aish! At least try to share my grief! I wanna live in apartments like you guys!”

“Then do so.” He took a glass of water and began drinking it.

“Hey, can I live with you?”

Donghae spit his water out into the sink. He coughed for a few seconds. “MWOH?!?!?!?!?!”

“What? I’m your best friend man! What’s the point of living in two separate apartments if we do the same things, attend the same classes and most importantly are friends? Listen, I’m coming over tomorrow with my stuff, so make sure your rooms are clean and tidy. I don’t want a speck of dust when I enter your home. You know I hate dirt. Anyways, good night!”

Even after Heechul had hung up, Donghae stood in the same position as before with his mouth open. ‘Eh………’


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This story is the very first of your stories that I read!
Chapter 28: God!!! I really Love this *-* the story was awesome really *-* i will read ur other stories too *-*.. YunJae and YooSu are my Fav couple. Siwon and Changmin is very interessting, i only have read Changmin x Kyuhyun i love ChangKyu is my fav couple with Min, Anyways SiMin is nice too *-*
Great job! I like this story!!
GitaLKimFinite #4
GitaLKimFinite #5
Chapter 15: i miss yunjae moments T^T
GitaLKimFinite #6
Chapter 15: i can't imagine changmin as a shy and smitten boy tbh :v
but siwon is SO Manly so i guess that's make sense smh :P
GitaLKimFinite #7
Chapter 14: i can't imagine siwon and changmin in intimate relationship T^T why not junho ? D:
GitaLKimFinite #8
Chapter 13: yey parents approve!!!!!!! /doing victiry dance/
and your mom's right yunho, you should let your door's wide open after marrying JJ or at least lemme put cctv In your room xDDDDD
YunjaeCassie #9
thank for reading <3 gonna update now ^^
HopeLoveFaith #10
Chapter 24: hehehe ^_^ can't wait for the next chapter! <3