Chapter 16: Changmin in Critical Condition: ICU

My First Love

(Note: Seoul Medical Hospital had been privatised when Siwon entered, giving him a large salary. And also, I made B+ a rare blood in this part of the story, because according to my knowledge, it’s used very often so it may run out. Again, forgive me for any wrong info. I had to search and look up lotsa stuff so that it made sense in the story. After all I’m no doctor ;P)

~In front of the hospital after lunch~

“I can go by myself hyung,” Changmin said for the last time.

“Still, I think I should drop you off.” Siwon was sort of nagging now. “Please?”

Changmin was as stubborn as ever: “No.”

Siwon sighed, “As you wish.”

Siwon locked his car and they headed for the front of the hospital. Changmin walked straight ahead while the other man stood in front of the main gate of the place, waiting for the latter to take the next turn.

Changmin hadn’t taken the turn when it happened. Siwon, for some reason, looked to his left. His eyes widened. “CHANGMIN!!!!” he screamed and started for him. But, he was too late. The younger boy turned around just to see the huge double-decker bus rush towards him at full speed. He had only a small amount of time to realise that the vehicle had lost control. Nothing more.

Siwon would have sighed the biggest relief of his life if he got up right now to find out it was a nightmare. But he never woke up, because this was nothing but reality. He stopped for a moment to take the full scene in his eyes to his brain. The bus had crashed. It was beyond repairable. The people inside could not be seen. But what he saw for most of that one moment was the main victim of the crash.

Changmin was lying in his own pool, or rather sea, of blood.


“Jaejoong, I’m done with work today, let’s go somewhere,” Yunho said expectantly.

“Will Taeyeon be able to take care?” he asked while looking around the place. Today was kind of crowded.

“We have 3 extra chefs for that. So…can we?” he asked again.

Jaejoong smiled, “Sure.”

Yunho’s mobile rang. *DBSK: Wrong Number*

Jaejoong had gone to change. Yunho answered. “Hello?”

Jaejoong came out one minute later and Yunho was pulling him into the car at a speed the innocent boy had never encountered of the man in suit. “Yunho!? What happened?”

Yunho was zooming towards Seoul Medical Hospital right now. “Changmin…” he panted. He looked like someone was about to kill him: wide eyes full of fear, gasping for air, sweating, driving like crazy.

“What happened to him?”

“Accident. Bad one. Bus crashed into him.” His fear level seemed to rise to a level that touched the sky.

“What?!” Jaejoong screamed.

“What’s bothering me right now is who will provide another 500 ml B+ blood.” He looked left and right.

Yunho went crazy now.

Jaejoong’s eyes widened, “…Are you saying that neither you nor your parents have it?”

“Exactly… What’s yours?” Yunho asked frantically.


“Oh no…that’s the same as us… and it’s funny to me how B+ is kind of rare at the hospital right now…” he started laughing. Jaejoong could feel Yunho going mad.

“Really? How do you know?”

“The nurse who called me just now told me. Changmin needs another 500ml and that’s what they are short of.”

~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Siwon managed to take Changmin to the ICU. He didn’t have time to check if there was any other person with B+ blood now; all he knew was that he had a lot of it and he was ready to give it up for the one in his heart.

“Quick!” he shouted out.

“Siwon-sshi!” cried one of his acquaintances. “We need you to take care of him now! Give us a minute to ask some other people-”

“I SAID QUICK!” he shouted. He lay on the other bed. The nurse did the rest, and the acquaintance took care of Changmin until Siwon stood up and took control.

The bleeding finally stopped after many minutes and the critical condition was gradually subsiding. Siwon didn’t wish to take any risk with Changmin no matter what. He stayed there, constantly checking blood pressure, body temperature, the working of his organs, etc. Siwon looked at Changmin. His head was covered in many layers of white bandage. He almost broke skull. The way he hit his body was hard. Siwon thought, 'Any harder and...' he shook his head violently. 'No, no, that would never happen...'

This accident was a major one, and with the help of Siwon, Changmin survived it.

Jaejoong was pacing for a long time. Yunho just sat with hands on his head. Siwon just told them it’s better but there may be any occurrence within the next few hours.

“Thanks to Siwon-hyung that Changmin’s not in critical condition anymore,” Jaejoong muttered.

“Yes, I have to thank him when he’s out again…” Yunho whispered.

“Do you think…” Jaejoong started.

Yunho looked up, “What?”

Jaejoong sat beside Yunho, who turned to look at him. “…that Siwon-hyung might…like him…” he finished hesitantly.

Yunho thought about it for a moment, “I don’t know. Maybe we should keep an eye on him and try to find out…”

Jaejoong sighed, “Yeah…Oh, did you give Appa and Umma the news?”


Two minutes later, they came rushing in and rained questions.

Siwon finally opened the door with a smile of relief on his face, “It’s okay now.”

Yunho got up and hugged him. “Thanks…for saving my brother, hyung…”

“Yes, we owe you a lot,” his parents bowed.

“No, please,” Siwon said bowing low, “it’s my duty as-” he stopped. He looked down, “…as…a doctor, and a friend.”

Jaejoong noticed that.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

5 p.m. in the evening...

Changmin turned his head to his right. His body ached horribly and he couldn’t feel much. He felt numb, and he felt like he was surrounded by mechanical things. Slowly, he opened his eyes and found his blurry vision difficult to get rid of. His head spun furiously and he came to the light that he had an oxygen mask. ‘Hospital…?’

Then he remembered the crash. It made him take a sharp deep breath which hurt his insides. The sight was unbearable in his mind, so he decided to forget it. Then he heard a voice echo in his mind, screaming, ‘“CHANGMIN!!!!”’ He saw in his memory, a wide-eyed, running Siwon. Did Siwon reach him when it crashed? Wait…what if Siwon got hurt too?!

He tried to find his voice but all he could do was make some noises to attract the attention of Doctor Siwon who was readying his medicines. He turned around to take off the oxygen mask, now that his breathing was normal again, and saw a conscious Changmin.

“Changmin!” he hurried to the seat beside him, “You’re consciousness is back!” He tried not to sound frantic as a doctor, but he couldn’t hide it. He asked a question any doctor would ask so that it camouflaged his worry: “How are you feeling?” Then he remembered that if his patient couldn’t talk, don’t force him. “It’s alright. Calm down. You don’t have to speak if you cannot.” He slowly removed the mask, and the outside air seemed foreign to Changmin.

Changmin looked at him. Finally he found his words. “What happened?”

Siwon explained the situation. “You needed a lot of blood, but there wasn’t enough so I …” he wondered if he should say it or not. Changmin looked at him. “…I gave you half a litre.”

Changmin couldn’t believe his own ears, neither could he believe Siwon. “You…gave me blood?”

He smiled, "we have the same blood group.”

That was quite coincidental, but what made his heart speed up, which was risky now, was that Siwon’s blood was flowing in his veins right at this moment. Siwon gave half a litre of his blood for Changmin to survive.

“Thanks…” he smiled. “But, you wasted your blood for someone who wasn’t even supposed to be born…”

Siwon frowned, “Listen, I did not waste my blood. You deserve to live and I was not going to let you die or put you in any danger, and you are an important person in my life.” He didn’t realise what he just said, but Changmin found it hard to process that sentence, especially the last part. “And what do you mean by ‘wasn’t even supposed to be born’?”

“I…” Changmin was stuck with his thoughts about being important to Siwon. It filled his heart with joy but he couldn’t understand why Siwon would give Changmin so much importance, almost as if… “I will tell you later. No one knows who I actually am, I never told anyone about my history. I said I didn’t remember. But now, I think my family deserves to know,” he looked at Siwon in the eyes, “and you too.”

Siwon paused. He calmed down now. “Alright, but are you feeling okay now? Where does it hurt?”

“It doesn’t hurt anywhere in particular… my body aches though, all over the place…”

“Yes, that was a big double-decker, and it was at full speed. The way you flew…” he paused, “I think you were unmindful. Please, don’t be. You really scared me to death. I…”

“I’m sorry hyung.”

“Alright,” he got up, “let me inform your family. Your brother is worried sick, literally,” he closed the door behind him.

Yunho rushed in. “Changmin! How many times have I told you to be careful!?” Yunho said. Tears made their way down his face. This was the first time he saw Yunho cry and he was stunned. Yunho hugged him.Jaejoong just asked, “Are you feeling better now?”

“I’m fine. I’m sorry everyone, I put you guys through a lot of tension.”

His parents sat beside his bed on the chairs. His Umma started crying, "Do you know you were about" she couldn't bring herself to say the word 'die'. His father moved his hand to his eyes where he wiped a few tears that forced themselves out. " you know how endangered with life you were? We could have lost you. It's definitely the driver's fault and the construction of the bus, but I don't understand, what kept your mind busy?"

Changmin just could not say 'Siwon was the reason'.

“I think Siwon-hung will recommend some rest,” Jaejoong said and he pulled Yunho up.


Sorry I made Changmin have an accident =( But he’ll be perfectly fine ^^ And about his history…don’t miss out the next chapter ;)
Love you guys for reading it ^^

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This story is the very first of your stories that I read!
Chapter 28: God!!! I really Love this *-* the story was awesome really *-* i will read ur other stories too *-*.. YunJae and YooSu are my Fav couple. Siwon and Changmin is very interessting, i only have read Changmin x Kyuhyun i love ChangKyu is my fav couple with Min, Anyways SiMin is nice too *-*
Great job! I like this story!!
GitaLKimFinite #4
GitaLKimFinite #5
Chapter 15: i miss yunjae moments T^T
GitaLKimFinite #6
Chapter 15: i can't imagine changmin as a shy and smitten boy tbh :v
but siwon is SO Manly so i guess that's make sense smh :P
GitaLKimFinite #7
Chapter 14: i can't imagine siwon and changmin in intimate relationship T^T why not junho ? D:
GitaLKimFinite #8
Chapter 13: yey parents approve!!!!!!! /doing victiry dance/
and your mom's right yunho, you should let your door's wide open after marrying JJ or at least lemme put cctv In your room xDDDDD
YunjaeCassie #9
thank for reading <3 gonna update now ^^
HopeLoveFaith #10
Chapter 24: hehehe ^_^ can't wait for the next chapter! <3