Chapter 20: Day After His Arrival and Before His Next Flight

My First Love

I started crying when I saw Changmin was 1 inch taller than Siwon :’( 
Well, I’ll SWITCH the heights here >83 .  Siwon needs to be taller than Changmin in their relationship cuz he is the seme and Changmin is the uke. Lol!


-Same day, at night / Day 1-

“Mr Solomon.”

“Ah, Mr Siwon. Glad you called.”

“I want to move to New York.”

“I thought so. We’ll receive you within a couple of days then.”

“Yes sir. Thank you.”

Siwon turned his phone off for the night. He lay down and reminded himself that he would have to resign from his previous workplace: Seoul Medical Hospital. He knew they would also keep their doors open for him, just like Mr Solomon’s hospital. But he wouldn’t come back, because if he did, he would be reminded of Changmin every now and then.

Changmin was either not serious or not ready. Whichever it may be, he was not bringing it up again. His first love just crushed him and he had no enthusiasm to bring back something he never had. Maybe he would write a note to him or something…about the fact that he loved him…so much…


-Next Day / Day 2-

Changmin was walking past Seoul Medical University and Hospital. HeeChul who was on lunch break came out.

“Changmin!” he screamed and waved.

~Café Nearby~

Changmin was playing with the straw in the glass. He was unmindfully stirring his orange juice. HeeChul was waiting for an answer.

“Changmin, I repeat. Why did you do that?”

“I don’t know.”

“That’s not an answer.”

“I know.”

HeeChul sighed. “Hyung really decided to go to New York and practise. He’s going tomorrow! I can’t believe you’re doing this… I don’t know what got into you, but please, stop this. You love him right? Well let me tell you, he loves you too and you just broke his heart. Please Changmin. Tell him to stay! You want to be with him don’t you?”

Changmin remained silent. HeeChul rested his head on his hand in frustration.

“Changmin-ah. You are acting like an indecisive girl.”

“If you were in my place, you would have known.”

HeeChul looked up. ‘In your place…’

He remembered Yunho. Changmin was right – HeeChul could never understand Changmin’s feelings. He was never in his situation, ever. He could never be. Yunho had never loved him in that way, so there was no question.

Somehow, when he recalls Yunho recently, the pain isn’t so bad. Not as bad as it used to be. Usually he always thinks of Donghae and his childish ways of life. Hold on. He thinks about Donghae?

“Thanks for the drink HeeChul-hyung. I’ll be going now.”

“Changmin,” he called as the younger man was going out. Changmin turned around, “Think about it ok? You have till tomorrow.” He paused. “Don’t let your love slip by. It’s an advice from personal experience.”

Changmin frowned. “Personal…experience?”

“Don’t ask,” HeeChul smiled. “You’re lucky you have someone you love who loves you back so dearly. Please, don’t lose him. You have the chance, don't waste it. Hyung loves you.”

Changmin looked down. Then he bowed to HeeChul and turned to leave. He walked a few steps forward and HeeChul was going to pass him when Changmin stopped him. “When is his flight?”

Without turning back, HeeChul replied, “2 p.m.”


“Nam dongsaeng, you are utterly out of your mind.”

Jaejoong was telling the harsh truth for once. And he was saying it in a harsh way at a harsh time. Changmin stared at him.

Jaejoong got up from his seat and began walking in circles with his hands held behind his back and head low in thoughts. Yunho texted Changmin from his office saying ‘Come back to your senses! You’re mature enough for that at least right?’

“Fine,” Changmin whined, “I’ll tell him not to go…tomorrow…”

Jaejoong stopped immediately and spun around to face him, “And why not today?”


Jaejoong waited, “Because…?”

“I…I don’t want to talk to him right now. I’m tired and I wanna go to sleep.”

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-Next Day / Day 3-

Siwon walked to the back of the Jung mansion and looked up. Did Changmin absolutely HAVE to change his room to the third floor? Why…… Now he had to climb another storey up.

Siwon never fell from a tree when he climbed one. His friends knew who to call if they saw a stray cat or kitten stuck in a tree, or perhaps their own kites stuck in one. But he never climbed a house before. And for the last time, he was doing something for Changmin. He didn’t want to give the note personally: it would be awkward. He wanted to give it as soon as possible, so mail wasn’t the best idea. And email was an uncertain option – what if Changmin didn’t open his email account or facebook today, or what if the internet connection was off? Nope. No risks were to be taken. He didn’t know why, but he desperately wanted Changmin to read that note of his before he left. He wanted to avoid the feeling, the extremely small light of hope which still existed in his heart, that maybe Changmin would respond in a positive manner. Maybe Changmin felt the same way? Maybe he could stop Siwon at the last minute before Siwon entered the plane from Seoul to some other place for the third time.

Buildings didn’t have branches, sadly. It was a good thing Siwon was 6ft 1 inch or else he wouldn’t have been able to reach the extensions here and there. And he needed to be at least 6 ft to be as tall as Changmin.

He chuckled at the thought, and a second later, stopped immediately. It didn’t matter anymore.

Siwon sneaked through the open window. Thanks to Changmin’s bad habit of keeping the window open at night and his stubborn demand of keeping no bars on windows no matter how big the feasibility of theft was (did that have a connection with his real father being a thief? Siwon wondered…), Siwon could easily jump in after all the hard work of getting up there. And he was a master of a creeper. He could be a thief himself if that wasn’t a profession that stooped so low. Wait, he couldn’t tell Changmin that. He wouldn’t like to know that and would probably feel sad and disappointed.

‘Stop right there Siwon,’ he ordered himself. ‘It doesn’t matter anymore. Stop relating things to Changmin.’

He looked at the sleeping figure who faced him. It hit him now: Changmin was still so young! How could he, being a complete adult, take Changmin’s words to his heart?

The boy’s face always melted Siwon’s heart, and today was no exception. He felt himself falling in love again. That was a wrong assumption though: he never fell OUT of love in the first place. Nevertheless, he was falling anyway.

Siwon, very carefully while trying to make almost no noise, took the note out of his pocket. He looked at the note once, and then at Changmin. He didn’t want this, but he didn’t have a choice. Kneeling beside his bed, Siwon leaned forward. It was a good thing Changmin was at the edge of his bed.

Siwon whispered, “I love you.”

He knew Changmin didn’t hear it; he didn’t care. He needed to tell him, once at least. Even if it was as a whisper.

Delicately, cautiously, he lifted Changmin’s hand. As he did so, he realised that he would never feel this touch again. But he had no time to waste. Changmin could wake up any minute and he didn’t want to get caught. His other hand holding the paper went slowly beneath Changmin’s, and the paper fell right at the spot. Siwon placed his hand back ever so gently. For a couple of seconds he didn’t let go and savoured the touch. In the end, he decided: it was time he left.

Tiptoeing back to the window, he pounced down to the ground like a cat. Again, he was a master as his black and polished shoes didn’t make a sound as he landed. Quickly, he ran back the way he came from. He looked back once more at the window.


He shut his eyes and pressurized them. The tears went back to where they belonged, unlike Siwon who never even reached his destined place…in Changmin’s heart.

Glancing at his watch, he read: 9 a.m.


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This story is the very first of your stories that I read!
Chapter 28: God!!! I really Love this *-* the story was awesome really *-* i will read ur other stories too *-*.. YunJae and YooSu are my Fav couple. Siwon and Changmin is very interessting, i only have read Changmin x Kyuhyun i love ChangKyu is my fav couple with Min, Anyways SiMin is nice too *-*
Great job! I like this story!!
GitaLKimFinite #4
GitaLKimFinite #5
Chapter 15: i miss yunjae moments T^T
GitaLKimFinite #6
Chapter 15: i can't imagine changmin as a shy and smitten boy tbh :v
but siwon is SO Manly so i guess that's make sense smh :P
GitaLKimFinite #7
Chapter 14: i can't imagine siwon and changmin in intimate relationship T^T why not junho ? D:
GitaLKimFinite #8
Chapter 13: yey parents approve!!!!!!! /doing victiry dance/
and your mom's right yunho, you should let your door's wide open after marrying JJ or at least lemme put cctv In your room xDDDDD
YunjaeCassie #9
thank for reading <3 gonna update now ^^
HopeLoveFaith #10
Chapter 24: hehehe ^_^ can't wait for the next chapter! <3