
Your Proposal

Ji Won and Kang Ha Neul rushed to the security’s office and they ask for the the security video at the parking deck. The security pause at the man wearing the suit. His outer appearance was similar to Young Jae. Both Ji Won and Kang Ha Neul weren’t able to comprehend since Young Jae died a year ago. Also, he disappear so fast in front of Ji Won and Kang Ha Neul.


“Can ghost be caught on camera?” Ji Won asked worrying.


“Yes, but it will be white instead of black. This is a person.” The security said, pointing at the computer’s screen. “There’s a footage of a ghost at the parking deck, do you want to take a look to compare?”


“I don’t think that’s necessary.” Kang Ha Neul said.


“He walked into the camera’s blind spot. We can’t figure out where he went. Sorry.” The security apologized.


Kang Ha Neul and Ji Won went into Ji Won’s office and search online for a death certificate. The death certificate was online and it clearly stated the day of death and the reason for it. Both of them did not find an answer for how Young Jae still alive.


Ji Won looked at Kang Ha Neul. “Do you know anything about his family?”


Kang Ha Neul startled. “No, he never mention about it. Jin Hee was the only person he introduced me to. Should you know more information about him than me?”


Ji Won sighed. “You’re his friend.”


“You’re his girlfriend.” Kang Ha Neul said.


“Then, what I am to you?” Ji Won asked.


Kang Ha Neul noticed his mistake. “You WERE his girlfriend.”


Ji Won’s secretary knocked on the door and bring a box of present into the office. “A guy in a black suit brought in this present this morning. He said you would understand when you open the box.” After saying that, Ji Won’s secretary walked out of the office.


Ji Won opened the box and there was a red cutout hand-shaped paper with two letter written to it.


Kang Ha Neul stared at the cutout hand-shape. “J + W?”


“I have been searching for it.” Ji Won took it out of the box. She carefully examining it. “It’s definitely Young Jae.”


“Jae and Won.” Kang Ha Neul said.


“I don’t know if it’s for Ji Won or Jae and Won.” Ji Won said.


“There shouldn’t be a plus sign in the middle if it’s Ji Won.” Kang Ha Neul said.


“We need to figure out why he’s still alive.” Ji Won put the paper back into the box. “Do you think Hee Jin know that Young Jae is still alive?”


“I don’t think so.” Kang Ha Neul said while looking looking out of the window. “She wouldn’t have reacted the way she did if she know young Jae is still alive.”


“Why did he have to fake dying?” Ji Won asked. “Also, why did he sent me the bloody teddy bear?”


“It might be from somebody else.” Kang Ha Neul said. “That person tried to terrorized you.”


Ji Won sighed. “I just got back to here. Why would they do that to me?”


Kang Ha Neul smiled. “Alot of reasons. I will be your bodyguard.” He hugged Ji Won. “Would you choose me or Young Jae?”


Ji Won startled. “Young Jae…”


Kang Ha Neul loosen his hug.


“...Doesn’t deserves my trust anymore.” Ji Won said. “I prefer to be with you.”


Kang Ha Neul gave a small smile. “Don’t change your mind later.”


“Lower your head.” Ji Won said.


Kang Ha Neul lower his head.


“Close your eyes.” Ji Won ordered.


Kang Ha Neul closed his eyes.


Ji Won smiling while staring at Kang Ha Neul’s face.


Kang Ha Neul opened his eyes and kissed Ji Won on her lips.


Ji Won was shocked by the action. She wouldn’t think Kang Ha Neul have the courage to do that.


During night time, they decided to go to the movie because fearing Ji Won might be in danger. In the movie theater, they were waiting for the movie to play. Ji Won received a text message from an unknown number. The message stated: You ruined my life. I will ruined yours.


Kang Ha Neul noticed the changes on Ji Won’s face. He took the phone from Ji Won’s hand and read the message. “Let’s call the police.”


“We don’t know who it is, the police won’t be able to find out either.” Ji Won said, taking back her phone.


“How long are you willing to wait? Until that person appear in front of you with a gun?” Kang Ha Neul cross his hand in front of his chest.


“No. Until I have some clues of who it might be.” Ji Won said. “It’s cold in here.”


Kang Ha Neul sighed and wrapped his hands around Ji Won. He believed that taking the next step was necessary for the safety of Ji Won. He can’t just watch Ji Won being terrorized everyday. It have been two days and he can’t also stay by her side all the time. Also, he have to figure out if Young Jae is still alive. If he is alive, he wasn’t sure if Ji Won will leave him. All the thoughts running around his head make him wanted to explode.


The only person that Ji Won can think of was Hee Jin. She do not want to tell Kang Ha Neul since she have no proof. Hee Jin was the only person that Ji Won encountered when she first return to the country. Also, Hee Jin is the one that hated Ji Won because of Young Jae. No one would have the courage to terrorized her due to her status in the company. She have to find more clues in order to back-up her explanations.


Ji Won and Kang Ha Neul headed home after the movie. They had to look carefully every steps that they took. As they arrived to Ji Won’s home, Kang Ha Neul went to her room and around her house to check for any signs of broke-in to ensure safety for Ji Won. He decided to leave after he check if all the security cameras are properly being installed.


Kang Ha Neul returned home during the middle of the night. His father was waiting for him in the living room. Kang Ha Neul was shocked for seeing his father this late.


“Dad?” Kang Ha Neul said when he walked into the house.


“Where is your phone?” Mr. Kang said.


“It’s broken. I called Hee Jin. She didn’t tell you?” Kang Ha Neul asked.


“She didn’t, but you should come to your office. A few business deals were lost because of you today. You should pay more attention. Your position can be lost in just a blink of an eye.” Mr. Kang warned. “I’m warning you now. There is a good candidate for your position. He will be a tough competitor if you let your guard down.” Mr. Kang finished his last word and walk away.


Kang Ha Neul knew that he had let his guard down, but why didn’t Hee Jin say anything to his father?


Hi everyone! 

Thankyou for reading! Also, I'm currently on a break. Therefore, I will have time to write the story! :D I will try my best to write and update as soon as possible. Sorry for leaving this story on hiatus for so long!!! 

JennTang <3 

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Yuko_chan #1
Chapter 10: Nice, I like it that it is not so fast a happy ending but there is a twist! But who is Ahn Young Jae? Did you create this character yourself? I tried google-ing but there isn't an actor with this name... >_<
Yuko_chan #2
Chapter 9: And I will be patiently waiting for the next chapter :)
Yuko_chan #3
Chapter 9: Hi! I am still following your story... Please keep writing... forever and ever!!!!
I am a supporter of Ha Neul and Jiwon but there isn't much to read about them online.. hmpf..
So please keep the story going ^^
this is <3! waiting for the next chapter! <3
vanessabb #5
Chapter 9: I'm here :)!! hope there will be more haneul-jiwon than jooeun- jinhyuk:)