

The next day, you walk to school nervously. You didn’t know how you could push Jin away. You did not want to hurt him, but V clearly gave you no choice. You took one deep breath, preparing yourself, before you enter the classroom. Jin sees you immediately, smiles, and waves at you. You were just about to wave back, but caught yourself. You turn away from his gaze and walk to your seat without saying a word. Confused, Jin’s smile slowly drops. It took every ounce of strength to keep yourself from looking over at him.

V suddenly walks into the classroom. You feel yourself tense up and you clench your fists under your desk nervously. V sits down next to you and faces you.

“Hey, what’s up baby?”

You look over him nervously and respond quietly.

“Oh.. just a little tired… slept a little late last night….”

“I know what’ll wake you up.”

Just as you were about to respond to him, when you suddenly feel his lips against yours. Your eyes widen in shock, you grip your skirt angrily, and your first instinct was to pull away and slap him. But you then remember the deal you made with him. You allow the kiss, reluctantly and sit still, showing no emotion. V pulls away from you with a smirk on his face. Jin saw what just happened and stood up angrily, slamming his hand on the desk. He was about to lunge towards V when you raised your hand to block him.

“Jin….. please.. don’t…”

He looked shocked and confused, but slowly backed down, his anger simmering down. V clearly enjoyed the response Jin had.

After class, V wanted to go to noraebang with you, so the two of you walked out together, his hand over your shoulder. Jin suddenly comes from behind and grabs your hand, taking you away from V. You look back and see V looking back at you, as if he was telling you to follow through with the deal. You then look back at Jin, who looks troubled.

The two of you end up in the broadcast room. It was empty because the broadcast team was doing a off campus assignment. He sits you down on a chair while he leans on the table next to you.

“So what was that in there, _______….”

“Uhm, well, Jin, then thing is….. V and I are together now.”

“.... what? Did I just hear that right? Something must be wrong with you.”

“I’m sorry, but its true… I guess I had a change of heart for him. He’s really not a bad person, Jin.”

“Really now? You don’t sound very convincing.”

It’s true. You were just saying things. There was no conviction in your words. But you couldn’t do anything about it, especially since you had no real feelings. He leaned in closer to you, and moved some hair out of your face. He puts his hand on your chin and lifts your eyes to meet his. He looks into your eyes earnestly, begging you to tell him what’s wrong.

“Jin… I know it seems weird and doesn’t really make sense… But this is what I’ve chosen for myself. I can’t be with you anymore, Jin. Forget everything that’s happened between us, okay? It can’t happen anymore… I’m so sorry.”

Tears start forming in your eyes. Before he can see your tears, you run out of the room, leaving a bewildered, Jin watching you run off.

You meet with V at the front of the school. Just seeing him reminded you of Jin’s pain. You thought this choice was going to stop hurting the ones around you, but instead you hurt the one that cared about you the most…. You quietly follow V to the noraebang place.

When the two of you arrived, V opened the door to a room filled with smoke, loud music, and alcohol strewn all over the place. He walks in and high fives/greets his friends that had been waiting there. There are two scantily dressed girls there as well with dark, smokey makeup and short, tight dresses on. His friends noticed you behind V, still in your school uniform. They gaze at you with their thirsty wolf like eyes and seem to be congratulating V. V comes back to you and tells you to sit down next to him on the couch.

He puts his arm around you comfortably as the two of you watched his friends sing off key to random songs as the girls were jumping around with tambourines, cheering them on. You felt so out of place, so you just sat quietly. V was drinking a can of Cass beer and offered you some. You politely refused, but he kept insisting. Knowing he wasn’t going to stop bothering you about it, you take a small sip of the beer and hand it back to him. He seems to enjoy making you do things that were outside of your comfort zone… One of his friends sees that you drank some of V’s beer and proceeds to open a new can for you. You immediately turn down the offer to drink, but his friend kept insisting that it was rude to refuse. Reluctantly, you take the drink and slowly make your way through the can.

Suddenly, V grabs your hand and asks you to sing a song with him. You were thoroughly embarassed but proceed to sing BTS’s version of “Beautiful” with him. You sang quietly and were so relieved when it was over. But you had to admit that V looked really attractive when he was singing and rapping. You quickly try to push that thought of your head. Any kind of attraction to him would not help you. You return to your seat next to V and finish the rest of the beer. Being a lightweight, you got lightheaded easily after only that one drink. Time was hazy and soon, you fell asleep, your head resting on V’s shoulder.

When you woke up, your eyes slowly adjusted to the soft lighting. It was probably morning. Did you get home? All you remembered was that you fell asleep at the noraebang.. Then you begin to panic as you realize that you were not in your room or in your bed. You sit up and quickly survey your surroundings. You’re in some apartment, a pretty nice one, but a place that was unfamiliar to you. It was simple, but modern, with a black, white, and red theme throughout. There was grafitti on one wall, black and white posters of famous rappers on another, and to one side, there was a recording studio. You look down to check for any signs of foul play and you’re relieved to see that you were still wearing your school uniform. One less thing to worry about. You nervously swing your legs over to the side of the bed. and sit at the edge. Just as you were about to get up, you hear someone get out of the bathroom next door and footsteps walking towards the room you were in, Unsure of what to do, you quickly climb back into bed and turn towards the wall, pretending to be asleep.

The person returns to the room you were in and you hear footsteps walking towards your bed. You begin to freak out a little bit as you feel someone sit on the bed beside you. You then feel fingers gently running through your hair. The person then gets up and walks towards the studio. You turn over slowly and you see V standing there. He’s wearing grey slim fitting sweats… and that was all. His hair was damp; he probably just took a shower. You eyes move to his well defined chest and ab muscles. They were not too big, but toned and strong. He was going through a shelf of CDs that were next to the keyboards. Suddenly he looks over towards you, seeing that you’re awake.

“Oh, your awake now. Did you sleep well?”

“Uhm yeah.. I guess… but where am I?”

“Well you fell asleep at the noraebang and when I tried to make you wake up to take you home, you just kept shoving me and saying, “Jin, just five more minutes.” I couldn’t take you back home if you were in that kind of condition. What would your mom think? So I just took you back to my place. I hope it was comfortable.”

You grip the blankets tightly, pulling them up towards you. Even if it seemed like nothing happened, you couldn’t be too sure…

“Haha, babo. Don’t worry, I didn’t do anything to you. I said I would treat you well right? I slept on the couch in the living room.”

You loosen your grip and sigh in relief.

“Well… thanks for taking care of me.. So this is your apartment?”

“Yeah, my parents were always too busy for me and I got sick of it, and they got me this place for myself.”

“What? They got you your own apartment? Are they wealthy or something?”

“Haha yeah. Actually, they own Big HIt Entertainment, so I guess we’re pretty well off.”

“Big Hit…. is that the same Big Hit as in our school, Big HIt High?!”

“Mhmm. My parent’s partnered with another company to make that school to find potential talent. That’s how I transferred in.”

Well this was new. You knew a little bit more about V now. It was so unexpected though. You just thought he was some good for nothing kid that liked messing around with others. But so far, he’s been nothing but genuinely nice to you. You didn’t know which V was the real one.

“So you want to get something to eat? It’s almost 11 am now.”

“Ahh okay!”

“Well I have some clothes for you and they’re laid out in the closet, so go change and can get going.”

V leaves the room, closing the door behind him. You head over to the closet and see a massive, well organized array of clothing. In the middle, theres a beautiful outfit set out for you, the only female clothing in the closet. It’s a mint green chiffon dress with a tie around the waist. Besides it, you see a long camel colored coat and a pair of black heels. There was also a small tray of an assortment of rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. He had pretty nice taste for a guy. When you put on the outfit, you looked at yourself in the mirror. You felt so… nice.

When you walk out into the living room, you are first taken aback about how nice to room was. There were sleek white leather couches with black pillows, a large flat screen tv, a modern kitchen adorned with grey granite, and the most amazing part was the view. You could see all of Seoul from the balcony.

V walked over to you and kissed you on the forehead, bringing you back to reality.

“Stop staring now. You can come back whenever you want. The view’s best at night, by the way.”

He winks at you and walks towards the front door. You laught at his silly insinuation and follow him out. You feel like you had discovered a new side of V again. Who was he really? Was he that sweet teenager at the cat cafe? Was he the dangerous V that hurt your friends? Or was the gentle V that worried about your well being? Your mind was swirling with confusion.

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seshayeol #1
Chapter 8: love this story so far! シ
Haneulxxx #2
Chapter 7: Cries; omf- jhope ㅍㅍ and jin 슙
Update soon juseyo
skoolluvaffair #3
Chapter 6: Ahhhh finally its updated thank u~ omg im dying lol this story is good!!!
Haneulxxx #4
Chapter 6: Omf- update soon author nim!
ㅠㅠ jungkookie...
thatjobott #6
Chapter 5: MY gosh!! Can't wait for more!!
Chapter 5: this is getting good omfg update soon please
Haneulxxx #8
Chapter 5: Aww n u n jin made her happy again
Update soon
Chapter 4: ahhh T-T
poor my jinnie..alone
Haneulxxx #10
Chapter 3: ^__^ update soon.
:( jin just left like that? Sobs/ at least Taehyungs being all cute and fluffy /laughs