

Half brothers....

You lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about the crazy news that Jin just told you. So V was a half brother. Jin looked so pained just at the thought of him. You know that Jin had a problem with V, but something about him made you really curious. Maybe it was the confident, but relaxed way he walked. Or maybe it was the piercing gaze of his gorgeous eyes. Perhaps it was the messy, roughed up look of his pink hair, a shade that looked surprisingly manly on him. V...... You suddenly realized that you were fantasizing about him and quickly shake your head to try to clear him out of your mind. It was such a strange pull that you had towards him. But you couldn't approach him or get to know him without hurting Jin... could you? Tired and confused, you roll over, turn off the lamp of your nightstand and sleep it off.

The next day, you head to school, eager to see how Jin was doing. You run into the classroom, anxiously looking for Jin in his seat. Your heart falls when you see an empty desk. You instantly feel your world get cold. It wasn't like Jin to be late for school. Was something wrong? Slowly, you head towards your seat, mind blank. You slump down into your seat, missing your best friend being by your side. You completely zoned out of the world around you and just sat there. Suddenly, you feel something light hit your head. You quickly spring up, looking around to see what it was. Looking towards the ground, you discover it was a crumpled piece of paper. You roll your eyes at someone's childish action and return to your sad mood. Shortly after, you feel something hit your head again. This time, you were sure it couldn't be an accident. You look around and see V sitting in the seat next to you, feet up on the desk, lollipop in his mouth and tossing a small wad of paper in his hand. He sees you glaring at him and promptly throws the piece of paper at your forehead.


"What, I had to get your attention somehow. I called your name several times and you just sat there. You looked so funny! Haha."

"What? Oh... I guess I really zoned out there, sorry...."

"Nah, it's fine."

"Wait, why were you trying to get my attention?"

"Ah nothing, I was just going to say... I saw the way you looked at me yesterday when I walked into the classroom. And I know you stole glances of me, you don’t have to play it shy.”

“Wait, wha-”

“Shhh, I understand. Girls fall for me all the time.”

V smirks at that idea with a proud look on his face. You’re a bit disgusted his attitude and mutter under your breath.

“Psh, just another player huh…”

“Huh, did you just say something? Player? HAH. As if. I haven’t had a girlfriend before.”

“What? How does that even make sense?”

“Eh, I just haven’t found the right girl yet. Have you found the right guy?”

“Uhm… I don’t really know.”

"Exactly. Hey by the way, are you busy after school today?”

You looked at him, surprised. What did he want? It sounded like he was going to ask you out on a date. You freak out a little bit inside but keep a calm expression.

“Well, no….”

“OKAY. It’s settled then. I’ll meet you at the main gate after school then.”

Before you could even refuse, the teacher walks in and starts class. You become worried and a bit torn inside. Having pretty much no experience with feelings for the opposite gender, you were unfamiliar with this warm feeling inside you. Sure you hung out with Jin and BTS all the time, but V made your heart beat a little faster. While you really wanted to go with V after school, but you didn’t want to Jin to know you were with the person that left deep scars in his heart. Going with V would mean lying to Jin. What were you going to do?

The rest of the day was a blur. You zoned the teacher out, absorbing nothing that was taught during class. During lunch, you hung out with BTS, but felt empty without Jin there and just sat with them as they were singing, rapping, and freestyle dancing. Jungkook noticed how lost you looked.

“Noona, are you okay? You look kind of… troubled. What’s wrong? Tell meeeee~”

He clings onto your arm, beaming at you with his puppy eyes. You didn’t get how a boy could be that adorable while being powerful and strong during performances. You laugh at his attempt to comfort you.

“Oh Jungkook, it’s nothing. Noona’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”

He looks at you with a playfully doubtful expression, smiles, then goes back to rapping with the other boys.

You return to your trance, sipping your banana milk while staring blankly into the distance. V and Jin….. You loved Jin and would never want to do anything to hurt him. But V was just so … new to you. Against your better judgement, you chose V. You couldn’t help it. You wanted to get to know him more, break through his mysterious exterior.

After school, after visiting your locker, you nervously look towards the front gate at school. You see V leaning casually against the side with a lollipop in his mouth. You couldn’t help but admire how handsome he looked. You took a deep breath and headed towards him.

“Oh hey, ready to go?”

“Uh, yeah. Where are we going?”

“You’ll see~”

He starts walking and you hurry to walk by his side. You two walk in silence for a while. You have no idea what to say or what he liked. Awkwardly, you look around, trying to look distracted by your surroundings. Suddenly, your hands brush against each other. The contact sent tingles through your body. V saw how shocked you looked and just laughed. His smile looked so bright, contrasting with his seemingly “tough” exterior.

“Don’t look so embarrassed, it’s not like I held your hand or anything, silly.”

You look up at him and see a whole different person. He seemed so kind and fun. You smile to yourself and continue to walk by his side, a comfortable quiet.

Soon enough, you find yourself standing in front of a cat cafe. You look at the cafe, then back at V. He was beaming with happiness. He looked so happy. You were seeing a new side of him already. You grabs your wrist and pulls you in excitedly. Once you get inside, the staff immediately smiled and greeted V.

“Oh V! Back already? You could pretty much live here.”

“V-shi, the cats here have missed you!”

“Hey what’s up, V?”

You looked surprised at the staff’s reaction to V.

“V, what are they talking about?”

“Well I brought you to my favorite spot in Korea! As you can probably tell, I come here alot…. Do you like cats?”

“Haha, well yeah I do! I’ve always wanted one, but my parents always say no….”

“Well come on then, I’ll show you around!”

He takes a seat at a booth near the back and motions you to come sit with him. You sit across from him and stare at him, fascinated. A beautiful white had jumped onto the table and cuddled right into V’s neck. V looked at the cat lovingly and scratched its head. V looked so kind and peaceful with that cat. And here you thought he was some gangster looking kid that ruined lives. Maybe you could reevaluate how you felt about him. Suddenly, you see a hand waving in front of your eyes.

“Yah, _______. Are you okay? You’ve been sitting there staring at me the whole time…..”

“oh … what? OH, yeah I’m fine, i just got.. distracted for a second.”

“Haha sure. Let me introduce you to Candy, my number one fan here. I brought her here when she was a kitten. I found her in the streets in a box and her green eyes begged me to save her. I guess you could say she was my first love. Here, pet her. She’s really nice!”

You timidly reach out at the cat. With your palm suspended in the air, Candy quickly bolts to place her head under your palm. So soft. It was like touching a fluffy cloud. You immediately fall in love with the adorable cat and keep playing with her. Suddenly, a brown tabby jumps onto your head, freaking you out in the process. As the cat jumped onto your head, V had taken out his phone and snapped a picture of your surprised expression.

“HAHAHA You should see how you looked!!”

He shows you the picture. You look like you were about to pass out. Embarrassed, you grab for his phone to delete it but he quickly pulls it away from you.

“Nope! I’m keeping this!”

You pout at him and proceed to play with the other cats elsewhere in the room. He follows after you, entertained by your “angry” mode. V introduces all the cats and staff to you. He really loved that place didn’t he. You got to see a softer side of V that day and it was really touching. The two of you spent well over three hours just playing with the cats, talking, and laughing. Just as you two were about to leave, you realized that it was pouring rain outside. Damn.. You forgot to bring an umbrella. You step outside under the small overhang and carefully stick your hand out into the rain. Definitely too hard to walk home in. You stand still for a bit, hopeless. Suddenly, an umbrella opens above you. You look up, then look to see who’s holding it. It’s V.

“Let’s go. I’ll walk you home.”

“Oh, no, no, no it’s fine!”

“... Really now. Okay bye then.”

V turns away quickly and begins walking away.

“Wait!! Okay, maybe I do need you to walk me home…”

He quickly turns around, smiling, and walks back to get you under the umbrella. The two of you walk through the pouring rain towards the direction of your house. You try not to stand too close to V, feeling awkward whenever your shoulders brushed his. But your other shoulder was getting pretty wet because the umbrella was not all that big. While you try to brush some of the water off your coat, you suddenly feel a strong hand grab your shoulder. V pulls you close to him, his arm over your shoulders. You quickly turn burning red, shy.

“Don’t want you to get wet now, do we?”

You don’t know what to say to him, so you just keep walking with him. His arm felt so secure around you. It felt nice. The rest of the walk back was filled with a comfortable silence. He was a gentlemen, keeping you dry, watching out for puddles, and just lending him shelter under his umbrella in general.

Soon, you arrive home. You’re a bit sad that the journey had ended. You were a bit awkward trying to say goodbye.

“Well…. thank you for walking me home. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at school..?”

Suddenly, V leans in close to you, your noses nearly touching. He pauses there for a while. You were panicking at this point. In all those movies you’ve watched, this was usually the part where the guy kissed the girl, but this was your first kiss! You close your eyes nervously and wait. Suddenly, you hear a laugh and open your eyes. V pulls back, smiling at you.

“See you, _______.”

He waves goodbye and walks away cooly into the rain. You stand there dumbfounded. You hit yourself in the head a bit for even thinking he was going to kiss you. As soon as you walked into the house, your mom tells you that Jin had called you and had asked that you return his call as soon as possible.

You completely forgot about the tension between V and Jin…. You were too absorbed in hanging out with V. You didn’t even to remember to ask where Jin was today.

You run into your room, pull out your phone and realized it had been on silent all day. You had 9 missed calls from Jin….. worried, you call him.


“Hey, it’s me.”


“Hello? Are you there?”

“Who were you with today……”


“Rap Mon told me that he saw you walk out of school today with…… him.”


“So it’s true?”

“Well it’s not like we were doing anything wrong! He just asked to hang out!”

“...... why would you do that.”

“Well, he seemed pretty genuine and nice, so it seemed fine.”

“I don’t know you anymore, _______.”

“Hey, what the heck are you doing, talking to me like you’re my boyfriend or something?! I can hang out with whoever I want!!”

“....... I’ll see you tomorrow”


Jin had hung up on you. That was the first time you guys ever argued about anything. You never wanted to hurt Jin and now, it seemed like the damage was done. You crumple up on your bed and let the remaining hours of the day tick by.

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seshayeol #1
Chapter 8: love this story so far! シ
Haneulxxx #2
Chapter 7: Cries; omf- jhope ㅍㅍ and jin 슙
Update soon juseyo
skoolluvaffair #3
Chapter 6: Ahhhh finally its updated thank u~ omg im dying lol this story is good!!!
Haneulxxx #4
Chapter 6: Omf- update soon author nim!
ㅠㅠ jungkookie...
thatjobott #6
Chapter 5: MY gosh!! Can't wait for more!!
Chapter 5: this is getting good omfg update soon please
Haneulxxx #8
Chapter 5: Aww n u n jin made her happy again
Update soon
Chapter 4: ahhh T-T
poor my jinnie..alone
Haneulxxx #10
Chapter 3: ^__^ update soon.
:( jin just left like that? Sobs/ at least Taehyungs being all cute and fluffy /laughs