Deal with the Devil


Your hands shook uncontrollably. You drop the picture and slump down to the ground, eyes wide in disbelief. Jungkook was hurt because of you. Your little dongsaeng that was nothing but loyal to you had to suffer for the choices you made. Tears welled up in your eyes as you felt lost and confused. You had no idea why you got involved to V. You hated yourself for letting your heart run away like that.

That night, you refused to eat dinner and didn’t talk to anyone. You could barely form words. You simply curled up in bed and stared blankly at the wall, blocking the world out. Your phone rang several times but you let all the calls go to voicemail. Curious, you look over to see who had called. It was Jin; he had called nearly 10 times now. Suddenly you hear the doorbell ring and your mom answered the door. You suddenly hear someone running down the hall and stopping at your room. Someone knocked incessantly at your door. You hear a guy’s voice, Jin.

“________!! ________!! Are you okay? Let me in. I know something isn’t right. Just talk to me. You can’t stay in there forever.”

You don’t reply. You’re too ashamed to tell him what had happened.

“_______!! Don’t shut me out like this. Is this all I am to you?!”

Tears start forming in your eyes again. You wait for him to try persuading you again, but you hear nothing. Soon, you slowly roll out of bed and drag yourself to the door. You open slowly and see Jin sitting outside next to your door. He looks up to see you open the door and springs up. He looks into your eyes, silently pleading you to let him in and to talk. You make way for him to come in and close the door behind you.

You sit on your bed again and curl up with a pillow in your arms. Jin sits down on your bed next to you. The two of you remain silent for a while; he’s waiting until you’re ready to talk.

“..I…. I’m sorry about not answering your calls. I’ve been a mess ever since I got home…”

“You want to tell me what just happened? I know you don’t get upset that easily…”

You didn’t know what to say, so you reach into your nightstand and pulled out the photo that was sent to you. Your hand was shaking as you handed it to him. He looked at the photo and instantly dropped the photo. He instantly looked darker and dangerous. Jin clenched his fists and stood up angrily. You didn’t like how he was taking the situation. This was a different side to him that you had never seen before.

“.... Jin? Are you okay?”

“.... Aniya. Just leave this to me.”

Jin was about to storm out of your room, but worried you run after him and hug him tightly from behind. He’s startled by your sudden move.

“Don’t leave, Jin… please…. I don’t want to see you hurt……”

He takes your hands and unfolds your arms from around his waist. He turns around to face you. You look earnestly into his eyes, begging him to stay. He smiles at you to reassure you.

“Okay, _______. I’ll stay with you. It’ll be okay. We’ll just see what we can do tomorrow. Don’t worry about anything tonight okay?”

You nod at him and climb back into bed. He kneels down besides your bed and holds your hand.

“We’ll figure something out. Together.”

"I just feel so bad.... what can we even do?"

"I don't know yet. But there's nothing we can't figure out. We should just take this slowly and carefully. It'll all be okay in the end though."

"I hope you're right, Jin. I really hope you are...."

"Just try to get some sleep, _______. Don't worry about it tonight."

“Okay… can you stay with me until I fall asleep?”

Jin smiles at your request and nods, taking your hand. You slowly drift off, feeling safe, knowing that Jin was by your side. Right before you drifted off to sleep, you feel Jin kiss you on the forehead, making you feel secure.


The next day, you get up and sit in bed for a while. You didn’t want to school You didn’t want to see V. But you had no choice. You couldn’t avoid your problems like this. Reluctantly, you get up and get ready.

You see a message on your phone from Jin.

“I hope you slept well last night. Stay by me at school today. Don’t go anywhere near him okay. We'll get through this.”

When you get to school, you immediately search for Jin. As soon as you spotted him, you ran over to be by his side. As you were making your way towards Jin, V suddenly steps out in front of you, causing you to crash into him.

“A little clumsy today, are we?”

"Yah, get out of my way...."

"Oh, a little feisty today are we? I can deal with that."

"Just stop it and leave me alone."

"Sorry, but I don't think that's an option for me."

He smirks at you and starts stepping towards you with a evil glint in his eyes. You backed away from him, scared and nervous. From a distance, Jin saw what was going on and bolted over to help you. The other BTS members run over to see what was going and to back Jin up. Jin gets to you and stands between you and V, blocking V off from you. The other guys also stand by your side, making sure V couldn’t get to you. V see’s the boys there to rescue you and scoffs at the scene.

“It’s going to take more than these guys to help you, ________. I’ll be watching you.”

V turns around and walks away arrogantly.

You were shaken up and your legs were weak beneath you. Rap Monster and J-Hope both support you and the guys took you into your classroom. You were left with Jin in the classroom.

After class, you followed Jin outside and the two of you sat down under a tree.

“Listen, Jungkook is just fine, okay? You don’t have to worry about him…”

“But… what happened to him? How did he get taken like that?”

“Well from what he told me, he was walking home from school when a bunch of older guys dressed in dark colors approached him. He tried to run away, but one of them punched him hard in the gut and he couldn’t get up. They blindfolded him and took him to some abandoned warehouse. They beat him pretty badly, so he’s at home right now resting. He’ll be back at school tomorrow. His mom was pretty freaked out though….”

“I can’t believe it happened to him though… He didn’t deserve that. It should’ve been me. He didn’t do ANYTHING wrong….”

“No how could you say that?! It’s not your fault. Do NOT say that.”

“I never meant any of this to happen… “

Your voice got shakey at the end. Jin pulled you towards him and leaned your head onto his shoulder. He put his arm over your shoulder and just held you there. He let your tears soak his uniform. After your tears had dried, you asked Jin to walk you home so you would feel safe.

He walked you home and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Before Jin left, you asked him to make sure none of the other BTS boys were hurt either. He nodded, reassuring you that everything would be fine. You hug Jin one last time and he kisses you on your forehead before going.

You go back inside and go to your room to get started on your homework. You then hear a knock on the door. Did Jin forget something? You head back to the door to open it.

“Did you forg—”

You stop mid sentence and realize that it wasn’t Jin standing before you. It was V. Your heart drops and you were freaking out. You quickly try to close the door but V stops you. He forces his way into your house and locks the door behind him. You slowly back away from him, scared of what he would do to you. He chuckles slightly by how scared you looked.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything. Wouldn’t want to hurt your pretty little face now would we. Look, I’ll tell you one thing. If you don’t want to see anyone else that you love hurt, I suggest you come be by my side.”

“AS IF. You’re CRAZY if you think I’d do anything that stupid…”

“I thought you’d say something like that.”

V pulls out his phone and starts a video call, he shows you the screen. It’s J-Hope… he’s being held back by two guys, helplessly trying to fight them off.


Another guy comes into the screen and punches J-Hope in the stomach, causing him to curl up a bit in pain.


Suddenly the call ends just as several more hits land on J-Hope. You scream out in pain, seeing another one of your friends fall because of your mistake. You lunge towards V in anger and try to hit him. He easily grabs both your arms and locks you in his grip.

“Wanna try reconsidering my offer now? Or your precious Jin might be next….”

“No… please… no, not Jin…..”

“Good. That's what I thought. So just tell Jin that you want nothing to do with him anymore and stay with me. I’ll treat you well, okay? I don’t want to hurt you. You’ll be the world to me.”

Defeated you nod your head slowly, staring at the ground. What else could you do? It was clear that V wanted you all for himself and didn't care who got hurt in order to get what he wanted. V lifts your head, your eyes meeting his. He kisses you gently on the lips, you just feel cold and emotionless. Before he leaves he reminds you one more time:

“Do not leave my side. You know I love you, right?”

He smiles deviously and then leaves. You slump down against the wall. It’s like you just made a deal with the devil. You had no choice though; you had to protect the ones you loved. It was the right choice…….. right?

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seshayeol #1
Chapter 8: love this story so far! シ
Haneulxxx #2
Chapter 7: Cries; omf- jhope ㅍㅍ and jin 슙
Update soon juseyo
skoolluvaffair #3
Chapter 6: Ahhhh finally its updated thank u~ omg im dying lol this story is good!!!
Haneulxxx #4
Chapter 6: Omf- update soon author nim!
ㅠㅠ jungkookie...
thatjobott #6
Chapter 5: MY gosh!! Can't wait for more!!
Chapter 5: this is getting good omfg update soon please
Haneulxxx #8
Chapter 5: Aww n u n jin made her happy again
Update soon
Chapter 4: ahhh T-T
poor my jinnie..alone
Haneulxxx #10
Chapter 3: ^__^ update soon.
:( jin just left like that? Sobs/ at least Taehyungs being all cute and fluffy /laughs