Bubble Tea


The next day, you walk to school slowly, tired and curious as to what Jin would be like today. You felt like Jin was really disappointed in you, but you were still entitled to your own opinion, right? You were a little angry at Jin for overreacting like that before even hearing you out.

When you walk into school, the first person you look for is Jin. You run into the classroom and immediately see Jin hanging out with the BTS members. He walk talking and laughing with the other members and when he hears you walk in, he looks over at you. The two of you lock eyes for a moment. Jin’s normally kind and gentle eyes suddenly look so sullen and unhappy. A chill went down your spine and you quickly broke the contact, embarrassed. You shuffle over to your desk and put your earphones in, drowning everything out. You couldn’t stand it when Jin looked at you like that. It had never happened before.

While listening to one of BTS’s songs, Born Singer, you suddenly feel someone poke your shoulder. You look over, slightly annoyed, pulling one earbud out and see V looking right into your eyes. His bright eyes look worried.

“Is something wrong, _______? You look really…. sad.”

“Oh.. uhm, yeah I’m okay, don’t worry about it.”

You try to quickly end the conversation with him, feeling Jin’s burning glare at the back of your head. Clearly this was not helping the situation with Jin. You shove the earbud back in your ear and try to ignore everyone again. V looks at your one more time, doubtful, shrugs, and turns back around.

Class time was awkward for you sitting between both Jin and V. You didn’t dare look anywhere but straight ahead. But you were so distracted in class. How did things get this bad so fast for you. When the bell finally rings, you breathe a sigh of relief, promptly gather your things, and are about to leave when you feel a strong presence beside you.

“Come with me.”

It’s Jin. You couldn’t say no, but were a bit scared to follow. He grabs your wrist and pulls you from your seat, half leading half dragging you out. Jin seemed so angry and intimidating. It was a side of him that you were extremely uncomfortable with.

He finally drags you out to the courtyard behind the school, which is usually pretty empty afterschool. He pulls you to face him and looks at you sternly.


“Why… why what?”

“You know what I’m talking about. Why were you with him yesterday. You know what he did to me. You know how much it hurts me to even see him, nonetheless know that he was with you.”

“Well what I do is my own choice isn’t it? Jin, you’re not my boyfriend.”

“What happened to you. Why are you acting so selfish? I understand that we don’t have that kind of relationship, but I still am your best friend aren’t I? I know you better than anyone else. This is not how you normally are.”

“.... I know. I’m sorry. I know that V has hurt you in the past, but I can’t help it. I think…. I think I might like V. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before. I hope you understand…”

“Sigh, yes I do understand. Love moves the heart in new ways. I get it. But if you hang around V, then I can’t be around for you anymore. I won’t be able to stand tall or keep my head up if he’s around.”

“But… But Jin… I need you by my side. You’re one of the most important people in my life.”

“That’s what you say now. Remember, love moves the heart in new ways. I’ll always be here if you need me, I just can’t be by your side. I’m sorry, _________.  I hope you find what you were looking for. Goodbye.”

Jin hugs you one more time, his strong, familiar arms felt so secure around you. When he lets go, you instantly feel colder, yearning for his arms to stay around you for just a bit longer. He smiles at you kindly one last time, turns around, and walks away. You stand there, at a loss, until you see him disappear. Your best friend, gone.

You sit down on the bench besides you and try to get your thoughts together. You felt so alone. Jin was always there when  you needed him. A tear suddenly rolled down your cheek. Your breathing became uneven and you soon felt scared. Was V worth losing your best friend over? You weren’t even sure how you really felt about him yet. You were just interested……

A handkerchief suddenly appears before you. You look up to see the owner of the kind gesture. It was V. You smiled to see him there and accept the handkerchief. V promptly sits besides you and puts his hand over your shoulder.

“See? You’re not okay. You don’t have to tell me what happened. I understand if it’s a personal issue. But i’ll be here for you if you need me.”

You just smile at his comforting words and feel warmth spreading inside of you. He made you feel safe. The two of you sat there with a comfortable silence for a bit as your tears dried.

“Do you wanna go get some bubble tea?”

“That’s my favorite drink! How’d you know?”

“Good guess? Let’s go!”

He jumps up excitedly, grabs your hand, and pulls you up. After a short walk, you two arrive at the cafe nearby school that sells your favorite bubble tea. He grabs a booth for the two of you and goes off to order drinks. You look at him as he walks to the counter and orders. V was so kind. He treated you so well and seemed so genuine. Jin left a sort of emptiness in your heart, but V seemed to be filling it up. You started liking him more and more everytime you saw him and his adorable personality was really growing on you. You could not understand this attraction to him, but enjoyed every second of it.

“Here’s your drink!”

You grab the bubble tea that V hands you and thank him. He sits across from you and starts to ask about you.

“I want to get to know you better! You caught my eye since I first stepped into the classroom. Sounds cheesy right?”

“Actually…. it was the same for me.”

“REALLY? Oh, I mean, hey that’s pretty cool.”

“Haha, you’re so silly. But you have a point! I already know that you love cats and always hang out at the cat cafe.”

Suddenly, a cafe employee comes by your table. She flips her hair flirtatiously and bats her eyelashes at V. He looks at her with a bored expression. The girl speaks in an extremely cute and high pitched voice.

“Do you need anything, oppa?”

“Aniyo, we’re fine.”

The girl shoots a glare at you before putting on her cute expression for V.

“.... Hmph, okay well let me know if you need anything~”

She playfully touches his hand and hands him a napkin. V opens it up, sees a phone number on it, wipes his mouth with it, and throws it away. You look grossed out by that act. Some nerve that girl had. You pouted, crossing your arms.

“Oh, are you jealous~ Aw, don’t worry, stuff like this actually happens to me alot, but try not to pay attention to that. I’ll only look at you~”

“Uh huh, suuuuuuuuure, V, whatever….. Anyways, what do you want to know about me?”

“Hmmmmm…. what’s your favorite place to hang out at then?”

“Well I love hanging out at Lotte World! I always have so much fun there.”

“Wanna go then?”


“Do you want to go to Lotte World?”

“Are you serious?.... I’d love to!”

“Okay, I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 9 then! Can I see your phone?”

“Uhm, sure?”

V grabs your phone and types something before handing it back to you. V looks at his watch and then looks frustrated.

“Aw man, I’m late for hagwon, I have to go. I’ll call you tomorrow then! Bye, _______!”

“Wait, I didn’t give you my

You suddenly check your phone and see a selca of V as your background and his number in your contacts list. You see him walk down the street outside and smile to yourself. Well, your first official date tomorrow with V. You could barely contain your excitement.

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seshayeol #1
Chapter 8: love this story so far! シ
Haneulxxx #2
Chapter 7: Cries; omf- jhope ㅍㅍ and jin 슙
Update soon juseyo
skoolluvaffair #3
Chapter 6: Ahhhh finally its updated thank u~ omg im dying lol this story is good!!!
Haneulxxx #4
Chapter 6: Omf- update soon author nim!
ㅠㅠ jungkookie...
thatjobott #6
Chapter 5: MY gosh!! Can't wait for more!!
Chapter 5: this is getting good omfg update soon please
Haneulxxx #8
Chapter 5: Aww n u n jin made her happy again
Update soon
Chapter 4: ahhh T-T
poor my jinnie..alone
Haneulxxx #10
Chapter 3: ^__^ update soon.
:( jin just left like that? Sobs/ at least Taehyungs being all cute and fluffy /laughs