[SEQUEL of EXO - She's My Angel] EXO : What Lies Beyond this Fantasy

"D-Darius?! W-What are you doing here?!" 


"Well yes hello my dearest friend. I wonder what you are doing in a place like this.." he chortled.


"B-But how did you f-find me?" I muttered. 


"I'm everywhere!.....No, actually I'm finding you everywhere~" he sang and walked around me with his body a bit bent backwards.




"Because.... Cordelia-ssi told me so~!" he laughed. 



Oh no. This can't be happening. She found it out already?! 



"Darius please don't tell her I'm here. I beg you." I pleaded while holding Darius' arm and later on he laughed at me again.



"I got ya! I'm just joking~ Tell me you are hiding aren't you?" he pointed at me with his walking stick. "Huh? N-No I'm not!" I shook my head and hands. "Really?" he looked at me in disbelief. "I have no plans on telling this to Cordelia-ssi. Nope." Darius swung his head left and right. 



Is this guy serious? "Are you sure?" I asked, and he said no. I sighed and hesitated a bit, assuring if he's saying the truth. "But wait, what are you doing here anyways?" the question suddenly popped out on my mouth.



"I'm here to.... join your clan!" he grinned while my jaw dropped. "Are you crazy?! No you can't!" 



"Why can't I" he pouted. 



"You can't because they might know I'm just a traitor!" he crossed his arms and said, "Ha, traitor! I'm leaving." and there he walked away. Aish! Can I trust that guy? 




Jaehee's P.O.V    (let us welcome the goddess *claps*)


As I sat down on my throne, I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked at Taehee bowing down to me as I smiled, "May I hear your words?"



"Ne Jaehee-sin. I passed by a messenger and told me to give this to you." he handed me a scroll. I gave my thanks and let him leave. As I open the scroll I red, "Greetings my dear sister. Since the battle is near so, I would like to say goodluck to you and your puppets because surely, my side would wipe them out. I'm so excited to have a fight with you sister. Haha! And tell your assigned head to meet our head in our place, if she hadn't been told yet. Ciao~.....from your brother, Jihee" I closed the scroll and held it tightly. 



I sighed, Is that what siblings should do? To fight? I looked above and observed the clouds. I wonder when will we obtain peace?




~~~~'s P.O.V



After I'm done sharpening myself for the upcoming battle, I stretched my arms and neck as I breathed out. I took off my hair band and let my long hair fall. "~~~~!" I turned around and saw Taehee running to me while holding a scroll. 



"This letter is yours." he handed me the scroll. I took and opened it. I furrowed my eyebrows, "This letter is from Flaming Purgatory, Cordelia Leonette.. Hello Miss ~~~~. As from the rules that is been practiced since the previous battles. I'd like to invite you to come to our palace for a confrontation with our assigned head before the war would start for the discussions of the war plan." I stared at the scroll and gave it to Taehee while walking away.



"I'll go to Flaming Purgatory. Inform Astrid and the others." 



"Huh? Confrontation? Bwo?! Y-Yah wait!" he tried to catch me, I turned around and waited him to speak. "Can we come? Just for making sure you're okay there. Imagine, you're from east and you're going to west? What if something may happen to you, then we'll take long to go there just to save you?!" 



What's with this guy? I rolled my eyes, "Since when did you become so concered?...... Aish, okay faster!" 



After minutes while I wait for them at the main gate. They came to me running and prepared a carriage for faster transportation. "This is the fastest carriage we have." the innkeeper said. "That's okay. Thank you." I got in together with the others. 



Before we sat down it began moving fast and we stumbled down. Taehee opened the window and shouted to the , "Yah that's rude! Let us sit down first arasso?"



"Eek!" Mirae faltered down from her seat. "What's with this carriage? It's fast like hell!" Yunhee scoffed. "It really is, take a look we're already in the middle of the forest." Sara stated, we looked at the window as I realized,



"Where is Iris by the way?" 




Iris' P.O.V


"Bwo?! To Flaming Purgatory?!" I shouted like I made the birds fly away. "Neh, why do you look so shocked?" Taehee wondered. "N-Nothing! I think I can't. I-I still have quests to do." I showed them the quest papers, honestly these quest papers are already completed.. "See?" I gulped down. "Just leave your quests first. Come on let's go! It's also you're first time coming right?" Mirae held her arms insisting her to come.



"N-No! Really it's okay. You guys can go now." I waited them to go, until they finally gave up. "Okay..." 



I breathed out, finally I'm saved. I breaking cold sweat already! Aish. Aish. Wait... I wonder where is Darius by now.. 



"I'm here~" I screamed for a second and turned around saw Darius resting his chin on his palm. "What are you doing here?!" I whispered. "Didn't I tell you I want to join your clan!" he insisted. "And didn't 'I' tell you that you can't?!" I yelled while his head hung low. "I'm sorry I insist~" 



I forgot to tell you, that like what've I said, Darius is a mad gentleman. Sounds weird but this guy is powerful. He can control and read minds, his walking stick is not just a stick but its filled with secrets and Darius himself. He's a real demon. 



"So are you done thinking about me?" he laughed. "I don't know anymore Darius! Let me be alone first 'kay? I have to calm myself." I breathed out.




~~~~'s P.O.V



As we already arrived to our destined place, yeah so fast isn't it? We got off the carriage as I looked above, the dark storm clouds, dead plants and gloomy atmosphere. We walked infront of the gates and suddenly it opened. 



"Welcome ~~-- Oh, you've brought friends. Well anyways, welcome." I think this violet-haired woman is Cordelia. "Follow me." she walked inside their palace as I followed her. This place looks like their village already.. Hm, come to think of it they're demons.. 



"Okay everybody stop staring at our ene--guests, get back to your businesses!" Cordelia clapped. 



Finally we've come to a room, like a meeting room. "Only the head can come inside." she stated. I came in and glanced at them. I looked around and I saw a mirror, I looked at myself, with my hair straigthened down and my armor shining. I sat down and waited for their head to come. 



After minutes, the door opened wide. As I saw a guy with light-blond hair and I saw Taehee and the others being bumped by, I think the head's friends.




Luhan's P.O.V



As I'm about to come inside the room, I saw people who are so unfamiliar to me. "Who are you?" I asked, "We are ~~~~'s teammates." a guy who looked like a knight boastfully said. "Why aren't you inside?" and they shrugged. "I invite you to come in." I looked at them and my teammates and came in, 



I looked at Cordelia eyeing me and my eyes shifted to the girl. I pulled the chair and I sat down while looking at her. 



"So Luhan and ~~~~. We're here for plans. We will discuss about the rules first." Cordelia said.



"Okay okay." I lazily said, still staring at her. Cordelia stated the rules but I didn't mind to listen. I just stare at this beautiful woman. Her hair looks so soft and her...lips..



"Luhan?" the old cassanova called me and looked suspiciously. "So, are there any particular suggetions and concerns?" she asked.



"I think, there should be rules about the traitors. When there is one, maybe god's judgement would be the punishment." she crossed her arms. Her voice as well is pretty. "Yah hyung. Why are you staring at her?" Sehun whispered. "She is.... interesting to me." I smirked. 



"What do you think Luhan about her suggestion?" Hmp..



"Any of her suggestions are fine to me." I said while Sehun shaking his head and I saw Cordelia getting disappointed, I don't know why.



"So I think its time for confirmations. ~~~~, I'd like you to sign here." Cordelia handed her a paper and she signed it after that I signed as well. "I now officially announce, the war will start after you were all dismissed." I nodded and stood up. 



"We'll see who'll win. And I assure you we, will win." she held her hand. I held her soft hands and shook. "Let us see ~~~~..." I smirked while staring at her eyes.



As we got out and we offered them Kai's teleportation for their transpo. After Kai came back, Sehun asked me.. 



"Tell me, what are you planning huh hyung?" 



I just looked at him and rolled my eyes, didn't bother to answer. And I almost forgot, maybe before I fight, I should know who are the lovers who created the gods...









Author-nim: ooooh the battle has finally begun~ annyeong yerobeun

Luhan: TT^TT author-nim I don't want to fight with ~~~~. 

Author-nim : *getting jelly* Its just your role Luhan just go with the flow. 

~~~~: Annyeong~~

Author-nim: *walked out* //can't stand of getting jealous//



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Chapter 8: i dont understand this chapter :-(

update soon :)
Chapter 8: please update