[SEQUEL of EXO - She's My Angel] EXO : What Lies Beyond this Fantasy



~~~~'s P.O.V


As we reported in the palace, "So who's the culprit?" I crossed my arms waiting for their answer. Then somebody barged in the door all of the sudden. "Guys, I've found him."



Yunhee came in carrying a dirty looking guy on the collar. "Yunhee-ah, carry him properly. He can't breathe!" Sara came running and helped the guy. "He's the culprit. Aish, he's hard to catch!" he scratched his head and stretched. We decided to lock him up first in the wide cell. 



"Who are you?" I gave him my deathly glares. "Why will I tell you?" he huffed. I took his collar and threw him, his back hit on the wall. "The way you look explains that you're really the suspect." Mirae spoke. Yep, his clothes have stains and all. "Tell me, why are you stealing people's foodstuff?" I made him stand up again.



"I won't tell!" he spit his saliva on my face. Hmp, this guy is tough, but he's messing with the wrong person. I wiped the gross liquid on my face, "You have guts huh?" I kicked his stomach as he spit blood. "You must be one of the pawns of Flaming Purgatory." one of the knights gave me the bio of this guy. I red it,  "Dalton Lozier, 18, demon that has ninja like ability."



"So now tell me, why are you, stealing people's foodstuffs?" I pulled his collar. "Tch." he rolled his eyes and pushed me away. "That's rude for you to do that to someone who's older than you, kid." and then he spoke,  "I want to have a duel with you. If you win I'll tell you if not, give me the misery necklaces you stole from us." I pulled out my sword, "Hmp. Then let's see if you're not a waste of time." I smirked.



As everybody stepped backward, I immediately dashed towards him but he dodged it quickly. I ran through the wall and jumped on top of him aiming the tip of my sword to his head. But my sword carved the floors. Aish this kid. I think I know his plan. If he'll continue dodging from me, then I'll get tired until he got me. Hmp, so easy. 



"Don't get carried away woman!" he ran towards me quickly. . He got me and chained my hands on the wall. "Heh, you're easy. I'll give you one tip. If you keep thinking about what you're enemy will do and get cocky, your enemy will get you easily. Its because you're just keep attacking and attacking. Think about you're defense huh?" he said right in front of my face. Tch. "Now give me the necklaces." he tried to sneak his hands on my pocket.




I quickly shove it and gripped tightly. "You don't know me, kid. I'm not just a knight who doesn't care and just strike all I want." I blew him away with my wind magic and melt the chains on my hands with my fire magic. I walked towards him as I took his neck, carrying him upwards and threw him harshly from the wall. Suddenly the wall cracked, I was about to charge fire and aim at him but the glass from the cracked window fell on him. Uh-oh, I think I've gone too far. 



"Are you gonna tell me or not?" I stopped attacking since he's already beaten. "Okay fine!" he moved from his position, "Actually, our master asked me to steal people's food so that your townspeople would get hungry then die." he told me. 



"I also saw that many people are outside carrying a lot of foods for their supply." Sara looked sad. "Honestly speaking, I'm not the only one who's sneaking here at your kingdom. Actually we are ten, demon ninjas here."



"What?! Who's that master you're talking about?!" I shouted, "I won't tell~ And, not just stealing. We also put necklaces to those people we've already victimed. You're already late to save them woman!" he laughed.



"You piece of..." I threw my sword towards him, "~~~~-ssi! We need you to come, immediately." a group of soldiers came. Don't tell me.. I glanced back at Dalton who's already covered in a pool of blood. "You demons will pay for this."



As I got out of the palace, our kingdom looked like hell. The skies were dark, the townspeople they've already turned into beasts and the buildings were all crashed. "How on earth.." Mirae spoke. "Remember, don't kill them. Just get their necklaces." I ordered. "Don't kill them, just get their necklaces, do you hear me?!" Taehee shouted to his fellow knights. "Understood!" they replied. 




Luhan's P.O.V



"I'm bored." I yawned and snuggled on my armchair. "Cordelia is unfair. I want to join and destroy their place. Those ninjas are weak." I rolled my eyes. "Keep quiet will you?" Chen said, annoyed by me lol. 



"Oh welcome back Kai." Baekhyun said. "Where have you been Kai?" I rested my head on my hand, I'm really bored! "I went and check how's the Promised Land's doing. Heh, they looked hell already." Kai laughed. I quickly stood up from my position, "Bwo?! Really?! I wanna go! Teleport me there please?" I pleaded like a kid. "No you can't" Suho cut in. 



"Okay, le--" we were about to go but Suho stopped us. "Yah, what did I tell you? You. can't. Also you Kai." 



"Aish, you're so boring you know that?" I frowned. I stood up, decided to ease my mind outside. "Where are you going?" Suho asked strictly. "Just outside." I sighed. "You know hyung I'm also bored, I wanna play." Sehun whined. 



I shook my head and saw Iris, getting out of the gate. "Iris?" I wonder where is she going? 



"O-Oh Luhan-ssi.." she was stuttered by the time I held her wrist, "Where are you going?" I asked. "U-Uh, outside... I-I think.." 



I know she's lying. She's going outside but, she with her things. "Are you, leaving?" my mouth hung open, "Yes. I want to leave this place already." she frowned. I asked her why, "It's because of Cordelia unnie's cruelness and...Jihee-sin, to me. I don't want this life.." she frowned.



"And what are you doing?" I turned back and saw Cordelia with her staff. "Cordelia un-- ssi..." we bowed. "What are those?" she pointed at Iris' things. "U-Uh, actually..." 



"She said she wants to travel a bit, so she has her things with her."  I looked at her and I just grinned. "Okay then. Luhan come at my office and I want to talk with you, alone.." she walked away.. "Luhan-ssi.. Thank you." she whispered. "Wait, are you crazy? What's going on with you? You know what would happen if you leave right?" I furrowed my eyebrows but she just laughed. "Well yeah I thought of that... I'll not continue my leave."



Iris' P.O.V


Tch. I guess this is not my lucky day.. And I can't handle the bad attiture of my sister to me! One is, I can't call her unnie whenever I'm outside or with others. Only when I'm with her, alone. Of course I want to call her unnie everytime because I love her and I'm happy to have a sister. But her? She's a sister that's way too harsh. Actually...Cordelia unnie is very different from the unnie I lived with while I'm growing, but when this phenomenon happened. She really changed.. I wonder why.. 



I remebered the times when we play dolls back then.. Since I was careless kid last time, I broke the leg of unnie's doll..



"Unnie, mianhae..." I cried and sob loudly. She walked towards me, she took her doll and tried to fix it. "Don't worry Iris.. I'll fix it. Don't cry now.." she hushed and wiped my tears with her thumb.



I watched Cordelia unnie put super glue on her leg, "Won't she get hurt when you put glue on her?" I wondered why. "No, she won't. Her leg is broken, but she didn't got hurt, the glue so?" she chuckled.. 



But compared to her now. She's like the alt Cordelia now. Oh how I miss the real Cordelia Leonette.. I sighed.




~~~~'s P.O.V



I stopped on my tracks and breathed for a while.. There many of them.. I've got eighteen necklaces already and still, they're so many.. And I can see many soldiers are injured and can't stand.. I went towards a soldier and helped them to go back to the castle, inside the castle the other townspeople that were cursed by the necklaces were there. After that I told Taehee to retreat..



I let them locked the gate of the castle and Yunhee and Taehee with me while Sara, Mirae and the other people in the castle helped the injured. I assume Astrid knew all about this, and I believe he'll come up with a solution.



While we walk, until we passed by a church. I tried to open it but its locked. I leaned my ear on the door, its so quiet. "Aish, open it!" Taehee patiently shouted. Suddenly we heard someone repiled, "Who are you?!" I knocked on the big door again. "It's me ~~~~. Taehee and Yunhee is also here." 



As I heard the locks were being undone. Soon the door was opened and suprisingly many townspeople are here. We immediately came in and I am impressed that they were able to come up with a safehouse and they were taken good care. 



"Good thing you're safe." I told to a guy, he looks like he's the leader in here. "Yes and also, we were able to bring enough food here." he nodded.. "But you were not victimed by the food crisis and the necklaces?" Taehee spoke and the guy nodded in reply. I sighed and gave them a walky talky. "Just use that if you need something." he took it and said thanks. And we went outside, continued to get necklace.




Luhan's P.O.V


As I walk down the hallway, I wondered why Cordelia-ssi called me. Ugh, boring~ I breathed out as I lazily knocked on the door and went in. "What's with that attitude Luhan?" I bowed down and not bothering to talk while she let me sit down on the armchair infront of her.



"I see you're bored..." she rested her chin on her palm.



Surprisingly, "Why don't you come and play with me for a while?" she teleported right infront of me while holding my tie. I pulled her hands off and caressed her cheeks.. I tried not to laugh but she seems getting excited but,.. "No, I don't want to." I pushed her away. 



"How dare you do that to me?!" she shouted. I just nodded to stop this conversation. "Tch." I heard her getting disappointed. Hahaha! Her face look so hilarious! This old cassanova.



"Well, I'll go on with the discussions. So, as what've Iris said to you, battle of celestials is coming. Honestly speaking, I'm tired of this thing! You wanna know why this war broke?" I nodded and cleared out my mind to understand. 



"To make the story short.. Actually when the previous war was over, finally there is peace and no war broke for so many years. But when a day when two babies borned, surprisingly, they were the children of a lovers, the wife is an angel and the husband is the demon. But one thing that I want to know is how the two children became the gods and not the lovers.." she stated..



I nodded and agreed with what she is wondering.. "How did you know all of this?" I asked all of the sudden, "I knew this history from Astrid Archaumbault from Promised Land. The what they call, powerful priest. He really seems powerful, because he was once in the previous war." 



I nodded in understanding.. "Actually I already knew who the lovers are. And one shocking fact is that they have some relationship with the gods." she chuckled. I looked at her in shock.. "Y-You know who..?" 



"Yes.. And that person is.. just someone. Sorry I can't tell~" she stood up from her seat, "Find it out yourself, but I discourage you to know." and there she went off..



I wonder who is the lovers...











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Chapter 8: i dont understand this chapter :-(

update soon :)
Chapter 8: please update