
The Unseen

Eun Song could finally be relieved after her doctor had said that she would only need to stay in the hospital for two days after which she could be discharged. And it was finally the day those men and women dressed in dull work clothes would let her go home.


She lightly folded the blanket and placed it neatly at the head of the rickety bed. It was then when she heard a husky cough coming from the side of one of her makeshift walls.


“Hello, Miss Cha. Remember me?” His rectangular glasses were falling off of the bridge of his nose, which he quickly pushed back up. There were dark bags under his eyes and his long, shaggy hair cast ominous shadows across his face. But the small, clumsy smile he wore showed he came with no harm in mind. Underneath his white lab coat, were haphazardly thrown together clothes; his tie was still loose and wrapped around his neck multiple times as the same was with his dress shirt, which was only half tucked into his corduroy pants. His name was sewn onto his jacket: “Kim Jongin” stiched in thick black print. The name rang a bell in her memory. His eyes, though, had a sharp look to them. It was as if those eyes alone could pierce through her body and seep through into the depths of her mind. But she waved it off as her being over analyzing the situation.


“Yes, I do recall seeing you around. Is there something wrong?”Eun Song didn’t want to stay at the place any longer. It gave her goosebumps. Or maybe it was him.


He gave her a shy laugh, “I don’t think so but I’d  like to say congratulations on the discharge. You are one of my first patients as an intern so I am quite happy this went well.” He gave her another sloppy smile, as if he hadn’t been exposed to people in a while and the new gesture was strange.


“Thank you, doctor,” She bowed and when she looked up it seemed like his eyes turned a bright purple. The tips of his hairs were tinted white. His teeth were disturbingly sharp as if he just recently sharpened it along with an arsenal of knifes. Jongin’s hands were deep in his pockets and a dark atmosphere swept over them.


Her eyes widened and a string of incomprehensible words flew out of his mouth, “W-wha… why… D-Doctor. Is… there some… something wrong?”


In a matter of seconds, Jongin’s tall body towered over hers. Now that she had a good look at his face, it was one that any girl would fall for except for the menacing eyes and eerie grin he had on his face.


And the blood. Oh the blood. Eun Song couldn’t look at him too closely, but it seemed like he was biting his own tongue.





A blood curdling screech filled the still, white halls of the hospital and Yoongi looked up from the vending machine just as the juices he bought made a clunk at the bottom. His eyes widened and a flash of purple and red flashed in his mind as well as the red of the dress that Eun Song wore.


Leaving the drinks in the machine, he ran voraciously down the hall and made a turn and went straight for the little makeshift area that temporarily belonged to Eun Song. Adrenaline pumped through his veins and he burst through the curtains to smash into the transformed Jongin.


A roar.


And a muffled cry. No. A weird gurgling noise. And not from the creature either. From the idiot, Min Yoongi.


“Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww. What happened to this guy? Cosplay?”  He erupted in laughter as he sat on top of the confused doctor, his eyes flashing from a bright purple to deep brown and his mouth hanging open, blood still dripping from the side. "Heyyyyy. Where is everyone? No one to help clean up the mess?" Yoongi made a frown at the lump underneath him.


Eun Song clutched the edge of the thin mattress next to her and stared at the spectacle in shock. “ARE YOU INSANE?!” She let out a defeated sigh, “Nevermind. I...Uh… think I’ve … had enough of the hospital.” She stared absentmindedly at the open curtain and proceeded to limp towards the exit.

“Yah! What about this guy?! Do we just leave him here? HEY! CHA EUN SONG! WAIT UP!” Yoongi shouted as he picked himself up and brushed his . He looked at the doctor, who's head had been wounded by the sharp edge of the bedside table rendering him now unconcious, and sighed before running after Eun Song.

A/N: Sorry about the long wait and short chapter. I've been busy with school but you've all heard that plenty of times. In truth, I've been sort of out of it when writing. A major writers block. I just didn't feel the inspiration. Hopefully this chapter didn't come out to be a disappointment to many. Hopefully I find time to continue again. 

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Interesting~ I'll definitely be reading this story soon!
dnmzsff #2
authornim, this story is good. please update soon
Yes, well. I will enjoy the story. Very much. /evil laugh