
The Unseen

It was finally time when he would be considered an adult. Even when he was at the young age of fifteen, Yoongi had begun to think of all of the lavish things he could do when he would become of age. And a wish that he hoped would finally come true was the end of those constant nightmares that would haunt him every night. Not one nap went by peacefully and he hoped it would change when he turns twenty.


Now there were only a few days left until his twentieth birthday. Even his parents made it seem like a possible change could happen in his disturbing life by promising to buy him a car as his present, despite their cramped budget. He thought nothing would go wrong. He was finally old enough to shed his adolescent image.


That night, he made sure to keep up his normal routine. Yoongi sat in bed and looked out his bedroom window at the stars and the bright moon that illuminated the evening sky. Holding his hands together he sent a prayer to the lights that lit up the long darkened sky, “Please let these nightmares go away. Please let me sleep a peaceful night tonight. Please grant my share of peaceful nights, especially on my birthday. I believe I should at least deserve a night of rest.” He bowed and then proceeded to recited the names of all of the gods he remembered before tucking himself into bed. There was no harm in doing more. This was something he always thought so he had always done so, for the sake of his mental health. Before he knew it, he had drifted off to sleep.


And that night, those prayers had no effect.


Yoongi was sitting in his highschool classroom, staring out the window at the students playing in the sun as the teacher droned on about famous proverbs. Like any normal day, the class was a mess, which greatly contradicted the prestigious image the school held. Boys were texting their “girlfriends” they scored in the clubs that they went to every night. The girls were playing with their hair, fixing their makeup, or flirting with the other boys. But the teacher paid no attention to this and continued her lecture. She was their fifth teacher that year and she had accepted the job even after hearing all of the bad things about the students.


Yoongi shook his head. The desperate things people go through to ease their simple needs. He thought. Yet no matter how much he tried to stop his problems, they never seemed to cease.


Just as he was about to sink deep in his own thoughts, the teacher became silent, much to his surprise. The class was also suddenly very quiet for a change. Yoongi looked around the class and found no one else in the room. It was completely empty. Even his classmates’ desks were gone and only he was left.


Startled, he stood up from his seat and ran out into the halls. They were unusually dark, even for a rainy day. Wait, wasn’t the sun just out? His eyes narrowed at the little droplets that fell outside the window.  They followed the little round specks down to the courtyard below to the center of the school and found a group of students huddled in a circle.


So they left me? He scoffed. “What jerks these guys are.”


Yoongi stuck his hands in his pockets and slowly walked down the endless halls and the countless stairs that were a part of the school until he reached the courtyard. The teacher seemed to be telling them something, but he couldn’t decode the movements of the teacher to see if the information was important or not. All he could see were their backs.


There was a sudden loud boom like thunder. Everyone in the circle seemed to stop but it didn’t seem right to him. The class shook another time and he realized that the noise had been made by them: his classmates and the teacher.


Sensing his presence, everyone turned around. And the people he had expected to see were not there. Instead, in their places were monsters in human form. They had ruby-colored eyes and a hairy pig’s snout, adorned with silver rings. Small tusks protruded out of their mouths.


The teacher, in clothes that were too tight, made a loud grunt before a swarm of bees darkened the sky. But as he stared closer at the large crowd, he noticed that they weren’t bees. They were flying boars with black wings, but they made the same buzzing sounds bees make as they flew across the blue sky, turning it into a black mess. A dark shadow pulled over the school and everything around them, including the numerous tall buildings and stores that scattered the area.


When he looked back at the class in front of him, they were gone. Instead, he found them standing around him in a circle, trapping him in a suffocating space with his back against the glass door. He felt nearly claustrophobic, something that he had never experienced before.


Yoongi could feel their hot breathes in his face as they continued to grunt angrily at him. Their eyes showed nothing but the desire for blood to fill the void in their stomachs.


“S-someone help me!” He yelled and pushed the door that led to the courtyard behind him.


He fell to the ground from the strong force he put to get out of the grasps of the inhuman creatures. But when he looked up to see a dead end, Yoongi, instead, saw a long cement road and a blinding light.


He heard a few grunts from behind him and he realized the boars were drawing back from the pain of the pure light that shone over the horizon.


That way. He forced himself up and ran in the direction of the shining light. The sound of flapping wings chased after him in the neverending chase to freedom. In the distance, Yoongi also saw something out of the ordinary. The shadow seemed to clash with the light. Or more specifically, the wild boars were fighting against the graceful angels of the light.


His eyes changed to show relief instead of desperation and fear. With a new hope that the angels would save him, Yoongi ran full speed towards the warrior angels. But his classmates had caught up with him.


They sped up and landed a few feet in front of him. They stood in a line, blocking the whole road so that he wouldn’t be able to escape. Barren land covered the whole area, but he had seen what that had done to the boars who had fallen. The land swallowed them whole, which was something he hoped to avoid. So he had no other place to go. The light was coming nearer as the angels were winning the battle, but it didn’t seem to be fast enough for him to get out of this mess.


The teacher, or the head boar, lunged at him. She swooped in and used her wings to capture him into the darkness but he managed to dodge it in time to escape her wrath. She let a loud roar, ordering the others to charge before he was suddenly knocked out, with only the sight of the brilliant light and angels until only darkness could be seen.


“OH MY GOD!” Yoongi yelled as he fell to the floor of his room. “Ow…” He groggily rubbed his head from the pain he received after crashing it against his nightstand. He could already feel a small lump forming. But it didn’t seem to matter anymore. Any of this. He was tired, and he wanted to run from it all.   


Yoongi couldn’t even feel his body anymore, nor the blood rushing through his body; everything was numb. He smashed his fist onto the hardwood floors of his bedroom, creating red blotches on his knuckles. His eyes were stinging with hot tears.


Why does it have to be me? What have I done to deserve such freakish nightmares? Why, why, why?


How come I feel the pain when I wake up, but don’t see the wounds? Why is it me that get all of these things chasing after every single night?


His heavy, red eyes looked down at his throbbing arm. Since when did … Yoongi got hit somehow by those creatures. A slight pink shape in the form of their foot was present on his arm, but it could also have only been his eyes failing him.


He slowly lifted his other hand to touch the shimmering bump.




A wave of pain shot over him before he found himself falling down into a long dark hole. They never do stop do they? He asked himself as he braced himself for the impact he would feel once he reaches the ground.


A/N: Sorry for the y ending of this chapter >.< I couldn't exactly decide on what to do haha. But I promise that the next chapter will be better :) It is when everything starts so please be patient with me x)
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Interesting~ I'll definitely be reading this story soon!
dnmzsff #2
authornim, this story is good. please update soon
Yes, well. I will enjoy the story. Very much. /evil laugh