
The Unseen


Walking up to the barricade of flashing lights, he noticed that his neighbor, Jung Hoseok, was being questioned by the police, a light blue blanket draped over his shoulders. Hoseok was only a low ranked policeman by the countryside when he had been promoted to Gwangju last November. Even within this short amount of time, he had earned himself quite the respect of many of the tenants of the building. As a policeman himself, he was kind, honest, and able to calm anyone down in a matter of seconds. He was the counselor of the building. And he lived right next door to Yoongi. The perfect person to ask about the event would be him.


Yoongi walked straight to Hoseok in long strides before getting pulled back by a cop, and a big one at that.


“What are you doing, mister? Shouldn’t you be at home?” Annoyance was imprinted in his tone as he questioned Yoongi.


“I live here.” Yoongi replied quickly.


“Uh huh. And I slept in the bushes last night.” The cop rolled his eyes. There was a crowd of reporters and any of them would do anything to get in on the details of the scene. It wasn't a surprise that they would hire a young lad to get in on the scene. “Why are you even here?” He whipped out a little notepad and a pen, as if to take notes. But he just left his arms hanging to the sides, waiting for an answer.


“I’m here to see how much damage was done to the building. And to hopefully get some decent clothes to go to work in, since I live here.” Yoongi answered. He wanted to go ask Hoseok. That was all that was on his mind. But he couldn’t get to it because of a cop who seemed to only eat donuts his whole life.


“Name?” The cop finally decided write on the blank sheet on his notepad.


“Min Yoongi. Age twenty, as of today. I work at EMation Inc. I don’t have my ID now because everything is in my officetel.” Yoongi was definitely annoyed by this cop. He wanted to take a pan and crack that policeman’s head, if it wasn’t going to cause him any trouble, which of course, it would.


The cop let out a sigh after scribbling down some of the information Yoongi had spouted out quickly before. “Come to the police headquarters with me. You need to answer some questions and we need to verify…” He paused and looked Yoongi up and down with a look of utter disgust and annoyance, “you.” Grabbing Yoongi’s arm, the police man dragged the poor boy into the backseat of the police car, went to his seat, and drove away.


It was definitely going to be a long day because when he looked out the window in a criminal's seat, more insane, unbelievable creatures appeared. And they were everywhere.



The time he wasted at the police station wasn’t worth it. He had found out nothing to help him wrap his head around what had happened and what he saw.



All of the testimonies had been about earthquakes, with everyone saying how it definitely was a big one and shook their whole place to ruins. There was nothing about a large, green, muscleman charging down the apartment building.



Even scientists had said that they calculated it as a whopping 6.0 magnitude. It was a rare one, they said. An earthquake they weren’t able to feel and predict beforehand.



Yoongi tossed his keys slightly in the air and caught them, repeating the cycle constantly as he continued to walk through the empty lobby. His papers and such were cluttered in the dark brown briefcase which was slung over his shoulders. He shook his head in disbelief. Of course they weren’t able to predict that in advance! It was a ing troll on a rampage! In Korea!



A small red winged human flew towards his face, holding out her hands as if to caress his puffed up cheeks. Yoongi, annoyed and frustrated by the sight, swatted at the insect and continued walking.



And what the hell are these?! He questioned, infuriated. Little green men, fairies flying around, and wind spirits tugging on civilians. Heck! There was even a red blood hound on the ceiling just now!


He glanced at the white ceiling of the large company building and found the hound trotting around as if something had happened worth celebrating.


Everything confused him. And he didn’t know who to console in. Everyone would find him insane. They wouldn’t suggest anything useful other than the mental asylum, which was not what he was going for. Oh, he knew. He knew he sounded crazy. Even kind ‘ole Hoseok couldn’t scrape off the concerned look on his face.



           “Oh Yoongi-sshi. It’s okay. It shocked everyone,” Hoseok patted Yoongi hunched back lightly, as if calming a small toddler on a tantrum.

           “But… I saw…” Yoongi stumbled on his words, unable to believe anything anymore. He couldn’t even believe his own eyes, his own ears.

           “Maybe you should go to the hospital? Let them check to see if you were hurt anywhere during that earthquake?” Hoseok’s face shone with a soft smile. It shone with pity.

           “I… Never mind. You’re right. My eyes were just playing tricks on me.” Yoongi lowered his head and swatted a fairy from his knee.

           “What was that?” Hoseok asked as he straightened up.

           “Oh nothing, just a fai- fly. A fly.” Yoongi turned around and left, with a head that was emptied with all thoughts except one: Am I going insane?



He shook the horrifying image away from his head and continued towards the automatic raised steps to his work floor.



He decided to whistle as loud as he could and as heartily as he could, drawing his mind away from all of the nonsense. He received a few glares throughout his journey to his work area and was even called out by a well-dressed man, who complained that it was a disturbance in the tranquil company. He didn’t understand why whistling got to peoples’ nerves. Yoongi was always one to appreciate it. And so were his co-workers when he arrived on his work floor.



Everyone heard him coming. Everyone greeted him with a large smile. Everyone knew it was his big day, when he would finally be hired full-time.



His whistling only made the atmosphere grow brighter. But it wasn’t enough for what he saw. Large hummingbirds were aimlessly flying around crashing into the ceiling fans and lights, on the little cords above. For what? He wouldn't know. But as he continued to inspect the room he found little shriveled blue elves jumped around, biting on the electrical cords. Sparks flew everywhere. The computers were flashing black and white for a moment before going back to  its dull Windows’ screen.



He stared at the commotion. His partner stared right back at him.



“What?” She asked, confused. “Is there something wrong?”



“The… The computers…” He trailed off and continued to stare at the hungry little elves.



“Oh!” She said in realization. “It seems like we have a little trouble with the computers today. They just aren’t working well today. I don’t know why. We just called the technician so he should be here in a bit to fix everything up.”



“Right. Trouble. Computers. Got it.” He nodded as if he understood. But, really, the small creatures confused him even more. “I think I’m going to need some breakfast.” He mumbled before going off to the floor’s lounge.



He should have been almost used to all of the crazy things he had seen today. But he didn’t expect this.



So that's what happened to all of the food. That was the first thing that came to mind when he found that there were baboons raging the fridge, their orange butts swaying to and fro with the soft instrumental playing over the speakers. All of them were grouped at the fridge. Except the three baboons that were sitting at the white circular table, spouting gossip about the elves and their nasty appetites. He believed them to be female from their shrill voices, but he could never be sure.



Walking over to the fridge and scooting the other baboons out of the way, he heard the gossipers’ conversation.



“Did you hear, ma girls?” The one with dark brown hair asked the others with a look of excitement in her eyes. Her lips stretched to show a mischievious smile.



“What?” The short baboon asked in a cheerleader’s voice and tone. She moved her whole body in, towards the center of the round table as did the bright orange one next to her.



“The One is looking for her baby!” A ton of emphasis was put on the word baby as if it was something absolutely out of the ordinary. And maybe it was. Yoongi didn't know much about their world. It was a world he didn't want to be a part of.


But the conversation caught his attention and his ears immediately zoomed into their gossip, “The One, huh? And a baby?” He muttered to himself, a chuckle escaped his lips. “Huh. Interesting.”  


A/N: Another chapter up! :DD Yay! This took me a while though because I couldn't decide on how much the crazy baboons would be talking for xD But yeah... continue to read and patiently wait for updates to see who and what happens to this mysterious "baby" [;
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Interesting~ I'll definitely be reading this story soon!
dnmzsff #2
authornim, this story is good. please update soon
Yes, well. I will enjoy the story. Very much. /evil laugh