
The Unseen

He stared at her. He couldn’t understand this girl. One moment she would be a fierce parrot throwing her harsh words here and there as if nothing could touch her in the world, and in the next second she would turn into that of a lost mouse. Yoongi, with the sudden urge to protect the lady, walked over to her and was about to touch her shoulder when she began losing her cool.


“NO! Don’t touch me. I don’t want to see it. Just…” She inhaled sharply, “don’t touch me.” The woman let out a long exhale. She shivered just as a loose wind spirit passed her. She was in a major shock and didn't know how to cope with it.


“What do you mean?” Yoongi asked. There was nothing he could do in the situation. There seemed to be no room for understanding.   


“Just don’t touch me and we’re good.” She stood up to go. Her lips were pale and there were little beads of sweat on her face. Her hands shook slightly as she grabbed her purse that sat on the dark orange cushioning of the light wooden chair.


“Are you sure you’re okay now? I mean… that coffee was hot.” Yoongi stood in front of her, blocking her way. He didn’t want to see this chance slip through his fingers. It was the chance to try to understand it with someone else. It was a chance to go throw this with another. It was something that would at least calm himself. He knew he was selfish. But in this situation he didn't know what else to do. 


“Yes. I’m sure. I just have to get home and change. Maybe... maybe even put some ointment on it if it’s bad.” She stepped to the side to avoid his body and his utterly ridiculous world. “Bye. Hopefully we won’t have see each other again.” She raised her hand and gave a slight wave before continuing towards the door.


The memory shattered as his eyes focused back on the man’s disheveled appearance that stared back at him from in the mirror. The man’s eyes were a bright red, as if his veins had exploded in his eyes. The purple eyelids that belonged to the man seemed to weigh heavy and kept closing shut. His toothpaste was dripping out of his gaping mouth in large, white globs. Yoongi’s toothbrush only moved back and forth slowly in small stokes in the same place. His stubble was extremely noticeable after a few days of neglecting the task of shaving his face. The shock and the stress must have been hard on him for there was a small white hair sticking up on the front of his head.


The sight of himself disappointed him. Yoongi thought he was going to handle things better after a while but he was only going downhill. The bathroom was littered with dirty clothes that the miniature orange crows were nibbling at. He shooed them away with his hands after Yoongi finished brushing his teeth. Then he changed into his normal work clothes, a button up shirt with a pair of dark skinny jeans and his favorite Nike shoes.  He walked out into the living room, which had become a zoo filled with crazy creatures that never listened in a matter of days.  His house seemed to attract more and more each day. And his patience grew shorter and shorter with each passing day.


He looked over to his analog clock on the wall and saw it flashing 7:47 AM. Yoongi sighed and grabbed an orange from the fruit bowl.


Walking out, Yoongi slipped on the banana peel placed by the fairies and bumped his head on the wall. White blotches flashed before his eyes. The room seemed to swirl in odd directions. It resulted in a pounding headache for him but it must have been the most fun they had because the little creatures fell off the window sill one by one from the fit they had  laughing. The tired feeling was immediately shaken off and was replaced by pure anger and frustration.


“Stupid fairies! Why don’t you all go yourselves?” He pulled himself up and walked out the door where he tripped over a brick left in the hallway. “What the hell?” He spun around and saw it running away on little red legs with its little red arms waving in the air.


Yoongi shook his head as he swatted at his clothes angrily to get the dust off and continued his distasteful journey to the company.


A hound stared at him from the top of the escalators before it slipped its long snake-like tongue under Yoongi’s feet. From the surprise, he began running up the steps, or what was now the dog’s tongue, to the top. A surprised yelp had escaped his lips, echoing in the quiet lobby. When he was within arm’s length with the dog, it disappeared.


“That dog didn’t give me a chance to give it a lesson,” Yoongi muttered to himself. He straightened up and walked towards his work area, ignoring the odd stares from the others going up.


As Yoongi was walking, he saw the silhouette of a familiar girl. He was about to wave for her when the memory of last night flashed in his head. Her face filled with fright and fear as well as utter disgust and disbelief. “Don’t touch me.”Hope we don’t see each other again.” Her words echoed in his head.


Yoongi drew his hand back and awkwardly rubbed his neck. As he advanced towards his work area, Yoongi tried to empty his brain of all other thoughts. But the clicking of those unbearable heels were bugging him and would not allow him any rest as they continued to come closer.


Just as he was about to go insane and turn around to scold whoever it was, a hand grabbed his ear and tugged it. He yelled out in pain but the person wasn’t loosening their grip.


“WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT THE ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?!” He yelled out and started swatting at their hand but to no avail. Their hand was small so Yoongi assumed that it must have been a girl. But that didn’t make him any less angry. “SECURITY! THIS CRAZY IS DRAGGING ME BY MY EAR. ING HARRASMENT!”


The lady laughed. “Like they would listen to you. You’re the crazy one who tried to harass me the other day and I haven’t had you do anything about that did I?”


Like she said, it seemed like they just ignored him. When Yoongi saw the security guards, all he saw on their faces were annoyance and disbelief. They only just continued to watch as the two walked by. I should really try to teach them a lesson before going back to work.


Then he processed what she just said. "T-The other day...?" His voice trailed as the realization hit him. 


The lady continued to drag Yoongi towards the company cafeteria area. When they arrived, Yoongi turned around and faced the woman. She stared at him, her eyes narrowed and her arms crossed just like the day at the café. Her head tilted to the side, waiting for his response.


“I can’t believe you work here. But then again, I should have known when you were in the parking lot that day,” she shook her head and plopped herself down on one of the metal chairs surrounding them. She stared at him, “Are you going to stand there all day or are you going to sit down so we can at least try to work this out?” 


A/N: Sorry for not updating so much lately. There was school and such... and I kind of got stuck on this one... oops. Haha But yes, her name will be revealed soon. In the next chapter... hopefully. [;

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Interesting~ I'll definitely be reading this story soon!
dnmzsff #2
authornim, this story is good. please update soon
Yes, well. I will enjoy the story. Very much. /evil laugh