
The Unseen

A/N: There is like a ual reference in here. Just saying before hand. Also, this is also a bit shorter than the other chapters but hey, I updated! \o/ Yay! 


I also thought that focusing on Yoongi too much might get boring. Let's see how the innocent Eun Song feels for a change. :D  I'm not sure if this is considered changing POVs though... so I didn't really include "Eun Song's POV" It's still pretty third person and stuff. Just focusing on her for a bit. How do you guys like this change? 



Suddenly, her senses sharpened and she began to feel her surroundings. Eun Song felt something soft under her and felt her body spread out on it. A thin layer was covering her body, its soft wool felt nice against her bare arms. Eun Song started to move her body a bit, wiggling her fingers and toes and noticed that those excruciatingly painful heels she chose to wear today had been taken off. She could already feel the small blister forming on the backs of her feet.


The place had a thick bleach smell that reminded her of her many visits to the doctor’s office. The area seemed to bustle with cries of pain and loss. Her eyelids sensed the white light that lit the room. Eun Song also noticed that the window must have been opened, allowing a slight breeze to blow in, making her shiver a little.


Gradually, she opened her eyes. At first, her eyes refused to adjust. Eun Song only saw a fuzzy white blur. But it slowly became clear after a few seconds of constant blinking. The first thing she saw was the clear bag of dripping medicine that they always diligently remembered to inject into the patient. It was the thing she always hated about these places, those numerous tubes and pipes that didn’t seem to serve any purpose in her opinion except to impress and scare their patients. Then her eyes wandered to the white polka dotted curtains on all three sides before her, sides and front,  that had been drawn to keep out others.


Her senses had been right but she didn’t want to believe it. She couldn’t even understand how she got admitted. The last thing she remembered was the dark gray creature heading towards their direction a little while ago.  After that, all she could remember was cold darkness. Did I… faint back there?


Her eyes surveyed the neat, little, white room she was put in and found Yoongi on the visitor chair, snoring away. His mouth was hanging open, which seemed to be letting out some drool. Yoongi’s right leg was propped up at the end of the rickety, metal bed, revealing bright orange socks dotted with aliens, and his left had fallen off, heel on the ground with his toes pointing up. He had his phone clutched to his chest as if it were his precious child. He looked absolutely ridiculous. And she had the urge to preserve his idiotic image.


Eun Song pulled herself up which wasn’t a good idea on her part. A throbbing headache washed over her. She immediately laid herself down from the pain and left out a sigh.


“What… happened?” Eun Song muttered to herself. Her hand was still clutching her head in hopes that it might ease the headache a bit. Once those words escaped her lips, Yoongi stirred in his sleep, the drool slipping out of his mouth and onto his chin. He uttered a few incomprehensible words before his right leg fell off the bed.


“YOU !” He screamed as he jumped up from the chair. Yoongi was now standing and had his hands put in front of him, as if trying to tame a bull. His eyes were frantic and crazed. “Yo-you’re … awake,” his voice was uneven and his breath seemed to run short.


Eun Song didn’t even know how to react so she said the first words that came to mind, “What. The. ing. Hell. You have officially gone crazy, haven’t you?” She continued to stare at him with piercing, judging eyes.


It was only then did he realize what he had done. His eyes widened and he drew his arms back to his sides, standing up straight. Yoongi couldn’t hide his embarrassment. His face was on fire and his hands kept fidgeting by his sides. At least the doctors didn’t seem to notice the noise from the small makeshift room.


Eun Song couldn’t help but roll her eyes, “Let me guess. You had a dream about your ex-girlfriend and how she dumped you during your time right?”


His eyes widened and his face turned a darker shade of red. “Why the hell would you think I would have such a dream?!”


“You look suspicious after blushing even harder than before and,” Eun Song raised her finger to point at Yoongi, “You’re -like face tells me so.” A small chuckle escaped her lips. Oh how nice it was to smile again. Recently, she didn’t seem to have the time to have fun and make jokes. Eun Song was mostly stressed out about the fact that there were much more to things than meets the human eye. The thought scared her. The world wasn’t the same anymore. Her mind wasn’t the same anymore. She could feel the striking difference.


Eun Song had wished she didn’t begin seeing those creatures. Every since that night, it wasn’t only through Yoongi’s touch did she see and sense them. Sometimes when she looked at herself in the mirror, she found some odd creature with purple hair and an immense amount of face paint staring back. Eun Song decided that it was probably some sort of troll and her home seemed to be infested with them.


Ignorance is bliss. Oh, how the overused statement rang in her mind. It pulled for her and yearned to go back to the innocent days. Heck, she didn’t even know if what she saw was real or not. Eun Song just knew that it was her new reality and that it wasn’t going away anytime soon.


How accurate she was at that. 

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Interesting~ I'll definitely be reading this story soon!
dnmzsff #2
authornim, this story is good. please update soon
Yes, well. I will enjoy the story. Very much. /evil laugh