Road Block: Four

Making it Work: Yongguk

This woman was driving you up the walls it has been 3 days since the boys left and the media was having a field day. Not only have they said horrible things about you but horrific things about your boyfriend. Saying he isn’t capable enough to handle a woman like, handle?! Why in the world would he have to handle me?! NOBODY HANDLES ME! You fume at the news. You had made the resolution to turn off all electronics devices except your mobile, having all the text books you needed you had no use for your laptop and the television was only a leisure item.

 They are all slandering you; some unflattering images have shown up and since the majority of people are against you, you can’t even leave the house without getting mobbed. This was the worst. Being famous definitely is not a desirable thing especially if you are famous for unpleasant reasons. There were many people who tried defending you but many were just fans and didn’t have much credibility. One of the worst rumours that were circulating was a rumour that you were cheating on Yongguk with Zelo. At first it was so obsurd that you actually let out a loud laugh. You never saw Junhong as a man but you guess others see the both of you as a man and a woman, instead of a noona and dongsaeng. There were quite a few images of you and Junhong being intimate (embraces, ruffling of hair, sharing food, feeding each other etc.) and it was easily misunderstood, it was tedious but you don’t regret having such a good relationship with a friend. Everything will be smoothed out when the boys get back, but to be perfectly honest there were so many rumours that you knew the both of you would be attacked if you went on a show. Staying quite for now wasn’t very helpful either because they took that as an affirmation. Every couple days Shin Chae would send a sarcastic text like, “how are you holding up? Hopefully you aren’t out slicing your wrists or something 3:”, or threatening ones like “how does it feel standing in the fire? You will get burnt if you don’t start running. Just some riendly advice.” You have decided to completely ignore her messages because whenever you reply it is just telling her that you are affected.

The days passed; you talked to Yongguk every day either via text or call. Texts were most common though because they had a very tight schedule. He is going to be so pissed off when he gets back.

By day six you were fed up with only two days were left until the boys came home. Screw this whole Situation, your phone felt warm in your palm as you gazed lovingly at your wallpaper. It was an image of Yongguk, headphones on and a music sheet in front of him. You smile, admiring his face, missing his lips and the way they would gradually lift into a grin. Nobody and nothing has ever made your heart sing like Yongguk has. Sure there were many men who were interested in you but you never once felt what you felt now. They were handsome and begrudgingly you think some were better-looking than Yongguk but nobody, not even Hero Jaejoong, could make you stop loving your Gukkie. Sighing you place the phone on the coffee table. These rumours were taking a toll on you, you constantly felt tired because you were past the point of anger. Your heart just sank a little every time there was a new problem or old photos leaked. Your phone vibrated. It was Sean.
hey sis, what with all this gossip?! Wanna go for a coffee? I haven’t seen you in forever! Call me!”

You sigh, even your family now knew about this big situation, I guess it is about time I saw the family. Smiling you dial Sean’s number.
“hey Sean, how have you been? You are a senior now are you not?”
“Sure am, why are classes so hard? Damn I should just quit, move back to America and become an actor. It would be far easier. Well not the whole adjusting back to speaking English thing, it has been a while.” Sean chuckles. Oh how you have missed your baby brother.
“We should meet up somewhere and we can practice your English if you want but don’t you dare drop out of school, if you want you can go study in America but you have to finish your high school education! I didn’t spend my teen years raising you for you to give up so easily and run away. Nah ah, I will make you attend school even if I have to drag you by the ear, you hear me boy?”
Laughing Sean replies, “I understand unnie just don’t do that I will finish school THEN go to America, just don’t drag me by my ears, they are sensitive. Let’s meet up this week!”
“Ok, ok. It will have to be late in the week because I have to sort out something and resolve some problems that have arisen then we can go hang out. Do you want to do for lunch and then some fun at the arcade? Or would that be too embarrassing to go with your older sister?”
“No way, I would love to go. I refuse to go easy on you just because you are old be prepared!”
“ok, ok, ine you little punk, you have no respect for your elders so you are going to get your beat! I’ll see you then!”

Hanging up the phone to flop onto the couch and cover your face with your forearm. Damn this is going to require a lot of time, effort and skill if we are going to clear up this situation. Groaning you roll over, you so did not want to deal with these vindictive people. But you will have to for Yongguk’s sake.

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miomio7 #1
Chapter 5: haha I don't why but in the "Smoothing Out The Wrinkles chapter when the were on the show, the image that came to my head was the hunger games but the host was MC Boom hahah xD (The current host/ MC of Let's Go Dream Team) lol awesome story =) still reading!
Mochilla #2
This sounds sweet and interesting. I can't wait to read what's to come!
Take your time, but don't forget to update! xD