The rosebud of love

Making it Work: Yongguk

*Present Day*

You wake up, the entire apartment was darkened and the red glow of the numbers 2:50 was the only light available. Something was putting pressure on your midsection. You look down to discover that it was an arm. It was Yongguk's, to your right he was sleeping soundly, snuggled up to you in bed. He must have carried you from the couch when fell asleep. A smile spread across your face. He was so adorable when he slept you were internally melting. Kissing his temple you snuggle closer to him and return to the dreams from your past.


Five weeks had passed since you met Yongguk. Every thought in your head had to do with school, family or Yongguk, him being the most dominant part of your thoughts you begrudgingly admit. The wall you had built around your heart was slowly crumbling under his attacks. You have finally admitted to yourself that you liked him. 'What if he is the type of guy who prefers the chase? What if he is only playing with me? Why bother acting upon my feelings when I'm simply going to get hurt in the end? Love is scary and I don't want to turn into a blubbering mess like my mother. So long as I don't cave in, I should be fine.' You sigh heavily and fall back upon your bed, it was a Saturday and you were waiting on Yongguk to show up. The both of you had decided to go out for lunch and to try and spend the whole day only talking to each other in English. Yongguk has a knack for languages and you felt like you should challenge his ability.

It was nearly noon when Yongguk showed up but it was alright, you both went out and ate some Daktoritang and Maeuntang. The discussions did consist of English but every now and again he would forget and switch back but other than that it went smoothly. Watching down the shopping district you both would look at shops and goof around, if a passer-by looked at the situation they would think it were merely two teenagers on a date expressing their love. Having fun with each other, there was never a dull or awkward moment. Coming up to an intersection you notice an elderly lady had dropped her bags and was having a hard time bending down to pick it up. You apologetically cut Yongguk off half way through his sentence and jog over to the lady and lift her bags off the sidewalk. "Here you go ma'am." You hand over the stuff you just retrieved.
"Why, thank you, young lady." She smiled sweetly at you as Yongguk came jogging over, he was hot on your tail. "Do you need any more assistance? Would you like me to carry that home for you or hail a taxi?" You ask worried that she may get into another pickle. "Oh no, I couldn’t possibly trouble you youngsters while you are enjoying the romances of your youth. You can continue your date I don't live too far from here." She tried convincing you while waving her hand. You tried to protest but she cut you off. "No, no I wouldn't dream of getting in the way of you two love bird." She turned to Yongguk. "Hold onto this one she is a keeper."

"Don't I know it." Replied Yongguk as he flashed her that gorgeous smile that made my knees weak.
Leaving the old lady we made our home. "I can't believe you said that, you gave her the wrong idea."
"I don't know what got you so worked up, I was just agreeing with her. You stopped what you were doing to help an elderly lady, do you know how many girls would do that? Not many. So of course you are a keeper. You are kind hearted, protective, intelligent and above all you are strong willed. You are perfect and I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I like you and I want you to give us a try?"

Yongguk is so straight forward, your heart is racing and your palms start to sweat at his words. He is praising you are too much. No one but Uncle Ian and Sean ever compliment you like that anymore and it feels fantastic. But those words from those beautiful lips make your stomach feel as though butterflies were flying around in it. Your mind is telling you to ignore him, brush him off but those words have broken down the remaining bits of that wall that he so diligently demolished that was guarding your heart. But even though your heart was yearning for him your mind was kind of terrified, feeling as though it was an animal stuck in a cage.

Getting closer Yongguk places a tentative hand on your waist and another gripped your chin. He his lips. "Stop running, I'll protect you." Closing the gap between you, his lips were millimetres away from yours. You could feel his warm breath on your face.

A loud noise startled both of you, instantly making distance between the two of you. The source of the disturbance was your mobile phone. You stick your hand into your pocket and the caller ID came up as "Bastard." You nearly gag. The balls he must have to call you again. Answering the phone you bite out, "what do you want, Jae?"

"What not even a hi, how are you?"

"I think you lost that privilege."

"You still don't blame me do you?"

"Of course I bloody blame you, it's your fault she is like that?"

"I know but I can't be responsible for the way she reacted! I'm trying to make amends for what I did to you kids but you aren't letting me."

"Well that is just tough luck I recon. So is there any particular reason why you called me again to ruin my day? Wasn't our last phone call clear enough that I DON'T want to deal with you?"

"I miss you guys, I haven't seen you kids in over 8 months. Just because things didn't work out with your mother and I doesn't mean we have to be on bad term."

"Oh wow, I don't seem to have any s to give you right now so you'd better check in later but the odds are good. News flash you aren't even our real parent, it would do Sean and I a whole lot of good if you would disappear from our lives."

"Fine, fine. But just remember I didn't throw you kids away, your mother did."

Jae hung up. Good thing too because a lump formed in your throat and your eyes prickled. He was right and she was simply taking her frustration out on him instead of her mother. Thoughts swam around in your head, you weren’t even enough to keep your mother sane. She didn’t need you, she despised you and every time she looked at you it would remind her that Jae was gone and she would have a mental breakdown again. Nothing could salvage your relationship with her unless she got her act together and even then you doubt you could ever forgive her. You could NOT cry in front of Yongguk, after all the things he just said to you, crying on his shoulder would ruin his image of you. You loved Yongguk and you didn't want him leave just when you though you could be together. Turning to face him he enveloped you in a massive hug. Kissing your head he whispered reassurances to you. He rubbed your back as you sobbed, loud and hard, against his chest. This was pathetic. You think, this was the first time you had cried like this. You didn't cry when everything happened or when your mother threw abuse at you, you never shed a tear. But now, here in the warm embrace of Yongguk's arms you let it all out. You cried til your heart was content.

It was dusk when you finally had calmed down a bit, most of Yongguk's shirt was wet and at one point even he had shed a tear amidst all of yours. The both of you walked into your apartment, hand in hand with Yongguk. Still sniffling, you entered the kitchen where Uncle Ian stood. He had gotten off work early today because his boss had caught the flu. He took in the sight of you, puffy eyed and sniffily, with Yongguk, a new person in their lives who had been hanging around lately. He got the wrong idea and stomped towards Yongguk. Grabbing his shirt collar Uncle Ian hissed in his face. "What did you do to my precious niece, you piece of !"

"Woah, woah, woah. Uncle Ian it wasn't him it was Jae." You explained getting in between the two boys.
Uncle Ian froze. "Jae?!" You nod.

"How did he find you? Where was this? When? What did he do?"

He rushed over to you, Yongguk forgotten. "Are you hurt?"

You shake your head, and the concern and worry that was so blatant in his eyes made your tears fall again as you shook your head. Uncle Ian hugged you as you cried this time. "Shhh, it's ok. I won't let him near you honey. Don't you worry." You pull out of his arms.

"Ok why don't you go for a shower and relax, aye?" You nod as you dry your eyes.

Uncle Ian apologized to Yongguk and they sorted it out while you were in the shower. Uncle Ian was a naturally level head man but since you don't cry often it was like a punch to the guts when he saw your tear stained face. Putting on an oversized shirt and some shorts you make your way to your room. Opening the door you see Yongguk stretched out on your bed. One arm behind his head the other resting on his stomach, there was fresh tea sitting on your desk. His breath was steady which meant that he was probably asleep. You smile and admire him. He was always in the shadows, supporting you.  How in the world did you capture his attention? Sitting on the end of the bed you contemplate things. During school in the past weeks he would always hunt you down and now you were so used to it that when he was sick and skipped school you felt his absence heavily and missed him. You anticipated his arrival to your classroom. Sitting outside at lunch he would always make you laugh, playing with his food making silly raps up about meaningless things like the skin on a sausage or a squid that had gotten stuck between two rocks in the ocean. Even those lunch times you had to spend in the library, he would sit next to you with his headphones in watching over you.

You sighed; not being able to give into your feels was hurting Yongguk even more. Why couldn’t he have fallen for someone who wasn’t as damaged as you were? You climbed onto the bed next to him, moving the arm that he had on his stomach you wrapped it around yourself. Placing your head on his chest you hear his heartbeat and stable breathing. It instantly cleared your head and made your heart sing, you knew what you were going to do. You will let yourself love him. You were still kind of scared but you gain nothing without sacrifice. Propping yourself on your elbow you kissed Yongguk on the lips soft and slow, taking in the sensation. This is your first kiss. It was such an odd sensation. It was warm and soft and nothing has ever felt like this before. You sit back as Yongguk walks up. You blush profusely.
“Did you just?” He walked surprised. Nodding shyly you don’t take your eyes off his shirt. Yongguk moves your head to look into your eyes. His thumb caressed your cheek just as he had done before Jae called. “Does that mean I’m yours?” Your heart burst at his pleading eyes and cautious demeanour, as if he was trying to convince a timid fox to trust him. You were an idiot to make him wait so long and the fact that he asked if he was yours instead of you being his made you realise; he knew you. He knew your feelings and how you reacted to certain things. You kissed him hard. Wrapping your arms around his neck you were holding on for dear life. If you broke this kiss it felt as though you would cry again. Feeling so full of love for him he kissed you back and it just added a new dimension to the kissing, it made it so much more pleasurable. He slowly lowered you to the bed, pressing most of his body against yours. His left hand entangled in your hair and his right arm supporting some of his weight so that he wouldn’t crush you. He smelt like sweat mingling with a musky sent that you would find in an old bookstore. He was intoxicating. Your hands clutched to his back as he made your body tingle with a simple kiss. He broke the kiss and played his head on your chest. “When I lay this close to you, when I smell your scent, when I hear your voice, I know everything that matters is right in front of me.”
You lift his head so that you look into his eyes. “I’m going to make mistakes, I’m not perfect and I can’t promise you that I will always love you. But in this moment and probably for a long time I like you and my heart races and I want to blush ALL the time but you make me feel safe and you calm me down. Butterflies appear when you kiss me and I honestly have never felt like this for anyone. Ever. I’m right here and I’m yours, so please don’t make me believe that trusting you was a mistake.” Yongguk climb up and kisses your forehead. “My Mia, don’t worry I’ll cherish you.”
Resuming he position he slowly fell asleep, your fingers entwined in his.

Uncle Ian came in to call you both for dinner, stopping halfway to see what predicament you were in. He was about to about to transform into a protective rage until he saw the content face you made as you slept interlocked with Yongguk. You had been having fitful sleeps lately because of your inner turmoil but now, seeing your happy face, Uncle Ian’s own feeling could finally be at rest knowing that you would be fine as long as Yongguk treated you like he was. Closing the door Uncle Ian left the two of you peacefully on the bed.

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miomio7 #1
Chapter 5: haha I don't why but in the "Smoothing Out The Wrinkles chapter when the were on the show, the image that came to my head was the hunger games but the host was MC Boom hahah xD (The current host/ MC of Let's Go Dream Team) lol awesome story =) still reading!
Mochilla #2
This sounds sweet and interesting. I can't wait to read what's to come!
Take your time, but don't forget to update! xD