Coming home

Making it Work: Yongguk

*Present day*
As your plane lands and all the passengers get to their feet, the nervous excitement that was escalating throughout the entire trip was threatening to overwhelm you. It's finally time. Time to demolish this long distance relationship and hold your love in your arms, not being afraid of having to let go or ever having time as an ever present worry breathing down your neck. This was the final time you would have to spend such a long time away. The past couple years in Australia were some of the hardest and loneliest years of your life but they were still filled with love. Your boyfriend being the man he is,  was continually loyal and made you feel as if you were cherished every single day. The distance was hard and the work was exhausting most days you barely had time to eat proper and balanced meals. The hardest times of your life are hopefully behind you.

Walking into the airport, hearing the bustling of passengers coming and going around you put a smile on your face. The atmosphere at Incheon International Airport had always made you happy, thinking of the lives everyone lives. Families and couples going on vacations, flying all over the world. Everyone had a destination and a purpose in their lives, it was beautiful. As you were making your way to the baggage claim you heard a squeal sound to your right, startling you out of your daydreaming and admiration of the world around you. A  man was embracing his girlfriend as she clung to him, her hair he kissed her forehead. Placing his luggage aside he wrapped his arms around the girl. 

A smile tugged at your lips as you witnessed the scene reminiscing about your love's arms holding you tightly as you left for Australia after your last visit, it's been six months since then and you would probably react like that the moment your eyes landed on your man. With a sigh you waited patiently for your bags. Having such a tight schedule your lover wouldn't have been able to come pick you up from the airport even if you did tell him. Plus showing up at his work place would be a cute surprise for him. Glancing at your watch you giggled just imagining the look on his face when he sees you at the studio. 

Strong hands landed on your hips and slid around your waist. Ew. "Woah, hands off bucko, I'm taken." 
You say in English as you elbow your way out of this guy's arms and turn to face him pushing him, creating more distance between you two. What kind of a guy makes a move in such a heavily populated area and in broad day light to boot. You look angrily up at his face, but your anger disappears instantly. The shocked expression on your face rewards you with your boyfriend's dazzling gummie smile. "As aggressive as ever," Yongguk says as he wraps you in a tight hug, "god, I've missed you." 
You cling to him much like the couple you witnessed earlier, breathing in his scent deeply you feel tears prickling your eyes. Gosh I'm such a girl you think as Yongguk kisses the top of your head. You pull away a bit to look at his face but not releasing him from your arms. Switching back to Korean you ask, "why in the world are you here?" A large smile is plastered on your face but nothing could possibly wipe it off.
"I came to pick up my baby." He explains as he dips down and kisses you. Damn you have missed those lips. Whimpering a little as he pulls back, you both collect your luggage and head to the company van. 

Junhong jumps out of the van, running towards you he pulls you into a warm hug. You wrap your arms around him as Yongguk puts your luggage into the van.  He has always felt like a younger brother to you and seeing him all grown up gives you  a weird sort of parental pride. Every time you saw him on your visits or over Skype (when the boys didn't give you and Yongguk some privacy) he always seemed to mature more and more but never losing his boyish charm. Junhong has been like a loyal puppy for a long time, he is always keen to learn and clings to you like you are a second mother. He felt rather thin which worried you but it was great to see some colour on his cheeks. "Hey, Mia, when are we going to go out skating?! I have learned some new moves and I'm dying to show you!"
"Hey,  Mia just got back why don't we bring her back to the dorm and let her rest for a bit?"
Pouting Junhong gets into the van first. Yongguk wraps his arm around your shoulder, "it's great to see you --, I've missed you." Kissing your temple you both make your way over to the van. 
"We are getting Kimchi on the way home!" Junhong announces as the van pulls out of the airport.

The car ride to the dorm was filled with an explanation of your lives while you were away and your hand was grasped firmly in Yongguk's. Junhong talked for most of the trip but you didn't mind, you loved it when he excitedly explained things to you. His happiness would always put a smile on your face. Taking in the landscape as it whizzed by, finally you were home. It was definitely good to be home.

Once we got to the dorm all the B.A.P boys attacked you with hugs and questions. One by one they all gave you hugs and kisses. Holding up the food they quickly dispersed and made a path for you to get to the dinning table. When food was involved boys never joke around.
"What, no cheesecake?!" Exclaimed Daehyun.
"They got you food. Stop complaining will you, at least they thought of feeding us." Youngjae chuckled as he pushed Daehyun aside to get more food.
"Yeah if I were Yongguk I would have forgotten about us and I'd have take Mia to a hotel and.."
"Enough Himchan, there are minors present." Interrupted Yongguk. Junhong and Jongup both looked up with their mouths full and their eyes wide, too concentrated on eating to pay attention. Hearing their names had startled them.
"And that is why she is dating Yongguk and not you, Himchan." Daehyun said around a mouthful of food.
 "Whatever, Mia is missing out and plus they are teenage boys. Just because they aren't experienced doesn't mean they are completely ignorant. Plus it has to be at least six months since you two have gotten intimate." Youngjae nearly choked on his food at Himchan's words, sending him into a coughing fit. As Daehyun helped out with the food crisis Yongguk and you exchange an embarrassed glance. 

It's not that hasn't been brought up in your conversations and it isn't like you have never thought about it. It's just that you and Yongguk haven't had the opportunity or time. You and him only started dating in the last year of high school and neither of you were ready for that step. The years that you were studying abroad you couldn't do anything but the desires were definitely present. Your imagination and Yongguk's husky voice were the only things that could squelch those desires as you had to take of that area yourself. Most of the times when you went to visit you spent most of your time with Yongguk in the dorm, zero opportunity there with 5 roommates and that time was spent holding each other. Being deprived of simple contact with your boyfriend is tough.

Dinner went smoothly with minimal talk about intimacy, most of the conversations were about things that happened while you were gone, they told you about all these hilarious stories of their escapades and you told them all about your life over in Australia. After you help Jongup wash up (which left you nearly drenched because he had "accidentally" flicked you with some water thus beginning a water fight. It involved a lot of laughter but don't be fooled it was a battle to be told of for years to come) you made your way to take a shower. Used to living alone you didn't bother to knock on the door as you entered the bathroom and you were rewarded with the sight of Yongguk's body, dripping with water. His shoulders magnificently sculptured and his tattoo stood out on that beautiful skin. You stood there appreciating his body as he, oblivious to you, continued to dry his hair. Your eyes follow a drop of water down Yongguk's lovely backside, damn I can't believe I haven't taken this man to bed yet. What was I thinking?

Yongguk jumped out of his skin when he noticed you were staring at him. Quickly covering his important bits he awkwardly gave you a smile. "Sorry did you need the shower?" He rubbed the back of his neck. You chuckle and smirk, he is adorable when he gets embarrassed. "Yeah I did but I didn't know you were still in here but I decided to admire what's mine before I left you to it."
"Well I'm almost done."
"Then I shall be making my escape." You turn to leave but before you depart you remembered something. "Actually, I'll let Himchan go next since you guys go by age."
"But you are drenched, I'm pretty sure Himchan would give up his spot in the shower schedule, where did all the water come from anyway?"
"Jongup and the dishes, I'll just change my clothes."
"Mia, it's fine just take a shower."
"LALA I can't hear you, you can't make me." You yell at him as you leave the bathroom.

After changing you plonk on the couch next to Junhong who instantly leans on you. Its dark out side and your watch says 8:58. Patting your lap you get Junhong to rest his head on your legs as you run your fingers through his hair. You missed this. You would do this for him whenever he got homesick or missed his mother. You used to do it to Yongguk back in highschool too and your mother when she was going through things with her health and troubles with work. It soothed you as well as the recipient. Junhong's body finally relaxed as he let out a heavy sigh. "I've missed you, Mia." You smile and kiss his forehead. 
"Me too."

You settled in to watch a movie as Himchan made his way to the bathroom. Jongup made his way over to the two of you. Lifting up Junhong's legs he took a seat and draped them over his own. "So what is on the agenda?" 
"Well I was thinking we could watch a new movie called Battle of the Year?"
You smirk as a broad smile began to spread across Jongup's face. "The one with Chris Brown in it?!" You nod me he gets fidgety, he is excited. You giggle and press play.

"What, no Constantine?" You nearly jump out of your skin as a deep voice sounds behind you. Yongguk chuckles as he wraps his arms around you. "I thought you liked that movie."
"I do, it's just if I put it on I'd get in and never get to go for a bath."
"That makes sense, you kinda can't just stop watching Constantine half way through." Yongguk climbed over the couch and draped him arm around your shoulder as Daehyun made his way over with a box of donuts with one hanging out of his mouth. "What, no cheesecake?" Asks Youngjae as he sits  infront of Daehyun as the couch was a bit full. Leaning against his and Yongguk's leg he stole a donut from Daehyun. "Obviously we don't have any because SOMEONE forgot to get some."
"Quit your whining or you won't have any donuts either." Yongguk says and snatches a chocolate donut from the box. "You filthy thieves!" Daehyun hunches around the box protectively like a mother protects her child. Hissing, he takes the box to the table and continues devouring them. 

Half way through the movie Himchan finally exited the shower. He has always been one to spend forever in the shower. After disentangling yourself from the cluster of boys, who were engrossed in the movie, you took a shower. 

With the towel wrapped around you, you stare into the steamy mirror. How could you have possibly been this lucky in life. Studying in a field that you adore plus can be used to help others, having a boyfriend who was loyal for so many years, following your dream was really important to you and Yongguk. He was so confident that your love would continue even with the distance. He never failed in comforting you. Your life wasn't the best to begin with but ever since Yongguk stepped into your life it seemed as though you could conquer anything, he had his troubles and you always jumped at the chance to drag him out of the depths of doubt and self destruction. Yongguk had his flaws but so did you. How in the world did I land myself such a perfect man? You thought. You never wore make up unless you were going somewhere important or fancy. You barely wore dresses because Yongguk thought you were drop dead gorgeous in one and thus was too overprotective to take you out where other males could look at you. You smiled and your cheeks took on a deeper red. A loud crash followed by a male shout shocked you out of thought. You raced out of the bathroom in your towel without thinking. Blood dripped down Youngjae's arm, kneeling in the kitchen as Yongguk held a tea towel against his wound trying hard to prevent any more blood loss. Worried, the others just hovered, achieving nothing only getting in the way. Your eyes locked with Yongguk. "Hulk boy smasher the glass in his hand." You sighed. Yongguk was the only calm one, but to the others' defense there was quite a bit of blood. 
"Himchan could you clean up the glass please, Yongguk continue to apply pressure, Junhong and Daehyun help Youngjae take a seat at the table and Jongup could you be a darl and fetch  me a bowl of warm water and some paper towels." You ordered as you took a seat at the head of the table. Youngjae sat down to your left bringing his hand close to you as you examined the extent of his injury. Placing the paper towels and water infront of you Jongup took a seat at the table to your right. Lifting the towel, the wound wasn't serious but it would definitely need stitches. The largest laceration stretched across his palm showing the muscles and tendons in his hand, with two smaller less minor cuts next to it, by the look of it you were sure that a Youngjae was in quite a bit of pain.

The water was no longer clear, it was now a deep crimson colour from the cleaning of the wounds. Junhong had to sit in the lounge away from Youngjae as the wound made him uncomfortable and nauseous. Himchan, Yongguk, Daehyun and Jongup hovered around him like worrying mother hens. "Youngjae is gonna need stitches. Should we be going to the hospital?" Looking at Yongguk for his opinion. You could simply have done it yourself but since you only just finished your studies in medicine and it was ok if Youngjae didn't trust in your skills to close the wound nicely. "You can stitch it can't you?" Yongguk asked. Looking at Youngjae he seemed ok with the idea, he wasn't completely against it. "Only if Youngjae wants me to."
"Yeah of course I trust you...sorta." He laughed nervously.
"Yongguk can you get my first aid kit, and find my surgical suture, it's in a kind of oval shaped package."
A few moments after Yongguk departed to fetch the kit he was back, rummaging through the box, with a confused look on his face. "Just give it here."
Rummaging through the first aid kit, you find the needle and thread, after disinfecting and gloving up you get to disinfecting Youngjae's hand. Yongguk and Himchan watch you, eyes full of interest and curiosity. 
As the needle pierces Youngjae's skin he winces away, Jongup and Daehyun cringe away from the scene. Daehyun left for the lounge, joining Junhong on the couch not being able to stomach it. His best friend in pain wasn't something he could  handle. Yongguk squeezed Youngjae's shoulder showing his support. "So how many times have you done this?" Inquired Yongguk trying to get the patients mind off of the pain with some conversation. "Many times, around thirty if you want to be specific...but that wasn't on humans." The scared look in Youngjae's eyes was priceless. You giggled as Yongguk rolled his eyes. "Calm down, it's not like I'm a novice, I wouldn't have graduated if I didn't know how to do the basics. I am technically a doctor." Youngjae looked far more relieved, you glanced up at Yongguk and his eyes were filled with pride as a smile tugged at his lips. 

After bandaging Youngjae's now clean and stitched hand you finally get up. The towel you were in was now stained red and pink. As soon as you remembered your attire you rushed to the bathroom to quickly change. Once dressed you asked Himchan to contact their Manger, first thing in the morning they will be taking Youngjae to the hospital to be check out by a more experienced doctor. You sat down next to him on the couch and told him not to move it too much to avoid pulling the stitches and asked him to gage the pain. Since it wasn't hurting too bad you didn't decide to give him any pain medication. Looking at the time you go look for Yongguk. Finding him in his room you go and wrap him in a hug, the exhaustion caught up with you rather quickly as you leaned against him. "You were fantastic." Yongguk reassured as he your hair. "What you were doing while you were away was definitely worth the distance. You can help and change lives. All those exhausting days and nights, the late study sessions, they were worth it. I get to hold you in my arms everyday now. You are able to save lives, obviously a small cut on a hand isn't life threatening but I am positive that if that cut had been deeper and located in a more vital position you would be able to deal with with superbly." Cupping your face in his hands he pulled your head up so that your eyes met. "You are able to do wonders, you aren't only my miracle anymore you are everyone's miracle and I am so proud to call you my girl. All I can do is talk about my feelings and make music. But you can save a life." He leans forward and kisses your lips. Gently at first but you deepen the kiss, tasting him more thoroughly. Pulling away you stare in his eyes again, he knows exactly what to say to make you feel better, he can read you so easily and put all your worries at ease. Caressing his cheek with your thumb you look at his face lovingly. "YOU save lives. How many troubled kids out there are saved everyday because you give them something to believe in? Having you as a role model for the younger generations, following your dreams and achieving them, gives them hope. You discuss all the things that they worry about and they feel a kinship with you. My classmate, Dae-mi, was obsessed with B.A.P. She was a massive fan and every time she felt like med school was too much and the tests, classes and life was getting too much she would listen to your songs, look at your faces and she would get fired up with determination. That's what idols do; they allow people who believe in nothing have something to latch onto. Don't ever say you don't save lives like me, you save people from themselves everyday. I heal the body whereas you heal the soul. I love you and I will always strive for the best because you are there right beside me doing the same thing."
Yongguk smiled one of those gummie smiles that you adored and clutched you to his chest with no intention of letting you go.

The clock read 10:47 when you finally decided to head to bed, your body was like lead and your eyelids felt as though you couldn't open them even if you wished. Falling onto the couch you couldn't make it to Yongguk's bed because it only took a few seconds before you were fast asleep. You fell into a dream that wasn't a dream but memories from the past.

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miomio7 #1
Chapter 5: haha I don't why but in the "Smoothing Out The Wrinkles chapter when the were on the show, the image that came to my head was the hunger games but the host was MC Boom hahah xD (The current host/ MC of Let's Go Dream Team) lol awesome story =) still reading!
Mochilla #2
This sounds sweet and interesting. I can't wait to read what's to come!
Take your time, but don't forget to update! xD