Smoothing out the wrinkles

Making it Work: Yongguk


After spending 2 hours on hair and makeup, which you found ridiculous due to the fact that you hated wearing makeup, they sent you backstage to await the host’s introduction. You weren’t in the best mood but you tried to keep it light and happy. Yongguk stood next to you chatting about everything and anything just to keep your mind off the task ahead. The boys would do this all the time due to excited/nervous energy about performing; Yongguk once said that their constant chatting plus the bustle behind the scenes calmed him, as if it were a lullaby.
“We go on in 30.” A man with a headset wrapped around his cranium informed us. Yongguk fell into silence. You were nervous while clutching Yongguk’s hand. You got on the tips of your toes so that your lips could reach his ear. “Guk, I’m scared.” Turning to you Yongguk studied your expression; eyebrows were drawn together, eyes glistening from unshed tears and your complexion was paler than the usual. He kissed you on your forehead and squeezed your hand. “You took drama lessons in high school. I know you can do this. All you have to do is act like you aren’t nervous, I’m here with you take comfort in the fact that if you stuff up I will be there to save you. But you are charismatic and lovable, Mia, so pretend you are just with me and the guys, ne? They are bound to love you.” Drawing strength from his words and finding comfort in his husky voice you knew that no matter how the world saw you and no matter what happened, you and Yongguk were going to be just fine. Gaining confidence you smiled at your love, which in turn dragged a shy smile from him also.
“Standby.” A disembodied voice called.

“Our guests today are here to clear up a few rumours floating around the media and social network. The BABYZ are in an uproar, they want facts and they are here to give you some. Finally for the first time after Yongguk’s confession video please welcome, Bang Yongguk and Ahn Mia.” The loud roar from the crowd was overwhelming but the mask you had obtained during preparation wasn’t that easily crumbled. Walking on stage hand in hand you both greeted the Host and took your seats. The noise had finally subsided.
“Well I must say, you are not what we had been expecting. Mia, you are stunning. You aren’t from Korea, are you?”
Your cheeks turned a rose colour, “why thank you and no, I am not Korean. I’m originally from America.”
The crowd cheered and there were a few wolf whistles, sent your way. Wow, this is rather embarrassing.
“How long have you been in Korea and why did you decide to move here?” The host leaned forward a little in his chair, you knew most of these questions would be directed at you. Talking a deep breathe you gave into the flow and decided to answer the question as truthfully as you wanted, leaving out large sums of information that not even Yongguk knew.
“I moved here when I was 8. At first I wasn’t that fluent in Korean and couldn’t grasp the language very well and even to this day I don’t understand some Korean jokes.” You chuckle.
“But nowadays I have no problem with switching from Korean and English.” Smiling sweetly, you look at Yongguk returning the smile, reassuring you that you are doing great. Yongguk couldn’t tell you were nervous at all, it was as if you both were just sitting in the dorm’s living room spending time with the boys. That’s my girl, thought Yongguk, I knew you were capable.
“How long have you both been in a romantic sort of relationship?”
Yongguk answered the question this time, “6 and a half years, nearly seven.”
“How did you meet and what was your first impression of Mia?”
Smiling mischievously at you he began to speak. “Well, Mia wasn’t the Mia I know today she was course, cold and would often brush off my advances.” Getting embarrassed you playfully punch him arm telling him to lighten the mood, a large gummie smile was spread across his lips. It was rather infectious. “See what I mean? She’s meanie!” He joked while rubbing his arm. Grabbing your hand he continued. “But I love her. It took a while for her to warm up to me but once I found out what she really was like I could never have gone back to the way life was without her.  She is attentive, kind, loving, a fabulous cook and an amazing soon to be doctor. Just this week Youngjae had sliced his hand open and Mia stitched it up for him” Yongguk explained with pride.
The Host was being affected by the lovely atmosphere the both of you let off and wanted to know more, not just for the fans anymore but for himself. “Mia what was it that made you fall for Yongguk? And why were you so reluctant before to let him in?” No way in hell am I telling anyone about why I was guarded, no one but Yongguk…when the time comes, you thought as you began to answer the question. “Well you see, Yongguk was VERY persistent and acted as if he was approaching a wild animal. As you may know he is very passionate about music and seeing that passion drew me in. He was sort of shy-ish when he was trying to get me to like him but he kept on testing the boundaries of my patience and he look bigger and bigger risks. Knowing full well that I could have run away at any time, but he took a leap of faith. Little did Yongguk know I was charmed by him ever since he knocked me on my rear in the school corridor.” Yongguk burst out laughing, covering his large smile with his fist.
“So he literally swept you off your feet?” the host chuckled. Everyone on the stage had the giggles and that had made the remaining nervousness disappear.
“You could say that but if you are thinking of giving it a try don’t do it so roughly. I had a bruise on my backside for at least 24 hours.”
“Why keep this amazing girl secret from the world, Yongguk? What were you thinking?” Yongguk opened his mouth to defend himself but you squeezed his hand and you answered instead. “Actually that was my fault, I was in Australia studying medicine when he joined TS Entertainment and then debuted. We talked every day on Skype or over the phone and I remember for six months he had asked me to let him tell the media that he had a girlfriend. Every single day without fail he would ask me. But I was just a young girl who didn’t want to be in the limelight, studying medicine was my only desire besides being with Yongguk. I can honestly say that I have never wanted to be famous in my life. I wanted to act at one point but I have never wanted media attention or to be known by many people. I don’t like big crowds, which is silly because Seoul is heavily populated.”
“I remember the time, ‘Secret love’ came out, I was in class when my friend asked me if I had heard Bap’s new song. I was utterly confused when I heard the song because Yongguk had never spoken to me about this song, he told me about all the others. Let me tell you, he had gotten quite the earful when I got home.” Yongguk chuckled.
“I had thought she was going to be flattered but nope. She nearly made my ear drop off. ‘what? you don’t think people would be suspious?’, ‘what have I told you?’, ‘do you ever listen to me?’ etc etc. It was rather lengthy.” You socked him in the arm again. “But I had managed to calm the beast that I had uncaged. It was the first time I had heard her get close to being mad. But that was nothing compared to her real anger. She could make grown men cry if they were the source of her wrath. The first time I saw it I was shocked. It was traumatic. This guy..”
“Oh god, please don’t tell them about that! That was a moment of uncontrolled rage!” You tried but failed to forcefully cover Yongguk’s mouth, he was obviously stronger than you. The both of you playfully scuffled for a bit until he got a hold of both your wrists. In that position Yongguk continue on with the story. “We were at this lovely little restaurant for my birthday and there was a table full of drunk guys to our left. They were being rather loud and I couldn’t hear Mia over their yelling. I politely asked them to quieten down but all I received were vulgar gestures and some name calling. But they did get quitter for about ten minutes. When Mia was describing her rough day I could tell they were getting on her nerves, they were being rude and were ually harassing the wait staff. Mia snapped half way through her sentence and stood, she yelled very aggressively at the guys but all she got in return were vulgar offers and derogatory remarks. So she..”
“SHUSH! STOP PLEASE! DON’T SAY ANYMORE!” Your face was bright red.
“No please finish.” The host urged as you stared daggers at him. I could die right now from embarrassment. 

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miomio7 #1
Chapter 5: haha I don't why but in the "Smoothing Out The Wrinkles chapter when the were on the show, the image that came to my head was the hunger games but the host was MC Boom hahah xD (The current host/ MC of Let's Go Dream Team) lol awesome story =) still reading!
Mochilla #2
This sounds sweet and interesting. I can't wait to read what's to come!
Take your time, but don't forget to update! xD