Bon Voyage!

Making it Work: Yongguk

Big hands shake you awake. whilst rolling over, you so did not want to get up, it’s not even that bright on the other side of her eye lids, why in the world is someone annoying you at this hour? Yeah, nah, I’m just gonna ignore you, I'm so not a morning person.
“WAKE UP! PABO!” Junhong yelled as he jumped on you, shaking you vigorously. Honestly I love this kid but I will kill him if I have to.
“Why?” You groan loudly, squeezing your eyes tighter not wanting to wake up.
“We are leaving today! Say goodbye! We won’t be home for a few weeks! Don’t you want to say bye?” At the last question Junhong sat on the edge of the bed and pouted at you. “Pwease?!”

You eventually dragged yourself out of bed while the little brat that woke you up was being annoyingly joyous. This kid has way too much energy, I love him but I think I am going to murder him and dump his body somewhere. While contemplating the various places you could stash Junhong’s body your legs had carried you into the main living area where all the boys were waiting. You’re wide awake as you remember the way last night ended. You were still angry but you still loved Yongguk and you were NOT going to send them away harshly. One by one you hugged each of the boys, Junhong and Daehyun refused to let go, Daehyun screaming about food and not wanting to eat anything but your dishes but you knew for certain that as soon as he laid eyes on food he would definitely forget all about this outburst and his promise. Junhong wouldn’t let go and was begging Yongguk to allow you to come along. You refused and so did Yongguk. Jongup made you promise to buy the new chapter of the latest manga he was into. Youngjae told you to take care and to cherish the week without them, telling you to go shopping ad visit a spa or the like. Still chuckling from Youngjae’s ridiculous suggestion, spa? Me? Psh. You turn and embrace Himchan, “I’m going to miss waking up to your beautiful face every morning, all I have to look at are these fools. Can’t you join and be my relief from this lot?” Playfully swatting him you tell him he is dreaming and turn to Yongguk.

 He seems bashful not knowing if he should hug you because of your mood last night. You wrap your arms around him and he relaxes into it. “I don’t forgive you for taking her side but I still love you so try not to die over there, ne?” You look directly into his eyes conveying your love and concern for him through your eyes. Yongguk nods and kisses you deeply, ignoring all the boys in the room. Leaning his forehead against yours he sighs. “I wish we could settle this before I leave but I will call you every night, I’ll try my hardest not to die and if there is anything you need, anything at all, do not hesitate to call. I’ll answer even if I'm in the middle of an interview.” He kissed you on the forehead after you nod. He steps out of the circle of your arms and Yongguk leaves with the bogs, they all wave as they exit the dorm. The house was empty. Silence fell on you. Collapsing on the couch you fall asleep again thinking of Yongguk.




I have just realised that this whole story is so damn clique, like honestly Reshay why are you writing such things? But meh, i like it and it is clique for a reason, because everyone loves it!....hopefully.

usually i hate post chapter author notes but whatever i dont care anymore haha

I'm going to do some oneshot stories soon  chuck us some suggestions but only for BAP i am going to do it for every member so dont be hesitant to give me some story line suggestions :) just leave it in the comments, on my wall or message me

enjoy the next chapter where things get fierce when Shin Chae starts getting to work


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miomio7 #1
Chapter 5: haha I don't why but in the "Smoothing Out The Wrinkles chapter when the were on the show, the image that came to my head was the hunger games but the host was MC Boom hahah xD (The current host/ MC of Let's Go Dream Team) lol awesome story =) still reading!
Mochilla #2
This sounds sweet and interesting. I can't wait to read what's to come!
Take your time, but don't forget to update! xD