Road Block: Two

Making it Work: Yongguk


“She was getting so angry her hands were white around the knuckles from clutching them too tightly as she excused herself so she could go to the bathroom and cool off. She made her way back, she seemed calmer but her hands were still in tight fists, she tried not to look at the table of guys otherwise that 10 minutes of calming down would have been for nothing but oh you would have not guessed what happened next.” You yanked your hands from Yongguk’s grasp and hid your bright red face. Just be done with it, you thought as you were massively embarrassed about your unladylike act that was about to be revealed. “One of the guys had the audacity to smack Mia on the behind.” The whole room was fixated on Yongguk’s story telling and they gasped when he said the last word.

“Little did they know that this day wasn’t the most suitable day of the month to be getting on her last nerve, but on top of that she was jetlagged, had her flight delayed, her taxi was late and she hadn’t slept in 27 hours before going to dinner with me. I was planning on a quick in and out meal so that she could rest because she insisted that we did something for my 21st.” Yongguk reached over and placed his hand on your thigh sweetly.
“She was sweet but then these guys were giving her hell, after his hand made contact with my girlfriend I was angry also but she was fuming I stood up to go and save her but before I could reach her, her fist had connected with the guys face with a loud crack and blood dripped on the floor. She had broken his nose.” The audience gasped then soon after erupted in cheers and applauses. The host was speechless.

“We were kicked out of the restaurant after that but I was so proud of her, although she could have gone without breaking his nose. Mia was silent all the way home and I didn’t dare try and speak to her but once we got to the dorm she was really regretful and apologised over and over again and she said she had ruined my birthday. But the thing is I wasn’t even upset. I saw a side of her that I had never seen and that I never want to see again BUT she had turned up for my birthday. Even after all the drama she had to go through just to get here in time, she came for me.” He smiled lovingly at you, squeezing your thigh a bit.

You reluctantly moved your hands away from your face. “Well I couldn’t have missed your birthday, I have always spent it with you ever since we started dating, what kind of girlfriend would I be if I weren’t with you for all the other holiday AND your birthday?”

The whole crowd awed and cheered, making you red again. You were angry though that Yongguk had told them the story. Motioning him over you whisper in his ear with a smile on your face, “I’m going to murder you for that.” Yongguk backs away a bit to see you smiling sweetly which only makes him more concerned about how angry you actually are.

“Well your relationship is just too adorable. But how is your relationship with the other members of Bap? Did the boys have any troubles with MIa?”

You look at Yongguk awaiting his reply.

“No, since I knew her before I knew the boys they kind of just accepted that she was my girlfriend and we came as a package deal. Himchan is a bit possessive of me though and jokingly acts as if he were my partner and Mia were my mistress. Once I told them that I was bailing on movie night to talk to Mia on Skype and he whined and hugged me it was rather humorous but then Daehyun brought out ‘A Bittersweet Life’ and instantly let go. He has his priorities wrong. They all took to her rather quickly and I have to keep an eye on Himchan so that he doesn’t flirt with her too much but other than that I think they all love her. At first Zelo had a hard time opening up to her because he doesn’t know how to talk to noonas but now they are practically joined at the hip.” You slowly nod at Yongguk’s words remembering how shy and awkward Junhong was when they had first met.

“So you are closest with Zelo?” Asked the host, directing his question at you.

“Yeah of course, at first he reminded me of my little brother, he still does but now it feels as though he IS my sibling. But I love all the boys they are like a second family, those boys have always been there for me even though they didn’t have to be. Even though they can get unruly, I couldn’t live without them.” Yongguk held your hand and squeezed your palm; he was touched by your words and was overjoyed that you felt that way because your own family was a broken one. “Yongguk has given me so much and I couldn’t possibly thank him or repay him. I could give him beautiful children and a loving home and a warm embrace but those are things that benefit me as well and it still would not be enough to express my gratitude. I love him with everything that I am and no one will change that.” The audience awed and you blushed.
A huge gummie smile lit up Yongguk’s face, “Children?” He inquired hopefully.
“Not for many years, bucko,” you chuckled, when his face fell.

The rest of the show continued without anything too embarrassing happening. Stories were told about your time away and about the mischievous things the boys would get up to on the Skype calls. All in all you felt like it was a good show. Back stage you were waiting for Yongguk to finish changing when she walked in; the woman who had asked out Yongguk on live television.
“Oh my,” she came rushing over to you, “you must be Mia, Yongguk’s girlfriend, I’m Shin Chae. I do apologise for the little incident.” She bows and smiles at you. You were stunned, she was far too nice to get angry at and it wasn’t her fault that she hadn’t known. You were about to accept her apology when she began to speak again. “I would have never done something like that on live television and humiliate myself if I had known there was a pesky girlfriend to get rid of first. I wanted to gain popularity by dating an up and coming world sensation even if I had to sleep with him and lie, pretend to love him and all. But now I’m a laughing stock in the media and you see now I have to break the both of you up. No, don’t get me wrong, not because I still want Yongguk. No, it’s because you, a nobody, someone who is so far beneath me, has ruined my reputation and now I have to ruin your life. Enjoy it while you can because I will let the media have a field day with juicy gossip and I will destroy you.” She said in a hushed tone with a sickly sweet smile plastered on her face. Well, looks like she did deserve your anger. Just at that time Yongguk appeared. Getting rid of the menacing aura but keeping the smile she turned to Yongguk and instantly seemed shy. “Great show today, I am still very sorry about the incident I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.” She rubbed the back of her neck bashfully. This , you thought. “No it is totally fine, I was the one at fault, I sincerely apologise for causing you any embarrassment.”
“It is completely ok.”
“Shin Chae!” Someone called from the other side of the room.
“Oops, got to go. It was nice meeting you, Mia, and it was good to see you again Guk.” She bounded away. You were ready to hurl. “Two faced, hoe.” You mumbled. Yongguk turned to you stunned. “Mia!”
“What? She is! She just threatened me, ‘my reputation is in tatters so I have to destroy you.’” You mimicked in a high pitched voice with and overly sweet expression. You groaned. “Mia, I’m glad you are jealous but you don’t have to be so spiteful and Shin Chae wouldn’t say that.” Yongguk shook his head thinking that you were just being overly protective. You were speechless, he didn’t believe you. There was no point in arguing without any proof. You were hurt, he believed Shin Chae over you.

The entire car ride home was filled with silence. Yongguk tried to apologise but he never once said the things you wanted to hear, he never said that you were probably right or that he believed you. You were moody and you could be because he didn’t trust you. You enter the dorm still without saying a word to him. Your silence was finally broken when Yongguk said, “you have to talk to me sometime, are you sleeping with me tonight?”
“No.” You simply reply.
“What so you are going to sleep on the couch? Rather than sleep with me?”
“I’ll be sleeping next to Junhong.” She groaned and buried himself under his covers. You knew you were being a bit childish but honestly you were just hurt and you felt bad that you were dragging Junhong into this but you honestly didn’t want to sleep on the couch.

Crawling into bed with Junhong he smelt completely different and felt different. You didn’t mind but you missed Yongguk. Tomorrow you would have cooled down a bit and things would go back to normal but for now you wrapped your arms around Junhong, his head nestled in your chest like a mother would clutch a child. Half asleep Junhong sighed, “Omma.” You smiled, being with him made you feel comfortable because just like a real brother he never thought of you as a woman but as a platonic sibling or mother. You were always safe with him and you knew it. You fell asleep peacefully as Yongguk turned fitfully in his sleep, very conscious of your absence. 

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miomio7 #1
Chapter 5: haha I don't why but in the "Smoothing Out The Wrinkles chapter when the were on the show, the image that came to my head was the hunger games but the host was MC Boom hahah xD (The current host/ MC of Let's Go Dream Team) lol awesome story =) still reading!
Mochilla #2
This sounds sweet and interesting. I can't wait to read what's to come!
Take your time, but don't forget to update! xD