



A/N so these are just.. I don't know what are these.. they have like maximum 50 words so I guess drabbles? ranging from PG to NC-17.


hakyeon sometimes watches fondly how wonshik is rapping in the practice room and he's mumbling along to it, but has no idea what the actual words are until wonshik shows him the lyrics.


hakyeon always complains about wonshik's snores but he actually misses them a little when he stretches his hand to hit wonshik but realizes he's dreaming and he's not beside him because they are not overseas and wonshik sleeps in another room.


hakyeon often can't get enough, craving constant affection and is hard to watch him getting it from someone else, but in the end wonshik knows he is the one seeks out the most.


when they fight and wonshik is upset he always punishes hakyeon by avoiding him because he knows that's what he detests the most; if there's just a minor issue after a couple of hours hakyeon's glassy eyes melt all distress and he's suddenly beside him again, hand on his waist and chin on his shoulder - hakyeon is smiling.


when hakyeon is upset with wonshik, he makes sure he knows it - rolling eyes, twitchy hand and unreasonable distance between them and there are some times when wonshik doesn't even know what he did wrong, staring dumbly at hakyeon who ultimately relents and kicks him on his shoulder - "just kiss me, you idiot".


when they first kiss, their noses clash and wonshik doesn't know where to put his hands - they are awkward for the remainder of that day until hakyeon approaches him first and murmurs timidly 'i kind of liked that' before bringing their lips together again.


when hakyeon crossdresses, wonshik always gets a little dizzy; he's just as beautiful as a boy as he is as a girl, but wonshik's stomach is particularly tingly when he slips a hand underneath hakyeon's skirt.


hakyeon is tracing fingers across his cheekbones and winces himself when wonshik scrunches his face a little; but hakyeon presses inside him so gently that wonshik doesn't regret it - the role reversal is actually pretty nice.





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ohstaphit #2
Chapter 8: Oh my god..... I didn't expect that like wow.... it was beautifully sad ♥♥♥
Chapter 15: I hope you know when I saw that post on tumblr I thought it would be amazing and awful if you posted something about that . . . And yep, I was right. T.T
This was both amazing, it filled my angsty pain needs, and awful as well as being so cute that I'm just torn.
Thank you for this. Just thank you. <3
Chapter 15: I have no idea what just happened, only thing I know is that they died and that this was beautifully written <33
SWShawnee #5
Chapter 14: Stop you from writing? ;; you're nuts, i'd like to start my morning every day by reading a navi drabble of yours 8')
Anyway, ugh, this is my favorite type of fic, I can't live without the angst ;; I also love how you wrote their physical movements and position here, very detailed and really paints a picture~

Wonshik panics for a moment, winds his arms around Hakyeon's waist and hauls him to his chest, and there's mangled sob against his bare skin before Wonshik holds him closer and his throat sears with impending tears. Wonshik coils his leg around Hakyeon's and Hakyeon presses closer, seeking for comfort, the warmth seeping from Wonshik's skin soaking him in reassurance.

this in particular ;;; uwhhhh so good!
-flaneur #6
Chapter 13: yes. definitely better.
Chapter 12: OMG too much cuteness *squeals* ^^
love this story ;)
Chapter 8: The fluffy ones were like yayy!! ^^ ("my ship is sailing", oh no you didn't XD) But then the last two angsty ones were like nooooo.... ㅠ.ㅠ