



"We lost another one," Hakyeon whispers, anguish evident in his tone and eyes watery, hands soiled with blood and cheeks tainted with moisture. Wonshik sighs, falls back against a tattered mattress, looking up to the ceiling, eyes misty, but he fights the tears in. 

"How many days?" He asks, and Hakyeon understands, stumbling a bit on his words because it hurts, it stings. His chest is tender from all the crying, eyes red rimmed and he feels distressed and his breath is taken away as he watches the murky clouds dance across the crimson sky. 

"Three, at best." 

The horizon line is terrifying and there are screams that echo in the distance and loud sounds of clashes and Hakyeon shudders, slumps to Wonshik's lap and the arms that curl around him are almost eerily comforting. He feels filthy and selfish, seeking for Wonshik's warmth and wishing to bury in it, to forget about everything and everyone else. 

He kisses him then, with a desperate longing, in quest of humanity and ease, of compassion and love, and Wonshik responds to it, and he offers him all he needed, a momentary plenary joy drowning him. 


Hakyeon's choked yelp startles Wonshik, but the terror that eats away at his sanity ebbs away as he is pulled into Wonshik's embrace, warm chest and steady heartbeat against his erratic own, and the image of slashed, burnt skin and bloodstained hands and faces flies out of his mind momentarily. 

A couple of hours more.

The prophecy may be false or the timing may be inaccurate, Hakyeon thinks hopefully, but just as he's finally calmed down, Wonshik bursts into tears, his body spasming with the force of his sobs, head buried in Hakyeon's neck, wetting his skin. Hakyeon's voice cracks as he consoles Wonshik, palm splayed out on his back and lips kissing his forehead over and over again. 

Hakyeon wishes they couldn't keep track of time. 

An hour more.

"Let's dance," Wonshik says, voice gentle and hoarse and Hakyeon looks at him in surprise, eyebrows furrowing in askance, but nevertheless allowing Wonshik to take his arms and twine them around his neck, Wonshik's hands gripping his waist possessively. 

"There's no music, silly," Hakyeon gently chastises, but stays silent when Wonshik begins humming a rhythm and they start swaying slowly when Wonshik sings the first verse, voice deep and laced with affection and Hakyeon's fear dwindles into nothingness. 

When it's love you give
(I'll be a man of good faith.)
Then in love you live
(I'll make a stand. I won't break.)

"Back in highschool," Wonshik speaks, reminisces with fondness in his eyes and he looks at Hakyeon, pretty Hakyeon who smiles, a tiny smile, the eyes he loves so much curving into crescent moons, "at prom," Wonshik caresses Hakyeon's cheek and he nuzzles against his hand, skin once soft now become toughened, but despite everything, the inundating warmth is still there, still burning, still fiery, "we danced to this together."

Hakyeon's eyes get blurry and Wonshik knots his arms tighter around him and pulls him right against his body, lips soft on Hakyeon's earlobe, sweet words quietly sung against it.

I'll be the rock you can build on
Be there when you're old
To have and to hold
When there's love inside
(I swear I'll always be strong.)

"And I stepped on your foot then," Wonshik chuckles, soft and quiet, but Hakyeon can sense the raspiness of it and he pulls back to look at his face. There are tears swimming in his eyes, smile wide pulling at the ends of lips and he looks so beautiful and despairing it's absolutely heartbreaking.

Then there's a reason why
(I'll prove to you we belong.)

Hakyeon sings, voice quivery and beautiful and they look at each other, gazes never faltering, arms s around their bodies impossibly tight. 

"There's no forever for us here, but I'll always be with you on the other side." Hakyeon promises, sincere, eyes full of devotion and tenderness and Wonshik's tears roll down, salty on his lips.

"I love you," Wonshik confesses, for the thousandth time maybe, "so much." 

Hakyeon nods, looking content for the first time in a long while and whispers an I love you, too before he sweeps in and takes Wonshik's lips into a gentle kiss and the sweetness of his lips fills Wonshik with inexplicable happiness.


They are so immersed into the moment that they miss the frightening pounding outside and the crawling heat engulfs them both before they could open their eyes just once more. 


A/N I don't know. There was that post floating on Tumblr and I said, why not, let's get angsty, yeah.

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ohstaphit #2
Chapter 8: Oh my god..... I didn't expect that like wow.... it was beautifully sad ♥♥♥
Chapter 15: I hope you know when I saw that post on tumblr I thought it would be amazing and awful if you posted something about that . . . And yep, I was right. T.T
This was both amazing, it filled my angsty pain needs, and awful as well as being so cute that I'm just torn.
Thank you for this. Just thank you. <3
Chapter 15: I have no idea what just happened, only thing I know is that they died and that this was beautifully written <33
SWShawnee #5
Chapter 14: Stop you from writing? ;; you're nuts, i'd like to start my morning every day by reading a navi drabble of yours 8')
Anyway, ugh, this is my favorite type of fic, I can't live without the angst ;; I also love how you wrote their physical movements and position here, very detailed and really paints a picture~

Wonshik panics for a moment, winds his arms around Hakyeon's waist and hauls him to his chest, and there's mangled sob against his bare skin before Wonshik holds him closer and his throat sears with impending tears. Wonshik coils his leg around Hakyeon's and Hakyeon presses closer, seeking for comfort, the warmth seeping from Wonshik's skin soaking him in reassurance.

this in particular ;;; uwhhhh so good!
-flaneur #6
Chapter 13: yes. definitely better.
Chapter 12: OMG too much cuteness *squeals* ^^
love this story ;)
Chapter 8: The fluffy ones were like yayy!! ^^ ("my ship is sailing", oh no you didn't XD) But then the last two angsty ones were like nooooo.... ㅠ.ㅠ