
BAPpy Holidays!

Jongup spins around, trying to hit the perfect angle and balance. As he straightens, his legs twine together and he stumbles before catching his balance. Sighing, he runs a hand through his hair and slumps down onto the ground.

You pass by the dance room and notice that the light is on, even though it’s 6 PM and all students should’ve left by now. The only reason you were here was because you had left something important at school and you came back for it. The dance room was definitely dark when you passed by a few minutes ago. Curious, you open the door and walk in.

“Jongup?” He’s the best dancer in your dance class and you have the tiniest crush on him. What’s he doing here so late?

He looks up dejectedly. “Oh, hi.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Practicing.” He heaves a big sigh and gets up slowly.

“On New Year’s Eve?”

“The teacher gave me the key so I can use the room any time.”

You frown. He’s normally smiling and lively; you’ve never seen him frown before. You walk closer. “What’s wrong?”

He sighs again. “I’ve been practicing this spin, but I can’t seem to get it right.” He examines you for a second before brightening slightly. “Hey, you’re in my dance class, right? Can you help me?”

You raise an eyebrow. You, help the best dancer in the class, possibly in the school? You doubt it but you nod and say, “Alright, show me.”

He positions himself in a squat and then spins quickly up into a standing position, but just before he stops he trips a little and falls forward. You jump forward and catch him. “Whoa! Are you okay?”

He nods on your shoulder before pulling back. “Yeah, thanks.” He grins disarmingly and you realize how close you’re standing. You're still holding onto him and his hands are resting on your hips. You blush and move back.

He looks at you, his expression unreadable for a moment before clearing into an apology. “Oh, sorry, I think I got some sweat on your shirt.” He grimaces and pulls up the hem of his own shirt to wipe his forehead, displaying his well-defined abs clearly.

Your affection for him pounds in your chest, growing bigger. You clear your throat and try to calm down. “So! A spin, huh? Well, let’s see.” You focus hard on your own body to get your mind off his. You imitate his move, squatting and spinning up successfully. You grin. “I did it!”

He’s frowning. “How did you do it so easily? I just can’t seem to keep my balance.”

“Start slowly first and then you can get faster. Try it again.” He obeys but fails again. “Kind of all your weight into your stomach and on your feet, to keep you grounded.” You walk over and lean down, patting his stomach. “You should feel it right here.”

“Well, I feel your hand and it’s kind of distracting me.” He grins.

You practically leap twenty feet away, with your face flaming. Your crush on him is taking over your body! You bury your face in your hands. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to...”

He laughs and spins again, more slowly this time. You peek through your fingers and notice that he seems more settled. He succeeds and jumps up with a shout. “Yes! I did it! Thank you so much!”

You hold your hand out for a high-five but he wraps you in a hug. You giggle, still blushing. “Good job, Jongup.”

“By the way, we’re gonna be friends now, okaY?” He looks at you seriously.

You laugh. “Is that your New Year’s resolution?”

He smiles innocently. “No. My New Year’s resolution is to make you fall in love with me.”

A/N: So I didn't finisih this one in time for...anything. And I'm over a week late. But hey, better late t han never, right? :D Ahaha...

A couple more to go, so hang in there! I hope everyone had fun over the holidays! <3


skyblaze208, OUT!

© Copyright 2014 by skyblaze208

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Chapter 7: Such a long time since the last time I read your fics..

I just wana said.


BAPismyrice #2
Chapter 1: KYEOPTA!!~