
BAPpy Holidays!

I exhale and watch my breath curl into a wispy cloud before dissolving away. I had planned to take a walk for some fresh air but seeing all the strolling couples depressed me so I found a bench and sat down, facing away from the street. A bit away from me, a girl in a baggy sweatshirt is trying to teach a guy to ice skate but he keeps falling and pulling her down on him.


I scowl. Lucky ducks.


Closing my eyes, I lean my head on the back of the bench. “Ahh, I want a girlfriend...” I want her to be my girlfriend...


“Really, Yongguk? You’re such a guy.”


Speak of the devil. I open my eyes and give her half a smile though my heart is actually thumping. “Oh, it’s you.”


She raises an eyebrow. “Why do you sound so disappointed? I’m your best friend! Appreciate me more!”


I roll my eyes good-naturedly and give her a genuine smile. “What are you doing outside when it’s so cold, best friend?”


“What else? Trying to find you, of course! What are you even doing here by yourself?” She glances pointedly at all the couples.


I sigh. “Taking a walk. But then I got depressed. Why were you looking for me?”


She bites her lip, contemplating something, before rustling around in her bag and ing something at me. “Here. Merry Christmas.”


I take the box and unwrap it curiously. When I open it, I gasp. “Seriously?! I’ve wanted these forever!”


“I know. That’s why I got you them.” She rolls her eyes.


“But they’re super expensive! Where did you get the money?”


“I work, remember? Anyway, it was worth it to see you so happy.” She grins at me and I suddenly want to kiss her. How long am I supposed to wait for her to notice me?


“Hey. Don’t be too surprised by what I’m about to do, okay? I’m tired of waiting.”


She looks at me in confusion but nods. “Okay.”


“Close your eyes.” She obeys.


I lean forward and whisper, “Merry Christmas.”

And then I finally kiss her.

A/N: LOL okay I know that was abrupt but I'm trying to write drabbles here! Ahhh this is hard... These drabbles will probably end up being 300-500 words rather than 100. My bad, my bad...

BTW, I also have BTS and EXO Christmas drabbles going on so I may not finish everything by Christmas. I apologize in advance. >.<

Enjoy holiday BAP! A BAPpy holiday to you all! <3

skyblaze208, OUT!

© Copyright 2013 by skyblaze208

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Chapter 7: Such a long time since the last time I read your fics..

I just wana said.


BAPismyrice #2
Chapter 1: KYEOPTA!!~