DAY TWO: Molla-yo

One Week

A/N: This chapter is a bit less... exciting (despite the opening sentence =w=. didn't really come out the way I wanted it to...) And ish a hell lot shorter than the last chapter (Not sure if that's a good thing or not). I needz to get myself together now. Yoroshiku~ Please enjoy~



I’d be lying if I said today was less exciting… When I went to school with Mae, everything was just fine…

Until she started teasing me…

When we were in school…

inside the classroom…

Where there were a lot of girls…

Who were fans…

“So….” Mae started, “What did you Jinyoung say? Or more importantly, your reaction when seeing the now B1A4 leader Jung Jinyoung?” “Shh!” I quickly covered but… too late…

“Garra-sshi! You know Jung Jinyoung?”

And of course, I, being the prideful little girl I am, retaliated.

“Um. Just a bit.”

Cue the squeals.

“Can you give me a picture of him?”
“Can you get me his autograph?”
“Can you introduce us to him?”

Cue another wave of squeals.

“I’ll do the best I can, but no promises!”

And another.  I threw a death glare at Mae, who just laughed it off. I swear sometimes that girl really gets to me, but I can’t do a thing about it, since she IS my best friend.


I sighed and massaged my shoulders.  It was now dismissal time and I’ve experienced nothing today but fangirl squealing and spazzing. It could have been worse… And I shouldn’t have said that… Again… and again.

“I said, I can’t walk back with you today. I still have a few activities I need to do here and I’m gonna be going home pretty late”

I groaned to which she replied with a smirk, “But I DID hear Jinyoung saying he was planning to pick you up.”

“And you expect me to take that as good news when you clearly know that I don’t want to face him right now?!”

I relaxed a bit and she just patted my shoulder. “Geez. For a confident girl, you sure are nervous. Anyway, you can just walk home alone if you don’t want to go with him that badly, right? But I gotta go now, take care of yourself ok?” She hugged me once and walked away.

I dragged my feet as I made my way towards the entrance of the school. ‘Ka, anka… Ka… Anka… Ka.. Fine fine. If he’s not there when I look up, I’ll go home alone. Right.’ I closed my eyes and raised my once hanging head.



I peeked through my eyelids and saw a familiar figure by the entrance, his light brown hair was obvious, despite him wearing a cap, he was looking down, trying to hide his face but a few girls have already noticed him (but maybe ignored the thought that it really IS him). I breathed in deeply before making my way to him (proper posture and all that). I stopped in front of him and he slowly raised his head and smiled.

“Oh. You’re here!”
“Do you really think that no one recognizes you?”
He just smiled and said, “Kaja?”

I was about to fight with myself about it for a mili-second when we heard someone call Jinyoung. We both turned to who it was and saw one of our old classmates from high school (whom I don’t really see around that often until now). Fortunately,  this person was a dude. He threw his arm around Jinyoung’s shoulder and playfully punched him.

“You rascal. How come you never contacted me or the other guys? And I hear that you’re an idol now, eh?” Jinyoung just replied with a chuckle. “Hey, me and the other guys are just about to meet up for snacks and drinks, you wanna come?” Jinyoung looked at me,

“Mian Juyeon but maybe another time. I’m gonna walk Garra-sshi back home and-“
“Mwo? You’re still chasing little Garra, Jinyoung?” I was taken back by this. He even chuckled after he said that.

“Aren’t you a big shot now Jinyoung? It should be little Garra chasing you, shouldn’t it?” He chuckled once more.

Woah. I remember Juyeon being a jerk but not this total… saekki…

“You know what, wonsungi (monkey)? You can go with this other wonsungi and party away.” With that I walked away.

It’s just… Gah! It seriously pisses me off! I know he’s an idol now and I know that he’s too good for me and- Why would I even think of him being with me?! It’s just…. Gah!!

I squealed in anger and stomped my feet. “That person is driving me crazy!!”

I can’t even make it back to my house without getting even a tiny bit angry of him…. GAaaH!

Once again I dragged my feet, towards my house then to my bedroom. My whole body just felt really heavy and refused to move. I didn’t want to either so we had an agreement there. I closed my eyes and let my consciousness drift away.


Juyeon dragged me towards a bar & restaurant nearby. We walked towards a table and I quickly spotted my old classmates. Our reactions were different though. I looked at them and just smiled while they looked at me and shouted my name, and in a mili-second, all their arms are around my shoulder.

“Jinyoung! Sit! Sit! Soju?”
“No thanks.”
“So Jinyoung how’s life as an idol? Do you get a ton of girls chasing after you and all that?”
“Yeah… Sometimes…”
“Well then why do you bother with Garra?”
“You’re still going after Garra?”
“Dude, we all know Garra-sshi is pretty and is nice but when you’ve got hundreds of fan girls chasing after you like that, It would be hard to pick Garra over them.”

I just silently sat there while they talked about other girls. It never crossed my mind to look at other girls while I had Garra, and I don’t want to, anyway. But now, I’ve got a big problem… How the heck would I make it up to her? It’s obvious that she wasn’t happy when she left and now… TT.TT I shouldn’t have come here….

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Chapter 8: Oh, my emotions!!!! Daebak job, author-nim :)
Ate Samaraaaaaaaaaa~ YOUR STORYYY! It's sooooo cute! I LOVE IT! <3 Haha. =)) I love how you ended the story with some post-chapters. Haha. Totally loved this. <3 I'ma subscribe! God bless. LOVELOVELOVE.
Your review is done and ready to be picked up! I'm terribly sorry for such a long wait!
Akira97 #4
Cute~ :)
diberty #5
I love your fic! It's too cute <3
sarahsohn77 #6
Ahhhhh awesome!!!! I wish they end up happy :) no bad people I hope