Day Six: Drunken Confession & Soup 8D

One Week

CAUTION: This is a cheesy chapter (makesyourfingercurl)

A/N: look up 'Jinyoung singing 취중고백' (if you already haven't). I Promise you won't regret it 8DDD


“Garra.” I called out. The brunette twirled around in her white dress. She glanced and me and smiled. Then my knees began to feel weak. “Jinyoung! You’re here!” Garra ran up to me and threw her arms around me. I returned the hug and gently pulled away after a moment.

             “Garra.. There’s… There’s something I want to… ask you…” I stuttered.

             With a curious look, she waited for me to continue.

“I’ll just-I’ll just come out and say it. I won’t beat around the bush, I won’t say anything else that isn’t related to what I’m gonna ask and-“
“Jinyoung, breathe.”

I breathed in deeply,  grabbed the small box in my pocket and kneeled down on one knee. I looked up to her and presented the velvet box.

             “Will you marry me?”

              She smiled sweetly.

“Bling Girl Bling girl~”

My eyes shot open and I quickly looked around. I was sleeping on my desk… again.. I yawned then grabbed my ringing phone.

“Mrs. Baek? Annyeonghaseyo.”
“Ye, listen, Jinyoung-sshi, can I ask you for a favour?”
“Anything, ma’am.”
“Garra’s sick and I won’t be able to look after because I have to run a few errands. She’s a big girl and all that but I just can’t leave her alone in the house when she has a fever…”
“Arasseo, ma’am. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”


I was lying in bed, sneezing and coughing when I heard my mom talking to someone on the phone. After she hung up, she came in my room and sat by my bedside.

“Umma, who were you talking to?” I sneezed.
“What?!” I looked at her wide eyed, “What for?”
“To look after you, that’s what for!”
“But mom, I don’t need someone looking after me! I’m not a little girl anymore! I can take care of myself.” I pouted.
“Someone to look after the house, then! I can’t have a sick woman staying in the house alone!”

I just groaned. It’s not like I didn’t want Jinyoung to come here, totally the opposite actually but… Yeah… I just don’t want him to come over when I’m sick. He might catch a cold, too or something.

“No. He already said he’d come so it’d be rude to suddenly –“
“No it won’t be! I promise! I’ll even tell him If you want” I coughed again.

We heard the doorbell ring. Mom stood up and I grabbed her hand, pleading her not to invite him in but she just brushed it off and proceeded downstairs.

Okay so maybe Jinyoung catching my illness isn’t the only thing that’s keeping me from welcoming him here… I’m also a bit… awkward, if you can say that. I wouldn’t know what to say or how to act >.<

I sighed as I buried my face into my pillow. I heard footsteps making their way up the stairs and towards the room. The footsteps were joined with my mother’s happy speech, “I’m really thankful that you could come here. It’s not really that I don’t think Garra can’t take care of herself, it’s just more of like I want to make sure she and the house would be safe.” Jinyoung chuckled lightly. Then I heard a knock.

“Garra, Jinyoung’s here.” My mother announced.
“Go away.” I weakly whined.
She just chuckled and said, “I’ll tend to my errands then. Thank you again for doing this for me, Jinyoung-sshi.”
“Yeah ma’am.”

I heard mom go down the stairs and out of the house, then felt a hand on my leg. My head shot up and I saw Jinyoung smiling at me.

“What are you so amused about?”
“I never said that I was amused.”

I just stuck out my tongue… and sneezed. I sat up and grabbed a tissue from the tissue box beside me, then proceeded to glaring at the smiling man.

“Why are you smiling?”
“Is it bad to smile?”
“In front of sick person, yes.”

Jinyoung chuckled, sat on my bed then grabbed my free hand. He placed his other hand on my forehead and I just blinked.

“Woah. You do have a fever. And it’s a bit high, too… It’s my fault isn’t it?” He sighed.
“Yes it is” I agreed without hesitation.
“Now that you know it’s your fault, at that I really am sick, will you please leave?”
“Wae? You don’t want the person you love to be by your side when you’re sick?” He smirked.
I rolled my eyes, “No, I don’t; especially if that person is an idol whose fans, if he gets sick and unable to perform, would chase me to hell.

“Speaking of fans, what are they gonna do if they find out that their precious leader has a crush” I questioned him.
He just shrugged, “Probably dig up your personal information then stalk you.”
“How can you say that so with such a carefree attitude? Don’t you care about the person you love?” I pouted and he just ruffled my hair.
“Arasseo, but I can’t hide you forever.”

I just smiled at him and proceeded to coughing again.

“By the way, I have to let you know…”
I tried to stop the coughing as I listened to him.
“I have to go back tomorrow…” I coughed then sneezed.
“Go back?”
“Back to Seoul, back to being an idol…”

My chest tightened a bit.

“And you’re telling me this, why?”
He played with my hand then looked at me seriously.
“I won’t be able to see you that often…”
“Jung Jinyoung.” I said strictly (but my voice cracked because of my cold =.=)

“Do you think I care that I don’t get to always see you? Do you think I can’t survive a month or even a year without you?” I glared and him and snatched my hand back.

“I survived two years with no contact with you and I still love you so what do you expect me to say with that statement of yours? ‘Don’t go oppa’? ‘Oppa, don’t forget me’? Or maybe some cheesy lines like, ‘We’ll be together forever’ or ‘Distance can’t tear us apart’?”

I threw my blanket over my head and turned my back on him.

After a few moments he spoke, “Mian. I guess I’m just a bit nervous… I don’t really want you to say anything just… I guess I’m the one who wants to say something…” He trailed off. “Mian.”

I sat up and threw my arms around him. He returned the hug after a few moments.

“Ya. If you get sick it won’t be my fault. And why would you worried about anything like that anyway?” I pulled away and looked at him, “Unless you have another girl.”

Jinyoung chuckled and shook his head. “Unfortunately, you’re the only girl I’m in love with right now.”

He let go of me and sighed, “Shouldn’t you be resting?”
I coughed, “Yes, and you’re keeping me from it.”
“Me and my wonderful voice are keeping you from sleeping?”
“Ew. No.”
“Do you want me to sing you to sleep then?”
“What song?”
“Drunk Confession it is.”

I rolled my eyes and just relaxed while listening to him singing softly. In all honestly, I liked his voice. It’s not like I loved it or anything it’s just that I appreciate it. Yeah.. That’s it…

“Do you not know this heart? These days, like a crazy person, I only think of you.”  Jinyoung continued singing.

I felt my eyelids getting heavier and my body unconsciously relaxing. No, it’s not Jinyoung… I don’t think it is… I guess I’m just tired… I am sick after…

Before I knew it I was dreaming. This is the part where I’m supposed to narrate what’s happening in my dream, but it’d be better for all of us if I didn’t, trust me.

When I woke up, it was around noon. I looked around and I was alone. ‘You could’ve at least written a note or something’. It isn’t obvious that I’m disappointed is it? I won’t even bother saying ‘a bit’ because it is more than just a bit.

I started coughing again and my throat felt itchy. I looked towards the end table and my glass was empty so I had no choice but to get some from the kitchen. I slipped on my bedroom slippers (mom said I needed to because the ground was cold… can’t argue with that) and stepped out of my room.

Once I did though, I heard someone talking. The house was quiet (and so was our whole street) so I could hear them clearly. By the low pitch and the speech mannerism, I guessed that it’s Jinyoung and he was taking directions I think.

“So what do I do after that? Do what with what? Wait, Shinwoo, one by one. Ok… So after I chopped the vegtables… Right.”

I crept downstairs and peeked through the open entrance of the kitchen. Jinyoung was moving back and forth in the kitchen with a phone balancing between his jaw and shoulder.

I watched curiously as he walked around the kitchen, taking directions from the guy on the other line. He kept on being busy for a few more minutes before he stopped at the center island, sighed, held the phone in his hand, then asked the guy to repeat the directions.

I chuckled, which he heard, and walked in the kitchen with a grin. “What are you doing?”

He laughed nervously, “Trying to make soup?”

I stood beside him and started to chop the vegetables. “I thought you were good at cooking?”
“Well, Shinwoo said he knew a different kind of soup that could really help cure colds like, instantly, but I’ve never heard of it before.”

I nodded and chuckled, “Ya. If you wanted me to get better you would’ve brought me a glass of water.”
He shrugged and helped me with the chopping/ “You could’ve done that yourself so I didn’t bother.”
I punched him playfully to which he chuckled, “Hey! I’m holding a knife here! If I get injured my fans are gonna kill you.”
“Let them kill me! I’m gonna be the one taking care of you when you’re in the hospital, though.”
“No you’re not. There’s my mom, dad, manager, groupmates.” I pushed him again.

We cooked vegetable soup and ate it for dinner. My mom arrived by 6 and we had to part ways.

Before I slept I checked my phone, “2 messages received.”

One from Jinyoung:

            “Good night bedhead~”

One from Mae:

            “Are you ready for tomorrow?”

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Chapter 8: Oh, my emotions!!!! Daebak job, author-nim :)
Ate Samaraaaaaaaaaa~ YOUR STORYYY! It's sooooo cute! I LOVE IT! <3 Haha. =)) I love how you ended the story with some post-chapters. Haha. Totally loved this. <3 I'ma subscribe! God bless. LOVELOVELOVE.
Your review is done and ready to be picked up! I'm terribly sorry for such a long wait!
Akira97 #4
Cute~ :)
diberty #5
I love your fic! It's too cute <3
sarahsohn77 #6
Ahhhhh awesome!!!! I wish they end up happy :) no bad people I hope