Day Five: Rumors&Confessions;

One Week

A/N: I was typing when I accidentaly clicked outside the box and pressed backspace =.= This is why I type in Word first before copying it here D8 But I'm still continuing typing in this box directly 8DD Good luck to me. I won't be able to rant now though 8DD


Today was... tiring.. In all honesty... At first it started out fine but... Well here's what happened anyway...

In the morning, I usually don't wake up but since this week is an exception, I put away the mirror in the night and slept early so I can wake up and walk Garra to school. It is a bit tiring and sometimes a part of me tells me to put away my intention of confessing to her again. Just doing this, walking, talking, being who we are in front of each other... Maybe I'm content with it?

"Jung Jinyoung! Are you there?"

I snapped out of my trance and fixed the way I was holding my phone.

"Yeah yeah I hear you."
"Aren't you supposed to be asleep though?"
"No, not really. hehe, so you're concerned about me now?"
"Of course! Mr. Prince who think he's perfect loves to sleep to take care of his beautiful skin, what would happen if his skin got wrinkly because of me? Think of the angry fans!"

I chuckled and looked at the wall clock.

"Have you eaten yet? Are you going to school?"
"Yeah I have. I'm on my way, just fixing my things before I leave the house, why?"
"Will it be ok if I walk you to school?"

She was silent for a second.

"Jung Jinyoung, do you know what kind of chaos you would get me into if you come to school with me?"
"I don't mind having fangirls around."
"Well, I do" she said in a rather jealous and angry tone.

I really shouldn't imagine things or think too highly of myself (the members already said that I've already got the prince syndrome) but I just couldn't help it.

"So you're jealous of my fan girls? ;p"
"Wh-wha?! What are you talking about?! Of course not! Why-Wae would I be jealous of them?"
"Like I'm going to believe that."
"You better. Anyway, I have to head to Mae's place first she says she has something to show me."
"I really can't walk you?"

She was silent again.

"No. I'm hanging up."

I put my phone away and sighed. So what am I gonna do now? Before I even got the chance to think on the many things I could do, I found myself just walking along the street, looking up at the sky. It's really good to be home like this, just relaxing... But it'd really be better if...


I looked around and found a lady sitting on the ground. It took me a few seconds before I realized I bumped into her...

"Ah! Chaeseonghamnida! Jinjja! Are you alright?" I helped her up.
"Ye..." She said trying turning away. I looked closer at her face and realized who she was.

"Suzy-sunbaenim! Annyeonghaseyo." I proceeded to bowing down and smiling. She looked at me and smiled back.
"Ah! You're Jinyoung-sshi from B1A4 right?"
"Yeah. It's nice to see you here, but what are you doing here sunbaenim?"
"Ah..." She blushed a bit.
"Just.. I think it's my first time being called 'sunbaenim' by someone older than me."
"Oh." We both chuckled then started walking along.

"So, what ARE you doing here sunbaenim?"
"Ah just call me Suzy. It is a bit awkward being called sunbaenim. I'm just visiting my family."
"I didn't know you leave around here, Suzy-sshi." I smiled. "It's amazing that no one's chasing you around, though."
"Yeah it's all thanks to school and exams. The students are too busy studying so they're at school now and I can move around. How about you?"
"I had some.. unwanted encounters."

I admitted. Now that i think about it, this being an idol thing is kind of tiring at times, too.

We talked for a while and bought ice cream, then when I figured that it was time to say goodbye we parted ways. I brought out my phone and texted Garra.

      “Are you doing anything later?”

To my surprise, she replied almost instantly. But it wasn’t the reply I was anticipating.

      “I’m not but aren’t you busy though? B|”

      “What are you talking about? No I’m not. Can we go eat dinner later?”

I was really confused by what she meant by that.

      “No, sorry.”

With that I called her. But she wouldn’t answer.

      “Garra, what’s this about? Can’t we talk?”

Then I got a text from Mae.

“Dude. You’re in trouble, seriously. We need to talk. Me and Garra are heading to her house right now so you go there.”

Then another from Gongchan.

      “Hyeong! I didn’t know you liked Suzy-sshi.”

      “What are you talking about Chansik?”

“Someone took pictures of you two. You two look really friendly with each other. Why didn’t you tell me anything Hyeong?”

       “What pictures?”

After a few minutes Gongchan sent me pictures of me and Suzy. It was from earlier- when we were talking and eating ice cream. Someone must’ve been following us and taking pictures… Which means that what Garra was talking about..

"Tell everyone that me and Suzy are just friends and ask our manager hyeong if he can release a public statement that we’re just friends and we just met that’s all.”

I quickly made my way towards Garra's house and rang the doorbell anxiously. After a few moments the door opened and I met face-to-face with the woman I wanted to see.

She glared at me and proceeded to closing the door but I stopped it with my foot.

"Go away." She said coldly.
"Please Garra just listen to me for a second." I pleaded.

She swung the door open and glared at me once again, "Aren't you too busy with your fangirls, though Jinyoung-sshi?"

"Garra, listen."
"Jinyoung-sshi, it was nice having you come home after two years of no contact but I think it's time you leave."
"Garra I-"
"And you shouldn't keep your girlfriend waiting now should-"

We heard a stern voice and turned to Mae, who was standing by the staircase.

"Let him talk, won't you?"
"This has nothing to do with you Mae-"
"Thanks a lot, Mae."

Garra quickly turned to me as I grabbed her hand and dragged her away. We walked down the street while Garra continued to struggle. ("Let go of me! Now!") When we went far enough and I when I was sure that there weren't any people around I let go of her hand.

*SLAP* I found myself facing the other direction and felt my cheek burning up.

"Garra, I just need you to listen to me, please."

She just looked at me. I know she's disappointed and what I did was just really rude but I...

"That thing with me and Suzy, that isn't true. We just met a while ago and just talked; nothing more. Please don't be mad-"
"I'm not mad, WHY would i be mad?!" She ran her fingers through her hair and turned away for a second before turning back to me.

"Why would I be mad? I mean, we're just best friends, right? Why would I- why.."
"Why did you have to come back as an idol" she cried with tears forming in her eyes.

"Why couldn't you just comeback as the regular Jinyoung? You already had fangirls before, even when you weren't an idol so why couldn't you just come back as the regular Jinyoung?!"

I was surprised by this sudden outburst.

"I didn't know that."
"You know why I'm so upset that you came back an idol? Because it makes things so much harder! If only you came back as the regular Jinyoung I could've told you that I screwed up and I love you-" She suddenly froze.

This isn't really and appropriate time but I felt a smile creeping on my face.

"You love me?" I grinned.

"I... I admitted it! You happy now?" She pouted and looked away, obviously blushing.

I could honestly say that I was happy -truely happy. It was as if my insides were replaced with butterflies (that sounds too girly though). I chuckled and soon laughed. It was just so.. just.. wow...

Garra looked at me, embarrassed. "What are you laughing about?"

I grinned and wrapped my arms around her tightened my grip a bit.

"I love you too Garra."

She returned the hug and I laughed again.

"I can't believe I did all that stuff  to confess and you're the ones who ends up confessing first."

She pulled away and punched me playfully.

"Yah! I never even intended it to turn out this way, got it?"

I chuckled again and embraced her tightly. Just that thought that this woman I was holding loved me back... Just that thought... It makes you happy, like you're successful or something.

And as if on cue it started raining. We quickly ran to a shaded area and sat on the bench while laughing.

"Well that's pleasant." She remarked. We started talking for a bit, waiting for the rain to stop. The whole while I was looking at her, how her eyes lit up and how she'd smile so brightly.

"Wae are you staring again?" She blushed. "Aniyo, I am I not allowed?"
"Just because I said I liked you-"
"You never said you liked me" I smiled and she just pushed me.

"Looks like the rain isn't going to stop anytime soon..." She looked at her watch that was now dripping wet. "Is this still even working?"
"Let's make a run for it then?"

She looked at me, wide-eyed.

"Haha. What I mean is let's just run towards your house, then."
"Well.. Your house is near mine so why not." She grinned. "Kaja?"

We ran into the rain, towards her house, then said our goodbyes. I quickly ran towards mine and found my mom waiting in the living room.

"Mom, I'm home!"
"Omo! Where in heavens hae you been you little rascal." She chuckled as I smiled. "Wait here I'll get a towel."

She headed towards the kitchen and I followed her, then hugged her from the back.

"Aigoo... Did you have such a good day today?"

She turned around and pushed the hair on my face aside.

"This child... I can't believe you're growing up so fast." She started tearing up.
"Take a bath, then rest, ok?"
"Yeah. Thank you mom."

She just nodded and walked away ("Aigoo.. Now I have to change my clothes, too.")

That night I lay in my bed with a big smile. It was really a great day today. But there's just this thing that's bothering me and has been continuously scratching the back of my neck... Two days from now...



RANDOM: Joheun Geoool 8DDDD IU <3


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Chapter 8: Oh, my emotions!!!! Daebak job, author-nim :)
Ate Samaraaaaaaaaaa~ YOUR STORYYY! It's sooooo cute! I LOVE IT! <3 Haha. =)) I love how you ended the story with some post-chapters. Haha. Totally loved this. <3 I'ma subscribe! God bless. LOVELOVELOVE.
Your review is done and ready to be picked up! I'm terribly sorry for such a long wait!
Akira97 #4
Cute~ :)
diberty #5
I love your fic! It's too cute <3
sarahsohn77 #6
Ahhhhh awesome!!!! I wish they end up happy :) no bad people I hope