Two Tracks & What's next

One Week

A/N: I seriously told myself I wouldn't be adding this but I really just want to (especially "Two Tracks" 8DD) =w=;; Don't worry no more long reading for you. These are just kind of like excerpts or synopsis 8D or mini-stories xDD And; it's over! I wonder if I should be happy or sad B|


After that we had to keep our "relationship" a secret from the public. Not a lot of people knew, just people who were close to us. I got to meet Jinyoung's group mates and they were all really crazy happy I mean. I got a job in Seoul but of course, had to graduate first before moving there. Basically we're just one regular couple with regular-ish lives. Well that was until we were exposed, though, when a sangsaeng fan and her friend saw us together. They tipped off one of the gossip sites and the news spread like wild-fire. Now whenever I go to convenient store, there's always someone trying to ask me about JInyoung. Luckily it wasn't like that at my work place.

And the big question? He still hasn't asked me. We've been dating for 5 years now, and I don't think he has any intention to, for now.


If you can't remember, there were two tracks that I listened to in Jinyoung's CD, they were titled, "When You're Ready" and "Annyeong". I got a chance to listen to them, but it wasn't really a good day that day.

Jinyoung and I fought about something; of course I was the one who started it. I was angry because... Well I just was. I stormed off to my apartment after we fought and planned on burning everything he ever gave me. That's when I saw the CD. I felt guilty but I was still angry. I thought that it'd be a shame to throw that away if I could make money from it once we broke up (or something along the lines of "I hope this is good because these will be your final words" while crying my heart out)

I first listened to "When You're Ready". It was really touching and beautiful. Not only will you hear the melody of the piano and Jinyoung's voice harmonizing, but the lyrics were incredible. There were words like, "I'd smile so you won't cry" and, basically he just says that, he'd be always there, when I'm ready to love him.

What happened next was me apologizing to him with a smile and us teasing each other about the track.

The second track was a less dramatic story. I've been depressed for a while then; the fan girls, work, peer pressure, etc. Usually we'll both get rid of our stress by going out to parties or dates with each other, but we've both been so busy that we didn't have time to go out.

So one night, Mae texts me with "Annyeong" and I remember the track title with that. I listened to it and I felt like it gave me strength. It was a dance-pop track. As expected it was a love song about a guy who keeps greeting this girl, but she couldn't see him because of the many walls between them. In the end, the boy says annyeong as goodbye but that was when the last wall was broken and the girl sees the boy. Then they live happily ever after.

After listening to it, I called Jinyoung and sang the song to him. He just chuckled and asked if it was my first time listening to it.

Well, that's all the story I can tell really. Jinyoung and I rarely see each other now, but I hope that'll change soon. Maybe he'll get a week off again.. Who knows...

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Chapter 8: Oh, my emotions!!!! Daebak job, author-nim :)
Ate Samaraaaaaaaaaa~ YOUR STORYYY! It's sooooo cute! I LOVE IT! <3 Haha. =)) I love how you ended the story with some post-chapters. Haha. Totally loved this. <3 I'ma subscribe! God bless. LOVELOVELOVE.
Your review is done and ready to be picked up! I'm terribly sorry for such a long wait!
Akira97 #4
Cute~ :)
diberty #5
I love your fic! It's too cute <3
sarahsohn77 #6
Ahhhhh awesome!!!! I wish they end up happy :) no bad people I hope