Mysterious creatures

Believe it or not

What's worst after fainted with your nose bleed ? Its wake up seeing yourself been surrounded by a handsome man and wild animals with your nose is still bleeding . ngg , maybe some of you wold like it but Jieun hates people surrounded her especially the unknown ones . But hey ! Animals? Jieun nearly fainted again as her sight was filled with an owl , a s-sloth? and a panther?! Its wild alright ... Honestly , they looked slightly different than we usually see . The owl , its quite fluffy and bigger than .. you know , as usuall . Even the panther and that sloth . Mutant? Maybe . It took a while for Jieun to freak out with the 'living things' infront of her and her surrounding . The roof was only built by hays and were established by the tree trunks . How can hay could be found in the jungle ? is it possible ? I don't know .. She found out that she was actually lying on the bunch of hays as a mysterious small creature crawling on her arms . It looked like spider , but its fluffy . Without her realizing , her bloods flows rapidly , catching the 'living things' attention . They were puzzled about that red liquid coming out from her nostril . Jieun backed off once she saw the blood dripping on the hays and in a blink of eye , she landed on hard ground with a thud sound . Jieun cringed in pain as she massages her hurting spot when she saw the handsome wide forhead guy came leaned closer to her . What the- she kept her distance away from him . As far as she could however , she just sat there . Frozed after seeing the animals transform into a beautiful human kind . Every single of the animals ... they changes into human ? " Lol . I must've be dreaming " Jieun thought but then , an unexpected rock knocks her head . It does hurt . But she didn't cringe again instead , she went extremely pale . Her eyes widen as she looked at them handsome guys with her frighten eyes . They're staring at her too but more like confused . Somehow , she had to admit that these looks of them are catchy . Wait .

" Where am I ? Is this a dream ? I'm not in the earth ? What are you ?" Jieun squealed , looking at them , hoping that they're not 'mute' . She looked around one more time even though she's in her panic mode but still , ensuring where the heck is she located is a MUST . Unfortunately , its still the same . Under a well built hut in the middle of the jungle . I mean , deep in the jungle . Look at that trees . Its kinda different from the earth . Its .. none of these species are on earth . Some has bubbles and some are furry . Its like those in fantasy movies ! Yes ! It is ! But , seriously , where is she now ? Jieun looked at them . 

"Err .. Honestly , we're relieved after hearing that you could speak the same language as us but , can we know what kind of species you are ? How can your hair could be so long and looks like you don't really look like us . " The one with wide forehead bravely spoken as a smirk could be seen on his face . He's quite friendly while the other rest was nodding in agreement at the back . Jieun blinks several times before she could freely fills her lungs with oxygen . She's relieved too knowing that they're humans too . But what's with the transforming thinggy and the question ? What species she is ? A human girl of course !

"Wh-what do you mean ? I-I'm a girl of course idiot !And what are you ? " Her eyes is now glued on the four of them . Speak or else ! But instead of the answer , she was quite puzzled with their actions . They looked suprised for a while before explaning to her . 

" Oh ! right , I'm Joonmyeon but you can call me Suho . And this is Kyungsoo , Jongin and Sehun .And we're guys!" He's introducing them but not showing who-is-who . What a clumsy one . Her brows furrowed in confusion but looks like the others was quite familiar with their friend's act and tried to introduce themself simply . The one with big round eyes and his plump lips who was the owl earlier raised his hands . " Kyungsoo" so simple but oh well , next ! He looked sleepy and slightly dark toned one but still looking hot .If i'm not mistaken , he's the weird looking sloth earlier . He too raised his hand and replied shortly . " Jongin . But call me Kai" O-kay ... Jieun turned her head to the last oone . Its the one I could considered quite good looking and mature from his looks than the rest  . But Jieun seems suprised . " Thehun . And I'm the youngest here " Yeah , maknae ...    Then , Kyungsoo's eyes widen all of sudden and whispered to Suho . Him too , looked suprised .

" Wait ! You're a girl ?! Gosh ! How did you came all the way here and where actually are you from ?" His words got JIeun to look dumbfounded . What is he talking about ? Were on the same planet , EARTH .. And how come he dosen't know that I'm a girl ?" " Sorry but as you know were too excited ! SInce girls are starting to extinct in this world and Its our first time seeing a girl . Girls are pretty ! I like you ! Be my wife !" Kai came closer as he opens his arms widely ,trying to warps it around the 'girl' . However , Jieun who heard the whole thing freaks out once again , especially when a guy she wasn't familiar with wanting her to be his wife ? Jieun stood up , running away from them . She was just too scared . To shock . And where she is now again ? Jieun thought of that as she runs to nowhere . She just runs where her legs brought her while the guys back there scolded Kai for scaring the innocent girl and started to chase her too . . They won't miss a 'girl' right ? Its a golden chance ! 

As her legs brought her , Jieun went into a small cave she discovered to hide herself from the 'insane' guys . But instead , she drew lots of attention with her loud scream . She bumped onto someone or something but she couldn't see.. its too dark in here ! Jieun immedietly hugged the 'thing' without hesitating when she heard the guys calling her by 'girl' , entering the cave .From the thing she was hugging , it dosen't even likes her doing that . He kept waggling around trying to release her from it . And seems like Jieun would jump and faint in shock as something unbelieveable happened . The dark surrounding suddenly became bright as ever . How in the world ..- Jieun once again froze on her spot while her arms is left hanging as she looked at the thing .. or should I say person . He's unbelieveably handsome . So handsome . Prince charming you can say . But not his face expression . Its cold and emotionless as he stared at the person infront of him . His stare breaks through her soul . While Jieun is still , froze .. Her eyes was fixed on his goddess face and then , the lights which forms from his hands and back to his face . What is this actually ? Am I in a fantasy or something ? Thing became crazy ! How can a human could forms light from their hands ? How ridiculous ! They both startled from the voice back there . 

"Oh Baek ! There you are ! Why are you here ? We've been searching you for days and we gave up literally . We thought that you're dead or something . Turns out you're just hibernating?" Suho laughed on his own words but not to Baek . He stared at him with his death glare . He must've own a cold personality .. Baek ... I've heard that name ... but .. where ? Her orbs glowed under the lights the guy made as he stared at his face . Its soothing though . But in some ways , her hearts beats faster then usual .. hey heart , you're acting weird.. oh wait .. 'heart beats faster when looking at him' .. Jieun gulped . Its one of the sign of falling in love ... No way .. Suddenly , she attarcts all the attention in there , even Baek who was busy glaring at Suho . They stared at her . She's making a weird sound . Baek looked at her , confused . But he did still mantain his cool and cold face . Jieun sighed as her shoulder bounced again .. Hiccups .. why did you come in these times ... I . Hate . You . Then , she felt something trailed on her lips as she cursed under her breathe ... Her cheeks heaten up as she noticed it . Baek ! His long slender finger is touching her lips . Jieun looked at his eyes , full of curiousity before pushing him away . " Don't you dare to touch me !"

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Chapter 15: Update soon ~
Good story <3
AdrianaLee #2
Chapter 15: OMG! What is this? Why Chanyeol do that to them? Did they died already?
I'm curious!! So many question. Hahaha...
Update soon~~
Chapter 14: So wait are they dead...... Omg nooooo!!! I need to know what really happened they can't die?! Omg update soon please!!!
Chapter 14: Update soooooooonnnnnn^_^
Chapter 14: Update soon :)
Chapter 13: Update soon^_^
Chapter 12: Wowww...So can't Ji eun use her powers agaisnt them? Why was she kidnapped though?
Please update soon! XD
Hiyeppi #9
Update soon plz
Chapter 11: Ooooh I just started reading this and I'm really keen on this story. B.A.P took Jieun? And Baekhyun doesn't even care?? Whaaaat?!