chapter 6.

Irony 반어

Two girls came running her way and stood right in front of her. Hana was shocked at their sudden appearance but tried her very best to not show it on her face. She stood rigid as her eyes remained fixed on the ground.


"Omg, you actually came! I thought you didn't want to. We are so going to have fun like the old times." Joori shrieked as she hooked her arm onto Hana's. Yura nodded excitedly as she grinned at the girl brightly.


Hana grew stiff at the girl's touch. Old times?... I don't think so.


"I was going to chill at the bar." Hana said flatly.


Immediately sensing the dead flat tone of Hana's the two girls immediately straightened up.


"Alright! We're going to the pool. See you later Hana!" With that, Joori and Yura left Hana and ran to the backyard leaving Hana all by herself.


Hana sighed, finally getting away from the noise outside and headed for the bar. There were a few people there and it wasn't as noisy as it was previously. She liked how it wasn't making her peeved off. The barista asked her for her order and she just told him to surprise her. While she was waiting for her drink, someone slipped onto the chair next to her. Hana pretended not to acknowledge the person's presence and continued to look ahead.


"Are you... alright?"


She unwillingly glanced to her side and sighed slightly. She nodded her head and took a sip from the drink that she just received.


"I didn't think you would come here. It was a surprise to see you here."


She hastily dropped her glass onto and counter and sat upright, still keeping her gaze forward.


"I didn't know that you are so talkative and nosy."


Sehun bit his lips as he realized that the girl's words were true. He was never talkative and it surprised him too that he actually talked so much to the girl that day moreover care about her well-being. Sehun kept staring at Hana while the girl never once flinced a single inch. Her eyebrows creased before she suddenly turned face-to-face with Sehun.


"Can you not stare at me? Am I some sort of animal on exhibition to you?"


Sehun gulped as he tried to hold the girl's piercing gaze. He calmed himself down before slowly looking away.


"I'm sorry."


Hana just rolled her eyes and continued to sip on her drink. Sehun too, quickly drank his wine to avoid being awkward. There was a deadly silence between the two as they would just stare forward and occasionally sipping on their drinks. That was until one of them spoke up.


"Wanna go for a puff?"


Sehun was taken aback by the girl's words and he could only stare at her. Hana stood up and straightened her dress. She glanced at Sehun stoically.


"You coming or not?"


Sehun snapped out of his confused state and nodded abruptly. He got up of his seat and trailed behind the girl. Hana climbed up to the third floor balcony where wasn't anyone and took a seat at one of the benches. Faint voices of the people in the backyard could be heard as the DJ was blasting a rap song through the speakers. The third floor was empty because Baekhyun stuck a sign that says 'No Entry' but Hana couldn't give a single damn about it.


She took out a stick from her purse and lighted it up. Sehun too took out his own but he couldn't find his lighter anywhere in his pockets.


Ah ! Probably left my lighter in my school pants.


Hana extended her arm to Sehun, handing out her lighter to him. "Oh, thanks." He slightly turned away from her and lighted his stick.


The two sat a comfortable distance away from each other as silence engulfed them. They didn't mind actually because the two of them would rather have silence than unwanted noise. The watched the people at the backyard losing themselves into the music and alcohol. The people there were to intoxicated to even realize that they were making a fool out of themselves. But then again it wouldn't be a party if there wasn't people like them.


"I didn't know you smoke."


Hana broke the silence and briefly glanced at Sehun. The boy gulped and stiffly chuckled.


"I started quite a long time ago. It's just that people never saw me."


"And smoking in the school's rooftop is a good idea?"


"I-I thought it was too early for anyone to see. Forgotten that you always go there. When did you start?"


Hana sighed slightly but replied anyways. "Last year."


The boy nodded and didn't question any further. He didn't want to make things more awkward nor did he want to make himself appear nosy. Suddenly, shuffling noises could be heard from the hallway not far away from the balcony. Muffled voices could be heard faintly and Hana immediately snapped her head. Those voices were far too familiar for her to even take a second comprehend. Sehun too looked back to see if anyone was there but he didn't say anything. Hana threw her stick away as stood up and went inside the hallway leading to the bedrooms. She didn't bother to inform Sehun but she knew that he was still sitting at the bench and not trailing behind her.


"Oppa... I feel so warm and giddy."

"It's okay, It's only me, just take off your clothes. You'll feel much better."

"I feel uncomfortable, oppa. I want to go home."

"You can't go yet, baby. Not until I get what I want.."


The male ped the female's dress and yanked it off her petite figure. She was left in her inner wear and the male smirked. He too took off his shirt and began to unbuckle his belt. The male hovered over the drunk female on the bed and began to kiss her sloppily. She was too drunk to even take in what was happening. The male whispered dirty things into the female's ear as his hands began to roam her body.


"Oppa, please don't.." The female weakly pushed the male away but he was simply too strong.  Instead, the male kissed her lips till it bled. Tears started to well in her eyes as the male tore away her inner wear, leaving her stark . She felt so helpless and ashamed as the male was looking at her with lustful eyes. He caressed her chest and the girl broke into sobs. He spread her legs and smirked as he saw her womanhood all wet and ready.


Suddenly the door burst opened, revealing a fuming figure.


"Get your ing hands off her." She trudged to the male and punched him squarely on his face. She kicked him in his stomach and he yelped in pain as he fell back on the bed. She sat on top of the male and punched his face repeatedly using all her strength, making a mental note in her head to break his nose while doing so. The male became unconscious and she grew satisfied seeing his face in a bloody mess. She hurriedly put back the dress onto the female before wrapping her arms around her as she dragged her out of the room. This was the state that the she hated most about herself. Being uncontrollable.


She dragged the half-conscious female into another hallway far away from the room that they exited before pushing her against the wall. The female fell to the ground and grunted slightly. She sobbed and buried her face into her palms. She squinted her eyes and gasped as soon as she got a clearer view of the female standing in front of her.


"Unnie... I'm scared.."


The drunk female mumbled as she hugged her knees tightly.


Hana was beyond pissed at the moment but she decided not to say anything or do anything. She exhaled a sharp breath before pulling her sister into a bedroom nearby. Trying very hard tto regain her cool, she took off her cardigan and placed it over the female who was now soundly asleep.


Hana passed by the balcony to check if Sehun was still there but he wasn't there anymore. She shrugged and climbed down the stairs and into the backyard, in an attempt to finding Luhan. Since there were too many people, Hana gave up and went back to the bar. She ordered a glass of red wine and gulped it down immediately. 


I need to calm my nerves down or I might punch anyone I see.




"What the is wrong with you, Kim Jongin?!"


The male who just yelled at his best friend frowned as he ran his fingers into his hair, totally frustrated. It was probably the first time Jongin heard his best friend yelled like that. Usually he would be the one sitting at the side silently while his other friends nagged at him. This time was different although he had to admit he had really crossed the line this time.


Jongin sighed as he laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He had bruises all over his face and his nose was almost broken. Sehun glared at the male and sat on the armchair next to the bed.


"You're getting out of hand, Jongin. I can't stay silent anymore. I know what's going on your head and I know why you did that. I know why you're like this. But you almost a girl, Kai. It is not acceptable. You deserved to be beaten up by Hana."


Jongin felt really guilty. He turned his back to Sehun and curled himself. Hearing Sehun calling his old nickname somehow made him feel even guiltier.


"I know all of us changed. Everyone changes when they grow up. Chanyeol, Baekhyun and us were friends since we were in elementary school. We see each other grow up and change but we're still friends, aren't we?"


Jongin turned and faced Sehun. He raised his eyebrow but immediately regretted his every part of his face was hurting right now. "What are you trying to say?"


"You became a bigger jerk, that's what I'm trying to say."


"What the hell are you talking about?"


"Ever since high school started, you became a big . You get all cocky and rude. You think you can get all the girls you like and take advantage of them? You were an to me and Chanyeol and Baekhyun too, in case you didn't realize. You know why we stayed with you after all this while? Because we ing value our friendship with you. Boys in school talk behind your back all the time. They ing hate your attitude. And what do I get? I get stares and people started to talk about you to me, too. I'm not staying silent anymore after today because I've had enough of your crap. This is your wake up call, your reality slap. I'm saying this since Baek and Chanyeol can't bring themselves to talk to you."


Sehun felt as if a heavy burden was just lifted of his shoulders as he slammed the door shut. He didn't bother to attend to Jongin's wounds and just left him in the room alone. He went to the rooftop of Baekhyun's house and stayed there alone, collecting his thoughts.



Hana was lighting up her third stick when someone sat next to her. She became stiff but continued to stay silent.


"I'm disappointed in you."


"Go away, Luhan." She said monotonously, trying very hard not to sound rude. She exhaled and the thick smoke blew away as she stared at it. Luhan shook his head and sighed. "I thought you quit."


Hana shrugged. "Well I didn't." She continued to gaze forward and Luhan just couldn't take it anymore. "Hana, excuse me if I'm going to sound annoying from this moment on but I just think I had to tell this to you now."


Hana finished the stick before she effortlessly tossed it away.


Luhan continued. "Hana, let me just be frank with you. I knew you for a quite a while already that I know you better than you know yourself. You're deeply hurt, that I know, Hana, even though you never told me. You shut every one out and kept everything to yourself. I know that you're dying inside. But you're good at hiding it from others. But you can't fool me, dongsaeng. I'm not telling you to open up right away. But I just want to tell you that I'm always here for you. You're not alone."


Hana breathed in and slowly dropped her head. She wanted to tell Luhan so badly how she was feeling and what just happened but she just can't seem to bring herself to it. She stayed silent, though her heart felt a painful pang. She became stiffer and more tensed. Luhan slightly caressed the back of her head before leaving her alone. For the first time in a long while, the girl cracked a sob, her heart aching more than ever. She buried her face and silently cried her heart's content. She was left alone and it took a long time for her to actually let her guard down. Later did she know someone was looking at her from the dark hallway, sighing as he looked at her all broken. 

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Chapter 12: chanyeol, baekhyun and sehun's caring sides made me sequel...
there's some more in jongin, right?
Chapter 11: that was unexpected. but, i got it now. will be waiting for more.^^
Chapter 9: interesting story. i like it...
alizarin #4
Chapter 8: Great storyline.. I wished for some more SeNa interaction though but thanks for the update! Fighting!!
Chapter 3: Wow! Great story author nim! Please update soon!