chapter 9.

Irony 반어

"Jimin, wake up."


Hana shook the bed as she crossed her arms patiently. She had been waiting for half an hour for her sister to wake up. It was way late into the night and the party had already long ended. Some of them had went home and some of them were passed out all over the house, totally intoxicated. Hana had convinced Luhan that she would stay and the boy hesitantly left with his friends. She somehow fell asleep and woke up in front of the door where her sister was in. 


"Unnie, where am I?" The younger girl croaked as she slowly sat up. She looked down her body and a loud gasp escaped.


"Unnie, don't tell me..."


Hana didn't let the girl finish as she landed a hard slap across the girl's face. She didn't say anything but a hard gaze remained on her face. Jimin wrapped her arms around her petite body and cracked a sob. Hana creased her eyebrows and inched closer to Jimin.


"You ing disgrace. I told you that you're landing yourself into deep . What would have happened if I didn't come in on time?" Hana spat with coldness emitting from every single word.


Jimin lowered her head as she sobbed silently. She knew that her sister was right and she was at wrong. She should've listened to her sister because she is in fact older and wiser than her.


"I'm sorry, unnie."


Hana rolled her eyes. "Just shut up. Your apology doesn't change anything. Go and sleep. I'll wake you up when we're leaving."


Hana abruptly left her sister and slammed the door shut behind her. She climbed down the stairs and went to the kitchen's refrigerator to get an ice cold water. She couldn't care less about the people that had passed out in the kitchen and just sat on the counter, sipping her drink.


"Still awake?"


The male that had just entered the kitchen greeted Hana as he too, took a glass for himself before sitting next to her. He turned to glance at her before he cautiously smiled at her. She in return just nodded her head and kept her gaze forward. The male knew she wasn't the old Hana where he could easily joke around with anymore but he knew that some part of her was still there.


"Hana, are you alright? I mean your nose from this morning. And I heard from Sehun about what happened to your sister earlier. Jongin wanted to say sorry to you and th-"


Hana sighed. "I'm fine, Chanyeol. It's my sister that your best friend should apologize to."


Chanyeol slightly flinched at her harsh tone but he kept his head lowered.


"I know why you changed."


Hana looked up for a brief second as she heard Chanyeol's words. She stared at him blankly for a second before she 'tch'-ed. There was a brief silence that came across the two as Chanyeol nervously waited for Hana's reply.


"Of course you do." Hana was about to get off the counter top as Chanyeol pulled her arm in time. The girl tensed at the boy's touch an yanked her arm out of his grip. The boy gave her a soft look in his eyes and this time, he gently gripped the girl's arm.


"I know I'm no one significant to you. At least not anymore, I guess. But I really hope we could at least acknowledge each other? To be very honest... I miss you, Hana. Baekhyun misses you too." Chanyeol looked as if he was about to cry and Hana knew he really meant what he had just said. His usual playful expression was gone and his sincere side was very evident. Hana immediately lowered her gaze from Chanyeol and silently sighed.


Not this easy, Chanyeol. I'm so sorry.


She slowly pulled her arm away from him and left the kitchen without a word. Chanyeol who was still staring at her was left dumbfounded and he felt really empty afterwards. He really missed how he would talk and hangout with Hana and Baekhyun anytime he wanted and how they would have fun together - just like best friends. He knew that Baekhyun missed her presence too and how things were very different after she left them. But they can never blame her for the fault is pointed at their very own best friend. Chanyeol sighed as he got off the counter and headed for the third floor.


He went inside the room and saw his three friends soundly asleep in the room. Sehun was sleeping stiffly on the couch while Baekhyun was sprawled on the floor. Jongin suddenly stirred in his sleep and his eyes slowly opened. Chanyeol quietly sat on the armchair right next to the bed and took a wet towel that was hanging on the side of the bed's frame. He carefully dabbed the cloth onto Jongin's bruise on his face before slowly lifting the younger boy's shirt to dab onto the wound on his abdomen. Jongin winced in pain and a hot tear escaped his eyes. His bruise got a tad worse as the colour got darker and the pain worsened. Jongin whimpered as he clenched his teeth and grabbed the bed sheet really tight.


"Hang on there, Jongin." Chanyeol said to Jongin with such patience and care in his voice.


"Yeol, it hurts like hell."


Chanyeol playfully glared at Jongin as he started to tend the bruise on his nose. "Psh, shut up, Kai. You lost to a girl and the least you could do is to withstand this."


Jongin took sharp breaths as Chanyeol continued to nurse him. Jongin unconsciously sobbed as the pain really hit him hard. He didn't mind anymore if he looked like a in front of Chanyeol and continued to wet the pillow sheet with his tears.


Sehun woke up and he silently observed the two by the couch. Sehun somehow felt a warm tug from the pits of his heart and a small smile appeared on his lips. It might be weird that he's happy that his friend is greatly hurt but somehow the situation is an overwhelming scene to him. The four of them are actually spending the night the night together and being there for one another - it had been such a long time.


Jongin fell asleep right after Chanyeol applied the healing cream on Jongin's bruise and he neatly put away the items aside. He sat on the couch next to Sehun and Baekhyun who was now awake too.


"I talked to Hana before I came up a while ago."


Sehun immediately stared at Chanyeol and Baekhyun could only gape at him. "You talked to her?"


Chanyeol nodded as his gaze fell to the floor. "I told her that I missed her and I want her to acknowledge me in the future."


Baekhyun, as if he could feel Chanyeol's despair scooted closer to him and patted his shoulder. "I miss her too, Yeol. But there's nothing we could do to change how she is now. I guess all we can do now is wait."


Sehun as usual kept his opinions to himself as he absentmindedly fiddled with his fingers. He wasn't actually very close to Hana like how Chanyeol and Baekhyun was but that doesn't mean he didn't keep a close eye on her.


"I think I know how we can make up to her, somehow. Although I don't think it would affect much."


Baekhyun snapped his head towards Chanyeol and gave a questioning look. Sehun too looked Chanyeol with a sight anticipation although it would probably be invisible to everyone else.


"We can ask Luhan hyung for help! I know he's the only person Hana talks to now. At least not that coldly."


Baekhyun's eyebrows pinched together as he think. He snapped his fingers as an imaginary light bulb lit above his head. "That's right! Luhan hyung must really be that close to her since he somehow manage to drag her here. I should call him for help."


Chanyeol nodded as his eyes was filled with determination. The two smiled as they chuckled at their brilliant idea. Sehun nodded as a sign that he agreed on this and the three of them could feel a little feeling of satisfaction spread around their whole body. Luhan is also in their list of friends but they weren't really close though.


"I'll go check on Hana and Jimin. Be right back, guys." Baekhyun suddenly said as he went out of the room.


He walked down the hallway towards the room where the sisters were and gave a light knock on the door. Seconds after, the door opened and a static but tired looking Hana stood right in front of him. Baekhyun stumbled a little as he was slightly surprised by their closeness although Hana didn't flinch a single bit. He peered into her eyes and instantly knew that she hadn't had a wink of sleep. 


"Hana, you should get some sleep. It's going to be dawn soon."


Hana glanced at Baekhyun before she turned her hear to look at her sleeping sister. "It's alright. We'll get going in an hour."


Hana was about to close the door when Baekhyun set his foot in between it. "Well the least I could do is to call you the cab?"


Hana stared at her foot before she hesitantly nodded. "Do whatever you want."


Baekhyun beamed at her before he slowly closed the door. He quickly dialled a cab and waited patiently in the room with Chanyeol and Sehun as they took turns looking after Jongin.


A faint honk could be heard from the front porch of Baekhyun's house the three boys immediately looked at each other.


Sehun was the first one to react as he got up to his feet. "I'll send her off."


Chanyeol and Baekhyun could only stare at him as he quickly left the room.


"Do you think something's up with him?"


Baekhyun shrugged. "Well something definitely is up. He's more more alive these days, don't you think?"


Chanyeol nodded as the two continued to daze off.


Sehun lightly knocked on Hana's door and not a second later, it opened.


"Hey Hana, your cab is here. Need me to carry Jimin?"


Hana didn't bother to look at him and just ignored him. She went over to the bed to pick her sister who fast asleep onto her back. Hana didn't mind how tired or how heavy her sister was because she would rather bear with all that than allow anyone else to touch her sister. Sehun pushed the door wider and trailed behind the sisters.


Hana gently set Jimin onto the passenger seat before she turned to Sehun.


"Tell Baekhyun I said thanks."


The girl was about to turn away when Sehun tugged onto her arms. He casted a soft gaze on her and can't help but to notice the dark circles under her eyes and her dried lips that looked like it could bleed anytime soon.


"Take care of yourself Hana. Get home safe. You have our numbers so ring us if anything happens, alright."


Hana knew that she probably wouldn't have any choice but to agree. She nodded her head and blankly got into the cab. Sehun continued to watch the  cab drive away as a sigh escaped from his lips. He was really worried about Hana  and there's nothing he could do about it.


I just hope she's alright. Seeing her cry definitely made me feel crumbled too.

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Chapter 12: chanyeol, baekhyun and sehun's caring sides made me sequel...
there's some more in jongin, right?
Chapter 11: that was unexpected. but, i got it now. will be waiting for more.^^
Chapter 9: interesting story. i like it...
alizarin #4
Chapter 8: Great storyline.. I wished for some more SeNa interaction though but thanks for the update! Fighting!!
Chapter 3: Wow! Great story author nim! Please update soon!