chapter 7.

Irony 반어

It was the girl's fifth bottle of drink and the number of puffs she took was countless. She sat on the bench feeling lost and hurt but the silence was the only one that comforted her and she somehow felt thankful to the silence. A handsome young man sat next to her and she wasn't too sober to make out who the guy was. She started to ramble on stuff that she had never talked about before and she even laughed hsyterically from time to time.

"Hey, you wanna know something? I'm so ed up but actually it's not even my fault. But it's funny, really. Hahahaha!"

She crept closer to the young man and snuggled into his chest. She started to talk and rested on his comfortable embrace while he sits there silently, listening to her.

~ A/N: It's gna be a flashback story from this point on so don't be confused y'all :-) ~


It was two weeks before Valentines' Day and the most of the students at Hanguk High were extremely excited either busy planning for the perfect gifts or busy planning their ideal date for the day to spend it with their loved ones.


Joori, Yura and Hana were in the cafeteria and were about to eat when a boy, probably a freshmen came to their table.


"Excuse me ladies, but do you have any love chocolates for us to deliver it to on Valentines' Day?" The boy beamed as he waited for the girls to answer.


Joori and Yura immediately nodded their heads as they took the clipboard from the boy and wrote down the names of the people they wanted the chocolates to be delivered to. Hana took the clipboard right after and gave the boy a lingering smile. The girls paid the boy before he left to the next table.


Every year during special occasions and especially Valentines', the students from the Student Council organized events like this for the students in the school. And specially for Valentines', the Student Council had this event where the councillors would go around during lunch time and sometimes after school to ask the students if they wanted chocolates to be delivered to their secret crushes or whoever they wanted it to be delivered to. This event was so well received that the headmaster decided to keep it going and all the proceeds earned would be donated to some charity decided by the school.


"I'm so going to sneak out of school during the free period of Valentine's." Joori exclaimed.


Hana smirked as she took a sip from her cola.


"Why, you have a date outside of school, Joori? Is he hot?"


Yura chided in and said, "Is he one you've been blabbering about, babe? The guy from Danbi Arts College?"


Joori chuckled as she nodded at the two.


"Yup and yup! Daehyun is picking me up during the free period and since it's the last period might as well get out of school earlier. What about you guys?"


Yura giggled as she began talking about her plan.


"Hmm, there's enough of myself going around so I guess I'm just going to go along with all the boys that asked me out. And maybe I'll hook up with some hot guy from Baek's Valentine's party. I mean, I don't really have to do any chasing, right."


Hana chuckled at her friend as she thought about her plans.


"I'm not so sure but I think someone may ask me out but I'm definitely headed for Baek's party too."


Joori and Yura grinned childishly.


"Ayyy, we all know who's going to ask you out, Hana. It's so obvious. You guys really need a room. We all noticed how you guys were acting for the past weeks. Oh wait, you can get a room! Baek's house is big enough to have an empty room for the both of you!" Yura excitedly said as Joori high-fived her before the both of them doubled in laughter.


"Oh whatever, you guys are just jealous I'm going to have some hot date on Valentine's and you guys probably won't."


The three of them continued to joke and tease each other non-stop till lunch time ends.


Hana went to her next class which was maths and even a dummy could tell that she hated the subject to the core. She sat at her usual seat at the back as she drowned herself with music before dozing off.


Her next period was a free period but unfortunately both her best friends had lessons meaning she would have to spend it alone. The students greeted her as she walked pass them and she would either smile or wink at the person occasionally if she finds the person cute. She tossed her math textbook into her locker before shutting it. She was about to turn when a shy looking boy came standing right in front of her. Despite him being a head taller than her, Hana's confidence and aura definitely overpowered the boy before her.


Her lips twitched into an amused smile as she looked at the boy.


"May I help you with anything, cutie?"


There was a crowd beginning to form a few feet away from the two of them as they watched the scene before them and whispered among each other.


The boy finally picked up his courage and lifted his head up to look at the girl.


"H-H-Hana I wanted to a-ask if y-y-you wanted to be m-my d-d-d-date f-for V-v-valentine's?" The boy fiddled with his fingers anxiously as he waited for the girl to reply.


The crowd was silent as they were waiting for the girl's reply - though most of them knew what her answer was going to be.


The girl chuckled.


The boy was taken aback by the girl's chuckle and opened his mouth but Hana beat him to it.


"What's your name, cutie?"


They boy nervously looked at her and replied.


"D-dongwoo. Kim Dongwoo. I'm in your maths class."


"Oh! You're in my maths class! That's great, honey. You really want to date me?" Hana asked clearly not remembering him mostly because she slept in all her maths class therefore not noticing him.


Dongwoo nodded his head quickly and waited for the girl to answer.


"Dongwoo, I'm really sorry but I don't go around with guys like you. Aren't you in the top ten of the level? Well I suggest that maybe during Valentine's you should just date your books  at home and try to get to into the top three instead?" Hana replied as she replaced the amused look on her face with a smirk.


Seeing the dejected expression on his face, Hana stepped closer and lifted the boy's chin with her index finger and looked into his eyes.


"And now you're practically wasting my time, hun. I better get going now shouldn't I?"


Dongwoo inched back as he was close to breaking into tears due to the embarrassment. The crown began to snigger and some were even laughing at the poor boy who just got rejected.


Hana chuckled, completely amused by the boy who had the courage to confess to her before she continued walking past the hallway. She continued to climb up the stairs to the rooftop and decided to hang out there.


She went to the railings as the soft breeze hit her face gently. She lifted both arms to stretch her body when she was suddenly pulled into the arms of a boy. Her lips lifted to a smile as she could smell the familiar cologne right from her nose.


"Hey, baby cakes."


She got back to her feet as she smiled at the person before her.


"I almost had a heart attack gosh!" Hana pouted as she playfully hit the boy's chest with her fists.


"I was searching for you, babe." The boy said as he leaned against the railing next to the girl.


"And I wasn't. Too bad." Hana tried her best to hold her laugher to see how the boy would react.


He tilted his head before pulling her wrists and trapping her against the railing.


"Oh really?" He smirked as he inched forward, closing the gap between the two of them that she could feel his hot breath on her skin.


"Alright, alright. I admit. I was actually looking for you that's why I came here. Okay, happy?"


The boy was more than pleased when he heard that and eventually stepped back a little as a smile was plastered onto his handsome face.


"I saw how you rejected the nerd just now. I should say I'm very impressed with you."


Hana chuckled as she glanced at the boy.


"I know right! And his expression was so priceless, I almost laughed at his face."


Jongin laughed as he took Hana's arms.


"Hana, I wanted to ask you something. I've been thinking about this for quite a while now" His gaze was relatively serious this time as he looked at the girl tenderly. She was slightly taken aback but continued to gaze into his hypnotizing eyes.


"Hana, I really care for you and you know that, right? I know it's a bit late considering we're already so comfortable around each other and stuff. But I just want to make sure that it's really official between us. Hana, will you be my girlfriend? I'm falling hard for you every single day and I really want to make you mine. We're suited for each other I mean you're hot and I'm hot and-"


Hana instantly pulled the boy and kissed his lips as she was waiting for those words from him for a long time already and she couldn't wait any longer for him to finish his lengthy speech therefore she attacked his lips. She wrapped her arms on his shoulders as he pulled her waist closer as the both of the shared their first kiss together.


The both of them pulled away from each other after a while and a smile etched on both of their faces.


"So is that a yes?"


Hana grinned as she tighten the grip of her hands on his neck.


"Of course it is, Jong."


The boy broke into a larger smile after hearing such simple words from the girl.


"And I want to ask you out to Baekhyun's party. You in?"


Hana chuckled lightly and replied, "Of course I'm in, babe. I'm always in when it comes to parties. And besides, Baek invited me way earlier."


The boy nodded as the couple made their way down, hand-in-hand.


And therefore the news of the two spread like wildfire and by the time school was over, the whole school received the news. Basically most of the girls were bawling their eyes out since their precious oppa was now taken and the boys were equally disappointed as their ideal girl was taken too. It wasn't totally unexpected that the two actually got together as they were always seen near each other and hanging out with each other a lot both in school and also in parties. And furthermore, rumours had also been circulating that the two were together but they didn't have enough prove yet. It was also expected since both of them were good-looking and are popular with the students.





School was as per normal as days goes by with all the boring lessons occupying the student's time. Jongin and Hana was as usual attending their lessons even though they don't have any lessons together. They made an agreement to sit together during lunch and since then, Jongin's group of friends and Hana's group of friends sat together - which in turn made their table the nosiest and also the center of attention would always be them. Due to the both of them being occupied with dance practises and some other after-school work, the couple could only meet during lunch time and in-between their breaks from their various activities. They managed to sneak in a couple minutes of steamy make-out sessions in the janitor's closet but other than that, they didn't have time for each other.




Hana who was strolling to her next period stopped on her tracks to turn to the person who just called her name.


"Oh, what's up, Sehun?" Hana asked as she flashed the boy with her signature lingering smile.


Sehun remained stoic as he began to dig his pockets for something. He fished a piece of paper from his pocket and passed it to Hana.


Hana scrutinized the paper and realized the familiar messy handwriting - it was from Jongin.


"Jongin told you to pass it to me?"


Sehun gave a curt nod as the girl continued to smile at him.


"Gomawo, Sehun-ah! Bye!" Hana waved at the boy before she continued walking to class.


Sehun who was still standing at the same spot sighed as he rolled his eyes. He himself doesn't know why he's even doing Jongin a favour out of a sudden. Snapping out of his thoughts, Sehun went to his locker before running to his next period just in time as the bell rings.


It was English period and Hana totally didn't pay attention since she tops every English tests and exams every single time. She suddenly remembered the note from Jongin and unfolded it from its crumpled state. A wide grin immediately plastered on her face as she read the contents of the letter


Hey baby cakes ;)


I know we haven't been spending time together so I wanted to take you on a little date after your part time work. I had Sehun give it to you because I had to meet Mrs Min during lunchtime. I thought writing a note would make you think of me since it's handwritten. Anyways, see you later, babe!






Hana's shift was starting soon and she was already rushing to the cafe where she works. She noticed that the new guy was working today and decided to have a small chat with him since the cafe wasn't so busy.


"Hey, do you need help?" Hana looked at the doe-eyed boy with a bright smile.


"Y-y-yes, I do." He nodded shyly as he pointed to the blending machine.


Hana chuckled at the boy as she slowly showed him how to operate the machine. After he successfully managed to make a smoothie, he continuously thanked Hana for the help and the girl could only laugh at his overreacting actions.


"My name's Hana. Kang Hana. What's yours?" The girl extended her arm in front of the boy.


"I'm Luhan. Xi Luhan." The boy gladly shook the girl's arm and smiled at her.


"You're not from here are you, Luhan?" Hana curiously asked since his surname definitely doesn't sound like it was Korean to her.


"O-oh, I was actually born in Korea and stayed here since young. It was parents, they came from China. I'm in college now." The boy grinned sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck shyly.


Hana was utterly shocked as the boy looked really young for his age and her first impression of him was that he was definitely younger than her.


"You're in college? I swear you look so much younger than me. Oh my god!"


Luhan chuckled, "I get that a lot, Hana. So you're still in high school I suppose?"


She nodded her head as she took a sip of the smoothie that Luhan just tried to make.


"Call me oppa then!"


Hana was slightly taken aback by Luhan's sudden boldness but agreed to comply anyways.


"Araseo, oppa!"


For the next few hours, Hana thought Luhan many things and they even chatted more to get to know each other more. The both of them cleaned the cafe together before Luhan pulled something from his pocket.


"Your number?" He gave her an eye smile before handing the phone to Hana.


Hana typed in her numbers and immediately gave herself a missed call.


"There you go, oppa!" She returned the phone back to Luhan and she suddenly remembered something really important.


It was her date with Jongin.


"Oh my gosh oppa, I just remembered I had to go somewhere." Hana face palmed as she apologized to Luhan.


"Nah, it's okay Hana. Go on, you've already helped me enough today. Go on."


Hana nodded as she quickly grabbed her backpack from the staff room before bolting out.


"I'll text you!!" Hana bade Luhan a good bye as she dashed out the glass door.


She turned left and right and she couldn't see anyone in sight. Hana walked forward a few steps only to be grabbed by a hooded figure.


"Hey, baby cakes."


She straightened herself as she pouted at the boy in front of her.


"Yah Kim Jongin, would you stop giving me heart attacks!"


Jongin chuckled as he found Hana's pout to be so cute.


"You came out late, babe." Jongin glanced at his girlfriend as he casually laced his fingers into her.


"I'm sorry, Jong. I had to help out the new kid at work so I came out a little late."


Jongin nodded and a comfortable silence enveloped them as Jongin continued to lead their way.


After a few minutes of walking, Hana finally asked, "Where are we going, Jong?"


Jongin glanced at Hana and smiled.


"Just wait and see."


They finally arrived at a bench facing the fountain. It was really peaceful and the park was close to empty but the breeze was definitely calming to the mind.


"I just thought we needed some alone time together since we're so busy in school. And no one can block us here." Jongin said as he inched closer and wrap an arm on Hana's waist.


"I like it here, babe. It's really peaceful and quiet." Hana turned to smile at Jongin as she briefly pecked his lips.


"Hana, I love you so much, baby." Jongin expressed as he caressed Hana's arm while gently pulling her back to his chest and snuggled her close.


Hana was screaming in her head due to excitement listening to the three words and she immediately reacted.


She turned her head slightly and looked into his lustful eyes as their lips inched closer. Their lips met and it began to heat up as Jongin Hana's lower lip asking for entrance. He began to move his hands and roamed it around her chest. Their breaths were getting heavier as Jongin sneakily slipped his arms into Hana shirt. This was definitely a lot hotter than the usual make-out sessions they have and Jongin was clearly pleased as he was on the dominating side considering Hana had her back facing him. Not breaking the kiss, Jongin sneaked his hands into Hana's bra and gave her moulds a tantalizing squeeze and continued to massage it rhythmically. He removed one arm from Hana's shirt as he began to move it to the lower region of her body. He rubbed her throbbing womanhood  and grew frustrated as he wanted to rip her pants right there but was unable to since they were still in public. Hana let out a soft moan and arched her back onto Jongin's chest. He shut her moan out as he crashed his lips onto her lips again. Jongin was really caught up with the moment as he tried to slip his hands into Hana's pants.


Suddenly Hana's phone buzzed and she immediately pulled away from Jongin to turn her phone off.


ing block!


Jongin was utterly pissed as he ruffled his hair in frustration. He let out a sharp breath as he inched back closer to Hana.


"Jong, I'm really sorry but it's really late already and we have school tomorrow. Let's get going, alright?" Hana stood up abruptly as she extended her arm to Jongin.


Jongin rolled his eyes but soon gave in to his girlfriend and wrapped his arms on her shoulders. The two walked until they reached a tall apartment. Hana gave Jongin a small hug and was about to turn away when Jongin crashed his lips onto hers once again and gave her a squeeze.


"Umf! Y-yah Kim Jongin! People could see us!" Hana was flustered as she looked around to see if anyone saw them.


Jongin just smirked as he kept his gaze on her.


"I can't help it if you're so ing hot, babe. I'm still not done today."


Hana shook her head as she gave Jongin a wave before going up to her apartment. She went into her room and took a shower before going to the kitchen to grab a bite.


"You're home, Hana."


She looked up and smiled at the man in front of her.


"Hey dad. Yup I just got home, sorry if you were worried, I had some stuff to do at work."


The older man nodded as he went back to his bedroom after wishing his daughter good night.


Hana cleared everything up and soon she was already lying on her bed. She took out her phone from her backpack and checked it. Her eyes almost bulged out from the sockets after she saw so many text messages and missed calls she received. She noticed a recent text and it was from an unnamed number.


Hey Hana! Luhan oppa here. Just wanted to check if you've saved my number already. And I also wanted to thank you for helping me out today hehe ^^ -Unknown


Hana couldn't help but smile. Indeed she had a great time spending her shift with Luhan and being able to click so quickly made their situation much more better when they're working together. She quickly saved Luhan's number and typed in a reply.


Oppa! Sorry for the late reply TT And yes, I've saved your number so no worries! And today was nothing, I really had fun with you. I'm sleeping soon, good night! -Hana


Luhan replied shortly after and Hana was soon on the verge to dozing off. Indeed, her life at the moment seemed pretty much smooth-sailing and she couldn't ask for more. However, would this moment last forever, or will it just crumble and fall apart.



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Chapter 12: chanyeol, baekhyun and sehun's caring sides made me sequel...
there's some more in jongin, right?
Chapter 11: that was unexpected. but, i got it now. will be waiting for more.^^
Chapter 9: interesting story. i like it...
alizarin #4
Chapter 8: Great storyline.. I wished for some more SeNa interaction though but thanks for the update! Fighting!!
Chapter 3: Wow! Great story author nim! Please update soon!