chapter 1.

Irony 반어

She closed her eyes shut and she sighed for the tenth time. Trying very hard to suppress her raging anger, the girl leaned against the wall of the silent and dimly-lighted room and stared at the cold tile ground. She took a deep breath before diverting her gave to the two men sitting facing each other only to be separated by a desk.

"Sir, you know very clearly what damage you have caused and yet you're not signing this?"

The man spoke with a tinge of annoyance in his voice due to the long pestering he had gone through since two hours ago. The other man just had to sign a form and his job would be done but there he is, staring right through the paper and not replying a single word.

The man who was being questioned lifted his head and replied curtly, "I may have caused the damages but  I definitely did not cause the problem here."

He then stood up abruptly and grabbed the girl's arm along with him as he exited by the glass door. Once the pair were outside the building, the girl yanked her hand out of the man's grip and her stoic face turned into pure anger as she glared at the older man.

"What  the is wrong with you? Isn't it enough that you're making our life difficult? Now you're making other people's life difficult too?" The girl spat.

Slightly taken aback, the man breathed in sharply and looked at her straight in the eye.

"I know it's my fault, I do. I asked for your forgiveness many times and I've been trying hard lately. Can't you see it? It's starting to change. But this time it really wasn't me who caused it. Believe me, baby."

The girl rolled her eyes and her eyebrows creased more after hearing the man's reply.

"Don't 'baby' me. Clean up your own and never call me again the next time you're in trouble."

With that, the girl stormed off leaving the man standing there alone and dumbfounded in the cold night. She had enough of crap coming her way that day and she definitely doesn't want to add any additional problems to the one she already has.

After a few minutes of walking aimlessly, her foot ended up bringing her to a run downed building. She couldn't care much of the darkness surrounding her and just climbed up to the top floor of the building. She took a stool and stood on it only to open a door that leads to the roof of the building. She griped the rope that fell from the roof  hard and pulled herself up to through the secret door. She carefully walked a few steps before sitting down. She made herself comfortable as the gentle breeze hit her face. Staring at the scene in front of her, a tinge of sadness flashed in her eyes as her mind was running with many different thoughts. However the scene before her somehow manages to brighten her up a little. However it wasn't really a picturesque view but it was a view of the city and how each building lights up in the dark night. The rundown building was on a hill therefore it is a little higher than the other buildings in the city.

The girl laid her back down and closed her eyes enjoying the silence and the breeze of the place. She placed an arm over her forehead as millions of things passed through her mind. She reflected everything that had happened so far and tried to blank out her mind for a while. She often ask questions to herself and often think of ways to improve her situation whenever she's alone. This rundown building that no one dares to step foot into, was the place that she found comfort and warmth in. It 's a place that she treasures very much. It was her sanctuary. Her secret place.

As minutes went by, the girl 's breathing became even and she soon drifted off to a deep slumber forgetting all the incident that happened earlier. She wasn't afraid to let down her guards there because she knew she felt most comfortable being there.


The sunlight landed on the girl's face and her eyebrows immediately creased as she felt slightly uncomfortable. Realizing her current position, her eyes shot open and she immediately sat up. Her eyes widened as she saw the sun had risen up. It slowly hit her that she had fallen asleep the previous night on the roof of the building and surprisingly she did not die from falling off the roof. The girl made a mental note to not fall asleep on the rooftop again or else she might really die the next time she falls asleep again. She slightly stretched her body while still sitting and look at the morning view of the city. She whipped out her cell phone from her pocket and turned it on.


8 missed calls

12 text messages

The girl mentally face-palmed and cursed before getting up. She hurriedly opened the door to the top floor of the building and jumped down. She made sure to hide the stool somewhere only she would find before dashing down the staircase. She was thankful to her quick legs as she arrived home in just ten minutes from running non-stop from the building. In such a hurried state, she quickly pressed the door pin and ran inside her room. She took a quick bath and put on her uniform. This was probably the fastest she had ever taken to get ready. Leaving her hair messy the girl grabbed her backpack as she dashed out of the empty house and began to run to school. She only had ten minutes left and being tardy on the first day of the semester was definitely something she didn't want.

With her efforts from running paid off, the bell rang as soon as she stepped her foot into the school. The girl stopped  for a while as she tried to regain her breath. A sudden hit of the meter-long ruler made the girl tense as she gave the older woman a slight bow.

" I believe I've told you before again and again to at least keep your hair neat and your piercings, goodness! I told you to only keep it to a pair not three pairs! What has become of you, my goodness." The older woman kept on nagging leaving the girl standing there silent.

The girl had  somehow became the number one target of the discipline mistress of the school, Mrs Min. Mrs Min had decided to keep a very close watch on the girl because of God knows what. However despite the numerous warnings and reminders from Mrs Min, the girl definitely couldn't be bothered to change because she doesn't like it when people tries to change her ways. With a curt bow, she strolled to the part of the building her class was located at. She opened the door, earning stares from her classmates and especially her teacher.

"You're late again, detention after school."

The girl merely rolled her eyes, ignoring her homeroom teacher's statement. She made a mental note to not linger around the detention room after school just in case. She dragged her feet to the desk at the back of the class and plugged in her earpiece in. Having completely no interest in the first three periods and despite the constant glances her classmates were giving her, the girl dozed off soon after.

"Alright class, remember your assignments.."

The girl slowly squinted before opening her eyes fully as she heard the bell rang that signifies lunch time. She was surprised that she could actually sleep for three straight periods and no one bothered to wake her up. She just shrugged and proceeded out of the classroom after the class greeted the teacher. Still feeling slightly lethargic, the girl sleepily walked down the hallway ignoring the buzzing of her phone in her skirt's pocket.

"Ya! Where on earth have you been?" A voice suddenly popped beside the girl as two figures walked next to her.

Giving her first smile of the day, the side of the her lips slightly curled up as she felt slightly amused at her friend's overreacting tone of speaking.

"Sorry, my phone's dead. Busy with work. How's vacation, guys?"  The girl replied, randomly shootong a question to save herself from sounding too bored in front of her two friends - or perhaps the only friends she have left.

"It was totally awesome! Like there were so many hot guys in Hawaii. I even wen-"

"Oh my god! I know right! I was in London and the guys there had such cute accents I-"

The voices of the girl's friends drowned in the girl's head as they were getting too excited and the girl seriously can't be bothered since the both of them practically flooded their group chat with their vacation stories. She already had an abundant information from their group chat and doesn't need more of it.

The students along the hallways glanced as the trio walked past as the they had always been the centre of attraction whenever they were at a certain place or passing by a certain place. Perhaps they were three of the most beautiful looking girls in the school. And perhaps it was also because these girls were popular with boys. Nonetheless these girls still get undivided attention be it good or bad from both the females and the males of the school.

The trio finally reached the cafeteria and sat at their usual table next to the glass window before getting their food. The girl just remain seated in her seat with her earpiece plugged in with maximum volume on. Her mind was as usual drifted somewhere else as her usual stoic expression invaded her face. Her friends came back with trays of food and gobbled down their food while she continued to remain still. It had become a norm for her to not eat during lunch time and she had been doing this for a while. Lunch just doesn't seem to appeal her. The girl remained mum as her friends continued to munch and converse animatedly with each other. And she didn't mind them not including her in their conversations because they knew too well that she would rather listen than talk. They know that if the girl wanted to talk, she wouldn't have her earpiece on.  

The cafeteria got louder and busier as more students were inside. Despite having her music to maximum volume, the girl could still hear loud voices and noises that absolutely ruined her mood. The girl was probably raging in the head silently but her face remained neutral as she stood up from her seat.

"See you guys later."

With a short glance to her friends, the girl left the cafeteria leaving the two girls dumbfounded. They looked at each other and slightly sighed before they resumed eating. This wasn't something new as the girl would always leave so suddenly when she couldn't stand the noise or if something was bugging her.

"Shouldn't we do something about her?" The girl with chestnut coloured hair asked.

"We should just give her some space. I think she needs it. She'll be fine." The girl with a slightly light coloured hair replied. They just gave each other a little reassuring smile as they stood up to return the food trays.

Meanwhile, the girl had gone up to the roof garden of the school - a place where it's really empty during lunch breaks. She usually goes up here to avoid the noise and surprisingly she found the place to be quite comfortable too. She kinda has this thing for high places and rooftops. Just like the previous night at the rundown building, the girl stared intently ahead with a lot of things running through her head.

A sudden presence made the girl stiffen slightly as the familiar intoxicating cologne made its way to her nose.

"Kang Hana?"

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Chapter 12: chanyeol, baekhyun and sehun's caring sides made me sequel...
there's some more in jongin, right?
Chapter 11: that was unexpected. but, i got it now. will be waiting for more.^^
Chapter 9: interesting story. i like it...
alizarin #4
Chapter 8: Great storyline.. I wished for some more SeNa interaction though but thanks for the update! Fighting!!
Chapter 3: Wow! Great story author nim! Please update soon!