chapter 5.

Irony 반어

It was Friday. Not just any normal Friday. It's the Friday whereby Baekhyun's party would be held. Everyone was excited as they were all talking about it in school that day. School usually ends slightly earlier on Fridays but some unlucky ones would unfortunately have study halls after school that would force them to end school slightly later than the rest. Hana had PE for the last period and the girl unwillingly dragged herself to the gymnasium. As usual, she was one of the few that entered last and immediately went to her seat at the back of the class. PE period was special as they would always combine two and sometimes even three classes altogether to have the lesson together. Unfortunately for Hana, she had the same period as the flower boys of the school. It was getting on her nerves as the majority of the girls in the gymnasium just can't seem to shut their mouth and ogling over the boys.


The coach, Mr Han finally arrived and he quickly took the attendance before announcing that they would be playing dodge ball for the period. The students cheered for they certainly like the violence imposed by playing dodge ball. Before they could start, Mr Han instructed the class to be in pairs as they had to do warm ups before anything else. The girls hurriedly flocked to Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Jongin and Sehun. Hana could only watch as she mentally rolled her eyes and stood in her position. This was clearly wasting her time. She shifted her weight on one feet as she waited with a bored expression. Chanyeol and Baekhun decided to pair up while Jongin paired with a girl in a ridiculously tight shorts and shirt. Maybe that's why he paired with the girl. The other girls were obviously mocking the girl but she practically couldn't care much. Sehun on the other hand rejected all the girls that asked him and stayed partnerless. Therefore the other girls either had to pair up with themselves or some other boy reluctant enough to be their partners.


"Alright, anyone without a partner?" Coach Han asked the class as she scanned the students to make sure.


"Mr Han, Sehun doesn't have one!" One of the girls squeaked.


"Alright then, I see that Kang Hana doesn't have a partner either. Oh Sehun, you may join her." Sehun glanced at Hana as the boy nodded and made his way to the girl.


There were clearly many protests coming for the girls but Couch Han's piercing blow of the whistle made them silent as he finally got the silence that he wanted.


"Alright, start your warm-ups with 50 sit-ups, 20 back stretch and 20 leg stretch. Chop chop, everyone!"


Hana looked at Sehun with a stoic face as she began to sit on the mat that was on the floor. She was already in the sit-up position and Sehun could only watch the girl do sit-ups at such an incredible speed without any assistance. He too, laid on the mat next to girl and began doing sit-ups. The two of them did the rest of the warm-up by themselves though they would steal glances at each other once a while but other than that, the two never exchanged a single word.


Coach Han blew the whistle and everyone soon gathered in front of him. He divided the class into four teams and in each game, two teams would compete against each other while the other two teams would be the spectators. Unfortunately for Hana, her team was called up for the first game which leaves her no time to escape. She rolled her eyes and made her way to the back of her team and crossed her arms. As it was mix gendered, the guys tend to be throwing a lot while the girls mostly hid behind them. Hana was still standing at the same position all by herself when suddenly a body came flying in front of her.


"Byun Baekhyun out! Haha!"


Applauds and cheers could be heard as apparantly, Chanyeol and lunged right in front of Hana to catch the ball that was thrown by Baekhyun who was on the opposite team. Chanyeol briefly glanced at Hana who in return blankly stared at him.


"You're welcome."


Hana didn't bother to reply as the boy ran to the frontline to throw a ball at the opponent. A ball rolled to Hana 's feet as the girl unwillingly picked it up. She mindlessly threw the ball  forward and it somehow hit one of the Song girls. The other two girls glared at Hana for throwing the ball at their poor 'leader' and immediately snatched the balls from the boys. The girl who was made out by Hana smirked a the sidelines as she nodded for her sidekicks to proceed. Hana wasn't paying attention and suddenly her head got hit by two balls that were strongly thrown by the two Song girls. The pain was throbbing and her face turned red due to the impact. The gymnasium turned silent and the game halted. Even Coach Han was too stunned to even react.


Hana felt something dripping from her face. She felt her nose and there was blood dripping from it. The two Song girls gasped as the leader too was shocked. Everyone was waiting for Hana to react - or maybe explode to be exact. Jongin who was busy flirting with a girl too was focusing his entire attention on Hana waiting for her next move. Suddenly, someone shot up from the bleachers and made his way to the dazed girl. He took her wrist and began to drag her out of the gymnasium. Hana let herself be dragged by Sehun as everyone began to whisper to one another. Hana was so pissed that she even muttered a curse word under her breath as Sehun lead her to the nurse office.


"Kang Hana? Is there som- Oh my goodness!" The nurse shrieked as she saw Hana's bloodied nose. She yanked Hana out of Sehun's grasp as she carefully made the girl sit on one of the armchair while she rushed to get some wool and ointments. Sehun was slightly anxious as he saw the amount of blood that kept dripping out of Hana's nose. The girl was getting dizzy and Sehun immediately scooted by her side, supporting her back. He rested the girl's back on his chest as he carefully held onto her head. Hana was too dizzy to even comprehend her current situation therefore she didn't struggle when Sehun held her. The nurse soon came back and attended to Hana cautiously and began to clean the blood that was on her face.


"Sehun, did you know what happened to her? I assume you guys had PE." The nurse asked as she was still attending to Hana.


"She got a pretty strong hit from two dodge balls during PE." Sehun muttered as he held onto Hana to support her.


The nurse sighed and shook her head as she wiped the blood on Hana's neck. Her bleeding finally stopped and she was now sleeping due to the drowsiness she felt earlier. Sehun laid her on the bed carefully as he sat on the chair next to the bed. The nurse smiled at Sehun and thanked him for bringing Hana there.


"Aigoo, you know Sehun, she had broken many bones before. This girl is really unstoppable."


Sehun was shocked after hearing the nurse's words but he continued to stay silent as he looked at the girl's sleeping face.


I wonder how did you manage to get through all that pain, Hana.


After a few hours, Hana finally woke up and she immediately sat up on the bed. She definitely felt better and there was no more swelling on her nose like before. She dug her pockets for her phone and her eyes almost bulged out after seeing the time.



! How long have I been here? Goddamn it those Song girls are definitely going to pay.


"Hana, are you alright now?"


Sehun came into the room as Hana was about to move from the bed. She ignored his questions and walked past him. He was fast enough to grab onto her wrist and that made her stop walking.


"I asked if you're alright, Hana." His eyebrows were slightly creased and she could see a little tinge of worry in his voice.


Hana sighed and removed his arms off her. "I'm fine."

She left Sehun immediately and went out of the nurse office. She walked past the empty hallways and went into her classroom. She picked up her backpack and sighed. A flash of memory suddenly struck her and her heart raced. She shook her head and snapped out of her thoughts and walk back to the hallways leading her out of the school. Someone stood by the  gates and immediately looked up when he saw Hana walking out.


"Hey, Hana."


Hana was about to ignore the person and walk away when she suddenly recognised the voice. She looked up and stared at the boy who was smiling widely at her. It was the first time that day that Hana felt slightly happy. Although her face doesn't show it at all.


"Hana, I came to pick you up." Luhan grinned as he hooked his arms onto Hana's and the two of them continued walking. Little did they know that someone was watching them from behind the tree. He frowned slightly as he saw the boy hooking his arms onto the girl and the girl did nothing to stop him. What made him frown even more was that he found the girl to be slightly... happy.


It has been a while since the two was walking and they were soon reaching Hana's apartment, arms still hooked onto each other.


"Luhan, I need to know why are you picking me up." Hana asked monotonously.

Luhan turned his head and peered into Hana's eyes. "Dongsaeng I know you're going to kill for doing this but I really think it's best for you." Luhan chuckled and continued to drag Hana into the elevator at to front of her house. He pinned in the door code and Hana was slightly surprised that the older male remembered her door code. Once the door was unlocked, Luhan pulled her arm and settled her into her couch. Hana frowned but didn't bother to say anything since she knows how persistent Luhan is when he already decided what he wanted to do. He went into Hana's room and dug into her closet searching for god-knows-what.


"Luhan what on earth are you trying to do?" Hana asked her tone slightly agitated.


Luhan yelled some gibberish but soon came back with a pile of clothes in his arms. He gave a wide grin to the girl before putting down the pile of clothes on another sofa. He held up one of the clothes and handed it to Hana. She brought it up to her eye level and her eyebrows creased.


"It's a freaking dress, Luhan. I'm not wearing it." She took a last glance before tossing it to the floor.

Luhan sighed before picking the dress up. "Hana pleaseee! It's not revealing at all and it will brighten up my day if you try it on." Luhan did some aegyo that he knew would definitely get on Hana's nerves. After a while, the girl finally gave in and stood up. "You're so irritating." She rolled her eyes and got into her room to change.


Luhan smiled. This is all for your good, Hana. I can't stand seeing you being all glum.


A couple of minutes passed and Hana still haven't opened the door. Luhan grew restless and yelled. "Hana, are you done?"

Some shuffling could be heard and the door slightly opened. Luhan glanced at the girl and beamed. He pulled her out and made her stand in front of him like some kind of model. He looked down and lifted his eyebrow. "I remember clearly I didn't give you any leggings to wear."


Hana shrugged. "I wear what I want." She sat back down to the couch and stared at Luhan. "You still haven't told me why you are here and why am I in this skimpy outfit."

Luhan shook his head and sat next to the girl. He took her hand and looked at her. "I just want you to loosen yourself up, Hana. We're going to a party. It's your schoolmate's party. I happen to know him and he invited my friends and I."


Hana pulled back her hand in an instant and glared at Luhan. "I'm not going to the party and it's final." She stood up and was about to walk away when Luhan held onto her wrist. "Hana please, besides, I'll be there too. It won't be that bad. Your friends are going too. And your sister dropped by the cafe just now telling me she's going too. I promise it won't be so bad, Hana."

The look on Luhan's eyes when he was pleading Hana somehow made her feel guilty. And besides, she can keep an eye on her sister too, she thought. She sighed and nodded. "Fine.."

Luhan broke into a big smile and pulled the younger girl into a hug. "Thank you, dongsaeng!"


Hana didn't returned the hug however the corner of her lips slightly curled up but it was too fast for Luhan to even catch it.


It was 8PM and more people were streaming into Baekhyun's house. Apparently the guests appeared to be more than what they had initially thought. Some went to backyard's dance floor while some preferred to chill in the house. Baekhyun was busy socializing with the guests that he didn't even have time to spend time with his date. The DJ was blasting an upbeat tune making everyone pumped up for the long night ahead. Chanyeol ran to the mike and screamed. "Are you guys having fun?!!"


The crowd screamed back at him and cheered as he started to rap to some songs to officially kick start the party.


Meanwhile, Sehun was sitting alone at the bar and fiddling with his phone. He was of course the only one without a date but he couldn't care less about it. Some of the girls tried to engage a conversation with him but he just shrugged them off and continued to fiddle with his phone. He saw two girls chit-chatting with one another near the punch table and made his way to them. He stood next to them awkwardly and cleared his throat.


"Sehun?" Joori looked at the boy and turned to Yura with a confused look.


"Um hey, I was wondering if you guys know where Hana is."


Yura chuckled. "She's probably at home. She's not into parties anymore, remember."

Sehun sighed and nodded.


How could I have forgotten. And it's impossible for her to be at a party - especially when Jongin would be here too. Silly me. But what if she's still in pain? What if.. God damn it Oh Sehun, why are you so worried about her?


Sehun mentally slapped himself and returned to the bar.

Jongin on the other hand, had picked up Jimin from her house way earlier before Hana came back. He brought her around downtown before heading for Baekhyun's party.


"Oppa, what are we going to do at Baekhyun oppa's party?" The younger girl innocently asked.


Jongin tighten the grip of his hands on hers and replied without looking at her. "Have fun with you."


Jimin grinned and nodded. "Alright! I'll do whatever oppa like to do."


They reached Baekhyun's house and Jongin led Jimin to the backyard. They passed by Baekhyun and the two friends greeted each other before Baekhyun proceeded to greet other guests. The backyard had a big stage at the side and the pool was filled with boys and girls some drunk and some pretending to be drunk. Jimin was feeling slightly uncomfortable but she just held onto Jongin like a lost puppy.


"Want some punch?"


The girl nodded and the boy left her side briefly to fetch some drinks. Her eyes were wondering around as it was her first time in such a big party like this and she can't help but to feel slightly out of place. Suddenly an arm sneaked over her shoulders. Jimin looked up to see a familiar face next to her.




Himchan smirked and inched closer to her, whispering into her ears. "A pretty girl like you shouldn't be standing alone like this. Mind if I be with you tonight?"


Jimin stood there frozen as she was waiting for someone or something to save her from the situation. She couldn't do anything to save herself for the girl was too afraid to go against the male.


"Get your ing hands off her."


Himchan turned around and unwillingly pulled his arm away from Jimin. He chuckled, somehow amused at the boy standing before him. Jongin scooted over to Jimin and wrapped his arm around her waist protectively.


"And why should I, Kim Jongin?"


This time, Jongin was the one smirking. "Because she's my girl and if you still don't know by now, I can kick you out of this party anytime."

Himchan frowned. He glared at Jongin before walking away without muttering a single word.


"Are you hurt anywhere?" Jongin cupped the girl's face as he examined her if to see if she was okay.


Jimin chuckled. "I'm alright, oppa."


The boy nodded and handed her a punch. They chatted for a while and cheered for Chanyeol when he was rapping before making their way inside the house.



"Hey, Luhan hyung! Welcome! I didn't expect you to come. Kris hyung is at the DJ booth in the backyard. Enjoy yourself. Oh! Hana?!"


Luhan smiled and turned to Hana who was standing behind him. She looked at the ground and didn't bother to greet Baekhyun. Luhan turned back to Baekhyun and patted his shoulder. "Thank you, Baekhyun. I'm sure we'll have lots of fun."


Luhan pulled Hana with him as they made their way into the house. Hana looked around and somehow a familiar feeling was tugging her chest.


Hate to admit this, but I somehow miss being at a party. This used to be my life..


Luhan left Hana saying he was going to Kris for a while and the girl simply nodded. She haven't been to Baekhyun's house for months but she could still navigate her way around the house well enough. She decided to head for the bar since she was totally not in the mood to be in an area where it was too loud and cramped with so many people. The bar was at the second floor near the balcony, she remembered clearly. Some of the students from school recognised her and began to whisper to themselves. Some were shocked to see her there and some were a little scared at what she might do at the party. Suddenly someone called out her name from the balcony.




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Chapter 12: chanyeol, baekhyun and sehun's caring sides made me sequel...
there's some more in jongin, right?
Chapter 11: that was unexpected. but, i got it now. will be waiting for more.^^
Chapter 9: interesting story. i like it...
alizarin #4
Chapter 8: Great storyline.. I wished for some more SeNa interaction though but thanks for the update! Fighting!!
Chapter 3: Wow! Great story author nim! Please update soon!