chapter 8.

Irony 반어

Hana rubbed her eyes as she lazily sat up on her bed. Her hands wondered as she tried to find her phone.




It was Saturday so she didn't have any lesson that day. However, she could hear some rumbling outside her room and her eyebrow. She got up and opened her door carefully. Her eyes widened as she saw her father sprawled on the floor with alcohol reeking out from his breath.


"Aigoo, dad!" Hana immediately rushed next to her father as she helped him up. She carried him with all her might as she placed him on the couch, praying very hard that her sister wouldn't wake up soon.


"Dad, you have to tell me what's wrong." Hana asked woriedly as she took off her father's tie.


The man began to sob as a tear rolled down his cheeks. He beat his chest again and again as he wailed out loud.


"Dad, keep it down! Or else Jimin will wake up!"


Her father looked at her into the eye before he cracked into  a mad grin.

"You want to know something, Hana? This is all my fault. If I wasn't such an , your mother would still be alive and we won't be like this."


Hana shook her head as she tried to calm her father down.


"Don't say that, dad. Mom died because of an accident, remember. It wasn't your  fault. She would be sad if you're blaming yourself like this."


Her father chuckled - a bitter one that is.


"You don't get it do you? I know you saw us fighting at night. I know you always hear our fights. Yes, I killed her, Hana. I was the driver in the car. I wasn't myself back then Hana, this is all my fault. And I still am not myself now either. I screw up and all my workers are leaving me."


Her father continued to sob as she stared at him, astounded.


He killed mom? He killed mom...


The grip on her father's arm loosened as Hana started to distance herself from the man she called 'dad'. He is a monster. He killed her mother. If he was sober, he would still be keeping this dark secret from her. Now that he's not sober, she could see how lost and how messed up he is right before her eyes. She stood up as she took a last glance at him. A glance that is dripped with disgust, pain and anger.


Hana dialled the number one speed dial on her phone before she rushed out of the house.


"Hana, baby, tell me what's wrong." Jongin scooped Hana into his arms and the girl sobbed uncontrollably. He hugged her tightly as her tears stained his shirt. He sighed as he rubbed the girl's back carefully. Truth was, after Hana rejected having 'it' again with him for the third time after the Valentines' party weeks ago, Jongin was really pissed off with her and he somehow couldn't be bothered to entertain her anymore. That night, she had called him to come over to the park they always hang out at and he reluctantly came.


"Hana, you have to tell me what's wrong." Jongin asked again, this time his patience thinning.


Hana took a deep breath and peered into his eyes. "My dad got bankrupt and he's a complete mess now, Jong. I just don't know what to do now."


Jongin's eyes widened as he started to daze. His grip around Hana loosened and he became stiff. He pushed her aside and a distant look casted over his face. Hana stopped sobbing stared at Jongin. "Jong, what's wrong? What's the problem?" Jongin creased his eyebrows as he looked at her in ultimate disgust.


"You're the problem."

"What? Me?"


Hana could have sworn that that was the most disgusted look someone had ever given to her. And getting that from someone she really love, really hurt her even more. She stared at him in disbelief and stayed silent.


"I guess you haven't realised it now, have you? I only got together with you because of your face, body and your damn money. You ing rejected having it with me for five damn times and now you're telling me that you're bankrupt? Plus, I'm sick of seeing your face and you're so clingy! And you're really stupid, aren't you? You tell me all your dumb secrets about your dead mother, how your father is a total drunkard and how you decided to trick everyone with that popular girl facade. You really think I'm going to spare you after today?"


Hana's eyes widened as those harsh and cold words came out of Jongin's mouth. "Jong, how could you.. I thought you loved me."


"How could I?! This is who I am, Hana. I have to admit you're the best girl I've ever got together with. But with you rejecting me like that and crying all over me like this- We're over."


As soon as those two words came out of his mouth, the boy rolled his eyes and immediately left Hana all by herself. She started to break down yet again, this time the pain in her doubled. She had no one else to lean on and she felt really weak. Those flash of memories, kept playing in her head as she blinded herself with her tears.


Those memories of her loving mother hugging her, taking care of her when she was sick, preparing her a warm dinner and how she wasn't able to be with her mother when she  breathed her last breath. The memories of her father who took great care of her and her sister and how he would bring them to his office no matter how busy he is. It had been five years since her mother's death. She knew that her father had reached his limit because he stopped taking care of them and he got drunk every single night. He cried every day and he sometimes vent out his anger on Hana. His business started to fall apart last year and it was time that he got officially bankrupt. That was why Hana decided to get a part-time job. Her sister doesn't really know about their father being bankrupt and Hana decided it's best to keep it from her. All of the burden in the family was carried by Hana and she didn't mind it at all. She lost herself when she played with guys' hearts before since she felt like it was lessening the real pain in her heart but after she met Jongin, she really thought that he had changed her to be a better person.


Her mother was her pillar of strength when she was still alive. Like ying and yang, her mother was the calm one and her father was the one that is always hot-headed. Her father always got angry whenever something goes wrong when he's at the office. Be it a worker who gives him problems or a client that is too demanding. He started to bring his temper home and put it out by abusing her mother. At first it was ual abuse and it worsened when he started to beat her up too. Hana always overheard her father's angry yelling and her mother's desperate pleads for him to stop and she always stayed with her sister to distract her from their parents. Her mother died because of her father. He completely lost himself one day when he speeded on the road while being totally drunk and her mother became his victim, tragically. She never knew that her father was the culprit that was until this morning when her father came back, totally drunk. Her father seemed to be resentful after her mother's death and took really good care of her sister and her. But that only lasted for a while. He started his old habits of getting angry very quickly and he gets drunk every single night.


Hana decided that it would be best to act opposite from what she actually felt. Therefore, she decided to be the bright and outspoken popular girl in school. She went to parties and socialized with all the popular and good-looking people. She even broke many guys' heart since she always thought that men are such monsters and heartbreakers like her father. She met Jongin and forgotten about how she felt about men. She became more humanely and she opened up to him a lot and told him a lot about her past. At first, he was very understanding and always comforted her but after awhile, he started to use her for his own pleasure and enjoyment and would always throw a fit when she didn't satisfy him. And this night, was definitely a wakeup call for her. The person that she had so much trust in was actually the person that would betray her in the end. She realized she had no one now and it's best to not trust someone too much anymore.


He is a real and I'm the dumb one for falling in love with him. I thought he really loved me but he only wanted my body and money. everyone who thinks that I'm easy to be stepped on. All men are the same. Selfish and animalistic. I will act on how I want to really act. No more being nice, because I'm never nice. From today onwards, that Hana is dead...

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Chapter 12: chanyeol, baekhyun and sehun's caring sides made me sequel...
there's some more in jongin, right?
Chapter 11: that was unexpected. but, i got it now. will be waiting for more.^^
Chapter 9: interesting story. i like it...
alizarin #4
Chapter 8: Great storyline.. I wished for some more SeNa interaction though but thanks for the update! Fighting!!
Chapter 3: Wow! Great story author nim! Please update soon!