chapter 3.

Irony 반어

Hana quickened her steps as she was going to be late if she continued walking leisurely. Her part time shift was starting soon and she definitely cannot be late again this time.

The bell at the entrance chimed as Hana entered and she hurriedly made her way to the staff room as she changed into her uniform and prepare for her shift. Hana briefly tied her hair up into a messy ponytail and began working.

She had been working as a barista at that cafe for almost a year now and she definitely enjoyed working there because the scent of coffee lifted her mood slightly and her co-workers were of course of her likings as they were slightly older than her but they didn't annoy her definitely. One of the part-timer that always had the same shift as her, Luhan, was particularly nice and he always backs her up from time to time. He came a few months after Hana came but he can do things a lot faster than her. Luhan is a freshman in a college and he was working pretty much for his pocket money.

Hana was glad that Luhan was working that day because she might need a lot of backing up since she felt tired from way in the morning the lethargic feeling still hasn't gotten away from her to the point where everything would seem tiring for her to do.

"Hana, are you alright?" Luhan who came from the cashier asked, his eyes full of concern.

Hana smiled slightly as she nodded her head.

"Just tired, Luhan. I'm fine."

Luhan doesn't seem to buy it but he just wearily nodded and told Hana to be careful and to call him if she needs any help.

The cafe wasn't that busy for the next few hours considering it was a week day and mostly students occupied the cafe. Hana had taken charge of the cashier while Luhan was doing most of the work making the drinks and delivering them.


The sun had set a long time ago and the darkness engulfed the sky as the street lights and lights emitting from the stores which managed to brighten up the darkness.  And it meant that Hana's shift was almost over in a couple of minutes. She tidied the counter and wiped the tables before she proceeded behind the cashier, to Luhan.

"You're going now?"

Hana nodded at Luhan and he gave her a bright smile. He patted her shoulders and peered into her tired eyes.

"Alright, Hana. Take care of yourself, alright? I'm staying till closing so I can't go back with you. Just ring me if anything happens, okay?"

Hana couldn't help but to break into a small smile as Luhan's overly-concerned attitude amused her slightly. Hana nodded and told Luhan to not stress himself before she made her way to the staff room to grab her backpack. Luhan gave Hana one last wave before she exited the glass door and onto the road as she slowly walked back home.

Hana was used to her six hour shifts every time despite it being night shift or morning shift but today particularly, she felt dead tired and she really don't know why. She had been sleeping most of the time in school but she still felt tired. Along the long walk home, Hana's stomach grumbled and it finally hit her that she hasn't been eating the whole day except for that one time when Luhan forced her to taste the latte he made. But apart from that, she hadn't eaten anything . Hana saw a mini mart as she was nearing her apartment and decided to grab some food to eat.

She quickly grabbed some ramyun, boiled eggs and chips before she lazily made her way to the counter.  She took out her purse to pay for the things but she soon panicked to see that she didn't have a single cent on her. She tried to remain calm and pull of her stoic face again as this time she searched for some money in her backpack.

Suddenly someone threw some dollar bills on the counter before he left the mart shortly. Hana was confused for a second when she finally realized who the kind stranger that paid for her bill was.

Oh Sehun.

She quickly grabbed the things from the counter and hurried back home because it would almost be midnight soon.

Hana pressed the door pin and she carefully walked into her house. The lights were switched off but the small light by the television lit up - meaning everyone was asleep. She left the food she bought earlier before proceeding to her room to take a shower.

It was past midnight when Hana was finally able to sit down and have some proper food. Out of a sudden, a small figure came out from the room opposite hers and made its way to the seat in front of her.

"Unnie you're back. How's work?"

Hana ignored the person entirely and continued to eat.

"Unnie, I know you're still mad at me for going out with Jongin oppa but he's really nice to me and-"

That made Hana stopped eating and fixed her gaze onto the girl before her.

"Shut your trap and stop talking about him." Hana said before she continued eating her food.

Jimin shifted in her seat slightly as she slightly grimaced at the rough tone her sister had just used on her.

"Look unnie, I know you have trust issues but Jongin oppa is not like what you think he is. Okay I know you had some bad history with him last time but that's the past and it was partly your fault." Jimin blurted bluntly and soon regretted it right after she said it. She quickly looked down and fiddled with her fingers nervously as she waited for the sharp silence to be broken by her sister.

Hana dropped her chopsticks as she stood abruptly from her seat.

"Don't talk me ever again. And don't even bother to call me unnie anymore."

Hana went to the kitchen to clean up the dishes before she headed to her room and slammed the door shut. She laid down on her bed as she sighed loudly clearly tired after the long day behind her.

Another ty day.

She pulled out her phone and yet again sigh as she saw the numerous missed calls and texts messages she received. A few were from Joori and Yura, one mass text from Baekhyun regarding the party, three from Jimin and another text was from Luhan. The missed calls were from her father and she completely ignored it with all the other texts but instead she replied to a text from Luhan.

I'm already on my bed, Luhan. Sorry I replied late. -Hana

Hana was about to lock her phone but a reply soon came buzzing.

Gosh Hana! I was really worried that something might happen to you TT Your face was really pale when you were going to go home and I felt bad for not going home with you :(((((( -Luhan

Hana chuckled mentally and replied to Luhan that he's overreacting along with a good night as she was going to sleep in a while. She felt another buzzing sound but couldn't be bothered for she was dead tired and needed some real sleep.

She drifted off to sleep moments after she shut her eyes and immediately went to dreamland. 





A/N: Please do subscribe,upvote and comment! Double update coming up this weekend or next Monday. Thank you for reading.

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Chapter 12: chanyeol, baekhyun and sehun's caring sides made me sequel...
there's some more in jongin, right?
Chapter 11: that was unexpected. but, i got it now. will be waiting for more.^^
Chapter 9: interesting story. i like it...
alizarin #4
Chapter 8: Great storyline.. I wished for some more SeNa interaction though but thanks for the update! Fighting!!
Chapter 3: Wow! Great story author nim! Please update soon!