I love You

Opening Up To Others

Thirty minutes later, Tao returned with a bag filled with food. He nodded his head at Kris, acknowledging that he was awake and placed the bag onto the table. He unlatched the half eaten sandwich clutched between his mouth and munched on it.

“What did you get?” Kris asked as he pushed himself off his bed, striding towards the table which Tao leaned against.

“I wasn’t sure what you’d like so I got you-” Tao’s eyes widened as Kris trapped him up against the wall, making him drop the sandwich he was holding. “My sandwich..” Tao muttered as his gaze trailed from the fallen food to Kris, gasping when both of his hands pinned up above his head.

“Feeling guilty?” Kris felt Tao struggle and tightened his grip, leaning forward that their noses almost touch. He smirked when he saw the boy blush.

“O-of what?” Tao stammered, he wasn’t really comfortable being so close to someone else, and the fact that the two of them were in an awkward position.

“Saying that I’m weak.”

“W-what?” Tao paused, not knowing what his roommate just said. All of a sudden the realization hit him and his eyes widened, “You read my diary!”

Kris shook his head, “I read it by accident, you’ve hid it pretty well though.”

Tao felt anger rush through him but the feeling was instantly washed over when Kris’s hot breath touched his sensitive neck. The squirmed as Kris kissed his skin, sending hot shivers down his spine. “Aah..” Tao closed his eyes tight and turned his head to the other direction, not knowing that it gave Kris more access to his neck instead.

The blonde chuckled, “This is how strong I am,” he caressed Tao’s redden cheeks and pushed him onto the bed gently. “You’d better erase the instilled fact that I’m ‘weak’ in your mind.. Or else..” Kris hovered above the frame of Tao and his smirk widened.

“K-kris..” Tao begged, “You’re strong! You really are.. I’m sorry!” He did not want to know what the punishment was if he insisted that Kris was weak. He didn’t even think that the boy was weak from the beginning, he knew that Kris was actually at a disadvantage because of the position he was seated at.

“You’re so innocent, Taozi,” Kris chuckled again and lowered his body, pressing against Tao’s, eyes never leaving the boy. “You’re so cute when you blush; it makes me want to have you.”

Tao covered his face, leaving two fingers parted so that he could look at Kris through them, “H-have me?”

Kris moved Tao’s hands away, “I always wanted you from the start, Tao.” Kris’s deep voice whispered into Tao’s ears, “My heart beats quickly whenever I see you.”

The raven flushed as his own heart beat sped up. He want me? Does Kris like me?! Tao stared into the taller boy’s dreamy chocolate brown eyes, not knowing what to do since he was imprisoned by Kris.



“I like you,” Kris confessed, smiling down at the boy. He would’ve said love, but decided against it, wanting to take things step by step instead of charging straight to the relationship.

“I.. I..” Tao stuttered, things were going too fast for him. Omo omo, Kris confessed! He internally squealed. “I like you too!” Tao blurted out, his face turning red as a tomato. “I’ve always liked you. From the way you take care of me, teaching me the questions I don’t know to how you tease me..”

Kris pinched Tao’s cheeks and smiled, “I’m glad we both have mutual feelings.” After the sentence, Kris sank down and gave Tao a kiss. Tao’s eyes widened by the sudden action, but slowly kissed back.

He felt a tingling feeling inside of him that sent sparks flying, the kiss was something new to Tao, one that he had never experienced before.

“Scoop of the day!” A voice shouted and laughed.

Kris and Tao broke the kiss and snapped their heads towards the voice.

“C-chen!” Tao shouted as he spotted the boy holding his phone, clearly knowing that he had taken a photo of him and Kris kissing.

“How long have you been there?” Kris asked, still above Tao.

Chen shrugged, “Ten minutes.”

“Ten minutes?!” Tao exclaimed, how could I not realize that? Noooo!

“Heheh,” Chen snickered, “You two could compete with Huhan or Kaisoo.. Wait, no! Ah whatever, Chemin tops all pairings.”

“Chemin . Now get out of here, Jongdae, before I kick your !” Kris warned, jumping off the bed. The boy instantly slammed the door shut, his loud footsteps could be heard as he darted back to his own room- unable to hold in his evilness and show the rest of the members his award winning photo of the century.

“Ge..” Tao whined, “Chen has our photo! Of us kissing! I’m so embarrassed..” Tao hid his face and kept whining.

“It’s your entire fault!” Tao suddenly yelled, “You and your stupid ‘prove to Tao that I’m not weak’ got us into this trouble!” The boy then proceeded to hit on Kris’s chest with balled fists childishly.

Kris laughed, “But if it wasn’t because of me, we wouldn’t have known each other feelings, right?”

Tao stopped his hitting and blushed, “Y-yeah.”

A grumbling sound came from Kris’s stomach and the blonde smiled sheepishly. “I’m hungry,” Kris said as he rubbed his tummy, walking towards the bag that Tao brought earlier. He took out the cup noodle and poured in hot water, putting it aside and waiting for it to be ready.

“But my food is..” Tao picked up the forgotten sandwich and showed it to Kris, pouting.

“Don’t worry,” Kris ruffled Tao’s hair, “I’ll share my food with you.”

“Really?” Tao’s eyes lit up.

“Really,” Kris smiled in confirmation.

Tao clapped gleefully and sat down on a chair, staring hungrily at the instant noodle. The smell of fragrant noodle begin emitting as the two boys smacked their lips hungrily. Five minutes passed and the food was ready.

“Yah don’t eat all of it!” Kris pushed Tao playfully as the latter shoved a huge mouthful of noodle into his mouth, grinning at his roommate.

“Too bad,” Tao mumbled between mouthfuls, giggling when Kris puckered his lips playfully.

Ding ding~

Tao’s and Kris’s phone rang and the two went to check their phones.

ChensingMachine sent a picture:

D__O: D_______________O


ByunBaekkie: OMG shuddup Yoda

ChensingMachine: What do you guys think about my photography skills? :D

Kriscasso: I’m going to freaking kill you, Jongdae.

PandaTao: I’ll shove my Wushu stick up your .

yKai: Really?  -wink wink- ‘Wushu stick’ heheheh

GuardianHo: Did you two really kiss?

MaknaeSehun: Duh, what else do you think?

Baozi: I’m so happy for you! ^__^

LittleLulu: Now all twelve of us have a lovable partner~

Baozi: I agree Lu-ge~

MaknaeSehun: Stop. No Xiuhan is allowed. Shoo.

Baozi: -sad face-

ChensingMachine: Baozi is mine.

MaknaeSehun: Lulu is mine.

yKai sent a picture:

Laynicorn: What is going on?

ByunBaekkie: Are you always this slow or are you just mentally retarded?

GuardianHo: Baekhyun.

ByunBakkie: I’m sorry Grandpa! I won’t do that again! Don’t take my eyeliner! T^T

GuardianHo: I won’t haha

ByunBaekkie: Good! –Stashes all precious eyeliners away-

GuardianHo: Anyways, Lay, what the commotion’s about is that; Taoris is official now.

Laynicorn: LET’S CELEBRATE!!!! :D

HappyVirus: YEAHHHH!!! CAKES!!!!

Baozi: BUNS!!

MaknaeSehun: BUBBLETEA!

LittleLulu: MAYO!!

yKai: I can give you delicious mayo now, Luhan. ;)

D__O: Stay away from him, Kai.

yKai: D___o Yes sir

PandaTao: …….

Kriscasso: Are you okay Tao?

PandaTao: -shrugs-


Kriscasso: Talking in person is not my style.

ChesingMachine: Dafuq?

CheinsingMachine: Anywaysssss~ I’ve sent your glorious photo to the whole school. Taoris must be announced to the whole world!

PandaTao: WHAT?!

Kriscasso: KIM JONGDAE!!


Chen’s laughter roared from his room, echoing through the long hallways of the dormitory building.

“That’s it,” Kris stood up, slamming his phone down onto the table, “I’m going to beat that troll up. Tao, grab your Wushu stick, let’s go.”

Tao nodded and got his weapon, and the two stormed off to Chen’s room. Upon reaching their destination, Kris kicked the door open and barged in. “You’re gonna pay for this.”

“WAEE?” Chen’s eyes widened as he spotted Tao’s wushu stick, “What did I do?”

“You trolled us!” Tao huffed, “I thought you sent the photo to the whole school for real! I got a heartattack because of you!” Tao glared at the boy, his signature look surfacing.

“You look really scary when you do that, Tao..” Xiumin’s soft voice spoke from the corner of the room, watching the trio as drama began to unfold.

“Give me your phone!” Kris demanded. Chen reluctantly reached for his mobile phone and stretched out his hand, shouting when Kris roughly snatched the device off his grip. The blonde immediately went into the ‘Gallery’ and deleted all evidences of what him and Tao did back in their room, his face turning red as he recalled their actions and the HD photos of them kissing. Gotta admit Chen’s a pretty good photographer.

“Done,” Kris tossed Chen’s phone back.

“YAH!” Chen yelped when he merely caught his phone, heaving a sigh of relief when it didn’t fall to the ground. “Geez, why are you so scared of letting the others know you to kiss?”

“It’s called privacy,” Tao hit Chen on his head with his stick and chuckled.

“Ow..” The troll rubbed his head, pouting. He turned around and saw Xiumin seating quietly on his bed, “Are you just gonna sit there and watch me get attacked?!”

“Yes,” came the reply.

“There goes Chenmin,” Kris smirked as he exited the room, Tao following in tow.

“Kris ge..” Tao called out.

“Yes?” Kris looked at the shorter, unlocking the door and ushering the raven inside.

“Will the others tease us?” Tao placed his hands on his cheeks and sighed.

“Yeah.. That’s unavoidable,” Kris told the truth, “But I don’t mind it. Do you?” he looked into the boy’s eyes, “We are well.. together.. Right?”

Tao blushed and nodded.

“I guess it’s alright,” Tao replied quietly and Kris chuckled. He felt warm lips press against his and he blushed even deeper, covering his mouth and glancing shyly at Kris.

“And that’s another thing you’re gonna bear with,” Kris winked and gave Tao another peck on his lips.



“I love you.”

[Author's Notes]

Happy Kaisoo Day~!

Hope the Taoris fluff chapter didn't disappoint you! The picture is a fanmade picture, credit to Photographer Chen xD Just kidding, credits to the awesome editor!

I really like writing the chatroom style, it's hilarious LOL

Thanks for the 14 upvotes, 100 subscribers, 1675 views and 28 comments~!

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Chapter 14: Please update!
kennocha #2
Chapter 14: This is getting even interesting. I'd like to know more ^_^
Chapter 14: TT-TT krease u lier. please update :3 ( D: I think I'm bipolar)
Chapter 14: ...........Im like.... So confused...
ValeKissme #5
Chapter 14: Oh gosh please update soon! Don't let kris go insane completely!
faraaaaaahemilia #6

And yes. I love this story :)
Chapter 14: I never comment on stories but HOLY CRAP.


Im so blown away screaming my head off. LOL. God I love this story.
Chapter 14: arghhhhhhh kreaaaaase yooooou fuuuuuuudger!!!!!