Birthday Surprise

Opening Up To Others

“Where are you going?” Lay asked as he jostled his way towards the tall blonde, “Aren’t you going to have lunch?”

“Nah,” Kris replied.

School had just ended and students were streaming out of their classes like a swarm of bees. Lay and Kris were attending different art classes from the others, so they were separated from the rest of the members.

“Do me a favour and help me put this back in my room,” Kris unslung his bag from around his chest and shoved it to the shorter.

Lay immediately felt the weight in his hands and buckled slightly, “That’s.. Really heavy..” He bit his lips and swung it over his back, now carrying two bags, “Why are you such in a rush anyways?”

Kris sighed and faced Lay, “Do you really want to know?” the brunette nodded and Kris explained, “It’s Tao’s birthday today.”

“Really?” Lay exclaimed, “We must have a birthday celebration! I’m going to text the others.”

“No!” Kris’s hand shot out and grabbed onto Lay’s, “Don’t. I want it to be a surprise for Tao.”

Lay raised an eyebrow, “How? Doesn’t he know his own birthday?”

“He isn’t as forgetful as you, Lay. Actually,” Kris glanced around to make sure the person whom he was speaking of wasn’t here, “no one knows his birthday.. yet.”

“Huh? Then how did you know about it?”

“I uh..” Kris let out an uneasy laugh, “I read it from his diary, by accident.” He coughed, recalling the previous day’s event.

The brunette’s expression became a permanent shock as he stared at Kris in disbelief. Kris inched away from the unicorn; half knowing what the boy was going to say.

“You read his DIARY?!” Lay shouted, “How could you! It’s a personal thing! You don’t just take it and read through the pages- it’s prohibited!” He wagged his fingers and scowled, “How would you feel if someone reads your life journal? I doubt you will like it. I won’t like it. I never will like it. So don’t ever read Tao’s journal ever again, understand?”

“Geez..” Kris rubbed his neck sheepishly, “I’m sorry. And I already said it was an accident..”

“It isn’t an accident if you have read it!” Lay began to lecture Kris once again about privacy and hurt emotions.. blah blah blah.

“You sure did a great job in picking up the nagging skills from Suho,” Kris stated.

“I-I am?” Lay blushed, “Thanks..”

It was now Kris’s turn to stare weirdly at Lay. He thanked me for calling him naggy. Wow.

“I’m going to the mall to pick up a present,” The blonde said, “Don’t tell the others where I went if they ask- especially Tao. Okay?”

“Wait,” Lay stopped Kris from going, “You’re going to keep this a secret to the rest of the group?”


“Then why are you being so secretive?”

Kris huffed, “Cause if I tell the others, the big mouths like Chanyeol and Chen will spread it around and soon it Tao will pick notice of the news!” He flung his arms in the air in irritation, annoyed that Lay was holding him back.

“But..” Lay muttered, “We could host a surprise mini party for Tao.. We promise not to let Tao know.”


“Please?” Lay pleaded.


Knowing Kris was weak towards Tao’s aegyo, Lay decided to try it himself. “Bbuing bbuing,” the boy held a fist near his face and did the cutest expression he could ever manage, combining with puppy eyes and pouted lips.

“Tch,” Kris rolled his eyes and pushed Lay aside. “Don’t even try; your aegyo doesn’t work on me.”

“But Tao..” Lay’s hand slowly lowered, “He did it effortlessly on you!”

“He’s cuter.” Kris blurted out.

“At least Suho loves me,” Lay feigned a pain expression.

“Argh okay fine,” Kris gave up, “Go create a chat room for a party discussion.. But don’t add Tao!”

“Yay~” Lay smiled and hugged Kris, “You’re the best, Duizhang!”

“Yeah, yeah,” Kris chuckled and the two went separate ways. Kris went out of the school and to the mall, reaching there in less than ten minutes thanks to his long legs.

“What should I get for Tao?” He pondered, entering a shop and looking around.

Meanwhile back at school…

“Where is Kris?” Tao asked Lay, who he had bumped into while walking along the corridors to the dorms.

“I don’t know..” Lay lied, “He said something about finding our History teacher and rushed out of the art room like a mad cow.” Thank God I’ve already put Kris’s bag in his room..

“Oh. I’ll go to the staff room and wait for him then.” Tao thanked Lay and was about to walk off when a figure blocked his path.

“No! I mean wait! Ahah..” Lay laughed awkwardly,  “He might already left the staff room.. Who knows where he might be? The school is so big. Haha..”

Tao raised an eyebrow, but nodded anyways. “You got a point,” Tao ruffled his hair, “I guess I shall wait for him at my room then. Thanks for helping Lay, see ya!” The boy smiled and ran off.

Lay heaved a sigh of relief and rested his head against the wall, that was a close shave.

Laynicorn added Baozi, ByunBaekkie, ChensingMachine, D__O, GuardianHo, HappyVirus, Kriscasso, LittleLulu, MaknaeSehun and yKai into the conversation Tao’s Birthday Surprise Discussion.

yKai: Dafuq is this?

HappyVirus: Did someone say Birthday? :D

Baozi: It’s Tao’s Birthday?

Laynicorn: Yup! ^__^

Baozi: How did you know?

Laynicorn: Kris told me

ByunBaekkie: So you mean that Kris knows Tao’s birthday, but not us?

Baozi: Why didn’t Tao tell me his birthday? D: I thought I was his best friend..

Laynicorn: He didn’t tell anyone.. Kris read it from his diary

GuardianHo: Kris read it from Tao’s diary?! THAT HEARTLESS BASTARD!

D__O: Wow Suho.. You cursed..

GuardianHo: I didn’t

GuardianHo: Even if I did, I’ve cursed appropriately.

GuardianHo: Still Kris! You should not have read Tao’s personal stuffs; it’s a wrong thing to do! It doesn’t matter if he’s your roommate, or whatsoever, but you still don’t have the rights to read it!

GuardianHo: Doesn’t your parents teach your basic manners?

GuardianHo: I shall personally teach you manners then.

GuardianHo: Kris, are you even reading my messages?

yKai: Aish shut up GardenHoe! Go PM him instead!

GuardianHo: That’s what I’m planning to do.

Kris pocket vibrated tons of times, and when he couldn’t stand the annoying constant ringtone anymore, he whipped out his mobile phone and glared at the screen.
(GuardianHo):  20 messages.

What could be so important that Suho sent me twenty messages? Intrigued, Kris clicked on the button and the private chat between the two leaders opened.

“What the fak..” Kris’s voice trailed off as he scanned through the messages Suho sent.

You cold guy, didn’t you think of what Tao could have felt when you read his diary?

You shouldn’t have done so; you would have broken Tao’s trust for you. You’re lucky he is a forgiving person or he would have left you alone.

Did you apologize to Tao? You better do so if you haven’t.

The blonde rolled his eyes and facepalmed. Nagging from Lay is enough and now Suho? He sighed as he closed the chat box, not even bothering to reply to Suho. His eyes trailed off to a new chat room entitled ‘Tao’s Birthday Surprise Discussion’. Lay has already created the chat room, that was fast. Kris entered the conversation and was immediately overwhelmed by the amount of messages.

Baozi: Let’s buy a chocolate cake!

MaknaeSehun: Yeah, chocolate rocks.

ChensingMachine: Why isn’t Tao in this discussion?

Baozi: Duh, it’s called ‘Surprise Discussion’, what surprise will there be if Tao is in this conversation?

HappyVirus: Let’s add him in then! :D

Kriscasso: OMFG NO!!

LittleLulu: Our Duizhang is finally here~

Kriscasso: Chen. Chanyeol. Don’t. You. Two. Freaking. Dare. Add. Or. Tell. Tao. About. This. Got. It.

ChensingMachine: Is. It. Necessarily. To. Type. With. Dots. At. The. End. Of. Each. Word?

HappyVirus: Hyung. Is. So. Scary. D:

ByunBaekkie: They mean ‘yes, I won’t tell anyone about it’. Their pride is just too big to say it.

ChensingMachine: A round of applause for the smartass Bacon.

ByunBaekkie: For the last time- It’s Baekhyun, not Bacon!!!!!!!

LittleLulu: Where are you at anyways, Kris? Tao’s been waiting for you since an hour ago

Kriscasso: I’m at the mall searching for a present for Tao

ChensingMachine: Buy me some cookies peasant

MaknaeSehun: Bubbletea

LittleLulu: Aren’t you gonna tell Tao? He seems kind of worried.. Oh, and taro bubbletea please~

Kriscasso: No.. I don’t want him to know about the birthday surprise

GuardianHo: Oi, why didn’t you reply to my private messages?

Kriscasso: Ain’t nobody got time fo dat.

GuardianHo: -sniff-

Laynicorn: It’s okay Suho –pats-

GuardianHo: Thanks Lay <3

Baozi: I think Tao has fallen asleep.. He isn’t replying to me

ByunBaekkie: Yeah same here

yKai: You sure he’s asleep? He might be doing something else.. ;)

D__O: Stop being so erted, Kai..

yKai: Why? Don’t you like it? I can put my D in your O if you wanna~  –wriggles eyebrows-

GuardianHo: Oh God..

Kriscasso: Shall I leave you guys to discuss about the surprise? I can trust you.. Right?

LittleLulu: Yep!

Baozi: Of course you can!

Laynicorn: I have already given you my word

GuardianHo: I’m with my unicorn

ByunBaekkie: -nods-

Kriscasso: Wonderful, now I can shop in peace

ChensingMachine: Don’t forget my cookies!

MaknaeSehun: And bubbletea

Kriscasso: No. Get them yourselves.

Kriscasso left the conversation.

ChensingMachine: D:

ChensingMachine added Kriscasso into the conversation.

Kriscasso: What.

ChensingMachine: Cookies.

Kriscasso: You son of a buffalo.

Tao woke up from his slumber and rubbed his eyes, turning to check the bedside table. 6pm. He yawned and sat up, he noticed that the room was empty, signifying that Kris wasn’t back yet. Tao sighed and pursed his lips. It was his birthday today. I wanted to bring Kris to somewhere nice and have a delicious dinner.. Guess he has other plans. He stretched, grabbing hold of his phone and checking it. The display photo of him kissing his plush cat flashed and he felt a tinge of redness creep towards his cheeks. Tao had secretly sent the photo from Kris’s phone to his and making it his wallpaper; because Kris said that he liked the photo and thought that it was cute.

The boy’s stomach grumbled. I should probably get some food. Tao swung his legs off the bed and walked towards the door, combing down his bed hair at the same time. Just as he was about to open the door, the door flung open from the other side, making the raven jump and yelp in shock.


“Wh-wha?” Tao muttered, his eyes widened into huge circles as he took in the scene before him. He was pushed back into his room by a swarm of boys.

“Ayo waddup Tao!” Chanyeol cheered and they started to sing a birthday song.

“Happy Birthday to you~!” Xiumin started, grinning at the boy.

“You are born in the zoo~” Chen continued, a huge smirk plastered on his face. A few members gave him a scowl of disagreement but some chose to play along.

“You smell like a monkey~” Sehun stifled his laughters.

“You look like one too~!” Kai ended the song.


Party poppers were fired and the eleven boys clapped loudly. As the noise died down gradually, they moved aside to make way for the cake.

“Make a wish,” Kris smiled, holding the cake with outstretched hands.

Tao looked at the chocolate cake before him in awe. ‘Happy 16th Birthday Tao!’ was written on the cake with icing. They did this all for me? Tears started to brim in Tao’s eyes as strong emotions surge from within him.

“Omo don’t cry Tao,” Luhan exclaimed, going towards the boy and patting his back.

Tao sniffed and wiped his tears away, “I-I’m just touched by you guys.. This is the first time I’ve celebrated my birthday with my close friends.. How did you know about my birthday anyways? I didn’t tell anyone of you..”

“Kris told us.”


“Shut up,” Kris glared at them.

“You t-told them? How?” Tao stared at his roommate.

“Well you know,” Kris gave him a look and Tao instantly knew what he was referring to.

“Oh that..” Tao blushed.

“You should have told us your birthdate,” Suho spoke, “But it doesn’t matter now cause we will all remember your birthday, Tao.”

“Okay okay now hurry and make a wish!” Chen interrupted, stamping his foot like a child, “I want to eat the cake!”

The boys chuckled and kept quiet as they watch Tao close his eyes, interlacing his fingers and holding his hands towards his chest.

I wish.. I wish for all of us to be happy and stay together forever.. Together as one..

Tao lifted his head up and blew the candles, watching the flames extinguish.

“Haha you’re one year older!” Chen laughed.

“You make him sound as if he is eighty..” Xiumin rolled his eyes, his gaze averting and fixing onto the cake.

“Chow time!”


“Oharat!” Luhan added and laughed.

The twelve boys partied till it was eleven at night; it wasn’t much of an issue as the next day was a Saturday.

“Bye~ We had a great day today!”

After they had left Kris and Tao’s room, the two were finally left alone by themselves.

“Here,” Kris handed over a neatly wrapped box to Tao, “Your last present for the day.”

“Thank you,” Tao said shyly as he took the present from Kris, his hand brushing against the latter’s gently, making the two blush. Tao had already received the others’ gifts and opened them when they were around. He loved the effort made by his friends, but to be accompanied by them on his special day was the most he would ask for.

“Go on, open it,” Kris spoke soothingly, resting his chin on his palm and looking at Tao in amusement. Tao would turn into a three-year old child when opening the presents- ripping the wrapping paper quickly and that smile, that gleeful smile on his face. It was enough to melt Kris’s heart.

“Wow..” Tao breathed as he took out the item from the blue box, “It’s so cute!” Tao squealed as he hugged the toy.

Kris chuckled, “I knew you would like it.” He smiled as Tao held the soft toy to his chest. The blonde went over to his bed and took out his dragon plushy. “Give it to me for a sec,” he softly asked Tao and the boy nodded his head, the smile never leaving his face as he watched Kris take his new present and placing it beside the dragon.

“Aren’t they just like us?” Kris pointed at the two plushies side by side, their heads leaning against each other’s.

Tao blushed and nodded.

One was a Dragon, the other a Panda.

“I love the gift,” Tao paused, “And the surprise party. Thanks a lot, Kris.” All of a sudden Tao embraced the blonde tightly; resting his head on the taller’s shoulder.

“Sure,” Pink was dusted on Kris’s cheeks as he wrapped his arms around Tao’s back, tightening the hug.

The two stayed like this for some time before releasing each other.


“Yes ge?” Tao looked up and stared innocently into Kris’s eyes.

Damn he looks so adorable with that expression.

Kris suddenly leaned forward and kissed Tao on his lips. Tao gasped and blushed even more. Seizing the opportunity, Kris slipped his tongue into Tao’s mouth and deepened the kiss. The raven moaned and pressed his body closer to the blonde’s, wanting more of him.

But Kris abruptly stopped, smirking as he let go of Tao, making the smaller whine.

“Ge!” Tao shouted, panting from the heated kiss.

“Sorry Tao,” Kris whispered into Tao’s ears, “Maybe next time.”

[Author's Notes]

Random: there was a Chinese Opera for assembly today at my school and the performance was gay.. Literally. The actresses are females (lol what am I saying) but they acted as males- the story was about love and the lyrics that they sung.. Well, a line said something like "You're a boy, but I like you" .... I have Lay's memory LOL ----- is supported even in school performances haha~

Bahahaha erted Kai

Do you guys want the other pairing to feature in this fanfiction? Leave the pairing you want to see in the next chapter in the comments below~!

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Chapter 14: Please update!
kennocha #2
Chapter 14: This is getting even interesting. I'd like to know more ^_^
Chapter 14: TT-TT krease u lier. please update :3 ( D: I think I'm bipolar)
Chapter 14: ...........Im like.... So confused...
ValeKissme #5
Chapter 14: Oh gosh please update soon! Don't let kris go insane completely!
faraaaaaahemilia #6

And yes. I love this story :)
Chapter 14: I never comment on stories but HOLY CRAP.


Im so blown away screaming my head off. LOL. God I love this story.
Chapter 14: arghhhhhhh kreaaaaase yooooou fuuuuuuudger!!!!!