
Opening Up To Others

“Dismiss,” the basketball coach blew his whistle and the team disbanded. Kris panted and shuffled off to the lockers, picking up his bag and leaving the stuffy court. As the blonde was about to turn around a corner, he spotted a figure walking towards him. Kris halted and turned to face the person.

“Wu Yifan,” the boy greeted with a smirk plastered on his face. His uniform was messily worn and gave off a sense of ‘trouble’. And Kris didn’t like it.

“What do you want.” Kris demanded.

“Our gang is so lonely without you, Yifan,” the student sighed and leaned against a wall, “Why did you leave us?”

“Get lost JR,” Kris glared at JR before walking around him. He did not want to get involve with that boy. Out of nowhere, four more students appeared and advanced towards Kris, making the blonde pause. He was cornered. Kris scowled at the five, “I have nothing to do with you five. Go away and leave me alone.”

“Look at how tall and muscular you are now!” Ren exclaimed, marveling at Kris’s arm muscles and height, “I’m so jealous. Tell me, what are your secrets?” The boy with tied up blonde hair cooed, but kept quiet when JR shot him a look.

“If this is just going to be a waste of time, I’m leaving. I have much more important things to do than to entertain you scums.” Just as Kris took a step forward, he was pushed back by a strong force. Kris’s back connected with the hard wall and he winced. He would have been able to take to shove but due to the fact that he was worn out by basketball practice- he was weaker than usual.

“Leaving so soon?” Baekho laughed, tightening his grip around Kris’s colar.

“Enough,” JR strode towards the two and Baekho released Kris. “You’re probably thinking why we are here, aren’t you Benben?”

“Don’t, call me that,” Kris spoke through gritted teeth as he rubbed his tender neck.

“Just cut to the chase already,” Aron yawned.

“Yeah, just get down to the point,” Minhyun added, giving the others a bored look.

“Huang Zitao.”


“You know exactly who I mean.”

Tao. Kris heart pounded against his chest. What does Tao has to do with them?

“What do you want with Tao?” Kris grabbed JR’s collar and glared down at him.

“Aww that’s so sweet!” Ren squealed, “Tao is such a cute pet name~”

“It’s not a pet name!” Kris retorted, feeling his face flush up.

Minhyun smirked, “It seems that our Yifan has some kind of feeling towards that Tao of his. Wouldn’t it be a shame if someone.. tortured him?”

Kris’s eyes widened in horror, “You wouldn’t.” He eyed the five surrounding him; their faces were plagued with evil smirks. Kris shuddered momentarily, thinking of what they could do with Tao.

“It’s so fun to have you wrapped around our fingers,” JR slid a finger down Kris’s cheeks gently, wrapping his fingers around Kris’s arm before slowly moving it away from his collar, “The great Wu Yifan, controlled by Nu’est.”

So that’s what they call themselves huh. Nu’est. Kris snorted.

“Tch,” Kris gave JR a defiant look, “Dream on.”

“Still being stubborn eh?” Aron chuckled and whipped out his mobile phone, showing Kris a picture that he would never forget.

Bruises were painted all over the male’s face with sweat slicking his body as his dark eyes seemed to beg for the torturer to stop.. But the face was all too familiar.

“Tao!” Kris shouted, “What did you do to him?! Why is he all beat up?!”

Aron pocketed his device and chuckled, “It was fun to see the boy squirm under our attacks. So weak and defenseless.”

Kris clenched his fists into tight balls as he growled angrily at the boys. His heart throbbed painfully at the sight of Tao being bruised so heavily.

Didn’t you say you could protect yourself?

“I give in,” Kris lowered his head, “I’ll do whatever you want. Just.. Leave Zitao alone. Please..” He begged as he felt tears welling up in his eyes. Tao was precious to him, way too precious to let anyone touch him.

Tao was his light in the darkness; and Kris was Tao’s angel in this world. He could not just stand there and know that Tao was hurt- all because of him.

“You know us too well, Yifan,” JR smiled, but it seemed more like a sneer to Kris.

“Why wouldn’t I know you well if we’ve been as a gang for five years..” Kris muttered.

“There’s this annoying brat who keeps getting in our way,” JR started, “I want you to teach him a lesson.”

“Who is he..?” Kris sighed. He swore to himself never to get involved with these sorts of stuffs, but he had no choice. Tao was his top priority and he will do whatever it takes to protect him.

“Kim Jongdae.”

Kim Jongdae?!” Kris practically yelled. Chen! What! Why is everyone I know getting involved?!

“Why? You know him?” Baekho questioned, lifting an eyebrow and tilting his head slightly in curiosity.

Kris shook his head immediately, “Of course not. He’s just in my class, that’s all.”

“Good, that makes things easier. I want you to give him a hard time in this school, and traumatize him by harming the one most precious to him- Kim Minseok.”

Kris heart fell at the words leaving JR’s mouth. But what could he even do? Kris simply nodded.

JR smirked, going forward so that he could whisper into Kris’s ear, “Revenge is sweet, isn’t it?”

Kris shivered; watching JR step back and flashing his signature smirk once again. “Wu Yifan, the Black Dragon.. Crumbling piece by piece.. Pitiful.”

“It’s Kris, get that in your tiny brains.”

The tall blonde shoved Ren and Minhyun away and strode past them, walking down the long corridor and away from the five.

He didn’t even bother changing out of his jersey as he dashed up the stairs to the top level of the building. Kris threw his bag down and buried his face in his hands.

Revenge is sweet, isn’t it? JR’s taunting words echoed in his mind as memories swam before him.

Five years ago..

The small frame lay motionless on the grass as blood trickled from the sides of his mouth. The six boys laughed at the student’s misery and kicked the body once more before leaving.

“He asked for it. Ha, thinking that reporting us to the teachers will stop us and get us expelled. Pfft.” Ren snorted.

“You did a good job, Yifan,” JR grinned at the taller, “I’m impressed by your tracking skills.”

“Piece of cake,” Kris replied, smirking.

That, was the life of the six elementary school seniors. Bullying and torturing weaker students. Yes, they were monsters. Feared by all the students and teachers.

However as the days pass, Kris soon realized that what he relishes in doing was wrong and inhumane. Deep down, he realized that he could not bear to see others suffering because of him- emotional and physical pain.

He had brought shame to his parents and in doing so, his parents shunned him. We never raised you up to be like this, was what his father would say. Kris regretted his doing and decided to leave the gang.

“I can’t do this anymore,” Kris admitted, facing JR.

“What?” The raven replied, “What do you mean, Yifan?’

“I quit,” Kris threw his arms up in the air, “I don’t want to torture anyone again.”

“You mad or what?” Baekho eyes widened, “You’re leaving us? After all we have been through together?”

Kris’s face saddened as he nodded slowly, “Yeah.. This.. Just isn’t my thing.”

“You’ve grown soft,” Minhyun shook his head, “I pity you.”

“What are you going to do then?” Ren asked.

“I have a life, unlike you.” Kris glared, his anger finally releasing from the depths within him, “Bullying others is just wrong. I feel like I’m a monster whenever I punch or kick someone. I’m not doing it ever again.”

“What did you say?” Aron fumed, “You said we don’t have a life?”

“Either you are deaf or just plain stupid,” Kris retorted.

The five stared in silent rage at Kris.

“I’m leaving.” That was Kris’s final words before the six met again.. In the principal’s office.

JR, Ren, Minhyun, Aron and Baekho were expelled from the school, but Kris stayed- he was given a chance to start off anew by the principal, as he was looked upon as an honest person and one with potential.

The five were angry at Kris for being a backstabber and ruining their future. They had a black stain in their cards, meaning that whatever school they go to, there will be a record of bullying and being expelled in them.

“You traitor,” JR said through gritted teeth as he glared daggers and Kris, “Have you really forgotten what the six of us has been through together? You’ve changed, Yifan. I’ll get it back to you.”

Kris closed his eyes and stood up, feeling the cold breeze of the night. There was a beep and he took out his mobile phone, looking at the screen.

Tao – 3 messages.

Kris grudgingly opened the messages and read it.

From Tao:

Ge, I’ve cooked instant noodles for both of us. I’m sure you’re hungry after practice! It’s your favorite flavour~

“He cooked for me..” Kris muttered as he clicked on the second one.

From Tao:

Ge? Where are you? It’s been an hour.. The food is going to be spoiled. It’s okay, might have been extra practice. Don’t worry, I’ll heat it up when you get back!

From Tao:

It’s 8pm. Are you okay? Did something happen? I’m worried for you, Kris.. Sorry if I had spammed you.

Oh God.. I totally forgotten about Tao! But I can’t possibly show up.. I can’t.. After what I promised JR..

Kris groaned in distress and took out his spare clothes from his bag, quickly changing into fresh clothes and lying down. His fingers typed on the keypad as he decided to send Tao a message, in case the innocent boy will stay up all night just to wait for his return.

To Tao:

Tao, I’m sorry for the short notice but the basketball team went for a three days camp. I’m with them at the campsite now so I won’t be back for now.. Keep safe and don’t worry about me, okay?

Kris hit the send button and locked his phone, pocketing it. He sighed and bit his lips, feeling bad about lying to Tao.

But that could not compare to the feeling when he saw the picture of Tao injured.

Was he still injured? Is he in pain? How is Tao feeling? Those questions bombarded Kris as he whined, curling into a ball, trying to ignore the feelings he was suffering from.

JR was indeed a smart person. If he could be anything but a student, he would be a killer- one with the brains. There was no doubt that JR knew Chen, Xiumin and Tao were related to Kris, and that all eleven from his group were close to him. He used the friendship forged between the eleven and Kris to manipulate the blonde. A clever and sly trick indeed.

Kris closed his eyes and hugged himself tightly, the night air felt cold against his skin but he had no choice but to seek refuge in here. His mobile rang again and Kris took it out, blinking at the sudden brightness from the screen.

From unknown number:

Remember ‘Kris’, start tomorrow. Or your little Tao will suffer.

Kris glared at his device and shoved it into his pocket, wanting no more than to be excluded from this dark society.

Images of Tao flashed in his mind and Kris frowned.


Why do the people close to me always get hurt?

[Author's Notes]

To be honest, I am new to Kpop- like really new. I only got into Kpop last year, so I don't really know much about other groups. Ask me anything about EXO, and I can reply you instantly. But others? Nah.. Haha
Why I use NU'EST is because I like them as well, though I don't really know them as much as EXO so forgive me if I got their personality wrong!

Things are getting interesting I hope haha

Sorry if I take a long long long time to update; I can only write on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays because those are my free days. Maybe if I got some spare time on the weekdays then I will rush to write a chapter.. But stay tuned!

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Chapter 14: Please update!
kennocha #2
Chapter 14: This is getting even interesting. I'd like to know more ^_^
Chapter 14: TT-TT krease u lier. please update :3 ( D: I think I'm bipolar)
Chapter 14: ...........Im like.... So confused...
ValeKissme #5
Chapter 14: Oh gosh please update soon! Don't let kris go insane completely!
faraaaaaahemilia #6

And yes. I love this story :)
Chapter 14: I never comment on stories but HOLY CRAP.


Im so blown away screaming my head off. LOL. God I love this story.
Chapter 14: arghhhhhhh kreaaaaase yooooou fuuuuuuudger!!!!!