
Opening Up To Others

With a blink of an eye, months has whirled pass and Tao has already been in XO High for almost half a year. The boy had adjusted to the school’s rules and regulations; though it was much to start off with, as the school was easy-going with lots of kind teachers.

Tao took out a book from underneath his bed and opened it.

It was always a habit of his to write down daily activities in a diary. It may seem childish and lame in the eyes of others, but Tao didn’t mind writing in one. He enjoyed penning down his thoughts and feelings; it made him feel less tense and relief emotions that he had kept within himself.

May 1st

School was fun today, maybe because two teachers weren’t here, meaning that we have loads of free time! We played arm wrestling and I was in for a big surprise. Guess who was the winner? It was Xiumin! Can you believe it? I was strong enough to defeat Lay to emerge into the final rounds with Baozi, only to be overwhelmed by his strength. Mental note: never get into a fight with Xiumin. Never.

I was also shocked that Kris was the weakest of us (EXO-M)..

It was then the door opened and in came in Kris. Tao quickly hid his diary under his pillow and smiled widely at his roommate. “It’s really hot today..” The blonde sighed and took his night clothes, “I’m going for a shower. Chat with ya later Tao!” Tao nodded and Kris went outside, leaving the boy by himself once again. He heaved a sigh of relief and began continuing with his life journal.

I was also shocked that Kris was the weakest of us (EXO-M).. Kris has immense power, like a dragon.

Anyways, my birthday is tomorrow.. I’m going to be a year older, wow. I haven’t told anyone my birthdate yet, but I guess it’s alright.

Baekhyun is a beef, hehe.

There’s nothing more special to say, I guess I’ll end here. It’s still early, 8pm, so I guess I’ll wait till Kris returns and we can talk just like always. I’m glad I found eleven good friends, especially a good roommate who cares and cheers me up. Eleven friends, that’s a huge feat for me. EXO, I love you always.

Tao slotted his pen between the pages and hid it at its original hiding spot. He sighed and closed his eyes, remembering how he used to celebrate his birthday with his grandparents before he came to Korea for further studies. Tao smiled as memories of his beloved grandmother’s smiling, how gentle and loving she looked. I miss her.. He looked over and spotted his cat, picking it up and hugging it to his chest- like when he was a young child. Tao poked the nose and giggled.

“You’re so cute,” Tao muttered as he tugged on its tiny arms, playing with his plushy.

Just then, the door swung open and in came a majestic king. Kris quickly hid behind the wall when he saw Tao talking to his favourite cat plushy, laughing quietly to himself. He looks like a child. Suddenly an idea popped into his mind, whipping out his mobile phone and tapping on the ‘camera’ button.

Snap snap.

Tao’s ears perked up at the sound and looked at the direction with wide eyes.

“Oops,” Kris chuckled and revealed himself, “I forgotten to leave it in silent.”

“Did you just…” Tao’s voice trailed off as Kris showed him his screen, a picture of Tao smiling at his plushy showed. His eyes widen in shock as he leapt up from his bed, still holding onto his cat, “Give it to me!”

“Why?” Kris held his phone in his right hand and raised it high in the air, laughing at how the shorter boy struggled to reach for the item. “You look cute and innocent, just like a little child.”

Tao pouted and crossed his arms.

“Yeah, just like that.”

“Fine, you can keep that picture. But don’t show it to anyone or I’ll Wushu your !” Tao threatened and glared at Kris.

“Just look at you,” Kris commented, staring at the picture of Tao, “You look so different that you always appear- emotionless. Honestly I like this cute side of you.”

Tao blushed and looked away, “R-really?”

Kris nodded, sitting down beside Tao who shuffled slightly. He turned to face the boy and smiled, “Well then, want to continue the game we played?”

“Yes!” Tao clapped gleefully, he enjoyed playing games, especially with Kris- because Tao always wins. Kris’s smile widened as the two of them initiated the game.

The bright sun streamed in the window of the room, waking Tao up. He yawned as he looked over at the bedside table. 12pm. Tao sat up on his bed and closed his eyes, yawning. It was a Saturday afternoon, meaning that the students could sleep in and not worry about being late for class. His stomach grumbled as he shuffled lazily over to the closet, picking up fresh clothes. After showering, he got out and dumped his night clothes into a basket. He reckoned that the others are still asleep for they hadn’t been online on the group chat- which they are always on 24/7.

“Kris,” Tao called out as he shook the sleeping figure gently, “I’m going to get some food, want anything?”

“Mmh..” Kris pulled the covers over his head and fell back asleep.

“So anything’s fine?” Tao pocked his wallet and looked down at the boy. He’s always so hard to awake.

No reply.

Tao shrugged, should probably leave a message, he decided in case Kris gets paranoid as to where he has vanished to. After spending a minute writing a short note, he placed in under a paper weight and went out of the room, heading down to the canteen to satisfy his growling stomach.

Subsequently after what felt like hours, Kris finally woke up. The blonde was too lazy to wash up so he sat there on his bed, staring into thin air. He realized that Tao was gone and he started to panic.


Where’s Tao?

Is he abducted?

Kris eyes widened as he stood up, for once getting his lazy off the bed.

By aliens?

He gasped.

Or by Kai..

He huffed as he stormed towards the desk to find his mobile phone. “Where is it?” Kris muttered as he lifted books by books, but his device was nowhere to be found. This is a trap.. He concluded, crouching down low to search the floors. He crawled over to Tao’s bed and looked underneath, stretching his hand and tapping the ground.

Found it! He beamed as his hand connected with a rectangular object. Kris immediately pulled the item out, expecting to see his phone. He frowned when he was greeted by a book instead. What’s this? It’s not a textbook, that’s for sure. Kris looked at the black cover and opened it.

“It’s a diary..” He breathed, “It’s Tao’s diary..” He quickly closed the book.

He grasped the newly found treasure in front of him. He could either read the contents inside and know all of Tao’s secrets or be a good friend and put it back, pretending that he never found the diary. It isn’t right to invade his privacy.. Kris nodded and kneeled down, sliding the diary back to its hiding place.

But something keeps bothering Kris, as if the diary itself was luring him to read it. Kris gulped as he retracted his hand. Should I read it or should I not? He asked himself repeatedly.


Kris swiftly scooped the book up and flipped to the latest page where Tao has written on; he couldn’t bother to read the earlier details.. Or maybe he would, after he read the newest one. Kris instantly recognized the neat handwriting written in black ink, the handwriting was unique and only belongs to Tao. He began reading the journal.

“What..” His voice trailed off as he spotted his name and the sentence following it, “Weakest?” Kris grimaced, “I’m not weak..” He felt his pride sting, knowing that from the arm wrestling competition, he had given Tao and impression that he was weak. Hell, he even lost to Suho! My leader pride.. At least he won Baekhyun.

Yet Kris wouldn’t acknowledge the fact that Tao said that he was the weakest member in EXO. No, there’s no way he would let that happen.

I’ll show him. Kris smirked, an idea popping into his head.  

[Author's Notes]

Got the arm wrestling idea from EXO's Showtime Episode 4 hahahaha xD
I'm not saying that Kris is weak, well; since all of Exo are right handed and they're playing with their left hands.. His strength might be in his dominant hand and not his left, so he could be weaker. That's why he lost? Xiumin is strong o__o

Want some fluff in the next chapter? ;) I have some ideas heheheheh

I feel like this fanfic is drifting away from it's original plot..? It was actually Tao being a bad boy to prevent getting hurt, meeting the other members and learning how to open up.. Is it going the right way? .____.

Thanks for the 12 upvotes, 86 subscribers, 1475 views and 25 comments~!

P.S. I'm sorry if this chapter seemed shorter than the others.. The word count is pretty much the same but I think it's because this chapter has fewer dialogues so the length is shorterned.. Sorry!

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Chapter 14: Please update!
kennocha #2
Chapter 14: This is getting even interesting. I'd like to know more ^_^
Chapter 14: TT-TT krease u lier. please update :3 ( D: I think I'm bipolar)
Chapter 14: ...........Im like.... So confused...
ValeKissme #5
Chapter 14: Oh gosh please update soon! Don't let kris go insane completely!
faraaaaaahemilia #6

And yes. I love this story :)
Chapter 14: I never comment on stories but HOLY CRAP.


Im so blown away screaming my head off. LOL. God I love this story.
Chapter 14: arghhhhhhh kreaaaaase yooooou fuuuuuuudger!!!!!