Bad Boy Persona

Opening Up To Others

Zitao tossed his clothes into a black luggage and sighed, “Why must I be the one getting expelled and not them?” He mumbled as he snapped the lock shut, flopping himself onto his bed and stared at the ceiling.

It wasn’t even his fault to begin with. The bullies had gotten away undetected and left Zitao as their scapegoat, again. Why Zitao you ask? It was because the bullies love to pick on quiet victims, knowing that they won’t fight back because they are too scared, yet that wasn’t the reason why Zitao didn’t do anything to help himself- he just didn’t want to get into trouble. He knew that someone will definitely get hurt if he fights back, so he just kept quiet and be the good boy his parents told him to be.

Maybe I should have listened to my Grandmother.. She says that I'm too naïve.. His heart pounded in his chest as thoughts began to fill his mind; what if I be a bad boy from now on? He sure could use that bad boy persona to protect himself from bullying. Zitao grinned at the thrill of his future plans. It would be fun.

Zitao was the quiet boy in class; he never breaks the school rules and hands in homework in time. Due to his introverted personality, he has really less friends, or none, yet he didn’t mind it- he liked it that way, peaceful and no troubles at all. However, the bullies had abused his kindness too much, making him their top favourite victim. So Zitao decided to change that, in order to keep bullies away and let others be afraid of him, he chose to be a bad boy from now on.

“Tomorrow. A new start, a new school, a new Huang Zitao.”

It was eight in the morning and Zitao was sitting in the principal’s office.

“I’m sorry to say that you will be leaving our school..” The principal of Zitao’s school said, but the boy swore he saw a slight tug at his lips behind those interlaced fingers, “But I have found one school who wishes to accept you under their wing. It’s an all-boys school called XO High, they have dorms so you can stay there.” The grey haired man pushed up his round glasses and looked at Zitao, “Any questions?”

Zitao shook his head and stood up, dragging his luggage behind him and leaving the office. XO High, XO High.. He repeated the school’s name over and over in his mind. When he got out of the school, he boarded a bus and off he went to his new school.

Soon, he reached his destination. Zitao found himself standing in front of the huge gates of the school. “You must be Huang Zitao, the new student.” A voice broke his trance as the boy turned to face the owner. Zitao nodded and the man smiled, “Welcome, I am the school’s principal, please follow me in.” The school was huge, they had a soccer field, basketball court, swimming pool.. Everything you would expect in a school that big. Zitao gaped at the sight as the man lead him to his dorm room. “This is your room, you will be sharing this room with another student,” The principal passed a key to Zitao, “Here are the keys. Now would you mind leaving your belongings in the room and then we could get to the administrative matters?"

“Alright.” After placing his luggage, Zitao once again followed the principal into his office and started to fill in some forms. The school looks awesome and the principal seems nice, he thought as passed the forms to the principal, not like that old grey haired zombie. 

“Class, we have a new student who will be joining us from now onwards. Please come in,” The teacher announced to the class as Zitao walked into the class, wearing his new school’s uniform and carrying a bag full of books for today’s lessons, “Please introduce yourself.”

“Huang Zitao.” He stated simply as his eyes darted around the classroom, taking in the faces of his to-be classmates. Act nonchalant and emotionless, Zitao thought to himself, that's right.

“Uh.. Please take a seat next to Minseok.” The teacher smiled and pointed to a seat next to a boy which was empty, Zitao nodded and walked towards his seat. Zitao pulled out his chair and dumped his bag, sitting down afterwards. “Mr. Lee isn’t here today so it’s free period.” The teacher told the class as the once quiet classroom burst into chatters.

“Hello! My name is Kim Minseok but please call me Xiumin!” The boy beside Zitao faced him and smiled, reaching out a hand for Zitao to shake.

“Zitao.” He said, nodding his head as he glanced briefly at Xiumin, not shaking his hand.

“Okay..?” Xiumin raised an eyebrow and withdrew his hand. 

It's working, it's working! Zitao internally clapped.
“So what do you like to eat?”

Zitao rolled his eyes.

“I like buns.. It’s tasty! Especially meat buns..” Xiumin’s mouth watered at the thought of his favourite food. When Zitao didn’t reply, Xiumin paused his chatter and looked at him with concern.

“Are you okay?” Xiumin tilted his head as he asked Zitao, waving his hand in front of the dark haired boys face when he didn’t react.

“Yeah,” Zitao returned his gaze.

“Good!” Xiumin smiled, “Let’s be friends then!”

F-friends..? Zitao was shocked at how friendly this Xiumin boy was; they just met like moments ago! And not to mention how coldly Zitao had treated him. No one has asked me to be their friend.. What should I do? I couldn’t possibly turn down his request..

“Just acquaintances,” Zitao almost smacked himself. I’m officially an idiot. No matter, I’m a bad boy and this is how bad boys act.

“Sound cool!” Xiumin nodded, “Gee.. You remind me of Kris.”


“Yup. His real name is Wu Yifan but he goes by Kris. He sits over there,” Xiumin pointed to a table next row which was empty.

“Why isn’t he here?”

“Oh, Lay had fallen ill so Kris brought him to see a doctor.”

“Whose parents even names their son ‘Lay’?”

“His real name is Zhang Yixing, actually.. Hehe.”

Zitao’s stared at Xiumin weirdly, why do all of them have weird nicknames?

“This is the most I’ve heard you talk since we met!” Xiumin squealed, patting Zitao’s back.

There goes my bad boy reputation.

“Yo Baozi!” A boy suddenly slapped Xiumin on his back, making the latter yelp.

“Don’t scare me like that!” Xiumin punched the boy on his shoulders, making him chuckle. His gaze went from Xiumin to Zitao as the boy examined him.

“Nice hair,” He stated. Zitao looked at him weirdly and nodded. The boy edged closer to Xiumin and whispered into his ears, “Does he ever talks..?”

Xiumin laughed, “Yes, but I doubt he would ever understand your alien language Chen!”

So his name is Chen.. Why am I not surprised?

“Hey! Anyways, are you friends with him?” Chen asked.

“Do acquaintances count?”


Xiumin shrugged, “He said that we’re acquaintances, but I just take it as another cool name for friends.” He grinned.

“You’re weird,” Chen said to Zitao.

“Like I care.”

“Oh my mother of oranges in a fruit bowl! He spoke!” Chen gasped dramatically and held a hand to his forehead, “I think I’m going to faint of happiness.”

“You troll, get out of here!” Xiumin laughed as he pushed Chen away. Chen sticked his tongue out and went back to his seat.

An hour passed by and the next teacher entered the class, starting up the lesson. The whole lesson Zitao and Xiumin didn’t talk to each other, despite the countless times Xiumin tried to engage in a conversation with Zitao. “It’s okay, I guess you’re just a little shy,” Xiumin said smiling every time Zitao didn’t reply. 

School finally ended after a painful seven hours. Zitao was walking back to his room when a familiar voice called him from behind.

“Wait up!” Xiumin shouted as he ran, panting when he finally reached Zitao’s side, “Let’s walk back together!”

“You stay in the dorms?” Zitao asked emotionlessly.

“Yup. Everyone in this school stays in the dorms!”

“And I’m his roommate, right Baozi?”

“Yah!” Xiumin jumped when Chen appeared suddenly beside him, “I told you not to scare me like that!”

“I just like to see your scared expression,” Chen pinched Xiumin’s cheeks.

“Enough enough,” Xiumin waved Chen off, “Eh..? Where’s Zitao?” Xiumin looked around and spotted the boy walking away without them.

“Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!” Xiumin huffed as he dashed in front of Zitao, “Why did you leave me with that annoying troll?”

Zitao shrugged and walked up the stairs. They are funny, Zitao thought to himself, I kinda like them.

“Does he ever answer you when you talk to him?” Zitao heard Chen ask.

“Sometimes.. It probably takes some time for him to open up, he just got here.”

Zitao unlocked the door and entered his room. Xiumin is such a positive person, he stated as he began unpacking his items. I wonder who my roommate is.. Zitao glanced at the bed near the window which already had stuffs on it. I hope it isn’t a bully..

“Speaking of bullies,” Zitao muttered as he sat on his bed. Things has gone pretty well in his new school, his plan had worked almost perfectly; with the exception of his bubbly seatmate who appeared to like him. He sure had given the first impression of coldness to his classmates, and he bet that no one would dare take advantage of him. Zitao clapped and smiled. I’m a genius. But.. His mind began to wonder off to Xiumin, Chen and the few others the boy hand mentioned.

They seem nice and fun to be with. He ruffled his hair and pouted, having friends would definitely ruin my plans but.. whatever. Zitao switched off the bedside lamp, engulfing his room in darkness.

I'll just see how it goes.

[Author’s Notes]

15 Subscribers, 107 views and 4 comments?! Woooowww~!

Thanks everyone for subscribing and leaving a comment! I hope the first chapter didn’t disappoint you if the foreword was much more exciting to you

To be honest, I really don’t know how bad boys act .___.
They are cold, nonchalant and emotionless right? Right..? .___.

Once again I apologize if the story plot is a little weird and doesn’t connect to the foreword.. I wanted to make Tao seem cold at first cause he didn’t want to get bullied but slowly opens up to the others and more fun comes in

Thanks for subscribing and commenting on my first fanfiction! Love you~

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Chapter 14: Please update!
kennocha #2
Chapter 14: This is getting even interesting. I'd like to know more ^_^
Chapter 14: TT-TT krease u lier. please update :3 ( D: I think I'm bipolar)
Chapter 14: ...........Im like.... So confused...
ValeKissme #5
Chapter 14: Oh gosh please update soon! Don't let kris go insane completely!
faraaaaaahemilia #6

And yes. I love this story :)
Chapter 14: I never comment on stories but HOLY CRAP.


Im so blown away screaming my head off. LOL. God I love this story.
Chapter 14: arghhhhhhh kreaaaaase yooooou fuuuuuuudger!!!!!