Found Out


=Nami's POV=


Call me stupid but I really meant it when I asked Kris to be a good boyfriend. I was suprised when I saw him in front of my door. Then I realized that I needed him who cared about me. Kris dragged his back of hand onto my forehead after a long silence.

"Are you really sick?"

I hit his hand and he took his hand back.

"I seriously ask. Why hit me?" he moaned.

"I'll be going to school tomorrow. You should go home now. It's late already." I pointed at the clock on the wall.

"Yeah, I know." He stood up and I brought him to the door. "I'm leaving," he said and stepped away.

He suddeny stopped and turned to see me who was still in the door. I raised my eyebrows. "Sleep well. See you at school tomorrow!" My lips curved a smile when he waved to me and then left.

I hit my head. "Why are you being like this?"

The next morning, I woke up really early that I could pick Sehun at his house first like he always did to me. He wondered what kind of miracle that came to me last night. I just shrugged. What else could I say?

We went to canteen in the rest time. It felt like years I didn't eat my favourite chicken noodle here. I also bought a bag of potato chips to eat after the chicken noodle.

"So, how is your preparation for your dance performance?" I asked Sehun who was playing with his phone.

"Well, I'm not going for a solo performance. I'm gonna do it with Kai."

"Kai? Why him? How could he know that you're gonna perform later?"

He shrugged. "He askmed me to join him and I think it's a good idea."

"Have you practiced with him?" I teared the upper side of the bag of potato chips.

"Yes, we've practiced hard!," he said cheerfully.

"Really? Send me the video~!" I cheered.

"Later, okay?"


I took a chip and was about to feed Sehun. Suddenly a monster came and ate the chip in my hand. "What the hell, Kris!!!" I yelled. He just passed by like nothing happened. Screw you, good boyfriend.

"What was that?" Sehun asked sceptically.

"A giant just snatched your chip away." I fed myself with the chip.

"Are you guys... by any chance, dating?"

I choked when hearing the word 'dating'. It heard strange to me. I never dated anyone before and I had no idea whether I could say we were dating now or not. Sehun gave me his mineral water and I drank it to clear my throat.

"Sehun... I don't know either."

"You don't know what?"

"You're not right. You said that I need him, but actually..."


"But..." I paused, thinking the right way to say it out. "I think, I start to like him."

I swore not to say it again because that was the most embarrassing thing I had ever said. I admitted that I started to like Kris after a long thought about why I felt strangely happy whenever Kris annoyed me or just was around me. My brain still denied it, reminding me that he was a cold city guy who just pretended to be cool, then reminding me that he acted kind of silly in front of me. My head went dizzy after that.

"Nami, are you serious?" Sehun's eyes popped out like meatballs.

I shrugged, not eager to continue this talk further since I hadn't known the details of what I was feeling yet. Well, I needed rational reason to like Kris.

"Don't get hurt," Sehun said and gave me a sweet smile.

I grinned then chuckled, realizing how stupid I was just now.




“Sehun, let’s go,” said Kai after school.

“Yes. Go ahead,” Sehun replied.

Kai waved to someone behind me before stepping out of the class. I turned my head to see who it was.

“Krystal, tell me what was that!” I screw in happiness to know that finally Krystal and Kai made their own way.

“Before you start gossiping with Krystal, I gotta go now, okay,” Sehun said.

“I know, Sehun-ah. Fighting!” I cheered.

“Bye~!” he sang, then left. He was going to Kai’s dance studio to practice with him. I told him to record them and send the video to me. I hoped he wouldn’t forget.

“Tell me!!!”

Krystal chuckled. “We’re not dating.”

“What?” My mouth wide opened. It was such an overreaction, I know.

“Yeah. I don’t think we can work it out. He doesn’t care at all. I’m the one who cares.”

“But he waved to you. It means he cares, stupid!” I told her as if I had many experiences in dating.

“I know. I was happy until I found out that he treated Hyoyeon that way too.”

“Really? What a bad boy! But, Hyoyeon is his mate in dancing. They’re close each other. Why are you jealous?”

“Because he’s closer to Hyoyeon rather than me.”

“Ah, that’s right,” I sighed. “You should believe in him, anyway.”

“Believe in him what? He never told me about his feelings. I can’t believe in him. I can give up anytime,” Krystal yelled. Her eyes turned red and glassy. I didn’t know what happened to her because I thought I didn’t say something wrong.

“Krystal, why are you crying? I’m sorry,” I said, eventhough I didn’t get what I was sorrying for.

“It’s okay, Nami-ya. I’m leaving.” She wiped her tears and left me alone in this classroom.




“Thanks for the video, Sehunnie. I’m gonna watch it at home,” I said. We stepped out the class. I was suprised to see Kris right in front of class as we stepped out. Why did he like to appear suddenly like a ghost?

“Hi, Nami, Sehun,” he greeted us with his big teeth.

“Yo, Kris.”

Kris stared at me, waiting for me to reply his greeting. “Hi,” I replied lazily.

“Well, Nami, let’s go on a date today.”

My eyes widened. “What?”

Sehun coughed. “I guess I have to go now.”

“Sehun! Sehun-ah!!!”

It was useless to call him over again because he didn’t stop and he just left me with Kris. Kris grinned.

“I don’t have time,” I said, refusing his invitation.

“I don’t either. But I give my time for you. Just for you.”

I sighed. “Don’t waste your time, Kris.” I knew that he got so many to do since he was the President of Student Council. He needed to manage every change in the art show planning. And he was the basketball team captain. He must be tired, musn’t he? He should get more rest at home. He shouldn’t waste his time on me.

Wait. Why the heck did I care?!

“Hey!” Kris shook his hand in front of my face.

I twitched. “What?”

“Let’s go!”

Kris grabbed my hand and led me to his motorcycle. He handed me a small red helmet but I didn’t wear it. I watched him turning his motorcycle on.

“Kris, I can’t go with you now,” I said.

“Huh? Why?” he asked.

“I just... can’t.”

I couldn’t tell him that I had to go to work. I had to keep my pride up. And I thought he would mock me if he knew what was my job.

“Can’t you take a day-off?”

I twitched again. What? Day-off? He knew that I worked? “You...”

“Yeah, I know. You’re a maid at Chocoberry.”

I clasped my mouth in disbelief. Only Sehun knew this. How could he know? My cheek might seem red like a tomato. I put that helmet on the passanger seat and ran as fast as possible. I heard him yelling my name but I kept running home. My pride hurted.




Hello! It’s been a really REALLY long time since the last update ryt? I feel so sorry guys I was so busy with the high school stuffs urgh. And..

Ah. Kris left EXO? So what fanfiction is this? I’m. So. Sad.

And yesterday, SM confirmed that Baekhyun and Taeyeon are dating. It’s so hard to believe you know like SM are not the type of agency who will confirm the rumor just in less than 12 hours. I smell something fake yea. But, if it’s true that they’re dating, I’ll be happy for them eventhough my heart is..aching? I can’t word it out.

Oh! You can contact me guys. You know I like to meet new people. Eventhough I don’t get close to people easily. Why don’t try? Contact me on LINE. My ID is safirahrp.

I have wattpad too. I post fanfics there about Sehun but it’s only in Bahasa. So, if you’re Indonesian, let’s meet there swidih! My username is safirahrp.


Thank you for those who still read my fanfic~^^


Much love,



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hayhan #1
Chapter 8: Jjang! I lovveee this story so much! But not about baektae. Humph. Actually who is the selfish one? Sometime I am angry to him and sonetime to myself. But syill I dont ship them. Humph.
Chapter 8: :DD Finally you updated!
And me too. i was really hurt about the news that baek and Taeyeon is dating. :(
Chapter 7: Please update soon (:
Chapter 5: Wahhhhh <33 I hopeee Nami will say yessss >\\\<
Chapter 1: Awesomee!! I realy really really like <3
itskyle20 #6
wow this is awesome
luhanneomukiyowo #7
Wow! seems interesting! (Y) Update soon! ^_^ Fighting, Author-nim!