

=Nami's POV=


I took a deep breath and looked away from Kris. I felt something weird in my stomach when I heard what Kris just said. It was not aching. It was like there was something twirling in it. This was my first time to hear those words in reality. I used to hear those in the drama I watched. I also liked to watch drama as well as the other girls did.

"Nami-ya," called Kris.

"Oh." I turned to look at him. His face looked softer than before.

"From now on, you're mine and I'm yours." He smiled.

"Tell me you're kidding."

"No, I'm not. Do I look like kidding?" He raised his brows.

"How about Nara?"

"What? Do you believe that rumour?"

"Of course not. But you look good with her. The Prince and the Princess." I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

He chuckled. "That's good if you don't. However, we're officially a couple now, right?"

"Unofficially. I haven't answered it yet."

"Who says that you need to answer it? I'm not asking. I'm telling that we're a couple now. I don't need an answer."

"So tricky. We can't be!"

My phone suddenly rang, cutting the conversation between us. It was a call from Sehun.

"Nami-ya, where are you now?" asked Sehun as I picked his call up.

"I'm walking home now. Why?" Kris' eyes were watching me. I glared at him.

"Why so long? I told you to walk fast," he nagged. I liked to hear his voice while nagging but when he became overdoing it, I wanted to puke.

"I know, I know. Stop worrying. Just go sleep now, understand? I'm hanging up now. Bye, Sehunnie~" I sang and ended the phone call.

I stoop up, about to go home now. I didn't want the debate to grow anymore. When I checked the time in my phone, it was already 00:12 AM. I was pretty sure that I would come late to school today unless if there would be a miracle to wake me up in the morning.

"Where are you going?" Kris asked.

"Home," I answered without looking at him. I walked to the outside and tightened up my cardigan. I went home by bus and fell asleep as soon as I arrived at my apartment. It was a really tiring day.




I was woken up by doorbell ringing. I opened my eyes and directly looked at the clock on the wall. It was 06:50 AM. Who in the world would come to my apartment this morning? I rubbed my eyes slightly and walked to the door.

I yawned as I reached the door. I opened it and I couldn't find anyone there. I looked to the right and left and there was nobody. I cursed under my breath. Who the hell would be kidding me by waking me up now? However, I thanked him/her for doing this so that I wouldn't come late today.

I was about to close the door when I saw a silver box laying down near my feet. I bent my knees to take it. I examined the box and once again ensured that there was really nobody. It probably belonged to me since it came to my door. I nodded, agreeing my own thought and brought it into my apartment. I sat on the couch at the corner of my room, my favourite spot to watch the beautiful view outside. The box looked nice because of its colour. The size wasn't too big. I opened the box carefully just in case someone was trying to trap me.

My jaw dropped when I saw what was inside that box. A black watch.

"Who dropped this in front of my door?"

I realized that there was a small piece of paper laying under the watch. I quickly took it.

Hey. Wear this watch so you won't come late again. Kris.

I hissed in unbelievement. Why did he gave me that watch? I didn't need anything from him. Didn't he know that I could live well without people buying me something?

I prepared myself for school. I arrived right when the school gate was going to be closed. I didn’t come late, definitely. I would have to wait for the break time to meet Kris. Sehun didn’t comment when I told him about last night and the box. He just gave me a small smile which I didn’t know the meaning.

The break time started after so long boring lesson and I rushed to Kris’ class. I didn’t find him there. I just remembered that break time was his time to show charm. He might be at the canteen or basketball court. I went to the canteen, the nearest place. He wasn’t there either. And there he was in the basketball court playing basketball with the others. The supporters cheered out as if it was a real match.

“Kris!!!” I shouted with angry face from the supporters place. They gave me a why-are-you-here- stare. I didn’t care and kept shouting his name. He finally heard me and stopped playing. He came to me and I could see his sweat everywhere. He wore his basketball jersey. He wiped the sweats off in his forehead with the back of his hand.


“Huh?” I cursed myself for looking at Kris like that. I was supposed to be angry. I took the watch out from my pocket and handed it to him. “What is that?”


“Everyone knows that, stupid.” I took a small piece of paper that was also inside that box and showed it to him. “What does this mean? I don’t need this stuff. Why are you giving it to me? Are you looking down on me? I can buy it myself.”

Both of us kept silence for about one minute. Heard some noises from his fans who were my haters as well.

“I.. I don’t understand what you’re talking about. I don’t about this watch and most importantly, I don’t know you."

I was shocked hearing his statement. How could he say he didn’t know me after what he told me last night? The paper was unknowingly smashed in my hand. I could hear the girls chuckling and mocking me in the back. “Ya! We’re a couple, don’t you know?” I yelled to them.

They stopped chuckling for a moment. I thought they were really pissed off but after seconds, they started bursting into laughter. I looked at them confused. “What’s so funny? He told me that thing.”

“Don’t dream too high. He’s dating Nara, don’t you know?” one girl said. I knew her as a student in the class beside mine. I really wanted to punch her face because her annoying expression.

“Right!” the others shouted. What was right? They were absolutely stupid. If they believed that Kris was dating Nara, why did they keep following Kris everywhere just like Nara did?

I let out sigh. They wouldn’t believe in me and I didn’t need them to. Kris just stood there without at least saying a word.

“Whatever, you crazy girls. I mumbled before leaving them. I realized it was a useless action to come asking Kris for explanation. I just wasted my time here.

“Han Nami!”

I stopped as I heard someone calling my name. I turned my body to see who it was. Kris was walking towards me, getting away from the girls crowd. I frowned.

“What? We don’t know each other, right?”

Kris didn’t answer. He grabbed my waist fast abd wore that black watch to my left hand.

“What are you doing?” I groaned as I tried to pull my hand back. He was done wearing me that watch and he still didn’t say anything. “Why? What is this?”

He kept silent.

“Why are you doing this to me? Why are you not saying anything? Say something!” I yelled, couldn’t hold my emotion.

“Just wear it,” he said calmly and then left. I wanted to curse at him but the words satyed still in my mid, not escaping from my mouth. I was too upset that I even found it difficult to word it out.




“Nami! Han Nami!”

I came back to reality after daydreaming about nothing when Jihyun, my maid mate, calling my name, half screaming half whispering. I found her there in the coustumer table, waiting for them to order. I looked at her and moved my mouth. “What?”

She pointed at a table where a man was sitting there alone. His back faced me. I understood that I had to serve that man so I walked to his table.

“Welcome! Do you want to order? We have special dinner set for this month,” I said with the friendliest tone I could have. He was staring at his phone screen when I talked to him.

“Get me an americano,” he ordered. He lifted his head to look at me. And he looked a bit surprised when seeing my face. What was wrong with my face? Was I too ugly?”

“Only that? Anything else?” I asked politely after writing down his order. He shook his head.

“Alright. Please wait.” I bowed and went to the kitchen entrance and put the order paper in the order list stick.

I did this and that in the cafe until the time I could go home. I looked at my left hand, checking the time in the black watch which Kris gave me. I wore it, anyway.

I walked to the bus station as usual. I walked faster as I felt like someone was following me. The faster I walked, the faster the shoes tapping behind me. Fear slowly wrapped all over my body. Could it be the one who scared me that night when committee camp? I recalled the sharp thing named knife which he used to scratch my cheek and also my neck. I shivered.

I kept on walking as I hoped that I would reach the bus station sooner. Suddenly, I felt a big hand patting my shoulder. My blood gradually drained to my head as I started to run to the bus that fortunately came in the right time. I quickly entered the bus and the door was closed when I was just in. It meant there was not anyone behind me. I let out a relief sigh.


=Kris’s POV=


My phone was ringing signaling that there was a call coming to my phone. I saw the caller name on my phone screen. Sehun?


“Hello. Kris, can you do me a favor?” He sounded panic.

“Um, yeah, what is it?”

“Can you take a good care of Nami when I’m not with her?” My brow furrowed. He asked me that thing with a panic tone and it felt unusual.

“Wait. What happened?”

“I’ll tell you later. What important now is that someone’s gonna do bad things to Nami again tonight.”

“What?” My eyes widened. “How do you know?”

“I’ve told you that I’ll tell you later. Listen, you have to go to Chocoberry Cafe at 11:45 PM and find Nami there. Do you know where it is?”

I thought a while. “Oh, I think it’s near my house. But, what is Nami doing there? Does she tell you that she’s going to meet someone there?”

“No. She’s working there,” he said. “Ah, I’m so stupid. I shouldn’t tell you about that,” he moaned.

“Nami is a maid there?” I asked unbelievingly. So that was the reason why she was there waiting for bus that midnight.

“Yes. But, please keep it a secret. Just pretend like you don’t know that she’s a maid. She will be very mad at me and I guess she doesn’t want to be my friend anymore,” he begged.

“Is she that cruel?”

“Yes, she is.”

I nodded as if Sehun could see me. “I see. So, what I have to do is to come to Chocoberry Cafe at 11:45 PM and find her there. And what should I do after finding her?”

“Eung...” he mumbled. I waited patiently for his advice. “Take her home?”

“Ah, she won’t want.”

“Have a conversation with her?” He suggested another.

“That’s right. I’ll just talk to her and tell her that someone’s going to do bad things to her again.”

“Don’t! Nami can’t know this. You have to keep this a secret too.”

“Why so many secret? Why can’t she know that she’s in danger?” I protested.

“Because she won’t believe you,” he said, shutting my mouth. He was right. Who was I to come and tell her that she was in danger? She was my girlfriend, though. “I know who did this to her but she won’t belive me either. She’s not the type who will just believe what people say. She needs proof. And I still don’t have it. So, please help me to collect the proof, whatever it is. I’ll tell you everything I know after you complete this mission. Understand?”

Hearing the word ‘mission’ made myself believe that I was born to be a spy. Many spies in movies were popular and I was one of them, I believed. The mission for now was to protect Nami from another danger. I didn’t really understand why I just followed Sehun’s instruction. And could I protect her just by talking to her?

I wore my varsity and walked to Chocoberry that was about 800 meters from my house. I looked at my black watch which looked similiar to the watch I gave Nami. It was actually a couple watch. My eyes popped as I saw it was already 11:45 PM and I was just stepping out my house. My footsteps fastened. I imagined what would happen if I came a little later and shook my head. It couldn’t happened.

I ran to Chocoberry’s door as I saw a woman hanging a ‘close’ sign to the door before she closed and locked the door from outside.

“Excuse me.”

The woman turned around. “Yes?”

“Do you know a maid here by the name Han Nami? Is she here?” I asked.

“I know her. She left this cafe a couple minutes ago.”

I gasped. I thanked her before rushing to the bus station. I didn’t want the things I imagine to become real. I scanned the passerbies’s face to find Nami’s face there but I didn’t find her.

I was almost frustated until I saw Nami about 9 meters in front of me. I sighed in relief. Thank God I found her.

My radar detected a bad sign from a man behind Nami. I wanted to approach Nami but I chose to notice that man first. He acted stangely. He seemed to be really aware of people around. I was right when I said that was a bad sign. He did follow Nami’s footsteps. I walked approaching Nami faster than that man did. I stuck out my phone to snap a picture of him when I passed him. This picture might be a proof for Nami to believe what Sehun knew.

Nami was a step away from me. I quickly patted her shoulder to make her know that I was there. But she didn’t turn to see who was patting her shoulder. She ran, entering the bus that stopped at the bus station. I watched her running and wondered why she ran away. Did she know it was me? Or did she think that I was the bastard who was going to do bad things to her?

I turned back, looking for that man who sent me a bad sign. He was no longer here. He disappered suddenly. I didn’t know if I should feel relief because nothing happened to Nami but I thought that the other dangers were waiting to come from now.

I took out my phone and opened my gallery to see the picture of that man that I took before. The man’s face wasn’t too clear because he covered his mouth with his hand. I sent the picture to Sehun and I went home. He said that he would tell me completely what he really knew tomorrow after school. I really looked forward to it.





Hi! I know how Nami felt when Kris said that he didn't know her. Urghh, wasn't Kris being too cruel for saying that?

I thought, this chapter is a bit boring, isn't it? I'll make it better in the next chapter~~~

Anyway, thanks for reading. Please leave a comment~!






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hayhan #1
Chapter 8: Jjang! I lovveee this story so much! But not about baektae. Humph. Actually who is the selfish one? Sometime I am angry to him and sonetime to myself. But syill I dont ship them. Humph.
Chapter 8: :DD Finally you updated!
And me too. i was really hurt about the news that baek and Taeyeon is dating. :(
Chapter 7: Please update soon (:
Chapter 5: Wahhhhh <33 I hopeee Nami will say yessss >\\\<
Chapter 1: Awesomee!! I realy really really like <3
itskyle20 #6
wow this is awesome
luhanneomukiyowo #7
Wow! seems interesting! (Y) Update soon! ^_^ Fighting, Author-nim!