Truth or Dare


=Kris' POV=


The bottle was spinning slowlier, slowlier, and more slowier. Please, stop at Nami. The bottle was like going to stop at Nami but it was stopped at Kyungsoo. . A little closer.

"Kyungsoo-ya, which will you choose, truth or dare?" Luhan asked.

"Truth!" Kyungsoo said confidently.

"Oh. Who wants to give question to him?" Luhan asked again to the others.

"What is your underwear colour you're wearing?" Nami asked loudly with innocent face. Everyone burst into laughter but me.

"Ya! Nami-ya, you're such a ert!" Kyungsoo yelled.

"What's my fault? I'm Just asking." She pouted. Cutie.

"Just answer, Kyungsoo-ya," Luhan said after stopping his laughter.

"How can I. .." Kyungsoo was about to complain. Everyone glared at him. "Ah, I see, I see. .... It's white." He blushed in embarrassment. The girls giggled. Nami and the boys laughed out loud. Nami clapped her hands.

"You're cool, friend," she said, patting Kyungsoo's mini shoulder. "How cruel you are." Kyungsoo faked his anger. He crossed his arms.

"Oh~ Our Dudu is mad," Nami teased. Kyungsoo couldn’t pretend anymore, he laughed. They did a hi-five. I noticed that Nami often did a hi-five with the boys, with Sehun the most. It was silly to say this, but I was a little jealous of her closeness with other boys.

"I'm going to spin it again," Luhan said. He began to spin the bottle. Everyone seriously paid attention to the bottle where it would appoint. This time, the bottle stopped at Krystal.

"Which will you choose?" Luhan asked her.

"Truth," Krystal answered hesitantly.

"I want to ask," Nami shouted, raising her hand.

"No! You'll give me a weird question like you did to Kyungsoo."

"I will not. I swear it's a normal question."

"Go on, Nami," Luhan said.

"Okay. Do you have a crush on someone here, in this circle?" Nami raised one of her eyebrows and smirked. Krystal looked nervous as everyone stared at her, waiting for her to answer. She looked at Nami who was saying something to her, but I didn’t know what it was.

"Ah," she moaned. "No." She looked down. She was not very good at lying.

"You got the answer. Now, I'll spin it again," Luhan said. The bottle stopped at Nara, Nami’s sister. She chose dare.

"Kiss Kris!" everyone yelled. I could only wince. Nara acted as if she wanted to refuse but she still walked towards me. I was quite surprised. Either she played too fair, whether she did take advantage of the circumstances to kiss me. Since a few months ago, she always followed me. Perhaps it was also because of the rumor saying that we were dating. But it was not true. I didn’t have the slightest interest in Nara. I had already liked Nami. I looked at Luhan, asking him to replace the ‘dare’ thing for Nara. He moved his mouth, "It's just a game." I let out a sigh.

"I can’t refuse," Nara said, standing in front of me.

"In cheek only." She nodded, and then she bent her knee, trying to get the level of the sitting me. She quickly kissed my right cheek. She blushed. I stayed cool, hoping people would forget that kiss. Everyone cheered on us but Nami. I glanced at her to see her reaction but I didn’t find anything on her face. She watched that disgusting scene with a straight face. The game continued until a half hour later.

"Luhan, this game is getting boring, don’t you think?" Kai said when Luhan was going to spin the bottle.

"I think so," said Kyungsoo. Nami nodded in agreement.

"So, what are you guys gonna do?" Luhan asked all.

"Let's eat!" Nami shouted cheerfully.

"Right!" Lay, who just kept silent the whole game, yelled agreeing. He clapped his hands enthusiastically. Luhan looked at me as if to ask, "How is this?" I shrugged.

"Do you have something to eat?" I asked them.

"I have some instant ramen," Lay answered.

"Me too," Kai and Kyungsoo said together.

We decided to eat instant ramen together on the basketball court. The cold night air pierced my body. Instant ramen helped to keep warm on the inside. I watched Kyungsoo screamed when Nami took his ramen. Next to them, Krystal sat quietly. He occasionally glanced at Kai who was sitting next to him. Wow. Did this mean that Krystal liked Kai? She really lied when she said she didn’t like someone here.

Nami stood up after finishing her ramen. "Luhan, I'll go get some beer in a hypermarket."

"What?" Luhan's eyes widened. "No way!"

"Why? Alcohol will do it, right?"

"But not at school, Han Nami." Luhan shook his head.

"There’s no teacher watching us."

"It doesn’t mean we can act at will. Now, sit down."

"I'm sorry, Luhan. But I desperately need alcohol," she shouted as she rushed away from us. Luhan tried to stop her by screaming and it absolutely did not work. I stood up and chased Nami. I didn’t know why I chased her. I just didn’t feel safe for girls to walk alone at night. She began to walk normally after passing through the school gate. I walked behind her. I thought she would not notice me until she asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Hmm..." I mumbled a while, thinking for the right answer. "I have something to buy." She did not respond. We walked down the street in silence. I saw her rubbing her arm from the corner of my eye. I could also feel the night air was really cold. I tucked both of my hands into my coat pockets.

She suddenly to a narrow road on the right side. I thought that the road we had was the right way to go to the hypermarket. I kept running out nowhere because my goal was actually just to accompany Nami, although I was sure she didn’t need to be accompanied. I wondered why she turned. I stopped and turned back, looking at the narrow road she to. The street was really dark and narrow. What if there was someone who wanted to do bad things to her? I had to follow her secretly just in case if there was, I thought.

I walked quickly towards the narrow road. There were only a few lights on the front of some building. I couldn’t see anything but I kept going to the end of the road that I hoped would soon emerge. At that moment, I heard someone . The sound was coming from behind so I turned my body but I found nobody there. "Kris ..." It was a very familiar voice, but it was the first time she called my name. I saw her sitting next to the trash bin, hugging her legs.

"Nami?" I went over to make sure it was her. "Nami!" My eyes popped out when I realized it was really her and her cheeks were wet with tears. I couldn’t believe she could cry like girls in general. But then I noticed that her face was full of fear and her body was trembling. Not the way a girl crying in general. I stood in front of her, not knowing what to do.

"What happened?” I asked with a, which I believed, the most worried tone I had ever said. She looked up at me with an expression I had never seen. Fear? Pain? Her eyes didn’t emit light as sharp as usual. I thought she couldn’t tell what happened now, or even did not deign to tell me. I stuck out my hand to her, intending to help her stand. She put her hand on mine and stood up. She almost fell while removing her hand from mine. I wanted to hold her but she raised both her hands hinted that she was okay.

She stopped after taking a few steps. "I want to eat," she said. I looked at her and raised my eyebrows. She looked at me expressionless. I nodded knowingly. I knew some good eating places around here. There were several, but I had one favorite place that I always went to after school.

I threw a glance at her just to check her condition. She seemed calmer than before. I walked ahead of her, entering the dining area. We sat opposite at the table farthest from the window. I wanted to sit in my regular place but she had another seat, so I followed her. She ordered a big amount of food, while I just ordered a can of Coca Cola. She finished them all quickly and ordered soju. She spent a glass of soju in one gulp. I caught my eyes on her wrist that was really red signifying it had just grasped too hard. I looked at her face and nearly choked on my own breath. With good lighting in this place, I could clearly see a scratch on her left cheek.

"You're bleeding." I was shocked to hear the words, that were supposed to be only in my mind, out of my mouth. She looked at me straightly while sipping her last glass of soju. She blinked several times, trying to collect her consciousness completely.

I was paying the bill when she walked out without waiting for me. I chased her and walked next to her. She rubbed her temples and almost fell. I grabbed her shoulder, then she walked normally. She did it several times. I guessed, it was the influence of alcohol.

We were greeted with about hundreds of questions about what happened. What's up with Nami? Is she drunk? Why did they go home together? Did they both drink? I wanted to scream at them that I also wanted to ask the same thing, but I just shrugged. Nami went into her bedroom unsteadily without saying a word.


=Nami's POV=


I woke up and found the room empty. My head still felt a little dizzy but not as bad as last night. I stretched my muscles and gathered my strength to get up from a mattress that was not so soft to lay on. It was already morning. I didn’t even remember when I slept last night. All I remember was that Kris helped me when I was threatened by a masked man.

"You’ve always distressed your mother. If you’re able to have fun while your mother is suffering, your life will no longer be peaceful," I recalled what he said.

Last night, while walking, I suddenly felt a rough hand grabbed my wrist so strongly. I turned around and he pushed me into the wall next to the trash bin. His face was so close to me that I could smell a very strong alcohol out of his mouth as he spoke. He brandished a knife at my neck and left some little thin scratches. My blood froze at that moment. Oxygen suddenly disappeared from the earth or it was only me who felt it as I found it difficult to breathe. Although I often broke the rules, I was not stupid enough to let my body hurt.

No matter how hard I tried to let go of his grip, I ended up failed and instead he gripped harder. He scratched my left cheek with a knife before finally let go of my hand and left. I could not fight because I felt so weak on knees. I hugged my legs next to the trash bin. Tears slowly rolled down without I knew the real reason. I didn’t know why I was crying. I just feel unsafe. I always hated the sharp objects. My life will no longer be peaceful, he said. What on earth have I done? What maked my mother suffered when she was with her new husband? Wasn’t I the only one who suffered? I began to sob.

That was when I saw a familiar tall figure passed in front of me. Without thinking twice, I called him, "Kris ..."

I had no other choice but to call him because I didn’t want to sit alone in this awful place. His face was very strange when he asked what happened, but I kept it to myself because I extremely needed energy for my body. I didn’t mean to ask him to help me stand up. He just did it as if understanding the condition of my body. I wanted to slap his face when he was about to catch me, and then I realized I was exhausted. Besides, I knew he meant well. But I chose to keep trying to walk without his help.

I glanced around, looking for the presence of my friends. There was no one in there.

"Hey," called Krystal. I turned to her, too lazy to smile back.

"Where is everybody?” I asked.

"What's with your cheek?" She interrupted me.

"It's okay."


"Mhm. Now tell me where everybody is going."

"To the sport ground. You don’t get there? Let's exercise."

I thought that I needed to get my fitness back. There was nothing to lose to come exercising with them. I nodded. Me and Krystal walked to the sport ground. There were some playing football, running, stretching, and just sitting watching a football match. Krystal sat watching. She couldn’t take her eyes off Kai. I knew she liked Kai. She used to tell me that she was jealous when Kai was close to other girls. Although I didn’t really listen to hear, at least that was what I caught. I did stretching for my body that I thought would be broken as soon as possible.

"Nami." I turned to the right and saw Kris standing there. I stopped stretching. I wanted to thank him for what he did last night, but I didn’t find the best way to say it.

"How did you sleep last night?" Kris asked.

"Well," I replied. "Why did you suddenly come last night?"

Kris raised his eyebrows. "My instincts told me to walk through that road eventhough I didn’t know which way it was heading. Suddenly I heard you calling my name."

"It was the shortcut to the hypermarket, you know. After all, you did the right thing last night," I said. It was my best indirect way to say thank you.

Kris nodded, didn’t move from where he stood.

"Anything else to say?"

"Umm .. You need to treat it." He pointed to his cheek as if it was my cheek.

I touched my cheek and muffled squealing. "Ah.. I know."

"Treat it now before it gets infection."

"I know. Go away. I want to exercise."

He turned and walked away from me. I felt a little guilty about telling him to go and not saying thank you. He had helped me last night and also paid for all the tasty foods that went into my stomach. I looked at his back that was away and somehow I lost the passion for doing sports.



I'm sorry for late updating. I was feeling unwell these days. It was so cold everyday. It rained everyday but I like rain but it makes me feel cold but I still like it. Ah, what am I talking about xD
Beware of catching cold. Take care of yourself~

I think I'll have to say Happy New Year earlier to you. Happy New Year 2014! I hope we can reach our dream in 2014! :)

So, how is Chapter 4? I hope I don't disappoint you guys~~

Comments are deeply appreciated. Subscribe and upvote are more!^^







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hayhan #1
Chapter 8: Jjang! I lovveee this story so much! But not about baektae. Humph. Actually who is the selfish one? Sometime I am angry to him and sonetime to myself. But syill I dont ship them. Humph.
Chapter 8: :DD Finally you updated!
And me too. i was really hurt about the news that baek and Taeyeon is dating. :(
Chapter 7: Please update soon (:
Chapter 5: Wahhhhh <33 I hopeee Nami will say yessss >\\\<
Chapter 1: Awesomee!! I realy really really like <3
itskyle20 #6
wow this is awesome
luhanneomukiyowo #7
Wow! seems interesting! (Y) Update soon! ^_^ Fighting, Author-nim!