The Prince


“Congratulation, Kris! You did a great job!”

“You are obviously the most capable person to be President of Student Council.”

“Oh my gosh! Swear God, how come our President could be this freaking hot?”

Something along those lines ran out of all the girls’ mouth in that school. One girl was the exception. She was Han Nami. Nami got a really different point of view with other girls about Kris, the President of Student Council who was just served by their headmaster. For other girls, Kris was a figure of fictional prince in real life. Kris has a perfect shape of body that every girl dreamed to hug. He was the captain of basketball team. They way he behaved to everyone made the girls adore him so damn much. Always be obedient to all rules, always be on the first rank at class, always be the pride of all teachers in school. If you looked for ‘golden kid’ in their school, Kris would find your way.

But, it was not happening to Nami. To Nami, Kris was just a slice of flesh that lived in a miserable world. Kris always tried hard to keep his image clean. He should keep ‘the Prince’ image up. He always obeyed the existing rules. His high school life would really be sorrowful if he had never knew how nice it feels like to skip the class when you were too lazy to study. Nami had always been living in freedom. There were no rules tying her. Meanwhile, Kris had always been the opposite. Actually, Nami felt envious of Kris. Because for 16 years she lived, she had never felt it yet. She wanted to be tied.

Nami carelessly passed group of girls who were fighting over to give congratulating handshake to Kris. Sure, the girls wouldn’t let the opportunity away. There must not be time they could shake hand with the Prince, if it was not now.

Nami grabbed Sehun’s arm, who was doing a chitchat with two friends, harshly. Sehun has used to be treated like that, so he knew there was no use protesting. Nami took him to the canteen. They sat on a bench which they used to sit on, right in front of the chicken noodle seller.

“Ahjussi, one chicken noodle, please.” Nami ordered to the seller. Sehun instantly pointed at his own self. “Ahjussi, two,” corrected her immediately.

“Okay, my sweetie Nami,” answered the seller who had already been close to Nami since the beginning of high school one year ago. He quickly started to make their orders.

“This morning, I didn’t come late, you know?” Nami said proudly. She leaned her chin in two hands.

“Really? Wow! It’s a big news. It means, I don’t need to accompany you get home anymore. That’s good!”

Nami smacked Sehun’s arm. “So, for a couple months, you are not that happy following me skip the class?”

“Of course, I am. Why the hell would I study the lesson that is nothing to do with my future? It would be better if I dance from morning till the next morning. As you know, I want to be a professional dancer.”

The chicken noodle seller delivered two bowls chicken noodles to their table. Nami moved the veggie from Sehun's bowl to hers. She said, "True! I 100% support your dream. Go for it, understand? If you won't, I'll hit you till you collapse."

Sehun chuckled as he was putting some spoons of chilli sauce into his bowl. "I'm not that easy to be beaten up, though. Anyway, thanks for you 100% support. I'll be needing it until the end."

Nami fed noodles through
She nodded and lifted her right hand. Sehun did the same and they did the high-five thing.

=Nami's POV=

"Nami-ya, mind accompanying me?" asked Sehun while I was busy putting books into my bag.

"Where?" I wore my red bag.

"Mall. Looking for dance shoes to buy. My shoes are going to die as soon as possible," he answered, walking out of class.

I followed him. "Stupid. They have been dead all the time," I mumbled. "Now?" I asked Sehun.

He nodded. We walked to parking lot. Sehun opened his car's door lock. I sat beside him who rode the car. He turned the car engine on and headed to mall.

The road wasn't crowded because it was work day. We arrived at mall in 20 minutes. After parking his car, Sehun brought me to the sport store that sold dance shoes. They weren't dance shoes literally. Only good for dancing use.

"Are these good?" Sehun asked, holding a pair of white shoes.

"The white ones? Get dirty easily. No."

Sehun went back looking other shoes. He always asked me advices on whatever he did. He thought that my choice would never be wrong. He treated me like his older sister. I didn't mind if I had to have a little brother like Sehun. Baby, but also independent.

Unlike Nara, my little sister, who could only cover her face with make-up and hunt handsome boys. Nara was a 10th grader in the same school with me. But, only a few people knew that we were siblings. Nara was a kind of popular at school because of her beauty. Her hair was always hanging to her back beautifully. Really different with me. If not having a ponytail, I would have made it into a high bun and let any hair adorn my neck. I was prettier than Nara was, I guess. But no one ever realized it. I was just lack of fashion sense and I didn't like getting much attention. To be honest, I sometimes felt envious of Nara. I always felt that way to others who were happier than I was, but never tried to be a better person. That was my fault, I know.

Sehun came back with white-soled black shoes in his hands. "These ones?"

"Nice. But, why don't you take colourful ones?" I walked to the greenish blue shoes that had silently got my attention since we entered the store. I took the shoes and gave them to Sehun. "I think, there ones are better."

Sehun examined every detail of the shoes. He looked thinking a while. He his lips before saying, "Okay. I'll take these ones." He went to the store employee and asked for his size. After trying the shoes that matched his size, he paid them with credit card.

"Let's go home," I said. I walked out of the store. Then, I realized that Sehun was left behind. I turned my head and lifted my eyebrows.

Sehun pointed at his tummy using his left hand. His right hand was carrying the shopping bag. I took that as a hungry sign from the baby Sehun and directly pulled his left hand. "Where are we going to eat?" He grinned.

We sat face to face in a fast food restaurant. Sehun said that he wanted to eat the most delicious fried chicken in universe. I, who had always followed what he wanted, agreed Sehun's opinion this time that we were eating the most delicious fried chicken in universe right now.


"Yah!! Watch out, badass!!! It's hot, ! Use your ing terrible eyes. Wanna die fast, huh?" I cursed at a 10th grader who accidentally poured the meatball sauce to my hand. I could feel the water that was just taken out from the boiling pot as if it was going to boil my brain. Although the water poured to my hand, my head felt the heat more. I wanted to throw that girl into boiling pot right now, really.

The little brat looked down frightened. She kept saying, "I'm sorry, sunbae, sorry." I didn't care about what she said because I cursed non-stop. What she was saying wouldn't change anything now. There would never be an ending of vocabulary when it came to curse people who were mean to me. Well, I know I was the one who was mean, but I would never cursed myself. Who the foolish would curse their own selves?

"You must have known that the meatball sauce is extremely hot, haven't you?" Of course, she has. Who hasn't. I regretted what I was saying but kept scolding wildly. "What did you think you were doing? It might be better if you pour money to my hand, but this is hot water! Hot water! Are you crazy or what?!"

"Nami! Stop it! She did it accidentally. No specific purpose," yelled Sehun who suddenly came between me and the little brat.

"What the hell? So if she did it accidentally, what would happen to my hand?" I lifted my right hand, showing it to Sehun. My eyes popped. "Look!!! IT'S RED!!!" I shouted histerically.

"What's going on?" The Prince suddenly appeared too. The little brat and her friends made their looks right rapidly. The little brat's hand was not holding meatball bowl anymore. Her hands were busy managing her hair.

"What the are you doing here?" I asked.

"What's happening?" asked Kris to the little brat, didn't listen to me.

"That.. I accidentally poured the meatball sauce to that Sunbae's hand." The little brat pointed at me.

"How dare you point at myself!" I scolded again.

"Han Nami!" Kris snapped. I fell silent. I was silent not because he snapped me and I was mentally down. But because he finally did something that a prince was not supposed to do. There would not a prince who snapped people, wouldn't it? I smirked in silence. Gotcha, Prince.

I then realized that the others did not care of what just happened. Some girls looked passionately at Kris. Some even cupped their faces with two hands and opened thier mouth. They twinkled in slow motion. I couldn't believe this. Tsk. Stupid girls.

I could see Sehun was staring at me confusedly from the corner of my eye. "Don't tell me that she's also hypnotized by Kris' charm now," he muttered. I could hear him too.

"I don't know whether you're stupid or what, but can't you stop showing that kind of expression? Disgusting," I finally spoke as if answering Sehun's muttering.

The girls were still in their slow motion world. But, there was someone shouting, " I swear you're gonna be in love with Kris soon!" I didn't know who it was. I could not see her but I heared it clearly. It sounded horrific. I just shivered and shook my head.





Sooooo that was the first chapter. How was it? Um.. I'm sorry for the short chapter. I hope I don't disappoint you all. I'm trying my best for the next chapter. I'd love to read comments from you guys~~ and don't forget to upvote~ ^^


Love you,



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hayhan #1
Chapter 8: Jjang! I lovveee this story so much! But not about baektae. Humph. Actually who is the selfish one? Sometime I am angry to him and sonetime to myself. But syill I dont ship them. Humph.
Chapter 8: :DD Finally you updated!
And me too. i was really hurt about the news that baek and Taeyeon is dating. :(
Chapter 7: Please update soon (:
Chapter 5: Wahhhhh <33 I hopeee Nami will say yessss >\\\<
Chapter 1: Awesomee!! I realy really really like <3
itskyle20 #6
wow this is awesome
luhanneomukiyowo #7
Wow! seems interesting! (Y) Update soon! ^_^ Fighting, Author-nim!