
Subway No. 8 (ON HOLD)


So I shall put a song for every chapter.

This Chapter's theme song:

Lego House- Ed Sheeran 

Keep in mind the contents of the chapters won't be the same as the lyrics of the song ;) 

It's just for feels heheheh/

and here's a pre-story gif spam yesseu 



*credits to rightful owner of these wonderful poop photos of Soonyoung. \o/*


Soonyoung didn’t know what to do. Should he comfort the expressionless girl in front of him? Or should he tell her the usual motivating lines. No, that must be pretty ironic for her, seeing that she’s dying anyway.

Dying. The word that’s haunting him at the back of his mind.

He’s used to all the expressions and feelings of patients who were told that their life is coming to an end. Some cried, some fainted, some just got up from their seat and walked out of the room. He seen everything. He deals with them all the time.

But seeing the girl in front of him, he felt himself sweat. This girl is special, this girl means something to him. Sadly there’s not enough time for him to truly understand why.

The uncomfortable silence is making Soonyoung nervous without an apparent reason. He looked down at his lap, picking at the loose threads of his coat.

1 minute..

3 minutes..

5 minutes..

“2 years. Huh?” Soonyoung snapped his head to the girl, finally speaking.

Soonyoung fiddle his thumbs and nodded meekly.

Her reaction was something he did not expect. She laughed. A laugh so loud that it echoed across the empty room. A laugh that only a child who just got told that he got his favourite toy as his Christmas present could produce. So merry, he almost thought something good happened to the girl.

But in her eyes, all he saw was pain. The pain reflects how she truly feels. She’s shattered to millions of pieces.

A single tear raced down her pale cheeks.

“Goodbye.” Was all she said before she got up from her seat and exited the room, leaving Soonyoung staring at his diagnosis report. The term “Leukemia” printed on the paper.

He thought he’s already numb after witnessing so many deaths. But for now, he’s afraid of the moment, the moment when she will finally breathe her last breath and close her eyes.

Soonyoung don’t want to witness that, ever.

Seol Mi paced down the familiar street towards her house. She called to all her workplaces for the day to take a temporary leave. She can’t work at this state, not when her mind is filled with questions and her eyes were filled with tears threatening to fall.

“Seol Mi, are you okay?” Yoon Hae asked with a worried tone. She sensed something is up with her younger friend. “Are you sick? Do you want me to go over to your place and cook you something?”

“No, unnie, it’s okay. I’m fine, I can take care of myself. Just, tell the boss I have some problems and I can’t turn in for some time, please?” Seol Mi said. At this point she was trembling. She don’t want Yoon Hae to worry about her. She don’t want anyone’s pity.

“If you insist. I will try my best to convince boss. But MiMi yah, are you sure you’re okay? You sound….” Before Yoon Hae can finish her sentence, she was cut off by Seol Mi who muttered a simple “yes I’m fine, got to go unnie, bye.” And the line went dead.

I’m sorry Yoon Hae Unnie, I think I lied to you, I am not okay. Not at all.

Seol Mi raced into the bedroom once she reached her house. She dived into her bed and just let out all her hidden emotions. She couldn’t take it anymore.

“Why me? I have enough of punishments already, don’t I? I have no one, why would you want me to die alone?” She stared at the sky and screamed, spilling profanities at no one to be exact. But she felt hurt. She felt abandoned once again, by God itself.

After crying for god knows how long, she got up from her single bed that creaks every time she got up from it, and head over to her wooden table. It was filled with stick it notes.

“Hwaiting, Seol Mi!” “Don’t give up, you can do it!” “Work hard for your dream!”

All the notes she wrote to herself to motivate herself to be better. “It’s no use now.” She said and tore the notes and crumpled them, along with her hopes and dreams.

“Bull.” She let out a dry laugh and crouched on the floor. “Everything I worked so hard for these years are bull. My life is a big pile of bs.” She felt her cheeks stained with tears again.

“Two years is too long isn’t it. Why not end it now?” She smiled a little.

Wandering around the streets, Soonyoung was frowning at the ground.

He didn’t know why or how, but he felt as if he couldn’t stay still.

He felt like he shouldn’t be in his office staring at his paperwork. It’s like having an odd hunch that something is about to happen.

And so here he is, sauntering around shops and mindlessly looking at boutiques with a lot in his mind.

“How is she feeling?” “Where is she?” the thought of the girl he just met a few hours ago occupying his mind.

“Thank you for coming, have a great day!” He heard a girl’s voice chime from a shop. He felt an urge that pushes him in front of the girly boutique.

“Sweet Stuff boutique?” He cringed a little as he pronounced the name of the shop from the overly flashy signboard hanging above him.

“Hello Sir! May I help you? Do you have anything you want to buy for your girlfriend? Or do YOU want to buy anything for yourself?” The attendant flashed a bright smile at Soonyoung, not aware of what she just said.

He scanned the contents of the shop. Too girly, too pink, too many frills and laces.

Soonyoung just nodded his head at the over enthusiastic attendant who was still talking about the promotions they have in their shop.

“Ugh, we can’t have our lunch break now, since Seol Mi decided to call in sick and we have to finish her tasks.”

“Yea but I hope she’s fine though. She didn’t seem well. I heard she fainted during one of her part time jobs. Poor girl.”

A name caught Soonyoung’s attention as he completely ignored the talking girl and made his way into the shop and came face to face with two attendants arranging the stocks.

“Seol Mi? You know Seol Mi?” Soonyoung threw a questioning gaze at the gossiping girls.

“Yea she works here. Do you need anything, sir?” The girls stood up and eyed him up and down.

“Do you know where she lives? Or her phone number? I… I am looking for her and it’s an urgent matter.” Soonyoung asked frantically.

The girls glanced at each other uneasily. “I am so sorry sir, I don’t think we are supposed to disclose Seol Mi’s personal information to a stranger.”

“Oh? Is there a problem here, girls?” A high pitched voice rang through the shop. Soonyoung turned to see a woman with heavy make up on.

“Um, no Anna. But this man here claims he’s looking for Seol Mi and he requested for her address and phone number… We feel that its…” One of the girls explained but was shushed by a raise of the woman’s hand.

“Nonsense. Girls, we must treat every customer like they are at home. This handsome gentleman here is looking for our Seol Mi, I presumed? Ah, yes I will help you, Sir.” She walked over to Soonyoung’s side and touched his arm that made Soonyoung shiver.

“Come along… your name, sir?” The woman with the name Anna smiled at Soonyoung expectantly. He swore he saw her bat her eyelashes at him.

“I…. Soonyoung?” He raised an eyebrow at the woman who is clearly shamelessly flirting with him.

“Ah, Soonyoung-sshi, come along with me, will you?” Then she hooked her arm with Soonyoung’s and pulled him into her office.

“You are looking for Seol Mi, because?” Once in the office, Anna went through her files while perking her in a, very suggesting manner. Soonyoung could see her revealing cleavage from his angle.

“Well, she’s my friend but we lost contact because I lost her number.” Soonyoung forced a smile.

“Ah. Kim Seol Mi, here we have it. But Soonyoung-sshi, I advice you to not get too close to Seol Mi. She has a very, hmm complicated background and her attitude is simply terrible.” Anna smiled at him and handed him a piece of paper containing an address and phone number.

And also “0178936789, call me, Soonyoung-sshi ;)”

He grimaced and folded the paper. He placed it in his back pocket and smiled politely at Anna. “Thank you for your help, Anna. I really appreciate it. But I must get going now.”

Anna winked at him and wiggled her well manicured fingers. “Please do come back and visit me, Soonyoung yah.”

I’m never coming back. Soonyoung thought.














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Prologue is done! Chapter 1 coming right up! :D


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xcusemeqil #1
xcusemeqil #2
You should update this is such a good story hahah
xcusemeqil #3
Updaaaate ive waited so long ahahah
xcusemeqil #4
Chapter 5: Omg this is the most beautiful fanfic ever update soon ok!
oh my dear god. im glad you finally decided to post your idea up. honestly speaking, ilu for this. i've been craving for some good 17 fanfic but sadly, i only found few of them.

i'm utterly speechless. impressed with your way of writing them down. and yes, im here to support you all the way so bring it on woman! c: though i kinda found out how this story will flow, i rather keep my mind blank for now and wait for you to post up the first chap.

i wish you goodluck with this though. making this story and having its sad ending where the girl is dying is kind of legit, or isnt it? cx well, i believe you've your own plot twist and creativity. bye for now! ♡
Update Soon! Author Hwaiting!;!