
Living with Boyfriend and my Baby

It was 4:50 I had to leave soon. Or else I wouldn't be able to catch her, I'll make something up 
"Hey oppas" I said interrupting our horror movie marathon. They all looked at me
"I'm gonna go take a walk arraso?" I told them
"Do you want one of us to join you?" Donghyun asked
"I'll go if you want me too" youngmin suggested I shook my head
"Ani, I just kind of want to be alone" they all shook their head. I put my shoes on and checked the time. 
It was 4:55 as soon as I walked out the door I began running. determined to find out why she did it.
I got there and saw a girl in their uniform walk out 
"Hey!" I yelled across the street. She saw me and began running. I just got done running here now I have to chase her?! I began to speed up so I would catch up to her. I'm not the most athletic but knowing now she killed Kimmy, I'm even more determined
I looked at where she was running she turned a left and I decided to cut through an ally. I wouldn't just catch up to her id run into her
I began sprinting down the ally and like I guessed we did.
Instead of pulling myself together from the pain of colliding I immediately got a hold of her and held her down
"Why?! Why did you do it?" I asked her she didn't look at me and then she did with a smirk
"Do what?" Her voice was sinister I couldn't keep it in anymore. I began pounding her face. She held her arms up to defend her face but I couldn't even control myself. I was hitting her with so much force. I wouldn't be surprised if I broke her fingers or her nose. 
3rd person point of view
"Arraso let's go guys," Donghyun said to all his dongsaengs. They all knew she was going to the Ice cream place.
All 6 of them headed out the door and they couldn't see her
"Jeez did this girl run there or something?" Jeongmin asked 
"Knowing her, ne" Donghyun said as they all began running. It didn't take long to get to the place they barged in, there was no sign of her, they all walked out
"Where could she even be?" Youngmin asked
"Maybe she was chasing the person?" Minwoo suggested
"Look let's just all split up arraso?" Donghyun said everyone nodded and went their own ways. Youngmin had decided to take the alley to see in case she was confronting the person in secret but then he saw her all the way at the end. She was on the floor. Or that's how it looked in the distance. Then he could hear sirens. Someone had already called the police. He began to sprint her way. That's when he saw the other girl she was on.

"Lucy!" He called out for her she didn't stop hitting the girl. Everytime she lifted her arm he didn't know if it was blood that was from her fists or the girls face.
"Lucy!" He called out again. Kwangmin had also appeared, he tried to pull Lucy off but she refused to go she even pulled on to the girls hair
"Lucy you have to let go" youngmin pleaded, everybody appeared at that point and Donghyun and kwangmin tried to pry her hands open so she would let go. She did
"She did it! Why did you stop me oppas?!" They all glanced at the girl her face was really beat up. Hyunseong and Jeongmin had helped the other girl up but held on to her. They all wanted to solve everything out. Her hair was everywhere there was blood seeping from her nose and mouth, and her face looked swollen in several places. The police had gotten there and suddenly Laura acted as if she didn't do anything, they got out the cop cars
"I want to press assault charges!" She yelled pointing at Lucy. Lucy couldn't believe this girl.
"And I wanna press murder charges!" Lucy yelled back. As soon as they heard murder they knew they had to take both girls in. Lucy had her arms crossed and looked at Laura. Laura had mouthed something 'someone told me to' she mouthed. It sent Lucy in a frenzy.
"Who?!" Laura acted like she didn't say anything. She was trying to make her seem crazy.
Both officers arrested each of the girls the boys got defensive. Each of them saying things along the lines of hey, woah, what are you doing
"Guys you heard the girl. She wanted to press assault charges, we have too and she has to be there anyway, we have to sort out this murder thing. If you guys want to be there just go down to the station" he said 
"Wait I don't want to go I shouldn't have too!" Lucy yelled. "Who did it Laura?! Who?!" 
"Officers she's crazy!" Laura said 
"Lucy jebal that's enough" Donghyun told her, she settled down a bit as the cop put her into the car, she looked out of the car to see the 6 boys, they all looked hurt, and looking at her they all saw fear, hurt, sadness. 
Lucy's pov
We got to the station and they took us to separate investigation rooms. 
"Lucy, wanna go off and tell us what murder charges you claim to have" he made me really mad
"Claim?! I don't claim. My daughter is dead. She was 22 months and she was poisoned. From ice cream that she ate in that shop. Go ask the doctor she was with he'll tell you what he found." I crossed my arms
"What makes you think it was her?" He asked
"Because I went to the ice cream place she went to, the day and time was June 4th at 3, the manager told me only him and a worker work at the time she was the one working at that time. And I know she did it" I told him sternly
"So what made you assault her?" 
"Well you see at first when I saw her leave the place because her shift finished I called out hey, and she began running as she saw me, when I caught up to her I pinned her and asked her why she did it, she, she gave me this smug little smirk and then had the nerve to say do what in the most sinister tone. It just got to me and I lost it, so that's why I began hitting her. And the reason I went off like that back there is she mouthed the words someone told me too." 
"We have your daughters records from the week she was in a coma, why didn't anyone notify the police then if she was poisoned?" He asked
" well i didn't want anyone too yet until I knew she was actually gone. I was hoping she would wake up. But she didn't." 
"So who do you think would have this motive to hurt her?" He asked I was getting so annoyed with these questions
"I don't know? Isn't that what you're supposed to be finding out from her?! I just lost my daughter, I'm a teen mom of course id go after the person who did it. I answered anything else I don't know what to tell you anymore." I told him 
"It's okay no more questions. We will keep her here until we found out who told her to do it. She'll have to answer she doesn't want to take the fall alone but you are pressed with assault charges and there's a fine for that." A lady in a suit appeared 
"Which was already paid for." 
"Mianhae do I know you?" I asked her
"You're cousin hired me to be your lawyer" she smiled. I nodded 
"We can get going now." She said I sat up from my chair and saw all the boys, I hugged each of them as we all went home. Who could have told her to do that?


hey guys! This story had kept me so interested like I'm eager to find out what happens next and it's my story 😂 well hope you've enjoyed it so far!


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bunnybre #1
Chapter 11: NO! Omg who poisoned her!
vampy154 #2
Chapter 9: Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu D:
I needs to know what happens!! :c
Sorry if I am being mean.. Just extremely curious and I really really love this story! Just makes me fall more and more in love with Boyfriend!!! -screams with joy- Sorry >n< I'm addicted to Boyfriend ^^;
vampy154 #3
Chapter 7: Your so lucky! I hope you will be able to get the tickets so you can meet them :D
Also, I love the story so far ^-^ It's really good
newtokpop09 #4
Chapter 7: thnx for the update!:D good luck!:D
shymusicgirl #5
Chapter 7: Wow it seems like she may have a chance to be famous! Kimmy is soooo adorable!!Thank you for the update. On another note I hope you are able to get tickets
shymusicgirl #6
Chapter 6: Happy New Year!! This chapter made me cry!! I feel so bad for Lucy!
shymusicgirl #7
Chapter 5: I really like this story!! I am looking forward to reading more!!!
newtokpop09 #8
Chapter 5: lol..I realized that I'm the only one commenting on here...atleast she owned up to the fact that she's her daughter...
newtokpop09 #9
Chapter 4: OMG NO FAIR!!..none of the kpop idols ever come to florida..;(..i also heard that boyfriend came to puerto rico!~hope you enjoy it~ post some pics:D