
Baby Daddy



The birds melody song rang which awoke Baekhyun from his peaceful sleep. He took a quick shower and did the necessary stuff. He brushed his teeth, shaved, and got dressed. He walked in Mason’s room only to find the boy laying half off the bed. He chuckled and shook him. Mason stirred and whined before covering himself.

Baekhyun walked over and pulled the drapes over to let the sunshine in. He looked up and gazed at the azure sky. It sure was one good day. He opened the window to let some fresh air in before walking over towards the bed. He pulled the blanket off and shook the boy again.


“ Appa it’s saturday. Why do I have to wake up?”


“ Appa’s going out. Don’t you want to come with me?”


“ No.”


“ Come on. We always go and you’ll get some fresh air.”


“ I said no. Let me sleep appa. “


“ Come on baby.It will onlybe for a little bit.”


“ No! I’m tired appa!”


“ Fine! I’m going. Be a good boy for grandma and grandpa.”  Mason nodded before snuggling into his pillow again. Baekhyun chuckled before covering the boy with his blanket. He could never get upset with this boy and he didn’t know whether this was positive or negative.


“ Mom I’m going out. Can you watch Mason?”


“ Of course. I have nothing better to do. “ she waved him off and he smiled kissing her cheek before walking out of the house.


“ Thanks. You’re the best.”




Baekhyun plugged his earbuds in and stretched before heading out to do his usual. He would always go out and jog. Mason would go with him when they lived in the states. Baekhyun realized that the boy was growing up and he would want to spend time on his own.Children don’t spend time with their parents all throughout life do they? He sighed and walked with his head down. He turned the corner and collided into someone sending them both on the ground. He groaned and looked up to see a hand. He grabbed it and turned towards the person with a smile.


“ Thank you. Kim Jongin?” The male made eye contact with him and widened his eyes.


“ Baekhyun hyung.” Baekhyun’s smile got wider. Jongin was Baekhyun’s best friend when they were younger. They would do everything together. They were inseparable until Chanyeol came in the picture. Baekhyun started hanging out with him more and eventually it got worse when they started dating. He moved without telling anyone and he wondered what happened to his best friend.


Baekhyun didn’t know how it happened but he was sitting in Jongin’s apartment. He looked around as Jongin made some snacks. His gaze landed on a familiar picture. He picked it up and smiled. It was when they were in middle school. Jongin won an award for a dance competition and they went out to celebrate. Baekhyun stiffened before relaxing as warm hands s around his waist. He tried to breath as he felt the other's breath againsthis skin.


“ Hyung I missed you so much. Why did you leave? I’m sorry if I upset you. I honestly hated myself for not knowing what I did for you to disappear. I’m so sorry I was such a failure. I’m sorry.” Baekhyun shook his head quickly and turned around embracing the younger.


“ Jongin you did nothing. You were the best friend anyone could ask. I’m sorry for ignoring you. If I did then nothing would happen. If I didn’t chose Chanyeol then I would have been happy with you. I’m sorry.”


“ Right. How is Chanyeol hyung?” he asked sitting down next to Baekhyun on the coach.


“ He’s good. I just met him yesterday.”


“ Yesterday? Didn’t you leave together?” Baekhyun shook his head and sadly smiled.


“ We broke up which is part of the reason I left.”


“ Why did you break up?”


“ I’ll tell you some other time. I have to go home. Mason get’s upset if we miss an episode of his drama.”


“ You have a son?!?! Is he you know who’s?” Baekhyun nodded and put his sweater on.


“ Yeah but I haven't told Mason yet. I want to wait and see how things go. “


“ Oh. Well if you need anything then stop by. I’ll be here for you hyung.”


“ Thanks. It means the world. I’ll call you.” he smiled before walking out. He walked in the house only to hear screaming. He saw his parents and Mason in the living room. Eventually the people arguing came out.



“ I’m not a baby! Who do you think I am? I told you we’re not getting married so coming over to your house isn’t important!”


“ Stop being a ! Don’t you have any manners?!”


“ I’m a ing adult! I can say whatever I want!”


“ Fine! Then get out! We’re over!”


“ Whatever! It’s not like I loved you in the first place! I only dated you for the money!”


“ Whatever! Just get out!” The girl glared at everyone before storming out. The guy looked up shocked as he made eye contact with Baekhyun.


“ Hyung?” he stuttered. Baekhyun grabbed his wrist and his keys. He drove to the han river. The place they would go whenever they have problems.


“ How many times have I told you not to fight with mother and father there? How do you think they feel? You have been divorced and that was your third girlfriend of the year!”


“ So what? I’m sorry I’m not perfect like you! I’m sorry I can’t find someone who genuinely loves me! Just like when we were little. People would always become friends with me because you were my brother! I never got recognized because it was always about you! Baekhyun did this. Baekhyun won. I’m so proud. No one is better than Baekhyun. How do you think I feel? Do you even care?” Baekhyun reached out to comfort his brother but the younger shrugged it off and ran off.



Baekhyun started walking back when he noticed a familiar figure. He walked over to see Chanyeol exiting a cafe with a girl. He walked over to them and Chanyeol’s smile grew.


“ Baekhyun what are you doing here?”


“ I was around and I saw you. I’ll leave. I don’t want to interrupt. I just wanted to say hi. “


“ It’s cool. I was just saying goodbye. Nice to see you again Baekhyun. See you at home.”she smiled before walking away.


“ That’s my noona.” Chanyeol chuckled when he saw the confused expression written on the elder’s face.



“Oh. She changed a lot.” Baekhyun shyly smiled. Chanyeol chuckled at the sudden shyness.

“ Yeah. Do you want to get a coffee?” Baekhyun nodded and smiled taking Chanyeol’s hand. They both blushed as they entered the cafe.







Jongin walked out of the shower and wrapped himself in a towel. He moved to the closet just as the bell rang. He walked over and and opened the door. Another body jumped on him. He pulled the person off and was about to kick them when...


“ Hyung why does everyone hate me? Why can’t I be loved? Am I incapable of being happy? Should I just die?” Jongin was about to slap the boy but he restricted himself. Why would he think of that? He didn’t deserve to die.


“ I love you. Your family loves you. Please don’t think like that?” The boy leaned in and placed his lips on. Jongin wrapped his hands around the boy’s waist and pulled him closer. The male smiled and started kissing and biting down the elder’s neck. Jongin finally snapped to reality when he felt his clothes slipping off. He grabbed the male’s hands and shook his head.


“ We can’t do this.”


“ Why? Don’t you love me?”


“ Of course I love you but I can’t do this.”


“ Hyung it’s okay. Just please make love to me.”


“ Why don’t you understand? You’re drunk! It’s gonna be ing not making love and you’re gonna regret it!” Sehun raised his hand and slapped Jongin as hard as he could.


“ I knew you didn’t love me. No one does. You should have stopped me in the beginning! What was the point in lying? Why won’t you tell me the real reason? It’s because you still love my brother right? Was going on dates and ing me not enough to make you realize your feelings? Do you need to my brother to move on?!?! “ Jongin’s blood boiled and slapped the younger just as hard. He tried but the younger went to far. His heart ached as the other started crying but he snapped.


“ You’re disgusting!  I’m not a ! I ing gave you a chance and you disappeared! You both abandoned me!”


“ You abandoned me first hyung. You confessed to my brother and kissed him. I was your rebound! How do you think that makes me feel? I loved you so much and I still do god damn it! Forget it! I don’t need any of you anymore. Have a good life Kim Jongin.” he dryly chuckled before running out of the house.


“ !” Jongin cursed grabbing his coat and phone before running out after the younger knowing he would do something stupid.









“ So how have you been?”


“ Great. You?”


“ Great.”


“ That’s good.”


“ Yeah. Thanks.”


“ No problem.”


The whole conversation got silent from there. It was comfortable yet akward at the same time. You think that people who haven’t seen each other in over five years would have something to talk about.


“ So?”


“ So?”


They both looked at each other and chuckled. They would always finish each other’s sentences when young and now they both started it.


“ You go first.” Baekhyun smiled and nodded. “ Thanks.”


“ I want you to meet Mason. I do but I hope you can wait. I’ll tell him that we’re dating but I don’t think I can tell him about the daddy part. It’s not that I don’t want him to know. I just don’t think I’m ready.”


“ It’s okay Baekhyun. I understand. Take as long as you need. I’m still grateful that you’re giving me another chance after I broke your heart and left like that. I love you Baekhyun. I really do.” Baekhyun blinked his tears back and hugged the taller male. Chanyeol hugged him back and smiled. They made eye contact and stared at each other for a bit. Chanyeol leaned down and Baekhyun closed his eyes anticipating it. They were a millimeter away when the older’s phone rang.


Chanyeol groaned and slumped back in his seat. Baekhyun chuckled and answered his phone. His expression turning into a dark one. Baekhyun hung up the phone, grabbed his bag and ran out of the cafe. Chanyeol followed and grabbed his wrist. He pulled the elder’s chin to see tears running down his face.


“ What’s wrong?” Baekhyun started shaking as his tears stained. Chanyeol grabbed the smaller’s shoulder and held them before repeating. “ Hyung what’s wrong?”


“ Chanyeol.... Sehun’s.. Sehun is in the hospital. Overdose. He overdosed.... on medication” he choked and that was all that needed to be said for the younger to grab his keys and drive the older towards the hospital.


Woo hoo! Sehun and Jongin introduced :)

Hope you comment and tell me what you think. Love you <3 See you y beautiful people next update :)

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Chapter 19: I think the story was rushed..
Looking forward to read this
salyun #4
Too many random things posted instead of the story. Its hard for me to read it. The story somehow being too quickened plot. I hope the author can find the way how to post random private things separatedly
Justiebaby #5
MoonL1485 #6
Chapter 3: Wait??? How the Fork did baekhyun got pregnant when u said THEY EVEN NEVER KISSED ON THE LIPS???? ??????????
Lolypop123 #7
Chapter 20: Mason so cute :3
Chapter 18: Adoraaabbblleeee
Chapter 15: Awwww
Chapter 9: Wth nooo